Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 126: Stowaway

Chapter 126: Stowaway


Rick’s good mood didn’t stay in his socks for long. Robin and Nami were there to cheer him up. Both inside the bedroom but mainly outside. With a continuous storm making it rain for days, the usual hyper active member of the crew found themselves spending time in the garden. A place that they have rarely visited if ever. Sitting on the fake grass that Franky had put on the ground, Luffy was playing cards.

“I never thought the garden was so nice. Seven?” he admitted.
“Go fish. It’s perfect for relaxing while enjoying nature. Threes?” replied Reiju and took the card Usopp gave her.
“The smell is nice too!”
“Go fish, Usopp.” answered the reindeer. “I always stay a bit for tea when I’m coming here. Luffy do you have any tens?”

“Luffy!” came in a screaming Sanji. “How many times did I tell you to not raid the pantry!?”
“I didn’t!” the rubber man answered with a frown. “Not since… At least since we left O’Hara. It’s not like I can with the new locks you put on the door!”
“You largely have the strength to break them.” said Usopp.
“Actually… The locks are intact.” Sanji realized.
“See! Not me!”
“Then who else?!” the blond man shouted and looked around the members of the crew who all denied doing the did.
“Well, either someone is lying or we have a stowaway on the ship.” Rick announced.

Raising his hands he sprouted eyes all over the ships. Sometimes arms to open doors or hatches that blocked his view.  When he let out a long sigh he made his way out of the garden.

“Found them?” asked Luffy.
“Yeah. Chopper, you may be needed.”

Luffy ,Chopper, Reiju and Sanji followed him to the infirmary. Not really where they thought he would go. Taking a look inside the room, they saw a clone of Rick putting a drenched and shivering Erica on a bed.

“Oh, that spells trouble.” said Sanji while his sister and Chopper immediately went into action.

Luffy stayed next to Rick waiting patiently as both watched the ship docs do their thing.

“She’s going to be alright. It’s just a nasty cold.” explained Chopper.
“She has a high fever but we gave her something for it, she’ll be fine.” added Reiju.
“Thank you.” said Rick as he took a seat near the bed, his mind racing about the reason for his daughter’s presence here.

Everyone else left. Chopper and Luffy went back to the Garden and Reiju to the kitchen to give Sanji some directives about what to cook for the teenage girl.

“So who is it?” Usopp.
“Eri.” replied Luffy sitting back down in his spot and picked up his cards.
“Eri?!” Nami gasped. “Why would she… oh.”
“She caught a cold. I don’t know where she was hiding but it wasn’t inside the ship.”

Seeing Robin leave the garden, Nami followed suit. In no time they arrived in the infirmary. Silently, the brunette sat next to her husband while the redhead sat on the other side of the bed.

“Her mother is going to kill me.” he muttered while holding his daughter’s hand.
“Where did you find her?” Robin inquired.
“In the Gaon canon cockpit. She had a sleeping bag, a bag full of clothes and her sword.”
“So she… What? Sneaked in the kitchen during the night for food and went back to her hiding spot while evading Brook?” wondered aloud Nami.
“I guess so. Damn it, I don’t know if I should feel proud or furious.”
“Probably both.”
“Robin’s right and if I may add, she’s definitely your daughter for doing reckless things.” she joked trying to lift up his mood but it fell flat.
“What are we going to do with her? We can’t bring her to the New World with us and going back to O’hara will delay us even more. Everyone is on the move. From Blackbeard to the World government.”

No one had an answer to give him. Not only did they not know but ultimately the decision wasn’t theirs. It belonged to Luffy, their captain. With nothing more to say, they all stayed silent. Robin or Nami leave from time to time to go to the toilet or to pick a book to read. Rick never left his daughter’s side and after much convincing agreed to go take some rest. Except he didn’t go back to his bedroom and just laid on another bed in the infirmary. Once or twice, Reiju or Chopper came back to check on their patient, noticing the net improvement of Eri’s condition. The whole evening and night passed like that.

“Hmm… Ro..bin?” said a small tired voice.
“Good morning Eri. How do you feel?” the brunette greeted her with a kind smile.
“Hot… Tired.”
“Not surprising, you caught a cold. Chopper and Reiju said you’ll be fine tomorrow at the earliest.” Robin replied as she poured water in a glass and gave it to her step daughter who drank it on the spot to the last drop.
“Thank you.”
“Now… What were you thinking, sneaking in on the ship?”

The tone wasn’t harsh, or cold or accusatory; it was neutral and surprised Eri a bit.

“I wanted to stay with dad. I love mom but the past year she’s been different. I wanted to sail and see the world. Dad did it when he was younger than me and… and…”
“It’s alright. Nobody’s mad. We’re more worried than anything. Especially your father.”
“He’s not… mad with me?”

Robin shook her head and pointed to the other bed where Rick was sleeping.

