Origin: How I Became A Magical Girl’s Hapless Sidekick In A Craptastic World

Chapter 58: Minuet

Celestial Sonata trailed behind us in the air as we made our way through the rubble-filled streets, her eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger. She was every bit as beautiful as she was in her music videos. Still, there was a familiar aura around her that I couldn't put my finger on. I couldn't believe she was here in the flesh.


I couldn't help but notice how she moved with grace and poise, her long pink hair flowing down to her tailbone like a river of silk. Her hair was lopsided and cut diagonally, and her eyes glinted with a fierce spark of determination.


I turned to her, speaking through my helmet, "First off, thanks for helping out my sister out back there," I said, my voice muffled and distorted from beneath the combat armor. "She wouldn't have made it without you guys. I'm glad to meet you, Celestial Sonata."


Celestial Sonata smiled warmly at me, her eyes shining with kindness and understanding. "Of course. I couldn't just stand by and do nothing. I'm just glad she's safe and sound now," she replied, her voice soft and soothing.


"Sheesh!," Underworld Maiden pouted. "Rub it in why don't you? I thought we were all on the same team here."


Violet Tempest cleared her throat, "So yeah, we actually cleared out Shelter C, but we have two team members that are currently incapacitated in there. They're in pretty poor condition and we probably shouldn't move them."


Celestial Sonata bit her lips in concern. "What happened to them?" she asked, her eyes narrowing with worry.


I sighed, "One of our girls overexerted herself in battle, and our other tech specialist got a nasty dose of energy from a Facestealer. He's alive but we had to amputate his arm."


Celestial Sonata gasped in horror, her hand flying up to cover her mouth. "Oh my god, that's terrible," she said, her voice shaking with emotion.


I shook my head, "Well, they're alive and stable right now, but we need to get this Level 5 event sorted out."


I was grateful that Raiju had reached out to our team for reinforcements. Morada immediately rushed down to help us, despite the danger and chaos throughout the city. She was a reliable and capable friend, and I was glad to have her on our side.


"Here... here we are," Aria Breeze choked out loud.


We stopped as we found the broken bodies of three magical girls lying on the ground. Their uniforms were torn, and their bodies and limbs were twisted in unnatural angles. I didn't recognize any of them, but Celestial Sonata landed on the ground beside them, her eyes flashing sorrowfully as she kneeled down beside one of them. She closed her eyes, and I swear I saw her ears twitch.


"Are they dead?" Underworld Maiden asked, her voice quiet. "They came to help me..."


Celestial Sonata shook her head. "Azure Phoenix.... certainly is, but the other two still have a pulse. Their conditions are critical and they might not make it," she replied, her voice pained.


"Sparky," Raiju's voice spoke from an orb beside me, "We must rendezvous with Magical Girl Shasta soon. She has the technical expertise to eliminate the Duke-class beast. Time is of the essence."


"Roger," I responded, looking down at my arm.


I wasn't sure how the AI managed to do it, but it had scanned a perfect replica of the hi-tech, military-grade battle armor the mechanized infantry of Earth was using and literally created it out of thin air around me. In addition, there were fancy additions, such as the hologram I was now projecting. Not only that, but the gravity bike that had been tailor-made for the project was also here with us.


It was a topographical map of the city which tracked the monster's position in real-time.


The idea was hard to wrap my head around, but Raiju had confirmed my worst fears. I wasn't imagining things — the Duke had explicitly gone after Midori and me from miles away. We were targeted explicitly with that psionic assault as well.


Why would it target us? Was it because of our shared lineage? Did we have some sort of unique ability that attracted it?


"Sis, I would be significantly more comfortable if you stay at Shelter C with the injured girls," I said to Underworld Maiden, my voice stern. "It's way too dangerous for you to be out here."


My sister huffed in response, "And it isn't for you? You aren't even a Magical Girl!"


"Hey, I can handle myself," I retorted, my voice slightly defensive. "And Celestial Sonata and Violet Tempest are here to back me up."


Aria Breeze chimed in, "Umn. If it's okay. I'd rather stay here if Shelter C has really been cleared out. I'll bring the injured girls over as well."


