Our Hometown

v7 Chapter 65 - Mr. Turtle

Chapter 65—Mr. Turtle

“Little doll, long time no see!”

This voice, Yun Lang eternal life is hard to forget.

It was the sound of scissors moving back and forth on the whetstone, which brought him and Huo to illness and came to Longwu’s first nightmare.

There is also this huge turtle shell, or king ba shell.

Yun Lang thinks that Wang Ba’s shell is more appropriate. After all, this old guy is a Wang Ba.

At this time, the king and eight shells were in front of him, only a short step away from Yun Lang, but Yun Lang didn’t play it silly.

Last time, he just kicked a foot and almost lost a leg.

Then, Yun Lang waved his fist, “Old things, long time no see! I use my fist to welcome you.”

Mr. has no meaning of evasion. The old, shrivelled face was full of excitement and surprise.


Yunlang’s fist seemed to beat a drum of war. After a dull thud, Yu Yin loomed out and mixed in this chaotic space.

Golden ripples shining above Yunlang’s fists, that is the power of ancient dragon jade.

Mr. Ghost was blasted out by Yun Lang’s fist tens of meters away, gruntingly rolling up, more like a king.

“Little doll, the strength is really improving fast! How long has it been before, the old man seems to smell the breath of the ancient dragon jade, it’s really fate!” Although Yunlang’s punch was far away , But Mr. Ghost did not suffer any injuries.

He still looks so cheap, so badly beaten.

Yun Lang’s complexion was a bit ugly. He thought that with the ancient dragon jade, his life would be opened.

As a result, Mr. Ghost gave him a vivid lesson in an instant, and he slapped his face with two slaps. What a pain.

Yunlang, which was added by the ancient dragon jade, did not cause any substantial damage to this Mr. Ghost with a fist, and even the king and eight shells were not broken.

This disappointed Yun Lang!

How did this old king know about the ancient dragon jade, Yun Lang couldn’t quite figure it out, was it so obvious?

Yun Lang took a deep breath and said, “Mr. Ghost, your nose is very sensitive! The ancient dragon jade is really on me, how are you going?”

Anyway, Mr. Ghost has already determined that Yun Lang does n’t mind showing his hole cards. Let ’s look at the purpose of this old king first.

“No matter how, I just want to grab it! It seems that the rumors on the rivers and lakes are true. The land of Longwu was actually set off by the two of you. You should thank the old man for not killing you!” Mr. Gui said. Said.

At this time, he did look a little old.

Yun Lang glanced and said, “Do you think it’s fun to put gold on your face? That’s because my brother and I are both destined to do something here.”

“The old husband agrees with what you said, but your brother’s life should be completely over by now! The Tianyu Gate has been destroyed, and now it is provoking to my real Wuzong site, your death is over!” Mr. Ghost sneered twice.

Yun Lang didn’t catch his threat at all. The third person was a man. The threats he heard were really too much.

But many of these threats finally became his ladder, and now he is still alive and well.

But where did those who threatened him who did not put him in his eyes? Some Yunlang are aware, some are too lazy to know.

Saw a flash of silver light, and a spear suddenly appeared in the hands of Mr. Ghost.

“It’s your soul sucker again! Are you tired of playing with this old-fashioned weapon?” Yun Lang said with a grin.

Li Changfeng’s poor and cheap mouth work hard, Yun Lang feels that he now has some true biography, although not so angry that people vomit blood, but Ying Yingren is still very useful.

Mr. Ghost stretched his spear straight, like an extension of his arm, without attack, but aimed at Yunlang.

“Little doll, it’s useless to have a lip skin, your old dragon jade now belongs to me.”

The sound of the words landed, and Mr. Ghost’s figure suddenly moved.

This time Yunlang didn’t even blink his eyes, and the **** spear had pierced the face door.


A very slight sound rang in my ears, like a frog’s hind legs falling on the water, and a drop of water falling on the dry water.

Golden runes circulate in front of Yunlang, mysterious and deep.

Soul-snatching did not pierce Yun Lang’s head, it was blocked by the golden rune in front of him.

This golden rune seems extremely hard, and it is as light as a wave of water.

There was a layer of anger on Mr. Ghost’s green face, but the soul-absorbing gun was hard to get in.

