Original Again

Chapter 141: Another ice field

For Alice’s magical portable space, Hui is not too surprised. For Kantas who was born and raised like him, each creature has its own uniqueness. It is only natural that this female Kantas has such a pouch. Things. In such a critical time, the cubs are grateful for being able to have such a safe escape method.

His cubs are also among the transferred cubs. He is not the strongest among the cubs. If other methods are used to transfer, Hui always feels unstable. Now with Alice, he can finally be completely relieved. .

Watching her cub, until his tiny figure disappeared into Alice’s mouth, Alice thanked her sincerely, “Thank you, if I can come back, I will definitely catch a hundred fish you like. you eat.”

It is Kantas’ traditional way of expressing gratitude to give the food he caught to others.

“~(≧▽≦)/~yo!” Even if I can’t understand every word, Alice basically understands what it means in gray. Being thanked is a very novel experience. Alice can’t help being like She jumped up and down, but she quickly thought of the cub in her pouch now, steadying her body, and she chittered dignifiedly (←This is a language that imitates the Kantas male cub).

Alice only cared about being happy, but Meng Jiuzhao was sensitive to the hidden meaning of the gray words.

“What’s the matter, won’t you go with us?”

Hui nodded: “With this female cub, you can reach the ice sheet safely. I will go back and fight against the invaders with Gulunza and the cubs. The cubs are pleased to you.”

Hui’s tone was very ordinary, as if he was just going back to take a look, it was the same as usual, but Meng Jiuzhao was stunned.

Meng Jiuzhao looked at the man in front of him deeply. After the fight just now, Hui has been wounded all over his body. Joining the battle in his current state, he can be said to be very bad luck. Hui knew this too, and he could hear it from what he just said. He obviously didn’t need to go, and he took the cubs to leave with him, which was safer for him.

Like Gulenza and the others who stayed behind to resist the invaders, Hui shouldn’t think so much at all, right?

Knowing that the result may be bad, but still insisting on doing it, this is not a performance of stupidity and over-reliance, but a kind of bravery that can only be obtained in a primitive state of pure life.

Meng Jiuzhao felt that he knew the Kantas race again.

“Go! Leave it to me, cubs, don’t worry.” Without talking nonsense, Meng Jiuzhao just patted his chest.

There was a smile on each other, and they parted ways.

Hui resolutely returned to his companions, swearing to the death to defend the safety of the breeding ground and the cubs, while Meng Jiuzhao took all the cubs in the breeding ground and embarked on an unknown journey.

Meng Jiuzhao did not enter Alice’s pouch. After all, the space there was limited. The cubs were already very heavy. He didn’t want to put a heavier burden on this loli. He chose to sit on Alice’s back.

In order not to let the cold sea water wet Meng Jiuzhao, Alice has tried to expose as much of her body as possible to the surface of the water, but buoyancy is limited after all, and the waves are also unpredictable. Before long, Meng Jiuzhao’s clothes were all wet. NS. Louis took good care of him all the way, and the harshness of this world didn’t hurt him too much. To be honest, he didn’t really feel the coldness of this ice field until today.

Did Louis and the others go back?

Gulunza and the others… are they still alive?

Even if they are alive, can they find themselves?

The more he thought about it, the more flustered, Meng Jiuzhao clenched his fist tightly.

In the end, the drop of water on the back of his hand awakened him from his thoughts. At first, Meng Jiuzhao thought it was the sea water splashing up from below, but the coldness of his face told him it was not. He wiped his face before realizing that he actually burst into tears at some point.

From Alice’s growing mouth, he heard the delicate chirps of the cubs.

It was obviously the same soft and small voice, but Meng Jiuzhao suddenly heard which one was from George.

Probably because I was too deep in my thoughts, I didn’t say a word for a while, and the cubs were also anxious. Don’t think that cubs don’t understand anything when they are young. On the contrary, because they are too weak and cannot understand the language of adults, they are better at “seeing through the hearts of others” than anyone else. Every action of an adult will affect the emotions of the cubs. It can be said that the cubs are the mirror of the adults’ hearts. If everything goes well for the adults, they will be carefree; if the adults encounter something, they will instantly become well-behaved and sensible.

He was very thankful that he didn’t hide in Alice’s pouch with the cubs, otherwise his expression would be exposed.

“It’s okay, Sister Alice… takes us to another ice field. Let’s go and see if there is any other food… You can bring it back to your dad to eat.” Try to control his voice to not tremble, Meng Jiuzhao told the cub We spoke softly.

He was talking to them all the time, and Meng Jiuzhao was telling them stories. Although the little guys obviously didn’t understand the meaning of his words, any sound made by adults in a strange place was for these little guys. Reliable comfort, finally, in the constant narration of Meng Jiuzhao, the cubs’ chirps became lively again.

Tweeted tweeted~

They were speaking to Meng Jiuzhao in a language that only they could understand, and after that, Meng Jiuzhao was no longer required to speak up, and they were content to “speak”.

So Meng Jiuzhao finally had time to rest his throat.

In the process of talking with the cubs, it was not only the young cubs who were comforted, but also himself.

