Outland Exploitation System

Chapter 1077 - Fairy Destruction

In this battle, Kowloon Emperor Xian and Cangyun Demon Emperor lost, and they lost terribly. [More exciting novels please visit]

The enemy’s newly appeared two emperors entangled two people, and then the power of Xingchenhai, a superb divine array, was revealed.

When the stars tide down, they can smash a **** array, wipe out more than ten immortal kings, demon kings, and add hundreds of demon kings in the Shenmu Hall to kill them, instantly destroying the immortal and demon domain alliances.

Emperor Jiulong and Cangyun Demon Emperor of Jiulong saw the situation was not good.

In the end, the army of Shenmudian finally withdrew. The two celebrities of Xiandi counted their losses and their faces were ugly and terrible.

The war between the two sides is not long, about half an hour, but the demon domain lost nearly 200 demon kings and millions of Luo Jinxian.

One of the temples was even worse, and the strength of the entire temple was destroyed by the sea of ​​stars.

The emperor of Kowloon brought all the emperors this time, so the number of deaths and injuries was not large, there were only more than 50 immortals, but these immortals were the elite of immortals, and the losses were even more serious.

Knowing the loss, the two immortals were even more angry and frightened.

“The two newly appeared Emperors are still in the middle of the Emperor. In addition, there are Zhang Fan, Goddess Lanyan, Lord Buddha, and Han Lao. These are the six Emperors!”

Cangyun Demon looks ugly.

“There is also the Star God Emperor. He didn’t show up. I don’t know if I discussed it with Zhang Fan and overshadowed us!”

Emperor Shen of Kowloon said in a loud voice.

“It should have been sealed or killed by the other party, otherwise he would be in charge of Xingchen Hai, and our damage must be greater!”

Cangyun Yaodi shook his head and denied it.

“It’s better that the old guy is dead!”

The Emperor of Kowloon immortalized his teeth.

He had just finished speaking, and a blue light flew in the distance and fell into his hands.

The Emperor of God in Kowloon looked at it, and his face suddenly became iron blue.

“No, Lan Yan Shen Yu is attacking Tianshui County!”

The Emperor of Kowloon was terrified.

“Assault Tianshui County? Don’t you have seven bronze war beasts? Where is it terrible?”

Cangyun Yaodi asked quickly.

Although the Bronze War Beast is not as flexible as the real immortal emperor, the 7 can completely block the attack of the goddess Lanyan and the Buddha. Even if there is one more Zhang Fan, it can be dragged for a few days, enough for the emperor Kowloon to rush back to support it!

“Not three immortal emperors, but five, and two of them are immortal emperors who have never appeared before. They are also mid-immortal emperors, and there is no Zhang Fan in them!”

After the Emperor of Kowloon said, the look of the Cangyun Demon Emperor also changed, revealing his fear.

“Two more immortals have not seen?”

The Cangyun Demon Emperor showed his fear.

As the oldest demon emperor, he has seen Jianmu, and knows that the innate gods on the next level are a powerful existence that can shuttle space and come from other worlds.

“Which subordinate Zhang Fan is this subordinate!”

The Cangyun Demon Emperor was even more afraid when he thought of it.

While the Cangyun Demon Emperor was meditating, another jade charm flew into the sky.

“Abominable, Tianshui is waiting to die, and Tianshui Group has been attacked!”

Emperor Jiulong’s hair was automatic without wind, apparently extremely angry.

Each of the 13 princes of Xianyu 13 is a great success of Xianjun. These people are almost impossible to advance to Xiandi because of their talents. Therefore, they were sealed as princes and defended the immortal realm for the Emperor of Kowloon.

However, this does not mean that the status of the 13 princes is not as elite as in Xianting.

In contrast, the 13 princes were diehards of Xianyu, each of whom was a good brother who followed the birth and death of the Emperor Xianlong of Kowloon.

“Cangyun Demon Emperor, I must go back to guard the fairyland, and the matter of the Shenmu Temple will stop there!”

Emperor Jiulong of Jiulong said that he directly led his subordinates to fly out to more than 140 immortals.

At the same time, Cangyun Demon Emperor Shen Ning looked, and led his subordinates to return to the temple.

Although the two are an offensive and defensive alliance, there are 5 immortal emperors in the Lanyan God Realm. There are currently 2 appearances on the side of the Shenmu Temple, as well as a hidden Zhang Fan, and an unknown star emperor.

Therefore, the demon realm and the fairy realm can only sweep the snow in front of each other at present, and it is impossible for anyone to draw power to help others.

Sure enough, on the day that the demon domain of the demon domain was defeated, Shenmudian and Xingchenhai joined together to start attacking the demon domain.

A few days later, Zhang Fan’s position was also exposed.

“Damn, this guy is actually soliciting the old part of Xing Chenhai outside!”

The Cangyun Demon Emperor appeared angry.

It is just that it is very difficult for him to block both Shenmudian and Xingchenhai. There is no way to divide his power to stop Zhang Fan.

At the same time, news from Xianyu also kept coming.

“The seven bronze monsters have been destroyed, and the loss is really trivial!”

“It’s dead from the fire!”

“Dongfang Hou built 3 bronze war beasts, but they were also destroyed!”

The news of Xianyu kept coming, but there was no good news. It was only half a month’s effort. Xianyu lost half of its territory. 13 princes died 4 and more than 100 warriors died. Xianjun surrendered to surrender.

This time, Xianyu lost half of its combat power.

At present, the Emperor of Kowloon has to convene all his subordinates, gather all his strength, and defend Xianting.

After reading the news of Xianyu, Cangyun Demon looked even more gloomy. His palms continued to be stroked on the demon book, and his eyes flickered slightly.

“Come, pass me a command, and let all demon kings and all demon kings come to Cangyun City to gather!”

The voice of the Cangyun Demon Emperor came out, grabbed the demon book, and looked firm, as if to decide what.

After spending half a month, Zhang Fan conquered the old part of Xingchenhai, conquered the scattered Xinghai disciples and the original fairy prince of the ghost realm one after another. Zhang Fan took everyone to the Shenmu Hall.

First asked about the situation of the battle, and finally Zhang Fan thought about it and asked, “How is the owner of the Star Pavilion?”

“Master, the owner of Xingchen Pavilion has left. I don’t know where it is now!”

Eighth Road replied.

Zhang Fan frowned slightly, and immediately looked through the system, and finally found that the owner of Xingchen Pavilion actually left the mainland ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and went to live on a star in the starry sky to hide.

“Ah, that’s fine!”

Zhang Fan shook his head and did not disturb the owner of Xingchen Pavilion, but went directly to the Void Cultivation Plant.

Taking out Aoki, Zhang Fan urged the demon curse and began to conquer the star **** Emperor.

This time, Zhang Fan’s devotion had reached the middle age of the Emperor, so it was much faster than when he conquered the Lord.

After a long time, Zhang Fan subdued the star **** Emperor and went straight out to join Li Dantong, Zhang Zeming, Goddess Lanyan and Lord Buddha.

Six emperors and nearly 800 immortals launched an attack on the fairy court.

Looking at the six emperors from the outside, the Emperor Jiulong of Kowloon also felt that there was no way out, but instead of staying on the fence, he showed the immortality of the emperor and rushed out to fight Zhang Fan directly.

After the war, despite the madness of the Emperor Kowloon, he was finally suppressed by Zhang Fan and the fairy court was destroyed.

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