Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 48

Chapter 9 2 talents

“Lord, report from the north, the city was found 30 kilometers north of the mountain range!” Zhou Wu came to the lord’s residence and hurriedly reported to Yang Song!

“Oh, I got it!” Yang Song replied. In fact, he had discovered it a long time ago. After all, he has been paying attention to the mini map.


Congratulations to the host for discovering the local civilization!

Reward one intelligence officer and one diplomat each!

Please pay attention to receive rewards!

“Oh? I didn’t expect that there would be rewards for discovering local civilization!” Yang Song thought to himself.

“The abandoned villages that I first encountered do not seem to have encountered civilization, but after discovering the city, I was prompted to discover civilization. It seems that you have to meet a certain scale of people or collectives!”

In fact, every time he encounters system rewards, Yang Song will summarize it to see if he can summarize the rules of system rewards, and the result?

It is obvious: that is no result!

Yang Song chose to receive the reward in the study, and he was in a daze. Two middle-aged men appeared in front of them.

A man with a goatee on the left saw Yang Song, his eyes lit up, he stepped forward and bent over and said, “Subordinate Chen Ping, see the lord!”

A burly man with a Chinese character on the right also stepped forward and said: “Subordinate Chang Sun Sheng, see the lord!”

“Welcome the arrival of the two great talents! I don’t know who the two are intelligence officers and who are the diplomats?” Yang Song asked suspiciously after welcoming them.

“The subordinates are intelligence officers, who are proficient in intelligence gathering, spying, instigating countermeasures, bribery and other methods!” Chen Ping replied first.

“The subordinates are diplomats, who are good at talking, just laugh!” Chang Sun Sheng replied concisely.

Long Sun Sheng, the word Ji Sheng. Famous military strategist and diplomat of the Sui Dynasty. Main deeds: Divorce from strong and weak, use barbarians to control barbarians, and divorce Turks. He has been ordered to the Turks for many times. In the more than 20 years of dealings with the Turks, although he has not commanded any major battles, he used his outstanding strategy to divide the Turks, maintain the tranquility of the northern border of the Sui Dynasty, and promote national integration. Made a major contribution.

Chen Ping, one of the founding heroes of the Western Han Dynasty, is called the Prime Minister Chen in “Historical Records”. His most famous achievement is that he suggested donating tens of thousands of catties, which separated Xiang Yu’s officials and caused Xiang Yu’s important counselor Fan Zeng to die of anxiety. He holds the intelligence agency in Liu Bang’s hands and is Liu Bang’s right-hand man. Liu Bang will ask and listen to Chen Ping’s opinions on any important decisions.

Looking at the character introduction given by the system, Yang Song suddenly felt that these were two great gods. The system rewards these two people, which is more than rewarding him with 10,000 troops!

The system is really timely rain. As soon as the local civilization is discovered, he will be rewarded with intelligence and diplomatic talents, but he will reward him with whatever system he lacks!

Yang Song really wants to tell the system, “It’s so sweet!”

Yang Song didn’t know much about Changsun Sheng, but he saw the allusion of “two birds with one stone” explained in the system. This is a diplomat with good military strength. He will be a foreigner at the negotiating table in the future. Yang Song doesn’t need to worry that he will suffer from the quarrels/fights!

His name to Chen Ping is like Leiguaner. It is difficult to know it or not. The legendary fourth man in the early Han Dynasty is the fourth person after Zhang Liang, Xiao He, and Han Xin!

There is not much to say about the talents of the two. What Yang Song is worried about is that the weakness of the territory is not able to display their talents at all!

“Hey, with these two people, the territory can be regarded as filling the gap in these two aspects!” Yang Song thought.

said to the two of them: “Wait a minute, two of you, wait until I summon the various talents in the territory to introduce and meet the two of you, and I will arrange work when that time comes!”

“Subordinates obey!” the two said in unison.

For the two great talents, it is also necessary to get to know the colleagues who will work for the same monarch in the future!


In the Palace of Discussion, Yang Song sat in the main seat and said to the many talents present: “Today, two new talents have been added to the territory!”

“Let me introduce to you, this is Chang Sun Sheng who is in charge of diplomacy!” Yang Song said, raising his hand to signal Chang Sun Sheng, and Chang Sun Sheng stood up and saluted the present.

He then confessed his fate to Chang Sun Sheng: “Chang Sun Sheng will be responsible for the territorial foreign exchanges from now on! Direct to me. Yang Zhong, Mr. Chang Sun has any material and personnel requirements, you must try your best to meet them.” Then came to the county magistrate Yang Zhong The charge.

“Subordinates obey!” Yang Zhong and Chang Sun Sheng led their orders at the same time. “Subordinates will definitely live up to the lord’s trust!” This is Changsun Sheng’s promise!

Many of the officials present showed a kind smile to Chang Sun Sheng, and expressed their welcome to him.

Yang Song then introduced: “This is Chen Ping who is responsible for spying on the enemy and collecting intelligence!” Chen Ping also got up and saluted everyone present.

“I will know what happens in the territory in the future, haha!” Yang Song’s joke is not true or not!

After joking, he continued: “Chen Ping, I will leave the intelligence work of the territory to you in the future, ask for money and money, ask for people to give away! It’s also directly under my control!”

“Subordinates obey the orders, we must let the territory know ourselves and the enemy, and let the lord’s ears and eyes clear!” Chen Ping solemnly replied You know from Yang Song’s support for Chen Ping without even telling Yang Zhong. Yang Song attaches great importance to intelligence!

And the faces of everyone present suddenly changed. The relaxed atmosphere of Yeejeongjeon suddenly became heavy!

Yang Song felt this scene and didn’t say much. It is not a bad thing to put a little pressure on these officials! Let them completely cut off some bad signs that have not yet appeared!

“Chen Ping, you only came to the territory, so you should be familiar with it, but now in the north of the territory, the territory doesn’t know anything about it, so I have to let you do some hard work!” Yang Song confronted. Chen Ping sent a mission.

“The troubled lord is bothering, and the subordinates are grateful!” Chen Ping stood up and saluted Yang Song again, saying: “This is a subordinate’s business, so what a hard work!”

“But the subordinates really don’t know anything about this world. I hope that the lord will grant him permission for a period of time. The subordinates will live up to the lord’s trust and give you a satisfactory answer!” Chen Ping is not a person who promises casually. , Still put forward a time request to Yang Song!

“Okay, no problem, just ask about the information in the territory, I will let everyone in the territory cooperate with you, whoever dares not cooperate, you just tell me and see how I clean him up!”

Yang Song supported Chen Ping, and at the same time raised a warning to everyone present, so that everyone would not think that the two of them were bullied when they first came, and he would support them!

“Thank you, Lord!” Chen Ping thanked Yang Song and sat down to see the thoughts on his face, this is! It seems that he is now working!

“Next, it’s about building a county in the northern mountainous area. If you have any ideas, let’s talk about it!” Yang Song said that the two of them were actually incidental. It is about the expansion of a new county in the territory. The reason for the meeting!

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