Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Special Chapter: The Festival With The Villainess (III).

Special Chapter: The Festival With The Villainess (III).


Third Year: Lower Section

Potion Stall


“The next booth would be the lower section!” (Analissa) happily said, the third year’s booth this time would be out in the open. It was a potion stall and it seems like they wanted the public to see it.

“There’s a lot of people out and other stalls too.” She sees the other commoners like her having fun at the school festival.

You can buy flowers in some shops, chocolates, fresh cooked food and toys.

“Mm, the school has gotten a few sponsorships and outside help. The other small stalls you see here are from the common area, not only it helps their business but it also promotes the noble’s good relationship with the commoners as we celebrate the school’s foundation day.” (Lady Evelyn) gave an explanation to why they were here.

Celebrating the foundation day with the two faction’s rising tensions were high but thankfully this event exists and the two can rest aside those personal matters to have fun instead.

“I’m glad that they’re having fun too. Oh-! I think I saw the booth!”

The potion stalls were not too far away, a few potions were on display and a few other things. Analissa and Lady Evelyn arrived to take a look, interested as they may be, the potions are not that interesting.

“Hello! Are you interested in any of these potions we’re legally allowed to sell?” A third year from the lower section noticed these two were looking, business was a little slow and she was thankful that a few other students were taking interest in their booth.

Her body froze however when she realized that the person in front of her were the first year students, the popular ones!

The vice president and the rumored flirt who has every boy’s attention including the other years. She never expected for these two to be… well from the looks of it more than acquaintances so friends?

Also why is there a bird on the top of the blonde girl's head?

“Hi- um not yet we’re just currently looking.” (Analissa) replies, continuing to read the potion labels and saw they were mostly potions that won’t do anyone harm.

Item List

>[Voice Pitching Potion]
>[Hair Color Changing Potion]
>[Mustache Grower]
>[Health Potion]

>[Mana Potion]
>[Potion of Luck]
>[View 10 more items]


There were a few more names there but it wasn't interesting enough for the heroine. Her attention was caught on to the first one. “The voice pitching potion seems interesting though.”

“Right?! When you get to third year you’ll be able to make this advanced stuff where potions like this could even help altering your voice note. You can make your voice sound like a man or a woman for fun! Oh- but of course we’re in school so the effects on these will wear off in just a matter of seconds.” The girl chuckles, taking one of the potions and offers it to Analissa.

“It costs just one ticket anyways, would you like to try?” she asks, hoping that finally they could make the tenth sale. They barely got any tickets!

Analissa seeing the look of desperation on her face felt bad- and this is one of the few times that a girl wasn’t being mean to her so she took the chance to make a friend. “I mean it wouldn’t hurt.”

“Thank you! Oh- thank you! Here you and your friend can try for laughs! If you see anything else you’d like please do tell me.”

Analissa gives one of her tickets and gets two potions to try.

“Lady Evelyn, would you like to try this with me?” The blonde girl offers her the other potion bottle to which the villainess raises one of her eyebrows, not in a million years has she thought she’ll be in a situation like this.

“Alright, I’ll try it with you.”

The two opened the cork of the glass bottle, the smell of the pink liquid was sweet and they drank it all in one gulp.

“Did it work- hah!” Hearing her own voice, Analissa was shocked at the potion's effects.

“Pfft-!” (Lady Evelyn) almost spit out the potion unexpectedly as Analissa spoke with a deep voice like a priest. Imagine a small cute girl like her having a deep voice-! The gap is too much. “Miss Blanchet, that voice doesn’t suit you at all.”

“Hahaha! Why is your voice like that, Lady Evelyn!”

“Chirp…?!” (Losimer) dislikes his master's new voice and wishes it was all gone! It sounds horrible!

The two laughed out loud and it caught the attention of other passerbys suddenly wanting to try out the potion stall’s wares.

“What are they laughing about?”

“What are they doing? It looks fun.”

“I want whatever those two are having!”

The ticket handler of the lower section was amazed of what the effect of two beauties laughing would do. She was smart enough to take advantage of the situation and became a proper advertisement.

“U-Um! Please check out some of our options on display! They're pretty fun and the effects wear off in a matter of seconds! Have a laugh with your friends!” The student asks for her classmates help and manages to calm down the storm of customers just casually throwing them tickets.

“W-Whew…” The third year student wipes off the sweat on her forehead and goes back to her two original customers feeling a little overwhelmed.

“Are you alright senior?” (Analissa) asked rather concernedly with the effect of the potion wearing off, but after seeing the senior's happy face the concern went away.

“Y-Yes but I was not expecting for them to come along. Thank you, I think it's because of you two showing that potions can be fun that they took interest in it. I run the potion club and we barely get any attention.” She looks at the almost empty display of their stall, it shows that their business was a successful one. “This is… I'm sorry if it sounds corny but this is one of the best days of my life.”

“Oh-! Well I'm happy for you, senior.”

“Please my name is Emilda Pocéno. You can call me whatever you like whether it be my first or last name.” The senior introduces herself and her last name caught the villainess' attention.

“You're from the south?” (Lady Evelyn) asks, earning a chuckle from the senior who shakes her head.

“No but my father is, he came from the south and I inherited my last name. I was born in the west. Usually people would think I'm from the south at first glance because of my skin color.” (Emilda) shows them her brown tanned skin, paired with brown eyes and brunette hair.

Like a true woman of the south.

