Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 45: New Route Event Start (II).

Chapter 45: New Route Event Start (II).

Liara sighs while holding her hands on her chest, as she helps the blonde girl with the boiler.

"It's rather easy isn't it? There's a few magic stones here for you to use, a few pieces are a little cheap and you can use that to fuel the boiler for a year of use." (Analissa) watches Kiara through her every move studying her graceful figure.

Liara chuckles, placing the boiler on the side as it finishes preparing the ginger tea that would aid her coughing. "I'm sure you're already catching up on how to use this device, so I'm willing to hear what you want to talk about, Miss Analissa."

She takes a few cups out of the box and pours the hot beverage, and thankfully she packs a few fresh bread before going to the girl's dorm room so they could have something to munch on as they gossip. "As I said before, you can tell Mama Liara anything you'd like and I swear to not tell anyone."

"...If that's the case can you pinky promise me." (Analissa) walks over and offers her little pinky, Liara eyes her small stature and hand before taking it, wrapping it in her little pinky to swear a promise.

"I swear to the pinky promise." (Liara) smiles, indulging in the blonde girl's rather childish antics.

They didn't need to use [Obex Claustrum] for this one, the spell that would bind someone if not met their conditions for such after all it was a simple talk.

Analissa was beginning to slowly trust Kiara anyways, "Ah but please let's have a seat in my bed. It may not be as comfy but it's what I have."

Liara nods and carefully sits down, tea in hand and notices the sleeping bird in one of the pillows.

"Zzz... Zzz..." (Losimer) has his loaf position down and didn't even notice Liara's presence, he was too tired last night and being summoned everyday was taking a toll on his body.

The villainess hasn't summoned him this much before to the point he's really exhausted.


Milady Alarie's familiar being a freeloader in her place, if the lady sees him being all carefree and has already slept in Miss Analissa Blanchet's bed she wonders what would she say or think on the matter.

"Liara you know how... um... sorry this is a bit hard to explain.'' She starts off, hand shaking a little.

It wasn't only awkward but also... scary to admit.

Liara notices the girl's figure forgetting and realizes this must be something pretty serious.

"Oh no it's alright Miss Analissa, do take your time, please do know this is our private tea time and a private space we could talk." She assures the blonde girl, taking a small sip of her tea before Analissa could muster up the courage to tell her secret.

"You know how back then when I was trying out the blue dress Lady Evelyn bought for me before going to work- we talked."

"Yes that we did."

"And... the topic of my possibility of romantic relationships came up and terms of marriage." (Analissa) continues feeling even more nervous and anxious.

"Oh yes, I still don't understand that part. So you don't want to get married to a man but you still want to get married is what I understood." (Liara) tilts her head slightly, remembering to be confused by her words that day but nonetheless she didn't push it fearing that she might go over the line.

"Sigh... Liara I've only begun to be comfortable with you, I enjoy talking with you, you helped nurse me back to health and brought tea in Lady Evelyn's stead teaching me things I didn't know- That is very kind of you." The blonde girl was all praises, the maid was stunned and was blushing from being grateful for Miss Analissa noticing the small things that she does around.

"I-I was only merely doing my duties as a maid, you flatter me too much." She fans herself for a moment being a little too into the comment given, she's been praised by the many but for some reason she can't help but feel a little flustered and waits for the blonde girl to continue.

Analissa nods being genuine, "I mean it, and the truth is I don't want to be married to a man. I avoid them at all costs, so I was insistent that I don't want to have anything like that with the crown prince because-"

She stares at Liara for a moment before finally confessing the reason why she couldn't see herself getting married to a man one day.

"I like women."


Women? Same sex? A girl?

This cute girl is also into girls? Is that the reason why she could be getting close to milady is because-


"Are you alright, Liara?" The blonde girl could see that the maid wasn't moving and seemed to be stunned by her words.

Liara was puzzled as she called her name, recollecting her thoughts of curiosity.

Can a woman love another woman? That was an option? How come she has never considered any of it at all?

And why does her mind tell her it's weird, peculiar and a horrible thing to do- to love someone of the same sex is unnatural but...


She opened her mouth to speak. "Do you love our Duchess, Lady Evelyn Alarie?"


Analissa blinked for a moment seeing the maid's serious expression on her face, that it made her heart skip.

Liara suddenly asking her this caught her off guard. To love the villainess- she indeed does but only as a character she wants to save and give a better life than what the game coded her to have.

Nothing more nothing less.

"Lady Evelyn- is just someone I um... I think I want to be friends with sure she's really amazing and gorgeous but I wouldn't call what I feel is... that kind of love even if I do like women." (Analissa) explains herself, feeling something clutch onto her heart as she continues. "Lady Evelyn, deserves someone that makes her happy and safe."

"I see... that I do agree with you." The maid sighs a breath of relief hearing her answer. "I am glad to hear that you do not like milady in that way, her position is already set in motion as the future queen you'll only be thrown to the side if you continue with your feelings."

