Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 62: The Play (VI).

Chapter 62: The Play (VI).

Analissa tells the lackey of her plan and confesses that she remembers every single one of the prince’s scripts. It was all thanks to Lord Ein who was planning everything from the start.

Lady Serene was intrigued with her proposal and thought there was no hole in her plan. Not only will the play continue but they will be able to save their faces.

“Commoner, your plan might actually work.” She eyes her in a new light, knowing that if her best friends trust her to such a deep extent perhaps it's time for her to do the same.

“Truly you remember every line?” (Lady Serene) asks her for confirmation and the blonde girl nods confidently.

“Every single detail of the script and the play, yes.” Again it was all thanks to that masochist for putting her in such a torture that she memorized every single thing just to avoid redoing the exact same scene over and over again.

The lackey was so stressed, and thought this would be better than losing their faces and asking ticket refunds from so many noble families that will attend today. Perhaps just this once, it won't be bad to trust the commoner and her plans.

“Then… we shall make haste. I'll tailor a few adjustments to the costume so it will be your size.”

Lady Serene quickly turns to the rest of her classmates and she needs to inform them quickly. “Everyone gather around!”

All of the high section gathered around hearing Lady Serene's voice, the confidence of a leader they weren't used to. Everyone was used to Lady Evelyn taking charge, but her lackey was always behind.

“Miss Analissa Blanchet has proposed a plan… I would like to ask everyone if it would be alright with you if she volunteers as our prince.” (Lady Serene) tells the whole class, some gasps and the others look at her like she was some madwoman proposing for Miss Analissa Blanchet to be their frog prince.


“How could she be a prince if she's a woman?!”

“Does she even remember the script?”

The comments kept pouring in and it made the blonde girl anxious, she never really wanted to suggest this in the first place- but since this is sort of partially her fault she has no choice but to redeem herself this way. “I-I do remember the script every single line. I actually have stage fright so when I got the role of the tree I was very happy.”

“But… When Lord Ein didn't show up I was worried. I want to help. I saw how everyone worked hard on this play- I… I know I'm not very close acquainted with you all but I know the consequences that we're going to have if this play doesn't continue.” She continues and everyone waits for her to finish.

“I am a commoner. I am aware of my status- but all of you are nobles… I understand your position and the public opinions are harsher to all of you than I am so please I want to help.” (Analissa) lowers her head to show her sincerity of wanting to help.

Everyone was shocked upon hearing that, the boys were touched by her speech but the girls were now feeling ashamed of themselves for… looking back the memories that they were excluding and isolating her when they had the chance.

They never realized that the commoners were being so thoughtful to them.

“A-Are you serious, Miss Blanchet?”

“But she's right, this is better than wasting everyone's time and we get to save face.”

“Our parents are watching, we wouldn't want them to disappoint each of our family names. We should trust Miss Blanchet.”

Everyone in the class seemed to have made up their mind, the lackey seeing this places a hand on her waist turning towards the blonde girl with a smile before asking for a vote.

“Is everyone alright with the plan? Please raise your hands if you agree to have Miss Analissa Blanchet as our frog prince for the play.” (Lady Serene) saw all of her classmates raise their hands one by one, starting from the boys-

Then Lady Harriot from the ladies made everyone follow.

“Yes, we agree.” The noble boys who were all raising their hands said their answer.

Lady Serene nods, taking note of it. “Even the ladies?”

The noble ladies also agreed, their hands raised in support for the idea. “Y-Yes, it is unexpected but we're just concerned about how she'll pass as a prince with her voice.”

“You don't have to worry… please leave it all to me. I have a plan. I’m willing to do anything to help Lady Evelyn and the class. I am part of the high section too after all.” (Analissa) stood by the lackey’s side with her looking so shaky and nervous.

It was clear to Lady Serene that this girl is not comfortable with earning a large role, she seemed more happy to be a tree than being a prince.

It only shows how much she wants to help and that earned a smile from the lackey.

Lady Serene tucks a loose hair behind her ear and thinks highly of the blonde girl now eagerly trying to find a way to help. There aren't so many commoners like her that are truly genuine to do that, perhaps she's different from the rest.

