Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 28

Chapter 27 Silent Warrior

“Zi Jing, Zi Jing, your mouth is really unforgiving!” Yang Song and his party were talking and laughing as they walked to the military camp in the north of the city.

Unknowingly, he walked to the entrance of the military camp, and heard the noise from the military camp a long way away, and Yang Song smiled at each other!

“Haha, let’s go!” Yang Song stepped forward and walked forward first, he was ready to be drunk!

After the guards verified their identity, they entered the barracks, and the noise was even more loud.

“Brigade commander, staff officer, I didn’t expect you to come here, my brothers are all eating and drinking!” This is a captain on duty. After seeing Di Qing and Lu Su returning to the barracks, he came to say hello.

“Okay, this is the lord, don’t come to see you soon!” Di Qing responded, and introduced Yang Song to the captain, and asked him to come and see him!

“Subordinates see the lord, the subordinates did not know it just now, and I hope the lord will atone for their sins!” Du Wei stood in front of Yang Song two steps forward, bending over and holding his fists and apologized.

It was close to Yang Song before he could see that the captain in front of him was very young and handsome, and with his neat temperament as a soldier, if he was outside, I don’t know how many little girls would be harmed!

“You don’t need to be polite, it’s normal that you can’t see clearly at this late hour. Go back and continue on duty. After the change of guard, you will go to the excitement by yourself. A few of us will go in first!” Yang Song gave a few words of relief after expressing the exemption. .

walked all the way and looked at the red bonfires in the military camp school grounds. Piles of bonfires were distributed in an orderly manner. Each bonfire surrounded a lot of soldiers. They laughed together, drank and ate meat together. They were very heroic.

is not only the school grounds, as long as there is open space around there are bonfires. There are nearly 5,000 soldiers in the barracks now, which has reached the upper limit of the barracks’ capacity. Now they are lively and lively together, and when they spread out, the scope of the school field is not enough.

Similarly, Yang Song first walked to the dotted platform at the bottom of the school field, and the others kept following him.

came to the Dianjiangtai, took the wine bowl handed over by the guards, and faced the audience, holding the bowl in both hands and loudly said: “Guys and soldiers! Please be quiet! That’s it, relax! Just listen to me!”

The voice just started, the audience was silent immediately! The soldiers who were just about to stand up and stand in line sat down again obediently!

As an elite, the soldiers had already noticed Yang Song and his party. And even in a very safe military camp, the vigilance is indispensable!

“My soldiers! My brave warriors! I am fortunate to be able to drink with the monarchs here tonight. It is really a blessing for Sansheng!” This is not Yang Song’s acting, but his true thoughts!

He also knows that his true feelings now reveal that he has lost the majesty of the monarch, and he even claims to be “under”! He has already committed a big taboo and will make many people underneath look down upon him!

Not to mention that Lu Su Lu Zijing on the side is still hinting at him crazily! He is very pleased! I am very pleased with the heart of the loyal head of the newcomer who has not been in contact for long!

at least shows that he is still qualified for what this monarch has done! At least someone will share his worries for him! At least not really a lonely person!

But now he just wants to be presumptuous while he is still a bit drunk! Put aside the scruples, put aside the so-called imperial studies, and put aside the heavy burden that fell from the sky and weighed on him!

“In the future, I will work with you to create a future in this place! Don’t talk about guarding your homeland, don’t talk about guarding your territory! This is what you should do! Other than that, just talk about your abilities!

Such an excellent army should not be buried! You practice day and night, summer practice dormancy and winter practice three-nine, for what! Isn’t it just for the hope that one day we can make contributions and return home in full glory?

Don’t worry too much, this is human nature! Under this lord, this monarch is not the same! Isn’t it for the sake of history, so that future generations can remember me, the ancestor who created a flourishing dynasty! Hahaha! ”

Speaking of this, Yang Song is really talking about the rise! Laugh three times! Apart from anything else, I ate this bowl of wine in my hand for a long time! It can be regarded as moisturizing the throat!

Lu Su next to    looked at this lord who was really unable to persuade him, so he could only do it in a hurry! But he thought about it in a blink of an eye, maybe it’s not a bad thing or not necessarily.

And those who are in the audience, whether they are middle-level captains, captains, or lower-level tutors, and very long; whether they are soldiers sitting and eating meat or drinking alcohol while sitting on their backs. From the moment he started speaking, he stopped his movements. Listening to him quietly, listening attentively, without a trace of extra movement. Even if Yang Song’s saliva spits on the stage, his words are not in line with the scene, there is no change at all, just quietly listening! Listen carefully!

He drank a bowl of wine, and when he was thinking about it, he discovered this!

According to reason, all the soldiers in the audience should behave when listening to his boss’s words. Honestly, no matter whether they are convinced or not, at least superficially, they should be able to do it.

But this scene really shocked Yang Song. He had never seen such an army before, or even heard of such an army!

did not make him feel that speaking alone on stage is an embarrassment or a form!

It made him feel a warrior called speechless, fearless and fearless!

is not a warrior! Correct! It’s a soldier! They are not warriors but they are better than warriors! Forgive his lack of vocabulary imagination! He can only use the word “warrior” to describe it now!

said it was a machine but it was not. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com They have a soul, a soul that belongs to their collective, a will that belongs to their collective! Not the kind of confidence in victory formed by the ever-victorious army! It’s that phenomena such as victory and defeat can’t shake their silver will at all!

This is something more advanced than the military soul! The so-called controlled soldiers and army souls he saw during the day were all on the surface! The deeper level can only be discovered through contact and certain opportunities! Just like the current dinner party!

Using silver to describe this will is Yang Song’s most appropriate metaphor! Gold is too vulgar, and the others are unworthy! Bright and shiny silver is the most appropriate! Dazzling and not dazzling! Precious is not a miracle!

After discovering this situation, Yang Song didn’t know whether he should go on. He even felt that he could be worthy of this discovery and the speechless and serious soldiers in the audience, but he felt that this was another kind of blasphemy when he continued to speak!

This is just right! okay! that’s all! This is the most perfect!

talked and drank the wine, the rest of the time belongs to the soldiers!

When    got off the stage, Yang Song shook his head, watching the soldiers in front of him return to the lively scene of eating and drinking, making him feel that what he had just discovered was an illusion!

Is this really what I think too much? Yang Song has doubts about this! Maybe it’s too much alcohol!

Maybe it is the psychological amplification effect caused by the long-term lack of security that is filled by these new soldiers!

Who knows!

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