"I apologize if this may hurt Miss Analissa in any way, but loving a noble as a commoner- may only bring you demise... not only that but- the fact that you're also a woman would cross the line." (Liara) stares at her reflection down at the tea, before turning to the heroine who was smiling softly as her blue eyes sparkled similar to a rare gem you can never have.

The Japanese streamer chuckles, playing with the rim of the cup as the warmth of her tea calms her heart down. "I am very much well aware of my position. I just wanted to talk to someone about this... to slap me back to reality that my mission is not to... well-"

The mission is not to waste time but to find a way to save the villainess from her coded demise of a bad ending.

"I understand, I am honored that I have helped you on your matter of feelings. I do sympathize with you with one-sided love, perhaps if in another situation the world should allow a love like yours to blossom." (Liara) wished that there was a world where Miss Analissa could be free to do that.

Her mind was telling her all of these horrible things, because she had never seen this type of love and if there was it was condemned to be evil, persuaded by the devil.

But her heart... for some reason it's telling her to... to...

"..." (Liara)

The voice in her heart was stronger than her mind. The blonde girl before her is not weird, peculiar or even horrible.

She's just in love with a girl.

And what's wrong with that?

"I would cheer you on... to pursue milady. I can see that these days she's been smiling a lot whenever it's about you, Miss Analissa, you make her happy." (Liara) remembers all the expressions she's seen on milady's face. Making her laugh, smile and flustered is already a feat.

"Y-You don't think it's you know- I thought... this place doesn't accept these kinds of things." (Analissa) was hesitant on confessing her true self to Liara because the game only consisted of a heterosexual theme of setting and there wasn't even any ally or LGBT side characters mentioned through the lore of the game.

Yet little did she know that Lord Ein was one. He was just so different from the game and from where she stands now.

"It's alright I could tell it must've taken you a lot of courage to tell me, and I'm glad you trust me with this." (Liara) places a hand on her chest feeling heavy, suddenly remembering that some of her chores are still left undone in her home.

"I promise not to tell anyone your secret." (Liara) felt conflicted with her loyalty, this would bring the villainess great news and an advantage to use if ever Miss Analissa would dare block her path once more.

"Thank you, that means so much to me, Liara. You make me feel safe too- not only Lady Evelyn but your presence is strong and lovely." (Analissa) compliments her again and the maid sighs, looking happy hearing such words from the blonde girl herself.

"...Not even milady shall know, I swear on my sisters' life."

"O-Oh um I don't think you have to swear your siblings' life into this."

Liara and Analissa got to talk more about the topic of liking girls.

The maid who once didn't think it was possible was now curious and interested in learning more about this side of Miss Analissa Blanchet.

"I hope this is an alright question to ask but why do you prefer girls more and when did you start feeling that way?" She was leaning over too closely and that made the Japanese streamer surprised.

'I didn't think she'd be interested in the topic... and being this close to me. I'm glad she's not afraid or weirded out.' (Analissa) giggles and happily answers all of her questions.

"Ah well... you see ever since I was a little girl I played with dolls- it went over my head but I should've known I was different."

"Why is that?"

"Instead of trying to find a princess I wanted to find a princess for my doll to be happy with."

"That was the first sign, it appears even liking girls can come at a young age." (Liara) was amazed with such a young mindset.

"Some say I was just confused and I agreed for a bit seeing that I was young. I thought I longed for a sister or a friend but now I think it's different." (Analissa) sips her tea, as she relaxes into Liara's presence.

She feels like herself and giggled softly placing a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

Her eyes stared into hers and suddenly Liara felt something else in her heart spiraling. 


"Different but... also not so different because in a sense I'm just loving another person. Don't you think the same?" (Analissa) leans in a bit more closer in return making Liara bite her lip and turn her instinctive mode on to run.

She's feeling something weird in her chest, a little too close for her comfort but that's weird- she has no problem with anyone else with this distance.

"I see... I think I should get... going. I forgot I have chores to do, and I enjoyed our time together Miss Analissa." (Liara) finishes her tea and excused herself quickly to the door.

"Oh? Already?"

"Yes..." (Liara) guiltily answers as soon as she sees the blonde girl's standing looking sad. "I'm sorry but we can continue another time if you'd like."

"...!" Immediately her mood shifted and agreed that they would talk for another time as she happily escorted Liara out of her dorm.

"Get back safely Liara, make sure to visit often but I can also visit you since Lady Evelyn gave me permission." (Analissa) tells her and the other party replies calmly.

"I will be waiting for your visit then and if I ever visit I will have an extended notice of my arrival, thank you for your time, Miss Analissa." Liara smiles before waving and leaving until her figure couldn't be seen by those lovely blue hypnotic eyes.

She hears the doors close.

"Hmm... I suppose it was my imagination or did my heart skip a beat." (Liara) mutters softly before reminding herself that she is unable to fall in love and goes on her way.

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