Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 87: All you need is love, and a cat [R-18]

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Chapter 87: All you need is love, and a cat [R-18]

After a long overdue night of passion, morning came.
The newlywed couple were sound asleep when a little thieving cat entered their room, silently. She sniffed deeply the air and restrained a moan which she was about to let out. Tiptoeing towards the ends of the bed. She sneak under the sheets where she found what she wanted and needed. Carefully she let out her desires take over her. The effect was not immediate but after a few minutes, her owners began to stir up.

“Hmm… Robin.” moans Rick in a low voice.
“Nooo… I’m too sore.” she whined in a whisper. That made her husband tick.

Rick opened his eyes in an instant and saw his wife sprawled on his chest, clearly asleep and talking in it. He suddenly felt a tongue going from the bottom of his balls and go up, licking his cock then nothing while Robin began to whine again. He knew what was happening and decided to play the game too.

“Ro… Wake up, it’s time to feed our kitten.”
“Just so you know I’m not the one making you feel good right now.”

Hearing that, Robin raised herself from his chest, with her hands on it so she could support herself. She looked at him in the eyes quizzically when she felt lips sucking her nether lips.


She reacted immediately and bloomed hands, removing the sheets and restraining the little minx playing with her.

“Good morning, Nami.” said Rick, finally seeing the redhead.
“Good morning, indeed.”  repeated Robin in a cold tone.
“Wow, that's a cold greeting.” noted her husband, surprised at the coldness but ignored.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

Nami was on her belly, restrained by a dozen hands and gagged by one of them.

“Ro, don’t expect an answer while gagging her.” he said, making her sigh.

Her hands went away and Nami was let go. As Rick was still inside of her and her kitten behind her back, it wasn’t the best position to have a talk. She raised herself and winced as her husband’s cock slipped out of her, then turned around before sitting in his lap as he too had repositioned himself. He put his arms around her midsection and grabbed a breast with one of them. Robin melted in his embrace and pushed herself back against his torso, while putting her head between his neck and shoulder.

“Again, what do you have to say for yourself?”
“I couldn’t hold it anymore!”
“The two of you were so loud that I couldn’t sleep!”
“Oh! Sorry about that.” replied Rick a bit embarrassed, but not as much as Robin who’s face became redder than a tomato.
“That’s not the worst! You made me so horny!”

She came forwards on her knees and grabbed Rick’s erect cock in one hand. It was a funny sight as Robin’s pussy was just above its root, leaking an ungodly amount of last night cum that was left in Robin.

“I’ve been missing this for two years now.” she said, starting to pump it.
“And this too.” she added before using her other hand’s finger to probe the inside of Robin’s pussy, making her sigh both in pain and contentment and making the cum flow more.

“Nami I played with you the night before we left for fishman island.”
“Yes, you played with me but I didn’t get to play with you back. You wouldn’t let me.” complained Nami while pouting.
“You didn’t tell her?” said Rick
“Tell me what?”
“A story for later. Now, we’re talking about your punishment.” replied Robin.
“Punishment for what? The way I see things, I came to wake you up in the best way possible AND to clean up your mess! I should be rewarded!”
“You…” Robin’s reply was caught in her throat when Nami dived in and started lapping and sucking every drop of cum dripping for Robin’s pussy. She didn’t take long to get everything before going down and cleaning everything else, finishing by bobbing hungrily her head up and down on her owner’s cock. Her job done, she pulled back and straightened herself, looking at the two.

“The two of you really taste good together.” she commented.
“I wouldn’t mind being woken up like this everyday.” said Rick, immediately regretting it as Robin took his balls in her hand and squeezed.
“Don’t give her any idea.”
“Okay, okay, okay.” he agreed in a hurry.
“I don’t mind, I just don't want to be left out. I mean, you guys are married now, that changes things.”

Rick and Robin looked at each other then at Nami.
“There is no way…”
“We would ever…”
“Abandon you.”
“You’re our kitten…”

“... It bothers me so much when you do that, but god did I miss it.” she said as she jumped in Robin’s arms.

The brunette embraced her and let her kitten’s head rest on her cleavage, while Rick used the hand that was doing some fondling to pat her head. Nami was in heaven.

“I do want my husband all for myself from time to time though. Just like I want you all to myself from time to time too.”
“Can I have our kitten all for myself sometimes too?”
“Of course.”
“So nothing actually changed then?” said Nami with her eyes peeking from Robin’s cleavage and looking at the two people she loved.
“As far as I’m concerned no.” announced Rick looking at his wife for confirmation.
“No, nothing changed.”
“Can I get in bed between the two of you until it’s time to get up?”

