Otherworldly - A Shadowed Awakening

CH 24.5 - Interlude 2

Knight Vision

Peak of Autumn, Week 4, Day 5

The Countess slid over two documents. One that was a heaping volume of details and notes, sealed with the sigil of the Hands of Dawn –hands cupping a single sun and embossed in gold. It was details of the Dawn’s middle daughter, Eunora. The second was sealed with a sigil unknown to Sir Oberon Rellar, and the document was only ten pages long. These were notes from Lady Eunora’s Governess.

Oberon took the documents and bowed.

“I will see her safe arrival to Fellan, Countess.”

There was an unreadable expression on the Countess’ face, but he chalked it up to attempting to intimidate him into obedience. Even now, in her middle age, Countess Mallorica fought to secure her position as the head of the Dawn.

“See that you do. She is due for proper instruction at the academy.” A ghost of a smile crossed the Countess’ face, and a shiver went up Oberon’s spine. It was not the smile of a concerned mother.

Though Oberon had been a member of the Dusk Knighthood long before the Countess had overtaken the position from her father fifteen years ago. In fact, he’d been sworn to the Dawns before little Lady Mallorica had even been born –his first oath of fealty went to the previous Count, Killian Dawn.

Peak of Autumn, Week 4, Day 8

She was cute. That was Oberon’s first thought about Eunora. And she was his ward on the perilous journey home. That was his second thought. His third thought, though, was more personal. She’s terrified of us.

Oberon, despite his hulking frame and his bald head and his aura, was not a harsh man. Well, not to children, anyway. And especially not to a member of the Dawn. Such had been true for over forty years. But this little girl was shaking.

“I am Nora.” Her voice was small, but it was steady –even as she held her stuffed bunny in a death grip.

Oberon nodded. She was dealing well with her fear.

“Lady Eunora, I am Oberon Rellar, the Knight Captain of Fellan, the 43rd contingent of the Dusk Knighthood.”

The other knights watched their little Lady intensely, ready to kneel and swear yet another oath if she so demanded it. She did no such thing. In fact, Klein mused as he looked at his fellow squire, she did the exact thing that would endear them to her –she feigned her fear so effortlessly even he couldn’t find fault with it.

Peak of Autumn, Week 5, Day 1

Each knight introduced themself to their ward. They bowed and they spoke softly –they’d all seen how she reacted to Captain Rellar’s aura the other day. They’d all heard her run away once she’d turned the corner. How could they not? They were Knights of the Dusk. Well, Sir George Limrick thought, most of them were knights. He barely spared a glance at Klein and Arlen as he had the thought.

As Neil and Shior grew restless, George saw them start a hunting competition –one caught an eagle, the other a boar. He couldn’t blame them when they moved on to trick shots. The forest surrounding the Dawn Estate was some of the safest forest in all of the Duchy due to its proximity to Adeline, the capital of the west. The enchantments on the carriage meant George’s station was easy. He scanned the horizon and only had to worry about Lady Eunora if the enchantment detected either blood or intentional communication. It was a finicky thing that had to have cost more than George’s annual salary –and it required someone to sync it every time a new passenger boarded, but that took barely any time at all. It left him free to scan the horizon for potential threats.

Around noontime, after the Captain had signaled to halt, he turned and knocked on the window.

“We’re breaking for lunch, my Lady. Now is the time to stretch your legs and get your bearings.”

He, honestly, hadn’t expected her response –not after the way she seemed so frightened of them all. But sure enough, she spoke.

“Great, I was getting bored.” It was barely more than a whisper, but Lady Eunora’s eyes were filled with desperation. And George felt himself pushing down a smile in response before letting out a breath.

“I’m sure. Not much to see in these forests. Even I was having a bit of a go staying focused on the forest’s edge.”

George went to turn around –right as Eunora spoke once more.

“What was your name again?”

George paused, nodded, and fought another smile, “I’m George, George Limrick.”

“All right, Sir Limrick, when will we be stopping?”

George had spotted the way Lady Eunora was clutching her stuffed bunny –and anxiously glancing at her… Is that a panda? George nearly snorted and instead gave their ward a full smile.

“Just a few minutes, the scout found a nice clearing ahead.”

George decided on the road to Adeline he would check in more often with the little Lady.

“She’s just so small,” Arlen forced his eyes to meet his horses instead of straying back to where their ward was exiting the carriage, “And did you see the way she was looking at us? The whole ride! I could feel her eyes on me, and it was as if I could feel her disappointment–”

“Arlen, I need you to shut up,” Klein’s voice was low as he deftly worked the ropes and tied his horse to a post, “She’s looking right now.”

Arlen stuttered and dropped the reins of Prowler, his horse of the day, and mock-glared at Klein.

Neil was a commoner. He had no idea how he’d gotten roped into setting the Lady’s place setting, but he had. Arella had shoved the supplies at him and said, “Do your best.” So, Neil sighed, he guess he did know how he’d gotten roped into it. He simply has been too flustered at Arella’s close proximity to call out cold logic.

To no one’s surprise, least of all Neil’s, he was fumbling the placement. But Lady Eunora had been gracious and kind, and Neil had nearly choked when the fearful Lady had even cracked a joke about the food. He was half sure nobles didn’t know how to joke –his brief interaction with Lady Evelyn did not refute that.

Oberon found that the city guards of Adeline were always a coin toss. Either they fawned over the Dusk knights, or they were pragmatically irritating. Today was the former. It took a very stern talking to prior to alerting Lady Eunora that they had arrived in order to ensure the guard would remain professional and not make her uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, Oberon thought to himself, he’d done too well of a job. And Lady Eunora looked anxious as ever.

Oberon sighed as the man ran his [Identify] spell over the Lady. It wasn’t anything shocking. A Tier 1 Noble [Class] designation. It was more of a formality than anything else.

Peak of Autumn, Week 5, Day 2

Neil was tightening his armor when the Captain approached him, Shior, and Undein.

“You’ll do better than your best,” he grunted.

Neil was already clammy at the thought of being the second for Lady Eunora’s detail for her Affirmation. A Noble Affirmation. Neil wanted to feign illness. Unfortunately, his pride was just strong enough that he didn’t. Barely. He still nearly barfed twice before they’d arrived at the church.

And all those people waiting for her! Neil was irritated, knowing how cute and small and absolutely terrified Lady Eunora had to be. But she stood tall, even as she approached the High Priest of Abelia. She barely flinched as the Affirmation began.

Lady Eunora was kneeling, and she was communing with the Divine. And then there was the light.

Neil held himself back from flinching as his eyes burned at the brightness. He wasn’t really sure this was supposed to happen, but the other nobles were frantically signaling each other with a mixture of grins, dropped jaws, and frowns.

And then Lady Eunora was slumped back, her thighs resting on her heels.

When she stood, there was a dull look to her. As if this was expected.

But even Neil wasn’t so foolish as to accept that as fact. Not when he could smell the scent of blood and salt.

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