“Hmph, I never expected for you to be eager to help. I guess I was wrong, you're not so bad, Miss Blanchet.” For that one moment, it felt like the two became close.

Analissa realized that Lady Serene for once didn't address her as the usual nickname of commoner.

“T-Thank you?” The compliment was rather nice, it made her slightly happy.

Lady Serene’s tip of her ear became red after realizing what she's said and immediately pushed Analissa to move quickly. “D-Don't stand around, everyone! Now that we have agreed that the commoner will temporarily take on the role of the prince! We still have to prepare! Hurry, come on! The play is still on!”

And she's back.

“Right, Lady Sinclair!”


Lady Evelyn, who became the high section’s representative seeing that Lord Ein could not be found, reported the problem and asked for a time extension.

Professor Lionheart had to say no because of the problem it could cost.

“I understand professor but if we could just extend it a little bit-”

“I see your problem, Lady Alarie but without your prince how could you continue the play? How will you be able to face the nobles realizing your class wasted their time?”

“...” (Lady Evelyn) was not able to say anything because the professor was right. Making a noble wait was one of the most dishonorable things anyone could do. “He'll come back- Lord Loucrat is a responsible man.”

Professor Lionheart really felt bad for the high section on their current condition but it wasn't up to him- it is the school's rules and reputation that is on the line. “Yes he is, but he is missing. I've already contacted a few guards to go establish the search. He may be in danger.”


“I'm sorry but if truly he doesn't show up in the next ten minutes then your play will have to go.” It was a clear sign that there wouldn't be any other negotiation open so Lady Evelyn had to let it go.

“I understand, thank you for your time, Professor Lionheart.” The villainess excuses herself, feeling tired that all of this was happening.

She didn't even have the time to change into her uniform for comfort, everyone was staring at her as she made her way back into the theater.

But something was different with the class.

“Evelyn, finally you're here!” (Lady Serene) could be seen running towards the villainess looking pale and stressed.

“What's… going on?” She asks but the red haired girl just gave her to their makeup department explaining that there is no time and that the play will continue.

“No time to explain but just know that we have found a replacement! We must get you retouched and we'll be on in a few minutes!”

“A replacement?”

“Girls, fix her hair and makeup quickly!”

“Yes, Lady Sinclair!” With the absence of both two representatives, the lackey did her best to take the reins.

Everyone was low morale, only her and Analissa had the energy to take action.

“Alright get ready with your sound effects and the rest of the characters get into position! Our narrators, you're up first!” She confidently gave out orders to which everyone followed without complaint. A charismatic leader, the lackey was when she’s doing her absolute best.

Lady Evelyn didn't even have enough time to prepare her thoughts and was dragged immediately inside backstage to fix her makeup and hair.

‘Serene is taking charge of things… and she's doing a good job of it while I'm away?’

As they were doing her makeup up, the villainess thought that she could at least get some answers from her other classmates while the play wasn't starting yet. “Is everything alright? Where did you find the replacement?”

“Sorry Lady Alarie but don't move your mouth around too much- we're going to be putting on your lipstick now.” One of the girls needed to hold her chin to carefully apply the red color on her lips. “But in short someone volunteered to be the prince- it was unexpected but it was kind of her to do so.”


The replacement… is a woman?

“We're on in a minute!”

“Ah! Sorry no time! Your makeup is all good! Good luck with the play!”


She was escorted into the stage, the girls gave her a thumbs up and at this point Lady Evelyn did not have the time to think but instead acted onto her role.


Who in the world could have been their replacement?

Every single one of the students present and the nobles up in their VIP seats were excited, wondering if the play was a little bit late seeing that the time was rather off.

Thankfully, the lights became dim and the whole theater was eveloped in silence.

“Apologies for making you all wait, the play will be starting now. Please don't forget to be respectful towards your seatmates, do not make any disruptive noise and enjoy the play.” The introduction was done and the tall red curtain was opened.

The background scenery mechanics of the play was being controlled by the students, it changes into a forest and then pops out a realistically drawn castle.

“Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in a far away land.” The narrator starts reading the script to the side, her loud voice could be heard all over the theater. “A witch was traveling to many lands, trying to find a place to stay and she found the kingdom where a famous prince lived well known for his beautiful appearance.”

