Oring Hunter

Page 7

The next second, the head of the ape's body hit the small hill like a meteorite, directly knocking the ground out of a dense crack like a spider web, directly blocking the retreat of Lloyd and his party.

"Wow, it's here—!"

Looking at the behemoth that fell from the sky, and the bloody mouth that was staring at him, the guards' emotions finally reached the limit of collapse.

Oh ho, all the members except Lloyd started crying and screaming, and took out their shotguns and kept firing at the head ape.

Bang bang bang bang!

The bullet slammed frantically on the fur of the head ape, but it was only able to tear a piece of shallow cracks between the epidermis. For the rough-skinned and thick-skinned it, the crowd's offensive was no different from the tickling of a fly.

"Shooting and dispersing, each finding a way out!"

The situation was critical, and Lloyd could only give the final instructions to his companions with a trembling voice, and then he would raise the shotgun with everyone to suppress the monsters with firepower.

However, just when Lloyd's eyes inadvertently locked on the huge bumpy belly of the head ape, his fingertips that were about to press the trigger suddenly stopped moving.

Because, when the distance between the head ape and Lloyd was shortened to five meters, Lloyd finally realized that the uneven texture on the belly of the head ape was not something like skin folds at all, but a piece of protruding face contour.

From the huge ape belly, Lloyd could see several deer faces, wolf faces, and bear faces and other faces of the native inhabitants of the Kingfisher Forest. Intuition told Lloyd that these should have been swallowed by the head ape not long ago. victim.

And when Lloyd's eyes moved back and forth subconsciously, he also saw the face that was located in the center of the ape's belly and had the clearest outline.

That's a human face.

A face with a desperate expression, an open mouth, and a miserable cry.

Although there are only vague outlines, Lloyd will never forget the features of that face in his life.

Because it came from the face of a man named Pangson who once taught himself fighting skills and led the guards to protect Cold Wind Village.

The former Pangson, strong and reliable, can be regarded as a role model for Lloyd and every villager in Cold Wind Village.

However, the appearance of this man's death now is so embarrassing, so powerless, and so fearful.

"Ah... ah ah..."

After seeing such a terrifying and sad scene, even Lloyd, the most psychologically strong in the Guards, at this moment, the last line of psychological defense in his body is finally showing signs of collapse.

With the disintegration of his will, Pangson on the ape's belly, surrounded by countless dark silt on the surface of the ape's body, turned into a ghost and floated out, flying directly in front of Lloyd.

Ponson's ghost and Lloyd were face to face, and Lloyd stared at the ghost's five senses twisted together in despair, listening to the ghost's bone-chilling wailing.

"Lloyd...I'm in so much pain...it's so dark, so wet, so stuffy here...so uncomfortable..."

"Why couldn't you come earlier... If you had come earlier, maybe I wouldn't have died..."

"I'm so lonely...I hope...you all come with me...I hope everyone in the Guardians can reunite..."

"So, give up resisting...follow my footsteps...let's go to that place together..."

"Let's go to the abyss together and become one with it."

Hearing this, Lloyd clenched the shotgun's hands tightly, and finally released it weakly.

Ponson's ghostly whisper exudes a strange power. Just a few whispers have caused several important strings in Lloyd's heart to break, so that he no longer has any thoughts of resistance. Unconsciously, the idea of ​​wanting to follow this ghost came into being.

At the same time, the comrades beside Lloyd also noticed the horror on the belly of the ape in turn. Like Lloyd, Ponson's shadow also appeared in front of them, destroying them with a cold voice. The will of everyone makes everyone's palms unwittingly and quietly loosen.

Da da da……

The shotguns fell to the ground one by one, making a dull sound.

Just watching from a close distance, the guard team's mind collapsed immediately, and there was no idea of ​​escaping. Facing these sluggish and well-behaved prey, the corners of the head ape's raised mouth couldn't help but twist even more.

I saw it slowly walk towards the nearest Lloyd, stretched out its broad arms, and in the blink of an eye grabbed the unresisting Lloyd in the air, and then stuffed it into his own bloody mouth to eat.

However, at the moment when the captain of the guards was about to die, the boy who had been hiding in the treetops finally acted at this moment.

The boy was silent and concealed for a long time, in order to wait for the ape to go to the most suitable position for him to launch an attack.

Raising the muzzle and pulling the trigger tightly, Ye Chen's most powerful trump card at the moment was displayed by him at the beginning of the game.


The gunshots rang out suddenly, fireworks burst out, with scalding temperature and bright red blood, the "Blood Bullet" just aimed at the head ape ten meters away and roared away.

However, before the sound of gunfire could reach its ears, the layer of pitch-black silt attached to its back suddenly became agitated in this short moment, as if warning the ape: danger is coming!

And under the reminder that they were so outrageous, the head ape made a decisive decision, suddenly threw Lloyd in his hand, and then leaned forward and rolled forward, so that the bright red "blood bullet" was just like it. The figure flew out, and then violently burst on the snow at the feet of the head ape.