The villainess was fond of that tanned color, because it was the same as her caretaker's. “Es un hermoso color, it’s a lovely color.”

“O-Oh!” The senior shyly lowers her head, grateful for the compliment from someone from the high ranks of nobility. “Thank you, vice president.”

“Likewise I had fun at your stall and it looks like you're needed by your classmates in managing that crowd.” (Lady Evelyn) eyes the struggling students that were behind her, barely keeping up with the amounts of orders.

Emilda’s eyes widened with panic, fearing that they wouldn't have enough potions to give them in exchange for the tickets. “Ah…! I have to go! Here are some extra potions you can take in the house!”

“Bye!” She leaves the two alone but not without a few things as free gifts for accidentally helping their booth on getting more customers.

Analissa eyes the potions that she got for free. How nice!

“Wow, Lady Evelyn! You got some freebies! What did you say to get all of this?”

Lady Evelyn glances at the freebies that she got and shrugged. “I have been taught the language of the south by someone dear to me. I was not expecting to get a few more of the voice pitching potions. I have no use of them so… do you want them?”

Analissa thinks it through, and she decides to accept it to use it on someone in her free time. “It would be a waste which is true. Alright, I'll be needing them anyway! I wanna hear what lord Ein's voice is like as a woman.”

“Would it sound sexy or would it sound cute?”

“I bet he'll sound like an old lady.”

“Pfft-! If he does that'll be my happy ending.”

Analissa held her stomach to contain her laughter but as she did, something shiny caught her eye.

‘Wait… is that!’

“So should we go over to the next booth, Miss Blanchet?” The villainess was ready to head onto the fourth year’s booth but the heroine asked for them to stop.

“Wait-! One of the booths there is selling something! Can we go take a look?” (Analissa) points at one of the booths that was selling jewelry. The villainess never thought that the blonde girl would be interested in such a thing but she was willing to accompany her wherever she would go.

“Of course, let's go.”

Analissa quickly takes her money pouch from her inventory holding it in her hand. ‘Lady Evelyn has done so much for me. I want to return the favor! I think I saw something that she might like!’

The booth that they visited belonged to a tired man. He barely got enough sleep making so many accessories to sell to the academy students. “Yawn… welcome to my shop, where you'll see many of my handcrafted works of art here.”

He sees an enthusiastic beautiful blonde girl with someone giving off the aura of a noble and thinks it's his lucky day. “How can I help you two today?”

“Hmm… it's right around here- found it! I'll take this one please!” (Analissa) quickly takes the item she was interested in and buys it quickly with her own money from the recent salary that she received.

She knows that one must not spend too much, already separating the money for rent and other necessities-!

But Lady Evelyn has been treating her to many things today. She wanted to give something back to the sweet girl!

“That’ll be ten silvers! You've got a good eye, that took me a while to make!”

“Yep! Here's my pay! Thank you so much!”

Lady Evelyn was not expecting to have the blonde girl return to her side so soon. The stall that they stopped into was full of silver and cheap looking accessories, I guess she wanted one for herself?

“What did you buy, Miss Blanchet?” She was curious and asked but unexpectedly Lady Evelyn was met with a cheeky grin on Analissa’s face.

“Tadah!” (Analissa) showed off the necklace that she bought for the villainess.


“As a celebratory gift for our beginning of friendship. I bought you this, I thought you'd like it and so that's why we had to make a stop.” The heroine could be seen blushing, a little embarrassed that they had to suddenly stop like that.

Lady Evelyn eyes the silver necklace, where a beautiful carved bird was hanging. “It's… a bird pendant.”

“Do you like it?”

The villainess' eyes shone on them and felt it was something she would want. Loving birds ever since she was little… of course she likes it- no- she loves it.

“I… I love it but you didn't have to, Miss Blanchet.”

“Nonsense, you've taken care of me, gave me a boiler, helped with homework, you walk home with me to make sure I'm safe- should the list go on because we haven't gotten to my uniform yet.” (Analissa) crossed her arms and raised one of her eyebrows.

Seeing this the villainess admitted defeat with a laugh. Taking the necklace and promising on wearing it.

“Alright, alright- I'll wear it.”


Lady Evelyn wears the silver necklace with the bird pendant immediately liking it.  

“It suits you!”

“It does?”

“Losimer likes it right?” (Analissa) asks for help, Losimer was still using her head as a nesting ground but answers when he is called. He really didn't want to be the third wheel today but as always he was thankful for the other human girl who made his master happy. “Tweet!”

Analissa holds her chin and compares Losimer to the bird pendant. “If you think about it sort of looks like him in a way.”

“Thank you, Miss Blanchet.” (Lady Evelyn) toys with the pendant for a little bit before remembering how her nana cared for her like this too. The only two people who knew what she adores. “You know you're the second person who has given me something I like for once.”

Analissa's ears perked up upon hearing that she was the second. ‘I'm the second? I wonder who's the first.’

She shakes her head immediately thinking that was a horrible thought. It wasn't a competition!

‘Actually! That doesn't matter-! I should be glad that there are other people who genuinely care about Lady Evelyn and know what she likes. Maybe it's Lady Serene?’

“You're welcome, Lady Evelyn.”

“Mm.” (Lady Evelyn) wears the necklace and feels her heart racing a little as she has never felt… being so happy receiving unexpectedly a wonderful gift like this. “I'll wear it always.”

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