Nami moved backwards letting Robin move away from Rick's lap. They all laid down on the bed and the redhead put herself in the middle. The newlywed couple spooned her and Nami gave a long kiss to Rick.

“I missed that.”

She turned around and faced Robin and did the same.

“So why didn’t you let me play with you, Robin?”
“Well, after..”

Nami directed her hand towards her thighs where Rick’s cock was nestled between them, rubbing her pussy by just being there. She took it in her hand and inserted it letting out a long cute moan.

“Nami, I don’t think we have time for that.” said Rick.
“I just want you in me, it’s been too long.” replied Nami as she pushed her ass back, taking his length until it touched his groin. Putting her hand above her pussy she could feel him making a big bump. Satisfied she grabbed Robin’s breasts and laid her chin at the top of her cleavage, allowing the possibility to look at her.

“I’m good now, you can continue.”

Robin smiled, and shook her head slightly side to side while Rick laughed out loud.


The girls had gone to take a quick shower. Robin had a lot to wash up and having Nami there help to scrub, was a blessing. Meanwhile, Rick cleaned up the room. The sheets were replaced, and the floor and mirror sparkling after getting a good polish from a rag. He picked up his clothes and put them in the dirty laundry basket. When he did the same for Robin’s wedding dress and undergarments, he did quite know what to do. He was aware he couldn’t put them in the same basket as the other stuff. The fabric was more delicate and needed to be clean differently. That much, he knew at least the details , that he didn’t. As he was pondering what to do. Robin entered the room in nothing but a towel, still wet.

“Hey” she replied, getting closer and giving a hot searing kiss.

Instinctively one of his hands reached for her ass, making her break the kiss.

“Really? What is it with you and my ass?”
“Okay, first things first: It’s my ass now. Second, it’s so perfect and out of this world that my body reacts on its own.”

She sighed in fake exasperation and gave him a quick peck before going to the closet and drying herself.

“Why are you holding my clothes?” she asked, her back to him as she began to change.

She had dropped the towel and was putting on a shirt. She turned around as she was not done, giving him a nice view of underboobs, to see why he wasn’t answering her. The reason was simple, he was looking at her like a hungry wolf while biting his lower lip. She didn’t think she could ever get tired of that look he was giving her. It made her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. She bloomed a hand on his shoulder and gently smacked his head to put him out of his trance. Not for him mind you, it was for her because anymore admiring and she would have started to get wet. They didn’t have the time for more exercise.

“You were staring…”
“I wasn’t staring, I was…”
“Admiring, I know.”

She got closer and took her clothes from him.

“I’ll take care of it.”
“Thank you, I didn’t know how to…”
“It’s fine. Now go take a shower.”
“But I don’t want to get rid of your fragrance.” he whined.
“Fragrance? Really? You’re going with that?”
“You prefer I use the word stink?” he said, stopping his childish behavior and raising an eyebrow quizzically.
“Fragrance it is. Now go.”
“Can’t I go after you’re done dressing?”
“No, you won’t be able to restrain yourself.”
“Fair enough! See you in a bit.”

He gave her a kiss and went out of the room. As he was closing the door he took one last look at his wife wearing only a shirt but was caught.

“Yes!” he replied, closing the door.

“Married for less than 24 hours and she’s already leading me around. Nu-huh. Not going to go that way Robin. I won’t let you…”
“Damn I’m lucky.”


Rick was the last one to get to the dinning room for breakfast and sat between Robin and Nami. Every single one of the guys were having a huge hangover. Greater than usual. Only Brook was fine since alcohol didn't affect him, he was, however, giggling like a teenage girl.

“Are you okay Brook?”
“Yes, yes! I’m perfectly fine!” he answered before taking a look at Robin and Rick before whispering “ Haaaa, youth.”

Whisper that the couple heard, making Rick grin and Robin blush despite her best effort to keep her composure. Nami grinned too and Shirahoshi had her head in her hands, trying to hide her red face as she was sitting on the other side of the redhead.

“Shirahoshi?! What is she doing here?”

“Good morning Shishi, are you well?”

She let out a surprised little scream as she shrank into her smallest form. Rick got up from his seat and picked her up in one of his hands.

“Are you alright?”
“Y-y- yes!”

Nami got behind Rick back and whispered in his ear.

“Her father let her stay the night. She roomed in with me, and couldn’t sleep either.”