Lady Harriot, who was the witch, went inside their makeshift castle, but for now Analissa kept hidden and only her voice could be heard.

“Oh prince, I offer you this red rose. May I stay in your castle for a while? I need a place to stay and the night is dangerous.” The witch holds a red rose, brimming with life as she offers it to the prince.

“The prince, however, judged the witch quickly as she was not a beautiful woman in his eyes.” As the narrator says that, Analissa smiles learning that it was her cue.

‘Alright time for some good items I got yesterday!’ The blonde hair girl takes a few potions out of her inventory that she got from the potion stall booth, removing the cork skillfully with her teeth and begins drinking it quickly before it is her turn to say a few lines.

“No, you are not beautiful. Only beautiful people are allowed in my castle. You are undesirable. My eyes cannot even bear to look at you for any second.” (Analissa) hid in the shadows for now, it is not time for her to reveal her prince outfit.

The narrator hesitates for a moment to continue reading the script at the surprise of her changed voice. “The witch became angry, she shouted at the young man for insulting her kindness and cursed her into a frog.”

The lights and effects focus on Analissa who was inside the frog costume, thank goodness that they found a way for the costume to fit her on time.

“Thou are greedy and a brute! I merely asked you for aid, now you will pay for what you did. Mwuahaha I am the witch that curses you greedy and ignorant prince, thou shall not go back to your human self not unless thou has found true love's kiss!

‘“My apologies! Please I beg of you to turn me back into a human!”


Each one of her classmates were dumbfounded hearing a man's voice coming out of the costume.

“Hold on, that's Miss Analissa right? Why did she suddenly become a man?”

“I-I don't know it must be one of her tricks?”

“Whatever she's doing, it's working! We're fooling the audience!”

The audience were entrapped with how the directions are going with the play. This is certainly a twist compared to the original story of their version of princess and the frog.

“Now that is a show!” (Lord Ein) knew that the man inside the frog costume was Miss Analissa Blanchet, who else could it be?

He was a little curious on how she managed to get the voice of a man but Lord Ein was too immersed with everything.

“...where is the tree?” (Farrah) mutters, as she was trying to find Miss Analissa on the stage.

Didn't she mention that she'll be a tree in this play?

How come she's not there?

Analissa pointed at herself and the frog costume, kneeling and trying to act worried that no other woman would dare love a frog like her. “H-How will I ever find true love looking like this?! I’m… ugly and slimy!”

“You… will just have to learn how to earn love and respect on your own, dear prince.” The witch turns to the visual effects group, their practiced cue of the smoke came and she disappeared into thin air.

The curtains closed, the play continued and it was now the time to introduce the princess soon. The characters shuffle, everyone running and changing the props that were inside the stage.

“The curtains open it now!”


“The prince hoped and bounced all over so many villages and cities. All the kingdoms and women, he asked for a kiss and only met with rejection.” The ‘prince’ was standing, three side characters which were her classmates were fanning themselves and eye rolled at the frog.

Analissa kneels down, begging for them to at least try kissing a frog once in their life!

“Ladies, I am a cursed prince that has been turned into a frog. Please, will you be so kind as to offer one kiss in exchange for anything that you could ever want?” She told them, and the girls replied with their own snarky comment.

“A true love's kiss! Pah! Such hogwash! A frog like you couldn't possibly be a prince!”

“Slimy, slippery, ugh! Please stay away from us!”

“Don’t even think of going near again or I'll call the guards!”

Analissa was a little nervous as she drank another potion to change her voice, by this much is already making her tired.

“I am telling the truth, only a kiss of true love can free me from it.” The frog pleads once more, reaching out for the girl.

“Over our dead body!” The girl acted disgusted.

She holds her fan, by the script she was meant to throw it at the frog- but hesitated remembering that it was Analissa that was inside the costume she decided not to do it. “Hmph! Come on girls!”

The other girls were confused but somehow also relieved that she didn't go through with it.


Analissa silently wishes she was back to being a tree and curses Lord Ein for abandoning his responsibilities.