Yun Lang said: “Lao Wang Ba, the ancient dragon jade is my thing, you can also grab it if you want to grab it? You hit me with another punch!”

In the talking space, Yun Lang punched out with a punch.

The golden runes are bright and colorful, enveloping Yunlang’s fists, dazzling and sparkling.


A very clear voice rang, Yun Lang saw the crack of hope.

The turtle shell of Pharaoh Eight is cracked!

Although that gap was small, Yunlang finally saw hope.

Yun Lang was guilty of conscience, especially when he just went to the door with his soul-absorbent gun. At that moment, Yun Lang felt that he really wanted to hang up.

But at this moment, he finally had confidence.

Although he hasn’t completely solved the use of the ancient dragon jade yet, the ancient dragon jade knows that this makes Yun Lang feel at ease.

Then let the blind cat hit the dead mouse!

Mr. Gui looked at the one-finger wide crack in his lower abdomen, his face suddenly became somber.

This pair of tortoise shells is the foundation on which Mr. Turtle relies for survival, and is also their biggest dependence. Naturally, it is also Mr. Turtle’s dependence.

But now in the face of a naughty boy’s attack, his turtle shell actually cracked!

Mister Ghost had a hard time accepting this fact, but the heart of killing Yun Lang was getting stronger and stronger.

Noisy mentality no longer exists when the turtle shell cracks.

At the beginning, Mr. Gui didn’t take Yun Lang seriously. In his eyes, Yun Lang was a plaything. No matter how he was humiliated, the final result would not change.

But now that everything has changed, Mr. Gui found that he thoroughly underestimated Yun Lang.

The water wave suddenly rushed out, filling this space like an ocean. Mr. Turtle avoided unavoidably and was carefully immersed in the water.

His turtle shell is his most powerful defense, and he is not afraid of what the water can do to him!

“Small things, it’s your time to die now.” Mr. Gui said with a grinful smile, Chong Yunlang said.

Yun Lang disagreed and said, “Mr. Gui, leave your words to yourself.”

The river water boiled suddenly, condensed into fists, each one looked like a cloud, with golden runes lingering on it.

Countless fists are very abruptly bombarded on Mr. Ghost.

These fists are one after another, endless, broken in the front, made up in the back.

As long as there is water, there will be fists in the clouds!

Gui always acted in the place of Yunlang himself. He didn’t put these rivers in his eyes yet, but when he found out.

Everything is a little late, especially, his face is suddenly young and suddenly old, he is like a shuttle in time and space at the moment.

“This … This is the reincarnation river!”

There was a strange call, and Mr. Ghost rushed out of the water, his face was ruthless, and he went straight to the cloud.

But the free and casual water, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can be much faster than his speed, and I saw him to wrap it again.

At this moment, Yunlang is the reincarnation river, and the reincarnation river is the Yunlang river.

This is the trick Yun Yun gradually found out. It seems that only the trinity of Reincarnation River, Ancient Dragon Jade and himself can play the most powerful attack.

Ghost wants to beat him, then he must first pass the reincarnation river, and reincarnation river is Yunlang itself, which can be attacked unscrupulously.

Countless fists greeted him again.

Mister Ghost is about to collapse, and the suddenness of his age also affects his strength, but the lethality of these fists is strong enough.

At this moment, there were more than ten cracks in his turtle shell, he felt the pain!

It feels like the wound is sprinkled with salt, and it penetrates into the bone.

But at this time, it wasn’t here that Mr. Gui was more crushed, but that he couldn’t get close to Yun Lang’s body at all.

The reincarnation of the river envelops the clouds, as if immersed in the ocean.

Short-term thinking, and let Yun Lang seize the opportunity, Mr. Suzhu Gui is a mad beating.

Ps: Many book friends asked me what kind of game “Dragon Martial Game” is. In fact, it has a long-term end game, this time the new mobile games and 2 have also tried in advance. This is a martial arts game with light skills, cheats, and various martial arts clubs. The strong will never be buried here. The official also said that this game can be played very well with equipment for a little money, and it is not very likely. But the game opened today, and interested brothers and sisters must not miss it! Cross like Hanxiang, fight rivers and lakes!

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