“Ohhhh. So she heard me and Robin. Perfect.”

It was time for the both of them to have a talk, so Rick went onto the deck with the princess still in his hand.

“Shishi, can you please change your size?”

She nodded and went back to her 2.5 height.

“I’m guessing that like Nami, you heard Robin and I last night?”

Once again she nodded while looking at the floor, her face still red.

“I’m sorry about that.” he said and she nodded again.
“Did they tell you about Robin and I’s arrangement?”

She was about to nod again when Rick put his hand under her chin and stopped her before lifting her head, holding her in place.

“The two of us, we have a big capacity for love, Shishi. We’d gladfully love you if it’s what you want.”

Shirahoshi didn’t reply. Her eyes darted to the side, not daring to meet his.

“Well… Shock therapy it is.”

Floating up to reach her height he kissed her longly and lovingly. He could feel the heat radiating from her face. He broke the kiss and spoke up.

“I changed my mind. We are making you ours, regardless.”
“Eh?!” was the first vocal kind of answer she gave since going on the deck.

He kissed her again and intended to do it as much as needed. After all, It worked for Robin, there was no reason it wouldn’t work for Shirahoshi when she wasn’t mentally as strong.

“I’m saying, I’m making you ours. You’re too cute and adorable to let some other schmuck make you fall in love with him. We won’t stand for it.” he declared and kissed her again.

This time he used his tongue to probe her lips. Not gaining access he raised one of his hands and let it slide under her top. Quickly finding her nipple, he squeezed it gently between two fingers. That had the desired effect as she moaned and opened her mouth slightly. He didn’t miss the opportunity and inserted his tongue in her mouth and started caressing her with his. She didn’t fight back but didn’t participate either, she was completely frozen. Rick navigated his tongue slowly and finally Shirahosi answered. It was some tentative moves she made but he adapted his movement for her. He put his other hand on her lower back and started stroking her gently while he went from squeezing to rubbing her nipple.
She moaned a bit more, before Rick put an end to it and stepped back, releasing her breast and taking her hands in his.

“How was it?”
“You know, Robin is even better at kissing than I am.”
“Shishi?” he asked since she wasn’t answering. For a moment he feared her mind and blanked out.
“I-is it always… like that?”
“Like what?”
“Not always, there are some bad kissers out there but when it’s a person you love it generally is.”
“Wa-was I…” she couldn’t finish her sentence, too embarrassed and afraid of the answer.

Rick noticed it and just kissed her again.
“Does that answer your question?” he said with a smile.

She couldn’t help herself and smile, proud of herself.

“Would I have to..”
“To…” she could bring herself to say it.
“Have sex?” he asked and got a nod for answer.
“Not if you don’t want to. Sometimes Nami comes just into our bed just to cuddle and spoon.”
“It’s when two people are cuddling together on their sides. One is behind the other and holds their partner towards their chest.”
“Ho! Nami and I did that yesterday.”
“Were you the little or the big spoon?”
“The little spoon is the one in front.”
“That was me, but Nami asked to make myself smaller.”
“That was nice, right?”
“Well that’s what we do most of the time, with Nami between Robin and I. As for sex… that’s okay. We won’t love you any less if you don’t participate. Love is so much more than just sex, you’ll miss on a lot of fun though.”
“Yes. That’s because it’s fun that Robin and I do it a lot together. Or Robin and Nami, or Nami and me.”
“How can it be fun? Robin was screaming.”
“Oh?! That’s… Robin was screaming out of pleasure, not out of pain.”
“Pleasure? That loud?”
“Sex is the only way to make someone scream of pleasure that loud.” said Rick with a grin.
“She really sounded like she was in pain.”

“With how I treated her, of course she did, thank the goddess she loves it.”
“Robin is not really the best of exemple actually. Because a bit of pain is pleasurable for her.”
“Pain pleasurable?” asked Shirahoshi, not understanding.
“I don’t get it either, you’d have to ask her. All I know is that she likes it.”
“Shishi, we won’t do to you what you don’t want. It’s as simple as that. We respect you and your choices.”
“And if I don’t want to be part of it.”
“Then you’re not a part of it and we’re still friends…”

He interrupted himself to kiss her once more.

“But I’m still going to keep kissing you, because I can’t help it.”

That declaration made her smile slightly.

“I wouldn’t have made you mine if that wasn’t the case. Anyway, whatever you decide to do, we love you, no matter what.”

He let go of her hands and landed on the deck. He turned around and started leaving when she caught him by her arm.

