Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

188. Tomoka vs Rock Lee

The go was given and the youths clashed. A shockwave spread across the arena as their attacks were blocked in the exact same way as if they fought against a mirror. A high left-kick meant to hit the head being blocked by their respective guarding left arm. Silence fell for but a moment that felt like seconds. A moment later the two separated. Tomoka looked at Lee with a broad grin on her face, the youth had improved a lot since last time she spared with him, yet it wouldn’t be enough. 


“Come on Lee, you know you won’t stand a chance while holding back on me.” Lee understood what she meant, after all he was wearing his weights even now. He didn’t need to think for long, he wouldn’t stand a chance against her if he held back that was true. Giving his sensei a glance asking for permission, a serious nod was all he needed. The next moment Lee jumped backwards landing on top of the ram seal statue.  


“Then I will go all out.” That was all Lee said as he removed the heavy weights that he hadn’t taken off for the last year. As soon as he let go of them he felt lighter, like he could fly with nothing more than a light jump. Then the weights impacted the ground with the force of a small explosion. 


Tomoka seeing this couldn’t help but give a small whistle of appreciation. “Damn those were heavy. I would wager four tons each.” Hearing that Lee just smiled.


“Five actually, let's continue.” Before Tomoka could answer she had to block Lee’s punch as his speed had increased to a ridiculous degree. Feeling the impact of the hit being around the same made Tomoka smile. Seems that even with chakra Newton's laws are still doing their job. 


Tomoka decided to up the game a notch as well accessing some of the speed force causing her speed to rise as well. A kick to the ribs was blocked by a shin as a fist impacted against an open palm. A right hook to the head was blocked by a forearm while a knee to the ribs was dodge by moving sideways. 


The two danced to the beat of battle as they exchanged blow after blow being either dodged or blocked with neither gaining the upper hand on the other. This whole time a wild grin adorned Tomoka’s face while a serious expression held Lee’s expression tight. In a sudden burst of speed Tomoka moved in between Lee’s attacks and blocks landing a heavy kick to his midriff sending the guy flying a good five meters away. 


Despite enjoying their little taijutsu match Tomoka didn’t feel like prolonging the match unnecessarily that is why she had been steadily increasing not only her speed but the strength she used in the match. She wanted to push Lee into using the gates. She wanted to fight him at his absolute best. 


“Show me your youth.” That was all Tomoka said before she started the beat down. With the aid of the speedforce Tomoka began moving faster and faster making it hard for those present to see her. A moment, that is all it took for Tomoka to close the distance landing a punch on Lee’s ribs. She was controlling her strength to cause pain but nothing too serious as to render Lee unable to continue.   


“SHOW.” An impact to Lee’s jaw caused a dizzy spell to befall him. “ME.” An impact to his tight almost sent him to the floor as his footing became unstable. “Your.” An elbow strike to the gut made Lee’s breath escape his lungs. “YOUTH!” Finally a kick to the chest sent him flying a good ten meters away. 


Any normal genin his age would have collapsed then and there but not Lee. He hadn’t trained to the point of bleeding to be defeated so easily. As he flew through the air he realized he didn’t stand a chance yet he was unwilling to give up. No, he wouldn’t give up, not until he gave it his all. 


Landing on his fit Lee stood with his arms crossed in front of him. Seeing this Tomoka’s wide grin grew to almost inhuman proportions. She wanted to fight Lee at his best, she wanted to fight against the future taijutsu master at his strongest. She wanted to fight against his burning youth. 


“Hahahaha! That’s it! This is what I’ve been waiting for!” With a deranged expression Tomoka let herself go. Red and blue lighting began to dance around her body as she let the speed force flow through her body unimpeded by anything. 


“Gate of Pain: Open!” With that Lee’s hair stood up 


“HAHAHA!” Hearing Lee opening one gate further than he did in the cannon made Tomoka’s crazed battle hungry expresion grow even more deranged as she cackled madly. The next instant she felt Lee’s fist impacting against her cheek. A loud sound like an explosion followed the impact. Despite that, Tomoka’s head only moved a little, her smile is yet to fade. 


Lee moved by instinct dodging a lightning fast strike aiming for his ribs only to feel a kick landing against his hip. Despite the pain he took the chance to retaliate, delivering a mighty punch to Tomoka’s stomach separating the two for a moment. The next they were back to delivering blows to each other. 


 Each attack left in its wake the sound of explosions as air became compressed under the power of their impacts. Feeling that it wasn’t enough that he could go further Lee pushed his limits. Each Time he landed a hit on Tomoka he felt like he was punching a slab of steel. Each time she hit him he felt like he was hit by an avalanche yet he wasn’t ready to give up just yet. 


“Gate of View: OPEN!” Shouting atop his lungs, Lee once again opened three gates in a row. What followed was the amazing sight of a green aura surrounding him. Without wasting a second Lee’s fist impacted against Tomoka’s right arm delivering a wave of fire alongside it. 


The impact was strong enough to send Tomoka flying all the way to the wall embedding her in it, sending a massive cloud of dust obscuring her form. Meanwhile Lee fell to his Knees with all the gates closed once more. A smile adorning his face as he barely kept himself from passing out both from exhaustion and pain. 


“I will say… I felt that one.” Tomoka’s nonchalant words were followed by calm footsteps as she walked out of the cloud of smoke. The arm she had used to block the attack hanging limply at her side with the clothes having burned to nothing showing her third degree burns.  


“Then again…” Saying that she took her broken right arm with her left using it to align the bone. “I am stupidly sturdy” As she said that a green glow came from her left hand as the burns visibly healed followed by the sickening sound of her bone cracking as it healed. 


To everyone’s absolute astonishment and horror once Tomoka removed her grip she moved her right arm as if testing the limb. With a small nod her gaze turned towards Lee once more. “You fought well Lee but this is my win, better luck next time.” 


Lee could do nothing but give himself a small self deprecating chuckle before letting go. The next moment before his face could impact the hard stone ground Gai appeared to hold his student. With that the match concluded as the medics took away Lee. 


One of the medics approached Tomoka to check her health which wasn't necessary since she was perfectly fine, maybe a bit tired. After the medic finished his check up he couldn’t help but give her a wry smile. Tomoka just ignored him before walking vertically on the wall to reach the participants waiting area.    

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