Overlord: Ancient One

Chapter 36: The Beginning After The End

The sound of Arthur's footsteps and the tapping of his staff rang through this holy sanctuary. After turning several corners in these vast hallways, Arthur saw a group of maids and a butler in the distance.

The first to enter Arthur's line of sight was a distinguished old gentleman in a butler's outfit.

His hair was pure white, even the beard and moustache near his mouth. However, the old man's back was ramrod-straight, like a sword forged of steel. His face was deeply wrinkled and gave onlookers the impression that he was a kind and gentle person, but his keen eyes were like those of an eagle sizing up its prey.

There were six maids standing behind the butler. However, these maids were different from the one Arthur had met earlier, in looks and equipment.

The maids wore gauntlets and greaves of gold, silver, black, and other coloured metals. Their armour was designed to look like the outfits of maids in the manga. They did not wear helmets, but instead white headdresses. In addition, every girl was armed with a different weapon. They were the very picture of battle maids.

Their hairstyles were also varied; they wore their hair in buns, ponytails, long and straight, French curls, and so on. The one thing they had in common was that every single one of them was attractive. The exact way in which they were attractive also varied within them; one was sporty and athletic, one resembled a demure Japanese maiden, one of them had a seductive allure, and so on.

These girls were NPCs, but they were distinctly different from the other maids, who had simply been designed for entertainment. Their purpose was to defend against invaders.

To be more precise they are the last line of defence to the throne room—they are called Pleiades. But unlike the canon, the current Pleiades combat maids are Max-level.

Because in their description it's said that they are the final defence line to the throne room, Arthur made some modifications and made them a level 100 NPC. But if their combat power were taken into consideration then they would be on the same level as Demiurge—the Floor Gurdian of 7th-floor.

The reason why their combat power is low despite being level 100 is because—some of their levels were added to jobs such as {Head Maid}, {Chef}, {Master Cleaner} etc. Other than that their personality is the same as canon.

And one leading Pleiades Six Stars is Sebas Tian—the head butler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick with several servants and other butlers under his command. He was created by Touch Me. He is also the leader of the Pleiades Six Stars.

Looking at them Arthur ordered.

"Follow Me." Hearing Arthur's order Sebas and Pleiades bowed respectfully, to show that they have heard and acknowledged his order.

Eventually, the group arrived at a vast hemispherical dome-shaped hall. Four-coloured crystal lamps glittered from the ceiling, and there were seventy-two niches in the walls. Most of them were filled with statues.

Each statue was modelled after a demon's appearance, and there were seventy-two of them.

This room was called "The Lemegeton." It was named after the Lesser Key of Solomon, which was a magical grimoire.

The statues in the niches were designed to resemble the seventy-two demons mentioned in that book, and in truth, they were golems, made out of extremely rare magical alloys. And the seventy-two of them looked ferocious.

The four-coloured crystal lamps on the ceiling were a type of monster, and the moment an enemy entered their range, they would summon high-ranking elementals of earth, water, wind, and fire, in addition to bombarding them with area-of-effect attack magic.

If these crystal lamps all attacked at once, the firepower they unleashed could easily defeat five parties of level one hundred players, which would be roughly twelve people.

This room could be said to be the final defensive line of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

Arthur led the servants behind him past the magic circle and laid eyes on the giant doors before him.

The majestic set of double doors was over five meters in height and covered in intricate carvings. The left side was shaped into a beautiful goddess, while the right was made to resemble a cruel demon. So realistic was their design that even from across the room, Arthur thought that they would attack him.

And at the side of each door, some quotes can be seen—to be precise 41 quotes can be seen that are carved out of precious metal that is available in the whole YGGDRASILL.

But among the 41 Quotes one looked rather eye-catching

—I See Human But Not Humanity.

It was not Touch Me or Warrior Takemikazuchi, who wrote this Quote instead the self-proclaimed evil god—Ulbert was the one wrote this.

Looking at the giant door in front of Arthur, remembered the line Ulbert said.

—If they made it all the way here, we should gather in glory and welcome these brave heroes. Let others slander us as they will, but we shall welcome them proudly and openly, like the magnanimous lords that we are.