“I.. I don’t have an answer yet but…”
“C-can we…”
“Can we.. kiss again like…”

He didn’t wait for her to finish her sentence and put his lips on her, his tongue sliding into her mouth. This time, she was active immediately. Rick didn’t reach for her breasts this time and went for her rump, fondling it. After a minute they broke the kiss with Shirahoshi letting out a cute sigh of contentment, lost in the aftermath of their moment.


Rick gently slapped her rump, making her scream “eeek!” before leaving back to the dining room.

“You’re really good at kissing.”


The crew was not ready to depart fishman island after how hard they had partied the night before. That was the statement made by the guys, acting sick. But Luffy was so bad at it, that Rick caught on.

The truth was that surprisingly, Luffy had decided to delay the journey for one more day, giving a bit of time to Robin and Rick to be together, as the latter would leave the moment they reached the surface.

They brought back Shirahoshi to her family at Ryugu Palace. Her father had allowed her to stay with the crew on Sunny the day before so she could spend more time with her new friends. He wasn’t worried one bit about her safety. Vander Decker was behind bars and so were every member of the New Fishman pirates formerly led by hody Jones. Furthermore, the straw hat crew were stronger than his whole army making the Sunny the safest place for her.

When king Neptune learned that the crew was actually leaving the day after, he couldn’t say no to Shirahoshi’s puppies eyes and again gave her permission to stay with them until then.

The crew separated in small groups. Franky and Usopp went visiting shops hoping to find some material they didn’t know or never worked with. Luffy, Chopper and Zoro, toured restaurants and pubs, to taste the food and alcohol. Surprising no one, Sanji and Brook camped all day at the mermaid caffé. Nami, as to not make an exception, went to try on some clothes with Robin and Shirahoshi.

Rick was back at the Sea Forest. He was sitting down against a tree and looked at Noah from afar.

“What is the purpose of Noah? I mean, with his size it’s obviously an ark. His name is not random either. The ark of Noah. But why was it built? Can’t the merfolk build smaller ships to get all the way to the surface? Why the need for Poseidon? Isn’t it a ship? It shouldn’t need Sea Kings to pull it. Now Poseidon… Why is it considered one of the three antic weapons? Sure the Sea Kings can do a lot of damage but they are pretty useless out of water. Not like Pluto, which is a battleship. Speaking of Pluto, where is it? Robin obviously knows but I can’t ask her… Since Poseidon was the Greek god of the sea and we found it on the island under the sea, is Pluto as the Roman god of death in the land of the dead?”

Rick opened the system and searched in the shop for any map or book related to the dead. Except for things related to Thriller Bark he didn’t find anything.

“What about Uranus? Greek god of the sky… Is it on a sky island? The moon? What even is it? An airship or just like Shirahoshi a living being? Perhaps a descendant of one of the three tribes who left the moon?”

He regretted not knowing how to read poneglyphs. During the time he spent on Ohara he had searched for books that he could learn from but didn’t find any. Either they were destroyed or the knowledge was transmitted orally. He envied Robin, being the only person in the world able to read them. The only person in the world privy to their secrets. He had looked in the system but didn’t find anything either on the subject. That was peculiar, the system had stuff from other universes but was missing things for this one? Unlikely to be a coincidence. Perhaps it was the goddess’ doing? But why? What would be the reason?

Rick didn’t have enough, if any, information to get answers to his questions so instead he roamed the devil fruit side of the shop.

“Oh? The Goro Goro no mi had found a new owner? Interesting, I hope the person who ate it is good. Dealing with one Ener was more than enough.”

Scrolling down he saw one particular fruit available.

“Can’t believe Whitebeard passed away due to his age. Still, saving his ass was the right thing to do.”

Without a second thought he bought it.

[You bought [Gura Gura no mi] for 500K Karma Points]

[Karma points remaining: 31 834 849]

Looking into his inventory he saw the icon for the fruit confirming the transaction really took place.

“Suck on it Blackbeard! I wonder what you're gonna do now.”

He looked into the shop a bit more but didn’t find anything interesting and just closed the system and then his eyes, enjoying the quietness of nature.

About an hour later someone sat on his lap and rested their head on his chest. That person's ass was bubbly but more on the smaller side so it couldn’t be Robin. Besides if it was Robin, since they are the same height, her head would not have been against his chest but between his neck and shoulder. He knew who it was, he didn’t have to open his eyes to know. It seems his little kitten wanted some affection as she took his arms and put them around herself and held them there.

