Original Again

Chapter 52: Who is the best

“…Sometimes full prey is not willing to waste physical energy to catch more prey. At this time, you also need to show your figure at the right time, so that the other party thinks you are really delicious…”

Just as the Utah Raptors were about to pass him by, Bai suddenly remembered what Em had said, and he had an idea: maybe he can show his figure?

He thought of his own prototype.

I have to introduce Kantas here:

Kantas, an evolutionary branch of carnivorous dinosaurs, includes top predator dinosaurs including Takasco. Adult Kantas is covered with hard scales, can reach 12 meters in length, weigh up to 7 tons, and has a thick skull. The teeth are sharp and have backward barbs, and the jawbone is huge and firm, allowing more muscles to be attached to enhance bite force. Kantas superfamily dinosaurs represent the evolution of dinosaurs. They not only have powerful hind limbs, but also have wings that can fly long distances. In the era before Meng Jiuzhao lived, their bodies almost represented the extreme of natural evolution.

The above is taken from Meng Jiuzhao’s primary school textbook.

In short, an adult Kantas looks like a tyrant and cool!

Here, I have to continue to popularize the cubs of Kantas:

Kantas juvenile refers to the pre-adult biological form of the carnivorous dinosaur Kantas. The juvenile Kantas is covered with down and has a yellow beak like a beak, with milk teeth inside, resembling a chick.

Uh-huh, it means that the cubs of Kantas are all hairy, their mouths are like birds, their mouths are yellow and tender, and they have small deciduous teeth inside, which look particularly like chickens.

The most elite ethnic group in the universe, the big bosses at the top of the pyramid, usually kill and stomping, the universe will tremble three times. In everyone’s eyes, Kantas is the best spokesperson for mystery and all kinds of bullying. ,did not expect–

The big shots were so cute in their childhood!

The parents of the big shots are really good, fortunate, and blessed~

When the photos of Kantas’ juvenile body were first exposed, there was a full-length portrait of an adult body next to it. Look at the upper and lower images together, the effect… That picture was finally named “Dinosaur against the little chicken.” “.

The huge contrast of cuteness turned the whole universe, and someone immediately followed the trend and came out with the Q version of the animation based on the appearance of the Kantas cub. This animation has been popular in the universe for three hundred years, and the protagonist in it has become a classic. Cute god!

Keke-the author digressed.

In fact, I just want everyone to know that Kantas’ juvenile body and adult body do not have the slightest similarity in appearance.

The Kantas cub, who looks too cute and looks too weak, may be able to rely on his looks to be cute and begging for a piece of meat when his parents are around. When the parents are away, he becomes a good bully T﹏T白和Black suffered a lot in body size. It was only in the past few years that they grew bigger and bigger, and this situation slowly improved. Although they still face the cute appearance of Kantas cubs, they are vaguely powerful in terms of strength. The domineering adult Kantas. However, there are still many bad guys who just look at them like bullying them——

However, now is the time to take advantage of this appearance.

Bai became a prototype in front of this group of Utahraptors.

The five-headed Utahraptor stopped.

The huge chicken raised his head and looked weakly at the robber group in front of him: (*ˉ﹃ˉ)It looks so delicious…

The five-headed Utahraptor looked down at the guy who suddenly appeared:

The first robber: I’m full, I’m not interested…

The second raptor: A lot of hairy, it’s troublesome to eat a hairy mouth. Recently, I have eaten a lot of hairy meat and I feel sick in my stomach and intestines…

The third raptor: This one still has hair loss. It won’t be sick, right?

“Roar—” The fourth robber was more irritable, with his mouth open to the limit, he leaned down and screamed at the unpopular food.

Before he could do the next move, beside him, his companion, the fifth Utahraptor who had been standing at the end, suddenly screamed. The call was full of panic and warning. What was he talking about?

This prey is…a cub of Kantas? !

The cub is also Kantas ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

The fourth raptor jumped in horror. The raptor was indeed one of the fastest-moving dinosaurs. They started running almost as soon as they heard the alarm. The instinct of living in groups made the fourth raptor want to follow their companions. Go, but Bai didn’t give him this chance. Bai jumped up and rushed on. Although Bai was still a cub, his size was almost the same as the Utah Raptor, but Kantas’ weight gave him a lot of help, and he was overwhelmed with success. Without giving him a chance to struggle, Bai suddenly bit the neck of the dragon robber.

However, as soon as he bit the other person’s neck, he knew that he had done something wrong.

Oops! Forget about the trap!

Bai wanted to deal with this raptor in his mouth as soon as possible, but the size of this raptor was the largest among the few raptors just now. The strength of the raptor who struggled with all his strength was not covered, Bai wanted to bite harder, but At this time, I realized that I was missing a few teeth so that my bite was weak.

