Our Hometown

v7 Chapter 63 - True Martial Soul

Chapter 63—The True Martial Soul

The history of Zhen Wuzong’s fortune, after Yun Lang heard it, in addition to admiration, it was admiration.

The original Zhenwu Sect, unlike today, is a heroic deed that can be weeping.

Even Li Changfeng was full of praise, let him talk nonsense, he can say a lot, but the praise of Zhenger’s eight classics is very rare.

As for Bai Ming, in addition to the smile contained in the folds of his face, he is a good storyteller.

The history of Zhenwuzong’s fortune was that Bai Ming was talking like a few treasures along the way.

In the days before this dynasty, also known as the Han Dynasty, was established, the land of the Western Regions had been fighting for years.

In fact, here is still a continuous battle, but compared with the past, there has been a great improvement.

The key factor for improvement is that there is a real Emperor Wuzong. As the origin of the Emperor Wuzong, this is a place where Zhenwuzong is particularly valued.

Under the persecution of years of war, the people in this land have also become tough, brave and warlike, and everyone is a soldier.

A hundred years ago, a young man of mixed Hu and Han occasionally got an unnamed gunmanship.

The youth did not become a single-handed warrior, but selflessly granted the marksmanship to the young and middle-aged people in the same village, and led the militia to fight against the offending Hu Qi.

Magical marksmanship, so that they repeatedly built marvelous achievements, and their reputation.

The young people later declined the court’s award, and built a small martial arts field in the mountains of the border, which specifically taught the brave and faithful to protect the country and practice the marksmanship.

As the youth’s reputation grows stronger, a group of enthusiastic young people come from the south of the world to learn martial arts.

Because all the martial arts from the school field have a pure belief in guarding something, and at the same time implement this belief with their own exquisite martial arts, talented scholars take the word in its essence and call the martial arts from the school field as “real martial arts”.

And this is the founder of Zhenwu Sect, the school sent the master Huo Qi.

Yun Lang’s purpose in this trip was to find what Huo Qi left behind.

Is also the gun spectrum that he accidentally obtained in those years, and there is also something from the too virtual realm.

Although Yun Lang admires Huo Qi’s person, he doesn’t have a cold for the current Zhen Wuzong.

When he first arrived in Longwu, he and Huo went sick and was turned into a dog by a disciple of Zhen Wuzong. If Li Changfeng did not appear in time, he would almost be killed.

The yellow sand dispersed, and Yanmenguan finally appeared in front of him.

After a hundred years of development, Yanmen Pass is no longer the pass that was purely used for border military affairs, but a huge city, known as the first city of border pass.

This is also a trading port for Dahan and several nomadic peoples around. Nomadic cattle and sheep horses will be pulled here, and then exchanged with Han Chinese tea, porcelain, silk and so on.

Because the people of all ethnic groups are mixed in the city, it is also one of the most chaotic cities.

The strength of the imperial court has been repeatedly compressed, and there is no ability to station in such a city. Now it is Zhenwuzong who governs Yanmenguan.

This is the birthplace of Zhen Wuzong, one of the nests of Zhen Wuzong, and it is the only residence of Zhen Wuzong known to the world.

Although Zhenwuzong is not mysterious, the location of the ancestors of Zhenwuzong is extremely mysterious, and the degree of mystery is no less than that of Xuanzong.

For so many years, countless people have paid attention to the location of Zhen Wuzong’s martial arts, but there is little news. So far, no one knows exactly where their real residence is.

As far as knows, only Yanmenguan is here!

And this, everyone knows it, just a guise.

Yun Lang glanced at the clues left on the road, and Huo went to the city with the Xuanjia Army.

How did such a large team get in? Yun Lang did not intend to use this brain.

Huo went to the disease since leaving such a clue, indicating that he has found a smooth solution.

The girls first stepped into the city in batches. They were smeared into various dirty appearances. At such a border pass, women are the most attractive goods to those gangsters. If you can sell them, you can sell them. Grab, and the latter is their favorite way.

Yun Lang, Li Changfeng and Bai Ming sat down at the tea stall that was about to be closed outside the city. Xiao Qi looked like a monkey who couldn’t sit still, jumping up and down and looking around.

“Why, I go to the sick master to take Xiu’er, but not take me? Xiu’er’s strength is not as high as mine.” Xiao Qi grumbled at the tea cup.

Since Huo went to sickness and took Xiu’er away, Xiaoqi almost kept talking about this sentence along the way.

Yun Lang looked at Xiao Qi with a smile, and his smile was full of the unique views of the people coming.

Xiaoqi was actually interested in Huo Qubing, and Xiu’er was also interested in Huo Qubing.