“Very sneaky of you, like always. I thought you were with Robin and Shirahoshi.”
“I was.” she replied.
“What happened if I may ask?”
“Shirahoshi had questions about last night for Robin. I think she wants to be in what we have but she’s scared. I can’t blame her, you made Robin scream like a banshee.”
“I just did my best to make her happy.”
“Oooooh~~ Happy that she was.”
“Let me guess, she told you everything back in the shower?”
“That she did.”
“And you want the same treatment?”
“God no! I like to be able to walk and sit! Thank you very much!”

That made Rick laugh.

“I already have difficulties fitting you whole inside my pussy, there is no way you’re going to fit in my ass. I don’t know how she does it.”
“I don’t either.”
“Still I’m surprised you didn’t make a move on our mermaid princess.”
“I thought it would have been too much, so we just cuddled with me spooning her. I was a bit handsy though.”
“Haaa! I knew you couldn’t resist.”
“Of course I couldn’t! With how cute, and vulnerable she is, there was no way I could.” she said, making him laugh.

Suddenly, Nami turned around, so she could sit facing him. Once in position she put her arms around his neck and kissed him lovingly. During the kiss, she started to grind herself on him, making him hard. Shifted a bit and landed her pussy on his cock and began grinding harder as Rick grabbed her ass.

“Oh my! Is my little kitten in heat?”
“Yes! That morning was just enough to satisfy me a bit. But I can’t deny myself anymore. I need you.”
“Then go ahead.”

She didn’t waste a second. She slid back onto his leg and reached for his pants. She pulled them down along his underwear then dive head first against his crotch, rubbing her face on his cock.

“I missed it so much. I missed the smell, the feel, the warmth.” she said.

She couldn’t wait any longer, and licked the underside of his shaft from bottom to top. Once, twice, thrice. After the third time she didn’t get back down but took the crown in her mouth, letting her tongue explore it while she moaned in contentment. She began to suck on it and began to take more in her mouth, slowly going down then back up at the same speed. Her mouth was small and she couldn’t take all of it to her regret, but she was okay with it as she was making progress. At the beginning she couldn’t take half the length she was taking now but with practice she learned to take more and with more practice perhaps one day take the entirety of it.
After going down as far as she could a few times, she decided to change tactics and to not go as deep but faster.

“She’s no expert and certainly no Robin, but god is she good at it.”

He put one hand on her head and caressed it while pushing her down a bit. After a few minutes Rick was ready to cum and signaled Nami by tapping her head. Her only answer was a moan. When the time came, she took as much cock as she could. She couldn’t swallow it all and backed up her head releasing his cock from her mouth and with her hands and directed it the rest of his ejaculation would land on her face. In the end, her face was entirely glazed.

“Sorry I made a mess.”
“Don’t be, that was amazing!” exclaimed Nami, very happy with herself.
“Though you did come a lot more than usual”
“Yes. I mean, you always came a lot but this… it’s way more.”
“I didn’t know, Robin never said anything yesterday. She did say that I came a good amount back on our date on Sabaody but that was the only time she ever talked about it.”
“You should ask her, because the amount is clearly not normal.” Nami said as she was using her fingers to clean herself and put what she got into her mouth. That made Rick comment on it.
“At least you like it.”
“That I do.”
“Should I make bottles of this special made milk for you?” he joked.
“No thanks, I prefer when it comes fresh from the source.” she replied, diving back to clean him .
“I guess it’s my turn now?”
“I would love to but not now. Now…” she began as she removed her own pants and panties.”
“Now I need you inside me.”

She lowered herself and unlike Robin the day before, took her time crouching down.

Nami on a ride
[Art from Saberfish: Here]

It was agonizingly slow for him, contrary to her.
She went back and forth, each time taking a bit more of his cock inside of her, until she completely had inside him at which point she just stopped and enjoyed the feeling. She fell forward and put her hands on his shoulder to support herself, her forehead against his with her eyes closed.

“I love you.” she whispered.
“I love you too.” he replied with a voice as low as hers.
“But not as much as Robin.”
“I don’t love Robin, I’m in love with her.”
“I see…”
“A bit.”
“Don’t be.”
“Easy for you to say. I can’t compete.”
“Then don’t. It’s not like it matters if I love you more or less. I just do, focus on that.”
“It’s difficult when I know that you turn all devilish for her. And for Vivi, but not for me.”
“You don’t know that. You never were in a situation like they were.”

He put his arms around her and kissed her, trying to transmit as best as he could his love to his fiery redhead. She started riding him slowly as she shifted her hands from his shoulder to behind his neck.