The blood-made warhead touched the slush, and then burst out a circle of hot blood.


A part of the remaining blood slammed on the back of the head ape, and on the spot, its tail and part of the skin on its back, together with the layer of dark mud, were blasted away, but it was not enough to cause fatal damage to the giant beast. Killing, the effect is obviously not a star and a half when dealing with Goda during the day.

Faced with such a situation, Ye Chen's eyes immediately wrinkled.

He really didn't expect that the surprise attack he launched in the dark, although the distance was so short, was still reacted by the monkey with his back turned and avoided!

Ye Chen originally planned to use the "Blood Bullet" surprise attack to directly deprive the head ape of its ability to move, and then quickly drew a knife and slashed it at close range, thus bringing this hunt to a swift end. However, it was unexpected that under the influence of the abyss, this monster even had vision and perception on its back!

Moreover, judging from the movement that was sensitive enough to dodge bullets just now, this layer of dark mud attached to its body also greatly improved the agility of this monster...

Exposing his own existence and position, Ye Chen jumped from the treetop without hesitation, landed firmly while thinking in his heart:

This abyss is really tricky...

Immediately afterwards, he heard a hissing sound from the nearby snow, as if something were burning.

Ye Chen looked down and saw that the black flesh that had been blown off by the blood bullets was still stained with his own blood.

Under the cover of Yechen's blood, the dark silt on the surface of the flesh suddenly began to struggle and twitch fiercely, as if it was a creature corroded by strong acid, and was quickly purified by Yechen's blood. , and eventually turned into fly ash and dissipated away.

It seems that his arcane magic has strong restraint on this abyss substance.

As Ye Chen came to a conclusion, he withdrew his gaze, and then moved his gaze back to the prey.

And after the wounded ape rolled around in the slush, it did not stop because of it, but immediately stomped on the tree trunk with both legs, and without hesitation, curled the whole body into a ball of flesh, and rushed towards the opposite direction. With Ye Chen smashed to come.

It seemed that the momentary confrontation had already made it clear that the young man in front of him was not an ordinary person like the guards, and the blood flower that could easily tear his fur clearly meant that the young man was not an opponent he could underestimate.

Today, the attitude of the head ape will not be as lazy as before.

The bloody wound completely stimulated its animal nature, and it immediately decided to express its strength to the fullest, tearing the boy into pieces together with the dark silt on its body, and then tasting the boy's fresh flesh and blood together. Soothe their restless appetite!

The duel between hunter and prey is now the real opening!

Chapter 0013 The first encounter with the abyss

The head of the ape curled up into a ball, bouncing up like a huge rolling stone, and then shrouded Ye Chen's entire body in his own shadow.

The next moment, I saw that it used that terrifying weight to set off a fierce gust of wind, and a Taishan pressed the top, that is, Xiang Yechen was pressed down.


The giant ape curled up into a ball of flesh that directly smashed the hill to its collapse.

In an instant, the soil crumbled and the snow and fog burst.

The power of the head ape is terrifying, but the speed is even more terrifying. If it wasn't for Ye Chen's use of the power of the Ao Ling that burst out from the soles of his feet, if he ran out of the opponent's attack range in an instant, he must have been seriously injured at this moment.

Just through the first round of the contest, Ye Chen had already understood that the giant ape in front of him, tainted by the abyss, far surpassed the fugitive Goda he hunted during the day in terms of destructive power and agility.

Therefore, even now that Ye Chen's body has already experienced the tempering of nightmares, he has no way to confront the opponent head-on, and can only use his strengths to attack his weaknesses.

Ye Chen did not choose to pursue after dodging the smashing of the ape, but jumped directly down the collapsed hill, and the giant shadow in the snow and fog in the sky immediately followed.

Its bare legs are two meters long, relying on its terrifying foot strength, it easily catches up with the flying Yechen, and the pair of ape arms that are half red and half black are suddenly raised, and then they are aimed at the person in front of them. The figures smashed indiscriminately.

dong dong dong dong-!

The giant ape chased the young man with a frantic chase, smashing the pine forest along the way, but it was unable to hit the target.

Ye Chen listened to the violent noises coming from behind, but his expression was neither impatient nor impatient.

Although his foot strength could not shake off the ape, but under the protection of the power of the Ao Ling, Ye Chen was still able to walk with agile steps, dodging back and forth between the complex pine forests like a small snake, constantly using the trees as cover , causing the opponent's offensive to continue to fail.

"Wow wow-!"

After chasing for hundreds of meters, he couldn't even touch a single hair of the boy. The ape's mood inevitably became irritable. It suddenly reached out and grabbed a pine tree trunk next to it. Throwing it towards the boy's back.

Ye Chen, who felt the dangerous aura behind him, rolled his body to one side the moment he turned his head to avoid the flying broken wood.


However, even though the young man's quick response was close to the limit of human beings, his shoulder was still unfortunately bumped by the spinning broken wood, and the whole person was immediately unbalanced due to the violent impact and fell to the snow, and he was silent for a moment.