“He doesn’t know how to feel, really. He’s proud of you sneaking it and not getting yourself caught for a week, furious because that was reckless of you and most of all, like I said, worried about you.”
“He’s also a bit scared of what your mother will do to him the next time they meet.”
“I… I didn’t leave like that! I left her a letter explaining what I did and why. I didn’t want her to worry.”
“Parents always worry for their children even when they know they are safe.”
“...What now?” asked the redhead.
“Now? We don’t know. It’s Luffy’s decision. Until he takes one well… you’re with us. Not like there is anywhere for you to go currently. Do expect some punishment from your father though.”
“I knew that he would punish me when I’d get found out but…”
“Spending time with your father is worth the risk?”

Erica didn’t answer but nodded.

“Why is he sleeping here?”
“He refused to leave your bedside.” was the answer the teenager got. She didn’t outwardly show it but she was happy to know that he did that. She was still unsure about how Rick truly felt about her. Their first encounter, she had been awful to him and the short week spent together despite being great didn’t assuage her fear that he may not like her or worse leave her for good. Fortunately for her, of all people on the crew, the one to be here with her was Robin. “I know what you’re thinking, you know.”
“My mother… She set sail when I was very young. Perhaps, three or four. I was raised by my aunt and uncle. Atrocious people between you and me. They kept telling me that she abandoned me, didn’t love me, or didn’t want me. Despite the reassurances from the archaeologists of O’Hara, I had doubts. Oh, I didn’t believe what my relatives were telling me but I had doubts. I was eight when I saw her again for the first time. She had escaped from the marine and came back home. Unfortunately she arrived just at the time the government was destroying the island and killing everyone. Amidst the chaos, the fire, the smoke, the dead and the slaughter the marines were partaking in, she found me. She hugged me, told me she loved me and told me to run while she distracted the navy. The whole exchange lasted one minute perhaps less but that was enough to clear all the doubts I had. My mother loved me, so much that she gave her life so I could escape. I couldn’t even remember her face properly before that. She’s been out of my life far longer than she was in it and yet I knew right at this moment that she loved me. Your father… The moment he knew you existed began to plan. That as soon as he could, he would leave the crew to find you. Luffy gave him permission and in a flash he was raiding the most secure place on the planet just to find out where you were. When he came back he was devastated. He didn’t know what to do. To not only fix your relationship but start one. You may have not noticed but he watched you like a hawk during the whole week on the island. Not missing anything you did. Carving into his memory, every move you made, everything you said. For one simple reason: he loves you. And while he may leave your side because he has duties he would always come back to you if you want him to.”

She refrained from telling her that Rick chose her, his own wife, instead of her. That’s not something you say to a child but she knew that Rick would go to Eri regardless because she would push him to go. He just wouldn’t stay with her for long. Which was debatable because Robin would never make him choose, she would integrate herself to Eri’s life instead. Maybe not as easy but better in the end.

Robin’s words made Erica think. Not only about what she was scared of regarding her father but Robin herself. So far, out of all her step-moms she was the one she liked the most. Hancock was alright but not really interested nor interesting. Without Lynda and Corra, they would barely say hello to each other if at all. Nami was nice but a bit too excited for her taste. In a way, she was trying too hard to create a relationship. Eri wasn’t complaining, that was the total opposite of Hancock and she much preferred that but sometimes it was a bit too much. Robin? Robin was a good middle ground.  She was attentive and forthcoming but not pushy. She respected her boundaries. She reminded her of her mom but a bit less loud and not bossy at all. She had a weird sense of humor that she liked and was always supportive from afar. The reasons as to why her dad married her first were beginning to be clearer, now.

“Good morning.” Reiju greeted as she entered the infirmary. “How are you feeling?”
“Hot and tired.” the redhead replied.

The princess hummed in acknowledgement and did a quick check up.

“Alright the fever broke, so that’s good. I’m going to ask what Chopper gave you because it was very effective. Anything else?”
“I have a slight headache.”
“Stuffy nose?”
“A bit.”
“Okay, you’re in the last phase then. Now what we’re going to do is get you into the bath with lukewarm water, get you all clean up because young ladies should wash daily then we’re going to get my brother to cook you something warm and do some steam breathing to clear up your nose.”

Eri nodded and took the hand that Robin offered her. Getting out of bed she appreciated how cold the floor felt under her feet. Robin created a clone to watch over Rick in case he’d wake up and Eri wasn’t there and the three ladies left for the bathroom.

“You’re coming too?” she asked the pinked haired doctor.
“I do need a good bath too. The day is only beginning and I dread spending it all sweaty. I don’t know how the boys do it.”

A bath that felt really good to her later and Eri was sitting at the dining table. That had been quite an experience for her. She had seen first hand how womanly Robin and Reiju were when they wore nothing at all. Mechanically eating the scramble eggs that Sanji had made her and drinking the delicious strawberry milkshake that came with it, Eri was lost in thought.

