Outright Favoritism

Chapter 1015: Never see you again

   Chapter 1015 Never See You Again

Old house, tea room.

A room of elegant tea fragrance floating in the air.

Wei Ang stood opposite Shang Zonghai and reported in a single glance: “Just now when Luoyu opened the phone, the young master and the young wife returned to Piper’s Manor first, and they may come back later.”

Shang Zonghai held the tea clip and delivered two pieces of tea to the tea bowl. “What did Luo Xi say about the results of Shaoyan’s treatment?”


The voice fell, and there was a knock on the door. Old Xiao pushed the door and entered, “Ms. Luo, sir.”

Shang Zonghai pursed his lips and nodded, “Let her come in.”

Wei Ang stood on the wrong side, and Luo Xi soon appeared outside the teahouse.

She turned against the light and crossed the threshold with her eyes down.

Shang Zonghai picked up the inverted teacup and filled a cup of tea.

Luo Xi took the seat, glanced down at the cup of tea in front of him, smiled slightly, “It seems you know the intention of my coming today.”

Tea is full to see guests off, the cup of tea he pushed is self-evident.

Shang Zonghai lowered his head and blew the heat in the teacup, slightly raised his eyes to look at Luo Xi, “I heard that Shaoyan’s condition has stabilized. You should go back after a month of busy schedule.”

Luo Xi stretched out his fingertips and pushed the cup of tea away, bit the corner of his mouth, and deliberately asked, “What if I don’t return?”

Women always have the instinct of duplicity in front of men. In the final analysis, they just want to hear the answers they are looking forward to.

Shang Zonghai took a sip of tea, and the lens cleverly blocked the changes between his eyebrows and eyes, “Then you decide for yourself. If you want to stay for a few more days, there is no problem. I can arrange for someone to take you around in Parma.”

“Heh.” Luo Xi chuckled lightly, but the smile didn’t reach the bottom of his eyes, “You know I didn’t stay here to visit the attractions.”

Shang Zonghai put down the tea cup and sighed without a trace, “What the **** are you.”

Luo Xi leaned forward, put his hands on the edge of the table and gradually clenched, “I also want to ask you why this is necessary. Ten years ago I was twenty-five years old, ten years later I was thirty-five, is it in your eyes? , No matter how many years have passed, I can only be your junior?”

She was a little excited, staring at the man in front of her with scorching eyes.

She likes him, it has nothing to do with her age. Since a long time ago, she followed her father when she first met Shang Zonghai, and she had an affection for him.

At that time, he was forty-one years old, handsome, handsome and mature. Not only was he not greasy as a middle-aged man, but the restrained and aura revealed in his speech and behavior were even more fascinating.

Luo Xi once asked his father why Shang Zonghai was so lonely and no longer continued.

Father said that some men are naturally passionate, and some men are naturally infatuated. Shang Zonghai belongs to the latter kind.

When all his feelings are consumed by one person, he will be unmoved after that.

Because for them, after consumption, they will regard feelings as trouble and burden.

Shang Zonghai doesn’t necessarily love Mingdailan much, but he did pay a lot of enthusiasm back then.

Recalling this, Luo Xi happened to hear Shang Zonghai say, “Luo Xi, there are many things, I can’t force you to come back, go back, your father is still waiting for you at home.”

Luo Xi closed his eyes abruptly, and finally forced back the tears that came up, and his throat became hoarse a lot, “I have one last question.”

“My answer is the same as it was ten years ago.” Shang Zonghai seemed to know exactly what she wanted to ask, and after sighing, he was straightforward.

Luo Xi closed his eyes and shook his head, the corners of his brows and eyes were a little bitter, “Goodbye.”

See you again.

Luo Xi lifted his chair and turned and left, not wanting to look at Shang Zonghai’s eyes again, fearing that he could not help but burst into tears.

After the messy night ten years ago, she approached Shang Zonghai and asked him why he dared not act.

At the time he said: “He never takes advantage of others.”

Luo Xi didn’t believe it, how could he not believe it.

Because there is a suit jacket of Shang Zonghai in her room.

She always believed that the man that night was him, otherwise… how does that coat explain.

But later, she never saw Shang Zonghai wearing a suit again. He changed to a custom Tang suit that was different from everyone else.

If you are not a guilty conscience, why bother to hide your ears.

Luo Xi left the tea room hastily and left Parma in the fastest time.

Shang Zonghai gave her no hope ten years ago, and ten years later, she has no expectations.

If it is really not him, what she has done in recent years would be ridiculous.

After Luo Xi left, Wei Ang couldn’t help looking at Shang Zonghai, with mixed emotions in his eyes, “Sir, you are really insensitive to Miss Luo Xi…”?

He did not dare to mention the last few words, because everyone was a man, and Wei Ang could see that Shang Zonghai was not completely ruthless towards Luo Xi.

At this time, Shang Zonghai looked at the full cup of tea that he had not drunk, rubbed the Buddhist beads in his hands, and shook his head deeply, “It’s all gone.”

Wei Ang pursed his lips, and stopped talking.

After all, it’s still not deep enough, otherwise… I’ll be my wife early.

As for the things Luo Xi was so worried about, Wei Ang didn’t know the inside story, but the only thing that was certain was that he and her husband had been together that night, and there really was no chance to take advantage of the danger.


Pama, International Apartment.

He Chen stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and answered the phone. He bit his cigarette holder and his voice was cold and cold, “You have to ask me about this little thing, you grew up eating grass?”

At the other end is He Ao, who curled his lips aggrievedly. He felt that his brother was a metaphor for him as a idiot.

He Ao rubbed his head, “Brother, since she doesn’t know what is good or bad, why do you still care about her? Women who are sensible and obedient and love you are all over the street, why are you…”

“Stop the **** nonsense, don’t let her leave Nanyang before I go back.”

He Chen cursed a few more words. After hanging up the phone, he took down his cigarette **** and threw it on the floor.

What makes him irritable is naturally related to Yin Mo.

On that day, He Ao sent four fools to give Yin Mo as a gift to Parma. In less than a day, Yin Mo returned to Nanyang overnight with the help of Wei Ang.

He Chen tried to stop, but to no avail.

Yin Mo seemed to really feel the humiliation, and he didn’t give him a chance to explain it at all.

Although he did not explain.

Because He Chen usually plays, he understands women’s minds.

Yin Mo just looks so charming, but in fact, she is very pure and conservative.

Being **** in public and gagged in front of the man, it may not be able to stand it as another woman, let alone Yin Mo, who has a nerve in his head.

He Chen is very disturbing, but he is not used to apologizing to women in a low voice.

So that after ten days, his mobile phone number was still in Yin Mo’s blacklist.


A hypocritical woman, He Ao of the dog day!

He Chen lit a cigarette again, looked down at the time, then picked up his coat and walked outside.

Half an hour later, unfortunately, he and He Qing’s car arrived at Piper Manor at the same time.

He Chen held the steering wheel with one hand, seeing He Qing leaning out from the back seat, sneered and licked his cheeks, restarted the engine and prepared to go home.

(End of this chapter)

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