Yunlang doesn’t think there is anything. This is not only allowed to find one. It is not a happy event to marry two or one.

“Xiaoqi, do you know why Huo Qubing didn’t take you?” Yun Lang asked with a smile.

Xiaoqi is a child in Yun Lang’s eyes, even if he is petite and long, his character is like a child.

Is playing with the bracelet, Xiaoqi, who has a very suggestive eyelid, slightly lifted it and asked, “Why? Because I’m not as good as Xiu’er woman.”

For himself, Xiaoqi knows quite clearly.

“No! It’s just because you didn’t say anything. If you said, Huo Qubing will definitely take you.” Yun Lang said with a smile.

In this world, no matter if men and women are not used to speaking, there will be nothing.

As long as you speak, no matter what the result is, there must be a story.

Xiaoqi pouted, muttering with dissatisfaction: “Don’t Kexiu also speak?”

“How do you know that Xiuer didn’t say anything, in case she whispered it in private! Besides, Huo Qubing is also tempering his disciples. It is very hard to be his disciple, and he may die at any time. “Yun Lang said with emotion, Huo Qubing is an absolute good teacher, but also a master who will make his disciples crazy.

Xiaoqi heard the words, and suddenly there was interest, and stood up suddenly, shouting: “I’ll go find him here, he wouldn’t want to get rid of me.”

Yun Lang glanced at Li Changfeng and laughed.

Xiaoqi, who had walked out of the tea shed, suddenly turned back and raised a finger, threatening to Yun Lang: “Don’t laugh at me!”

“Good, don’t laugh at you, but pay attention to safety.” Yun Lang reminded that this is not his own territory after all, mixed with dragons and dragons, and is always dangerous.

Waved his hand, Xiaoqi was like a dexterous monkey, followed the crowd into the city, and quickly entered the city.

Li Changfeng moved out of his own jug and took a sip on his head. When the wine was flowing in the corner of his mouth, he said: “Seven little girl also has someone she likes. It is worth celebrating. I have to drink two sips.

“Your reason for drinking is very fresh and refined.” Yun Lang said.

For a real drunkard, anything can become a reason for him to drink, and it can also become his appetite.

Yun Lang felt that for Li Changfeng, he did n’t need any reason to drink, he just wanted to drink, he just needed a similar appetizer.

Bai Ming closed his eyes and nourished his mind, and he kept saying things from time to time. They were all words in the academic of Northwestern Polytechnic in Yunlang. He is still studying Yunlang’s knowledge to this day.

The so-called world affairs are hard to stop people with heart.

Bai Ming, the old man who had lived for hundreds of years, became a close disciple of Yun Lang.

He has learned Yunlang’s knowledge, and it is still very comprehensive.

The disciples under Yunlang Gate have their own strengths, and they have almost no good at all. This centuries-old disciple is a demon.

Yanmenguan under the setting sun ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The desert is solitary and straight, and the river is falling in the sun.

Yunlang picked up a porcelain cup, and the tea soup in the cup was clear, and the tea in this northwestern land was smelling of sheep.

Took a few sips of tea, Yun Lang asked, “What are we waiting for here?”

“Wait you will know!” Li Changfeng said.

Yun Lang glanced past a white eye, and when he knew, did he need to ask now?

Yun Lang is to know before waiting, Li Changfeng’s nonsense is very unpunished.

Bai Ming’s gaze looked at the gobi in the distance, and suddenly said: “No need to wait, it’s already here!”

Yun Lang glanced past Bai Ming’s eyes. The vast Gobi under the setting sun seemed to evaporate, overflowing with mist mixed with sand and water vapor, and strange stones scattered everywhere, like a claw with only teeth on the Gobi. Monster.

Holding a scepter in his hand, dressed in a cascading figure, slowly appeared on the Gobi beach with a determined step, the mist twisted his figure, making him look a little unreal.

Turned out to be Master Kong Wu!

Ps: Time is flying fast, and the world in the book of “Longwu Tianxia” will soon see you soon, and Hanxiang will be officially over. But do n’t be sad,

Because the new book of Ji and 2 is coming soon, and the official mobile game based on the endgame of “Dragon Martial Arts” will be tested tomorrow. The familiar spirit heart, Xuanzong, Tianyu, Zhenwu will appear. Brothers and sisters who are unwilling, may wish to pay attention to this game. Whether it is like Yun Lang, to be a fan of Yun Yun Er, to be famous all over the world, or to dream like Huo to get sick, to become a master of martial arts, standing on the peak of force, everyone is welcome In the world of Longwu, lay down a Hanxiang! Maybe you can beg a spiritual heart to be a wife.

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