In the end, Black jumped over and killed the raptor with him.

“I’m sorry—the five-headed robber only caught one. There was a chance to grab one more, but you wanted to help me…” Bai frustrated.

Turning into a human form, Blake gently wiped his mouth with the animal skin he carried with him.

“You caught the biggest of them, enough for our family to eat.”

Receiving comfort from his lover, Bai rubbed his partner hard.

“Haha~Itchy~” Black smiled and pushed him away, only to realize that he had been rubbed with a lot of hair on his body.

His mood immediately tightened–

Why did you shed so much hair again?

Blake hurriedly grabbed his partner, told him to stay still, and carefully checked the part of the other party’s hair removal. After a while, Blake hesitated, “White, I don’t know if it is my illusion. I think you seem to be fattening a circle?”

“Fat?!” T mouth T was hit by the word in vain.

“No, you…” Black looked up and down with Bai’s body, “You seem to have grown taller!”

In order to prove this, Blake became a prototype again. He jumped to Bai’s side to compare his height, and for a while, he said with certainty, “You are half a wing taller than me!”

“Really?!” If he was still depressed just now, he was completely happy now.

As a result, it was Blake’s turn this time to be a little unhappy. They came out of the shell together, grew up together, and grew up together. They also grew up with their teeth, but unknowingly, Bai was so much taller than themselves…Height or something, Blake Very envious.

“You will grow taller too! We can hunt more and eat more!” This time it was White’s turn to comfort Black. The two cubs rub against me and I rub against you. When Meng Jiuzhao’s little sweater caught between them was about to be rubbed off by them, they finally had enough warmth.

“Hey? Blake, what’s on you, hard?” Bai pointed at Blake with his wings. He had been rubbing around to keep warm since he was a child. He knew everything about Blake’s body, and he was sure he had never rubbed something so hard. Location.

Following his fingers, Black looked back. The white finger was on the back that he couldn’t see, so he had to turn around and let Bai help him look.

“Scaly!” Bai called out.

“What are you talking about?!” Black looked back abruptly.

“Scaly! You have grown scales! A thin piece, just where the hair fell off before you!” Bai’s voice was full of surprises. The scales are only for adult Kantas. Although they don’t know what this change means, they know that Dad is covered with hard scales.

“What are you talking about?” Blake’s voice also had a surprise that was hard to conceal.

“Really! It’s a pity you can’t see it, do you want me to pull out a small piece for you to see!” Bai happy suggested.


His proposal was ruthlessly rejected.

“Absolutely not.” After becoming a prototype again, Blake decided to take a bath more diligently recently to keep his body clean. He thought of the secret recipe that Sita told him to wash his hair with **** to make his hair grow faster. Blake decided immediately. From now on, their family will soak in **** water once a day!

The Black family, immersed in the surprise of growing up, seems to have forgotten one person.


Em had been hiding a hundred miles away for a long time. He felt that he was about to freeze into a big block of ice, but he hadn’t seen Blake and Bai come back for so long, and he was a little worried.

Brother and father squatted next to him, the fluffy fat body warming his feet. Brother’s ears were drooping, looking a little depressed.

“Brother, you are the best, but they don’t have a good taste.” Eim comforted his brother gently (Kouhu! This is really a kind of comfort!?)

My brother rubbed Em’s hand, and suddenly his ears stood up! The father next to him also whispered.

“Hey?!” Em was stunned for a moment, only to see thunderous footsteps coming from the direction where Black and Bai had just left.

“They really did it?!” Em stood up in surprise, and squinted his eyes, trying to identify the traces of Black and White in the distance to guide them in the direction of the trap, who knows——

“Where are they!?” Em was dumbfounded.

How can these guys run to the trap when no one is chasing them? The guy who was walking slowly just now is running so fast at this time, just like a monster is chasing after him. Will he take a walk after a meal?

However, God didn’t give Em enough time to complain. Those guys had clearly noticed him. As soon as they turned around, Em was horrified to find that those guys were running towards him!

Dad and elder brother reacted quickly. They already jumped back. Em ran away soon after a second delay. There were two rabbits alone, and they chose three different directions.

This is the life philosophy of Xuetu: When encountering enemies, Xuetu never flees together. They will flee in different directions and disperse the hunters, thus maximizing the preservation of the ethnic group.

The four guys called the Utah Raptors seemed to have spotted Em, and they always chased Em’s ass.

See! The discerning person finally appeared! So many raptors are chasing me, it really is my best food hahaha —

Running fast, Em thought desperately.

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