"He really was a broken bastard, isn't he, Friday." Arthur chuckled to himself as he advanced.

[But now he has people who care for him and a family to protect.] Friday said in a monotone.

Without saying anything Arthur moved forward and sensing his arrival the massive double door opened itself allowing Arthur to enter.

The air changed.

Although the atmosphere from earlier was filled with quiet solemnity, the scene before his eyes now exceeded that by far. The air became a pressure that weighed heavily on the entire body.

It was an exquisite piece of work.

And in this wide, high room—even packing several thousand people inside would not make the room feel crowded. The high ceiling and the surrounding walls were a predominantly white colour, with golden decorations as highlights.

The numerous chandeliers which hung from the ceiling were made of precious stones of all colours of the rainbow. and they emitted a fantastic, dreamlike radiance.

Numerous flags emblazoned with different symbols hung from flagpoles sunk into the walls. A total of forty-one of these flags swayed gently in the wind, from the ceiling to the floor.

In the centre of this room was tinted gold and silver, and there was a flight of stairs about ten steps high. Atop these stairs was a gigantic throne, carved out of a single piece of crystal, whose back was high enough to touch the ceiling above it. A huge red banner hung down behind it, proudly displaying the symbol of the guild.

And at each side of the throne were two heavenly beauties. One is Albedo—the Overseer of the Guardians and the other is Aurora—the Overseer of Co-Guardians.

Albedo was a beautiful woman who wore a pure white dress, and the faint smile on her face was that of a goddess. In stark contrast to her dress, her hair was a flowing, lustrous jet-black that reached down to her waist.

Although her golden irises and vertically-slitted pupils were somewhat odd, apart from those she could easily be considered a world-class beauty. However, a pair of curled horns sprouted from the sides of her head. In addition, a pair of black-feathered wings emerged from her waist.

And just like Albedo, Aurora was an equally breathtaking woman, whose beauty is enough for men to wage war. She wore a red one-piece dress that seemed to glitter. But unlike Albedo—who possesses a sexy vibe—Aurora possesses a queen bearing that seems cold and strict.

After that, he began climbing the stairs. Arthur could not help but laugh—although his face could not show any expressions—as climbed the stairs.

Reaching the throne Arthur turned to Sebas and Pleiades.

"—Stand by."

The sound of footsteps stopped, As Sebast and Pleiades gave a bow and stood at the side—

After Arthur gave the correct command, he ascended the final steps and sat on the massive throne. Then he looked at both Albedo and Aurora.

"Friday did you add the 'sentence'—which I told you to every female NPC," Arthur asked.

[Yes, Sir. I indeed added—They are deeply in love with Ancient One—to an important female NPCs. I also made sure that all the NPCs are truly loyal to you and won't betray you.]

[But Sir, are you sure you won't regret it? If all the female NPC come at you for physical pleasure.] Friday asked with some doubt—which was rare for her.

"What are you concerned about? Do you forget I have an Incubus Avatar? So there won't be any problems." Arthur said with confidence.

[Please don't come to me, If some unfortunate event happens.]

"For these kinds of things? Never. I am more than enough to handle the female population of Nazarick."

[Please don't regret this decision, Sir.] Friday said.

"Never in my whole life."

Arthur sat on the throne, scanning his surroundings with eyes filled with satisfaction. He noticed that Sebas and the maids were still standing by in a dormant state. It seemed a little lonely, and a little odd, to have them standing motionless like that.

Arthur recalled the words he had heard before and extended a hand before lightly bringing it down.


As one, Albedo, Aurora, Sebas, and the six maids fell to one knee in obeisance.


Arthur raised his left hand to check the time.


Seeing that there is only less than 3 minutes left, Arthur leaned against the back of the throne, slowly raised his head to look at the ceiling and let out a sigh.

He looked at the 41 hanging flags and recalled his memory—then let a light laugh.

"It really was fun. In fact, it was a blast.." He murmured as he looked at the time—

—There was only a little time left for this virtual world to end and reality to merge over.

Arthur closed his eyes as the countdown began.





(With this the first Volume is completed.)

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