“What are you thinking about?” Robin asked, biting into an apple while waiting for her coffee to cool down a bit.
“I… Hmm… Well…”

The redhead felt herself blushing, not knowing how or what to answer but was thankfully saved by Reiju who put in front of her a steam inhaler. Even with her nose stuffy she could discern the smell of eucalyptus.

“Sanji, can you leave us alone for a while?” Reiju asked her brother.
“Would you have like girls present during your puberty talk?”
“Callmeifyouneedanything.” was said even faster than he went out, making the women laugh.
“There. Now no one is going to bother us or to eavesdrop.”
“Is that what’s on your mind, Eri? You saw Reiju and I and…”
“Yes. I mean.. Mom used to take baths with me before so I know that she’s… pretty but she’s nothing like the two of you. Especially you Robin. And I wondered if I would ever get that big.”

The more she talked the more her demeanor changed, going from shy to bold. As if the words came out she found courage to speak her mind freely bit by bit. The way and boldness with which she talked reminded Robin of Rick.

“Perhaps, perhaps not. Your mother may not be as… curvy as we are but she’s plenty big herself. Since you look a lot like her, the odds are high.”
“True. Even if you didn’t inherit that from her you’d still be a beautiful woman. No need to fret about it.”

From there, Eri asked plenty of questions to the two older women that no male, especially fathers, ever wanted to answer or even hear.


Not different from Eri, the first thing that Rick saw was Robin. Naturally that put a smile on his face. A smile that was quickly replaced by a tight expression.

“She’s fine. Reiju and I dragged her out for a bath and breakfast.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t be. She is kind of my daughter too.”
“You didn’t have to.” he replied and got out of bed. “I’m going to clean her hiding spot and then take a nice bath.”
“Take an umbrella, it’s still raining outside. Less than a few days ago but enough to soak you. One sick person is enough.”
“Umbrella? I’d be a poor gravity man if I needed one.”
“I’m not nursing you if you get sick.” she warned.
“Sure.” he replied and left to do his task.

It didn’t take long, Eri had been well organized and didn’t make much of a mess. He would have to praise Kaza for teaching her that. When he dealt properly with trash, meaning propulsing them into orbit. He took the sleeping bag and her bag of clothes and went back inside, straight to the laundry room. Once done he went to the dining room for breakfast and was surprised to find his wife, lover and daughter talking and laughing.

“Good morning.” he greeted them and was greeted back in return. “What are you talking about that’s so funny so early in the morning?”
“How you literally got caught with your pants down on fishman island.” replied Eri in a joking mood. The story Robin was telling her about her father was amazingly funny.
“... I’m not sure I like that.”
“We can go back to talking about me going through puberty if…”
“Jokes on me it is!” he quickly exclaimed and went to the kitchen to escape any more embarrassment.
“You know, I have noticed that you’re more open in the way you talk and what you talk about.” said Reiju.
“I’ve noticed too. I dare say there is a hint of shamelessness somewhere.”
“I thought that… After running from home to get on a pirate ship with my dad and talking about breasts and butts… There isn’t any point about being embarrassed anymore. If I can survive the puberty talk without dying of embarrassment I can survive pretty much anything.”
“Hmm… I wonder if your father thinks like that.” wonder out loud Reiju.
“Thinks like what?”
“That you’re so shameless because you either made great shows of courage or because you survived something so shameful that anything else is just a joke to you.”
“Both.” he replied, sitting down and drinking his strawberry milkshake.
“What’s your most embarrassing moment then?”
“Robin already heard that story but it’s when I negotiated my release from Kaza by telling her that I’d marry her.” he replied nonplussed.
“You did what?!”
“Your mother never told you?”
“No. The only thing I know is what you told me, that you were younger than I am.”
“Oh well…”


The trip to Sabaody lasted two more weeks and to everyone’s pleasure without any more storms. Luffy had not spoken a word about his decision concerning what to do with Eri and that drove Rick completely nuts. If he didn’t know any better he would have thought that his captain and little brother was trolling him but that wasn’t Luffy’s type. At least not purposely.
Since the only way to go back to the New World for pirates was through Fishman island. They decided to pay Rayleigh a visit to redo the coating on Sunny. Luffy in his usual enthusiasm kicked open Shakky’s pub’s door with a shout.

“Hey! Rayleigh!”

The first mate of the pirate king looked up from his journal and looked at the disturbance calling his name. When he saw father and daughter side by side with a nasty grin on their face his eyes grew thrice in size.

“Old man! I…”

That was all the infamous dark king said. With a speed and an agility that no man of his age was supposed to have, jumped out through the nearest window and ran for the hills.

Check out my other fic about Mass Effect! A full book is already out!


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