“Nami.. If… If it’s too hard for you… I would understand if you want to stop our relationship.”
“It’s… Tooooo… Late… Foooooooooor. Yes! Yes! Right there! For that.”
“No, I’ve made my decision.” she said as she stopped moving after burying him once again to the hilt in her pussy. She opened her eyes and looked into his blue gray ones.
“I don’t want anyone else but you. Besides I don’t think I could feel anyone else after you.”
“Hmm… A giant ?” he joked.
“I like my organs organized the way they are, so no.” she replied with a small smile.

She started moving again but this time with more speed. The surprising thing with Nami was, while she was ready to try many thing, she wasn’t so much into rough and violent sex. She prefered going at a good pace and not trying to break some speed record. She liked sex but she was more into making love than anything. For a fiery temperamental redhead it was a shocking discovery.

Rick moved his head forward and started kissing her behind her ear and went down bit by bit. Sometimes it was a kiss, sometimes a lick and sometimes he just nibbled.

“Goddess, I want to mark you so much, to show everyone that you’re mine. To leave proof of my ownership of you on your neck.”
“Nooooooo.” she said.
“The others… would know… they must… not.” she added with difficulty as she was gasping between words more and more.
“But I want to!”

Without stopping, she pushed him away from her and removed her shirt then her bra and discarded them on the side. She took his head in her hands and plunged it into her cleavage and held it there.

“Here… is… okay.”

Rick didn’t ask and began to suck on her breasts, leaving,every time he removed his lips from her flesh, a hickey. Finally he pushed her tits together and started sucking on both her nipples at the same time. It was effective as she began to ride him faster and faster, her breath being more ragged. When he bit them with a bit of pressure, she came, moaning loudly. Her back arched, her chest pushed forwards as she pressed his head harder onto her tits. Her pussy, which is naturally tight, tightened even more and triggered his own orsgam.

As their climax stopped. They looked into each other's eyes and then kissed.
“Thank you.” Nami whispered.
“No, thank you, Nami. For being so amazing.”
“Was it enough?” he asked.
“For now.”
“We can go another round if you want. I’ll do all the work this time.”
“We can’t. We have an audience.” she said, turning her head on the right.

Rick turned his head in the same direction and saw a smiling Robin holding a dazed and blushing Shirahoshi.

“Hey! Have you been there long?”
“Since Nami… clean you up.”
“It’s fine. It was a good show and very educational for Shirahoshi.”
“T-that’s not how I imagined sex to be after hearing you last night.” said the mermaid, looking at the ground, too embarrassed to meet her friends eyes.
“That was our feeling getting the better of ourselves. But sometimes Rick and I we’re just like you saw.”
“Yes, Shishi. It just depends on the mood and what you like.”
“I like it wild, while Nami likes it sweet and Rick likes everything, as long as he’s making us happy.”

That gave a bit more to Shiraoshi who was still thinking about the situation.


The day ended, and the crew reunited on the Sunny. The thinkers planned for the journey to the surface while the others mostly played.
Rick had approached Franky for a talk.

“Franky, I have a favor to ask.”
“Could you, perhaps, soundproof Robin and I’s room?”

The cyborg looked at him for a few moments, not understanding the request, when he got it and a knowing grin plastered his face.

“Sure, no problem.”
“Thank you. Nami and Shirahoshi couldn’t sleep last night because of us and we don’t want it happening again.”
“I understand. Don’t worry. I just need the right materials for that, and it will be quick.”

With that done, It was time to go to bed, they were leaving early. Rick spent the night in the girls room as the bed was far bigger than his own. Shirahoshi forwent her 2.5m height for the Nami’s as they were in the center of the bed, Rick spooning her and Robin spooning Nami.

She had shared with them that she would like to be included in what they had but that she didn’t feel ready yet for the most intense physical activities. She felt relief when they agreed and hugged her, and felt in heaven when all three of them kissed her good night on the lips while Rick patted her head.

Morning came and it was time for the crew to go. Lot of people had shown up to send away their heroes. Shirahoshi was by her family's side and sobbing to see their friends go away despite their promise to come back for her.

The way to the surface was almost uneventful, Luffy’s antics aside, until they met Laboon’s former pod. Brook immediately started crying while playing Bink’s sake. The whales enjoyed it so much that one of them pushed Sunny faster to the surface.

Where hell waited for them.

I wasn't about to make a sew scene with Robin and not one with Nami, that would have been cruel.

No more snu-snu for a while tough.

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