The head ape saw Ye Chen lying motionless on the ground, and immediately began to grin smugly.

However, just when it stepped out of the soles of its feet excitedly and wanted to taste the sweetness of Yechen's flesh and blood, a sharp iron tool in the snow suddenly closed, and cut countless dark red blood directly on the large instep of the head ape. flower.


The head ape was taken aback, and couldn't help but fell forward. This fall triggered two animal traps buried in the snow ahead one after another. On the left and right hands of the ape, the white snow was immediately covered by streams of warm ape blood.

Just when Lloyd and his party were still watching Pangson's lost hat, Ye Chen placed the three traps at the foot of the hill at the fastest speed, and then climbed to the pine tree to observe the situation. lead to the immediate results.

Setting traps in advance and then enticing the enemy to trigger them was not only Ye Chen's method of hunting down fugitive Goda, but also a tried and tested method in his hunting of many wild beasts in the past ten years.

At this time, seeing that the ape had already been attacked, Ye Chen, who was only slightly bruised on his shoulder, had no need to continue playing dead.

I saw him quickly get up from the ground, then pull out the blood blade, turn around and rush towards the prey.

Seizing the moment when the head ape struggled to get up, the blood-colored blade swung horizontally by the young man immediately pierced into its left chest with a neat gesture.


With a muffled sound, the bright red blood blade pierced through the huge heart so neatly, and was quickly drawn out by Ye Chen to stay away from the prey, thus preventing himself from being hit by its dying resistance.

However, after the heart was torn, the head ape stopped all movements instantly.

Then, it fell to the sky with a stunned face, and its terrifying weight directly stirred up a large snowflake from the undulating snow under it.


Ye Chen stood five meters away from the giant ape, and when he saw this scene, he stood still.

Although he knew that his "Blood Blade" had undoubtedly pierced the prey's heart, but he still vaguely felt the group of abyssal substances attached to the surface of the giant ape... and There was no cessation of activity as a result.

They covered the fur of the headed ape like mud, and they seemed to hover, still entangle, and emit a deeply uncomfortable hum.

Ye Chen, who had a bad premonition in his mind, saw that the head ape didn't move, and immediately prepared to raise the knife to approach again, so as to divide the head ape's head in two.

However, just when he stepped three meters away from the head ape's body, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly noticed the folds on the head ape's huge belly, and it began to wriggle strangely!

The boy immediately took a few steps back vigilantly. In just a few seconds, the dense folds on the ape’s belly turned into the outlines of biological faces in an incredible way, including wolf, deer, bear, and more. Zhang wide face.

And the owner of that face, Yechen is very familiar with it, it is the fugitive he hunted and killed in the abandoned village this morning, Goda!

As early as when Yechen crouched on the treetops and observed the Xuefeng Village guards besieging the head monkey, he felt that something was very wrong.

As soon as the head ape came within three meters of the guards, the people led by Lloyd put down their shotguns, but from Ye Chen's point of view, the head ape obviously did nothing, and there was nothing on its belly. Fly out anything resembling a ghost.

The head ape just walked in front of them slowly, and the guards seemed to have lost their souls and gave up their resistance directly. Anyone who looked at such a strange situation would find it very strange.

At that time, his intuition told Ye Chen that the head ape attacked the spirit of Lloyd's group in some way. Now, he finally understands that the true face of this method lies in the entanglement of the abyss material on the belly of the prey. Fold!

Moreover, it was certain that Goda had indeed died under his own sword, Ye Chen, and immediately realized that these folds formed by the abyss not only showed various victims who had been swallowed by the head ape, but also directly Perceive the memory in your mind to launch a more bizarre and efficient mental attack!

While thinking about it, Ye Chen retreated, and the facial features of Goda on the ape’s belly were suddenly surrounded by the abyss material around him and condensed. In an instant, it condensed into a ghost-like form and quickly flew to Ye Chen’s front. .

Then, a series of reprimands and longings came out of the dead soul's mouth and got into Ye Chen's ears.

"Why...I obviously have no grudges against you...but why did you kill me..."

"I really want to see my wife again...why don't you show mercy and let me see her one more time before I die?"

"You are so heartless...you are so heartless...come with me, take me to my wife...then I will forgive you...you want to be forgiven too, don't you?"

The young man faced the ghost, listening to the cold voice, although his expression was indeed shaken, but it only lasted for a few tenths of a second before he was cut off by the young man himself with the blood-stained long knife.


Yechen, whose psychological quality is far superior to that of ordinary people, immediately raised his arm and swung the "Blood Blade" angrily, cutting Goda's dead soul to pieces.

Since he had already learned from Lyle that Goda's wife was killed by Goda himself, the other party's moral condemnation would not only not make Yechen feel uneasy, but would have the opposite effect, which made him feel deeply Disdainful, my heart quickly regained my composure.

The knife light flew, under Ye Chen's sober sight, the torn Goda did not reorganize and revive, but dissipated, turned into countless black particles, and finally disappeared in the cold air.

"The abyss... really shouldn't be underestimated."

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