Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 82

Chapter 43 New battlefield

The    guard battalion carefully screened more than 5,000 Nanbans under military order, and it took less than a day to complete!

The biggest gain this time is that apart from nearly a hundred prisoners, there are more than 3,000 strong women selected for mining!

Next, there are nearly 1,000 young children, nearly 500 indigenous girls, and nearly 500 boys!

There are hundreds of old, weak, sick and disabled. These indigenous people are either old or weak, or physically disabled, or infants who are too young to walk.

Many of the disabled are new injuries, which should be caused by the deportation and cleaning operations of the guard battalion some time ago!

After such a distinction, I did not expect that there are still four to five thousand natives who can come in handy, but very few of them are not useful!

This really maximizes the use of resources!

The next day, Yang Ren personally led three thousand militiamen to this place, and while delivering supplies, he would also **** these natives back!

“Director Yang! The camp will start again after the supply this time. I hope that the logistics supply will be able to keep up by then!”

Zhang Wei and Yang Ren were standing on a high slope, watching the busy militiamen under the hillside, with thick black smoke on one side, while chatting.

Yang Ren also looked at the crowd below, and with the help of the soldiers in the guard camp, he forcibly separated all kinds of crowds. The camp below was full of cries!

“Commander Zhang, rest assured that the food sent by the officer this time will be enough for you to use for a period of time. As long as the labor is sent to various places, the officer will supply you as soon as possible!”

“Such the best!” Zhang Wei asked a little worried: “Director Yang, do you think we will have the same situation one day?”

“Hahaha !” Yang Ren laughed loudly after hearing this, and said, “Isn’t there you still! The future of Xia Kingdom still depends on you warriors to guard!”

Zhang Wei heard Yang Ren’s answer and did not say anything, but secretly clenched his fists, and made a promise in his heart!

A few hours later, except for the old, weak, sick, and disabled, the other indigenous people all set off back home under the **** of the militia!

Zhang Wei looked at the hundreds of indigenous people left in the camp, waved his hand, and the soldiers waiting to the side threw the torch into the camp!

The raging flames raged throughout the camp, and the sound of crying filled his ears. Zhang Wei faced the camp like this, staring at the tragedy that happened in the camp!

He forced himself to watch, he wanted to warn himself that if he didn’t win, then this would be the portrayal of the people of Xia Guo!

After no sound came out at the end, he turned over and rode on the horse, leading the soldiers to the next goal without looking back!


” Battalion commander, the scouting ahead reported that he has found a suitable place for camping!”

Yu Shu took the letter sent by the messenger and interpreted it to Zhang Wei who was checking the map.

“Well, I will camp here tonight, and I am going to build a prisoner-of-war concentration camp tomorrow!”

Zhang Wei did not lift his head, looked at the terrain ahead on the map, and gave Yu Shu an instruction!

He was thinking just now that the people in the Houbao Bureau are busy escorting the indigenous people, and there is no extra manpower to help him **** the prisoners here.

A few days ago, Yang Ren came over to discuss the management of prisoners of war, and finally decided to establish a prisoner of war concentration camp!

So tomorrow he is going to build a prisoner-of-war concentration camp in this place, and when Yang Ren and the others have spare manpower, they will slowly **** them back to the country!

As for the issue of guarding, there are still a thousand militiamen! As for the food issue of the indigenous people, it is enough to ensure that these people will not die from starvation.

“Yes, the subordinates will prepare the militiamen!” Yu Shu replied, and he will make arrangements!

These thousand militiamen have been following behind the guard camp, helping them deliver food and supplies!

Another reason for building a concentration camp for prisoners of war is that there are so many supplies that it is impossible to carry them with them during battle, so a logistics supply station is needed!

The next day, Zhang Wei asked all the soldiers in the camp to eat breakfast and helped the 1,000 militiamen build a supply station and a prison camp!

With the labor of more than two thousand people, a camp site that is large enough, strong enough, and simple enough was soon built. There is only a wall outside the camp site that is separated by a supply station!

The construction of the replenishment station should be more elaborate, and you need to pay attention to moisture and waterproof!

” Battalion commander, this preparation has been completed, the goal is ahead, I don’t know when to start the action?”

Yu Shu is asking about Zhang Wei’s next plan. He is responsible for managing many things in the guard camp. If you ask, he can make arrangements in advance!

Zhang Wei replied: “I will stay for another day tomorrow to make preparations, and the day after tomorrow will officially start!”

The preparatory work is to organize the team while resting, and even after the formation is completed, you have to wait for all the teams to reach the predetermined positions before you can proceed!

So, there should be two days before this operation started!

On the second day, the entire camp became lively. The team was organized in small teams and reorganized after being disrupted. Try to ensure that each team has the same combat power!

In addition to the battalion directly under Zhang Wei, the entire battalion had a total of 81 squads, and then reorganized nine squadrons in the form of a long-range attack squadron, a close combat squadron, and a cavalry squadron!

On the third day, it took a whole day. Under the command of the battle commander, each team successfully reached their respective battle positions, and surrounded the tribe group centered on the large tribe ‘B’ from all directions!

On the fourth day, that is today, whether the whirlpool tactic is useful or not depends on the performance in the future!

“Time is up! Command! The Northern Team is on the move!”

Zhang Wei looked at the sky, and when he saw that the time had reached the scheduled time, he decisively ordered the whole army to attack!

In the other three directions, the commanders of the three formations also issued orders to attack at the same time!

When all the teams were dispatched, the moment came This peaceful wasteland seemed to be thrown into nine stones on the calm water surface, and there were waves, which could not be stopped for a long time, but there were more and more enlistment. !

On the same day, the nine teams of the entire guard camp encountered no one-to-one enemy. They smoothly swept a large circle of outlying tribes and captured more than 3,000 prisoners!

At the same time, the distance between each team has also shrunk a lot!

And the **** task of these prisoners fell on the militia, so the thousand militias were a bit busier than the nine teams all day long!

It was not until the end of the day’s battle that Zhang Wei received feedback from the militia. The 1,000-member militia now had to guard the prisoners, and then they would not be able to undertake such a heavy **** task!

Because there are too many captives, these are still selected, otherwise there are more. As for the fate of the remaining people, it is like their tribe, vanished!

After receiving the feedback, Zhang Wei seriously considered the trade-offs and ordered: “The cleaning task is carried out every other day, and the time in the middle is used to help **** the prisoners!”

There is no other way. Slow down is better than making a mistake. Besides, Yang Song has no stipulation that the task must be completed within how many days!

Without the time limit, Zhang Wei can use his tactics more flexibly!


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