“All the women in the land said no, but- he found hope.” The narrator continues with the story. “The last kingdom with the kindest and most beautiful princess but the frog’s morale had gone low. He believes that no woman in the land would dare kiss a frog.”

“Go on, Lady Evelyn, it's your cue!”


Lady Evelyn held her dress as she went out to the stage, she could see the figure of the frog prince and wondered who it could be.

Are they a man or a woman?

Actually is that even important?

“The princess had many suitors.”

As the narrator tells that, three of her male classmates came flocking asking to marry her in exchange for their kingdom's treasure or love.

Each one tells her of their great assets if they decide to marry into their family, whether it be fortune, wealth or love.

“I burn for you, your highness. My kingdom is one the richest countries in the west.”

“Everything that the light touches in my kingdom it shall be yours as long as you agree to be mine.”

“Ah yes… my love for you is eternal, please marry me.”

The villainess' mask was trained to be perfect, she smiled politely but shakes her head, refusing all of them. “Thank you all… I'll think about it.”

All the other suitors have left the stage. Leaving Lady Evelyn all alone as she sat down into a huge makeshift rock prop over at the side.

“Oh the princess was being pushed to be married so soon! She didn't know the true meaning of love and thought she could never find a man that suits her taste! She cries in their garden gazebo and vents her heart out to whomever it may reach.” Not going to lie, the narrator knowing how the story will turn out- couldn’t help but get excited with the accidental outcome of their couple pairing.

“Sniff… sniff.” (Lady Evelyn) tries to bring out a tear, truly everything has been so tiring. “Everyone has been telling me what they want of me. But when have they even thought of asking me if I want to get married?”

“As the frog was resting upon a rock nearby and heard her crying, how melodious yet so soft. However, the kind princess’ face looked so pitiful that the frog couldn’t help but try cheering her up.” The story continues.

“Princess, oh princess, please stop crying!”

“Huh?” (Lady Evelyn) looks down at the rock and finally sees the replacement face to face.

“Down here!”

The person in the frog costume gains her attention, waving her hands and makes it feel like she was indeed small.

“A… talking frog?”

“Yes, but do not be alarmed! I am friendly!”

“Mr. Frog, how long have you been there?”

“I apologize I have heard everything.” (Analissa) tries her best to hop on all fours of her webbed feet costume. “If you would like, you may tell me what’s been bothering you, it is not good to bottle up feelings and let them overflow.”

“Oh Mr. Frog, will you truly hear out my problems?”

“I cannot leave a lovely lady like you crying alone. Please pour everything out to your heart's content. I will hear you out.”



For some reason her heart skipped a beat after hearing this unknown person tell her those words.

The way that they deliver these lines… it’s as if…

‘Miss Blanchet?’ (Lady Evelyn) didn’t take long on figuring out the replacement’s identity. There is only one person who could ever make her feel this way. ‘It’s you in that costume… isn’t it?’

“The two became good friends after. The frog has pitied the princess, deciding to get to know her before telling the true reason that he was there.” The narrator’s continuation made the villainess snap out of her trance, shaking her head and focused on delivering a good performance.

“So you were cursed, Mr. Frog?”

“Indeed, I have offended a witch and have learned my lesson. For now I'm trying to go through my days hoping it would be broken.”

“But enough about me, why have you been crying? Are you alright?”

“Oh thank you for asking, you see these past days have not been good. I need to get married as soon as possible for the sake of my kingdom. I just couldn't find a proper suitor that makes me happy and feel safe. I just want to find true love, that is all.” For some reason, her voice in the last sentence didn't seem like an act.

“The frog hearing the princess’ words was moved- he hesitated and the thought of taking advantage of her made him feel so horrible.”

Analissa lowered her head and nodded, taking another bottle of potion she changed her voice once more. “I'll help you. I'm on my way to finding one myself but let's find our true love together.”

“Oh, thank you, Mr. Frog!”

Days and weeks pass, the frog begins to befriend and teach the princess about many things that he learned throughout his journey. Telling her that there were other few cursed fellows like him finding their own true love to break their curse or other cures.

Analissa was starting to get itchy of the costume, they're not even halfway on the play. 

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