The flustered heart became soft in the soft voices of the fat chirps, and slowly melted into a ball of fire, scorching his entire chest cavity, and finally smelted into iron, tempered into steel in the chest, Meng Jiuzhao’s The heart becomes extremely strong!

Without looking back, Meng Jiuzhao’s gaze was steadily facing forward. He didn’t know how many kilometers the breeding ground where Dao Yi and his friends were located was already behind him. He only knew that the glacier Alice said to him——

It’s already here!

Ahead, finally appeared white ice and other things beyond the blue sea.

This was an exciting thing at first, but the moment Meng Jiuzhao’s expression became strange when he saw it clearly.

At the same time, Alice also stopped.

It’s not that she didn’t want to move on, but that she hit something.

For a long time, in order to keep the air in her pouch unblocked, Alice, who spent most of the time swimming with her mouth open, finally put her upper jaw down, and when she put it down, she also saw the scene ahead clearly.

“Yo!!!” Alice’s eyes widened in surprise.

An adult Kantas! It turned out that it was an adult Kantas who met her on a narrow path in the sea!

If this is a female Kantas, that’s all. The female Kantas originally lived in the sea. It’s no surprise to meet in the sea. However, this mouth opens upwards, and she looks like a hot spring floating in the water. Tas is a man!

Male Kantas has the habit of diving and fishing, but absolutely no habit of floating in ice water! Although they are able to endure hardships and dare to endure hardships, it does not mean that they like to ask for hardships. The sea around the breeding ground is extremely cold. Even if the male Kantas skin is thick and fleshy, getting into the water is still a torture for them. Most male Kantas will go into the water only when hunting, and they will go ashore immediately when they catch a fish. They will never waste a single bit of physical strength in the ice water (← So Louis’s type of fish who has to take a bath after catching the fish is definitely an exception = =///).

Under this premise, it is no wonder that Meng Jiuzhao was taken aback.

At first, Meng Jiuzhao thought it was a corpse, but the white breath from the opponent’s nostrils quickly proved that he was still alive!

“Alice, go back!” Meng Jiuzhao shouted immediately regardless of the three or seventy-one.

Alice was taken aback by his roar, and then obediently stepped back several meters, but it was the male Kantas who was quicker than Alice, and he also tilted his head backward.

Meng Jiuzhao’s expression now looks scary enough, but Kantas’s expression is even more scary than him. Seeing Alice and Meng Jiuzhao is like seeing a ghost, almost yelling.

As a result, Kantas, who was already weird, looked even more weird.

Not daring to act rashly, the two sides held a stalemate for a few more minutes. Finally, Meng Jiuzhao plucked up the courage to jump into the water. He was stunned when he saw the scene under the piercing glacier water.

He finally understood what was going on with this dragon!

Because the water was too cold, Meng Jiuzhao didn’t look much underwater, but only a glimpse was enough to make him unforgettable——

This Kantas is actually standing on an ice sheet! There is a large ice field! now! Right at the feet of this male Kantas! Meng Jiuzhao is very familiar with the densely packed simple buildings on the ice field: it is the nest where the Kantas hatch their eggs on the breeding ground!

However, unlike the dry nests on my own breeding ground, the nests here are all submerged under water.

Meng Jiuzhao immediately understood what had happened here:

Like the ice sheet where they are located, this ice sheet must also be the breeding ground where a certain group of male Kantas finally arrived. The group of Kantas captured their own females on this ice sheet, gave birth to their own eggs, and they built I found the nest for incubating eggs, and…

They encountered the same disaster as their breeding ground, no…the disaster they encountered was even more terrible, the ice sheet was lower in elevation and the area being submerged was larger. A large amount of water rushed up, flooding the nest they and the female Kantas loved, and finally, also flooding their nursery room.

Meng Jiuzhao quickly thought of the group of male Kantas who had invaded and robbed the cubs in their breeding grounds.

Was it because my eggs were all submerged, so I went to the breeding ground next to grab the cubs?

Do not! wrong!

If it is to grab the cubs, then why is only one Kantas who finally catches up with him? Where are the other Kantas? Why didn’t you come here? The number of them is several times the number left behind in their own breeding grounds. It is very easy to cross Gulunsa and **** the cubs, but they did not come…

Also, why is there still one Kantas left here?

Obviously the breeding ground and the nest were submerged together, wasn’t it? For Kantas, without the eggs, there is no need to stay in the breeding ground…

and many more–

If you say “there is no egg = you can leave the breeding ground”, what about extending this equation in turn?

Did not leave the breeding ground =?

Meng Jiuzhao’s eyes widened suddenly.

Without leaving the breeding ground, there is only one answer at the other end of the equal sign!

There is only one reason why Kantas has not left this submerged breeding ground so far: he has not lost his egg! This Kantas egg is in his mouth at the moment!

When he inferred this equation in his mind, Meng Jiuzhao immediately urged Alice to swim in the direction of Kantas. Regardless of the other party’s dodge, he stood on tiptoe and looked into the other party’s mouth. The moment he saw the scene inside, He was stunned–

In Kantas’s mouth, he saw so many white eggs!

This Kantas stood in the cold water and did not dare to move, and there was only one reason why he did not dare to close his mouth-to protect the egg in his mouth.

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