I nodded in agreement, "That's fine. I'd be far more comfortable if we had someone capable to keep an eye on the injured anyway."


I turned to glare at my sister through my helmet, "Well? Will you stay behind?"


She puffed up her cheeks and crossed her arms, "Hell no! You're my brother and I'm not going to just sit around while you risk your life. Plus, I can handle myself too, you know."


I sighed, knowing there was no changing her mind. If I tried to leave her, she'd probably zoom off and come after us. There was also another pressing question. If the Duke was after Midori and me, would it go after my sister, too, if we were related?


"Fine, but stay close to us and DO NOT take any risks unless it's life or death," I warned her, my voice firm.


She rolled her eyes, but I could tell she took my words seriously. "Got it," she said, determination in her voice. "I just want to watch your back. Nothing more. Promise."


"Do you know how to fly?" Celestial Sonata asked my sister.


She shook her head, "Nope, I'm erm, completely self-taught out here. I've learned to boost my jumps a bit and glide a bit sometimes, but I haven't figured that trick out yet."


Celestial Sonata blinked in surprise, "Ah! A non-Terran newbie? That's interesting. Maybe I can teach you a thing or two later?" she said with a glint of excitement in her eyes.


My sister's face lit up, "Really? That would be amazing!"


I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the two of them. Seeing my sister getting along with someone other than me was always refreshing.


"Alright, sis, get on. We need to move right away," I said, motioning toward my gravity bike.


She nodded and hopped on, sitting behind me. I revved the engine, and we took off as Aria jumped toward the shelter carrying a body under each arm.


As we sped through the streets, a horde of zombies came into view, their rotting bodies stumbling toward us. Celestial Sonata took to the air, her body glowing with radiant light as she unleashed a burst of magic that disintegrated the undead monsters. Violet Tempest followed suit, their weapons and abilities quickly cutting through the zombies.


"Raiju, link me up," I muttered.


In a moment, my mind's eye was filled with images around the city. Magical Girls and soldiers alike battled against hordes of monsters and beasts, their powers clashing in a flurry of explosions and destruction. The Duke-class beast was getting closer by the second, its massive form towering over the rubble-filled streets.


Our route would require us to travel within range of it and past it to lure it away from the island properly. I could feel the tension in the air as we approached the Duke-class beast. Its massive size was even more intimidating up close, and I couldn't help but feel a wave of fear wash over me. But I knew this was a fight we couldn't back down from. We had to protect the city and its inhabitants at all costs.


Its gaze followed me as I broadcasted my intent across Raiju's entire drone network and to the allied mechs. The chaos beast had grown a single sickly-looking blue eye in the center of its forehead, and it was fixed on me as I zoomed by on my gravity bike.


"Everyone!" Raiju's voice boomed across the city, "A strike team led by Celestial Sonata plans to lure the beast away from the city and bring it down. Follow our lead and be ready to execute. We will lure it away from the island using a signal beacon to spring a trap. Clear a path for the decoy and keep the team alive. Bind and subdue the beast to buy them time once we have its attention. We need all hands on deck for this one! This is the fight for the city itself!"


I heard the mech pilots acknowledge the statement, their voices cutting through the chaos and destruction around us. The plan was simple. I would be the bait, leading the Duke-class beast away from the city while we would commit an all-out attack. I briefly wondered when Raiju learned to mimic such a humanlike cadence.


"Big bro, I don't say it enough, but I'm proud of you," my sister said, her voice barely audible over the sound of the wind rushing past us. "I know you're doing this to protect everyone, and I want you to know that I'll always have your back."


I tilted my head slightly at her, surprised by the sudden compliment.


"I mean it. You're always looking out for everyone, and I know you'll do everything in your power to keep them safe. Just promise me you'll be okay too, please?"


I couldn't help but feel a swell of emotions in my chest. I had always tried to protect my sister, but hearing her say those words made me realize that I was the one who was lucky to have her.


"Be careful," my sister whispered into my ear, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist.


I nodded, "I will. You too."


I accelerated the bike, feeling the wind rush past us as we headed toward the skyscraper-sized Duke. Its eye was locked on us, and I could see its massive body shift as it began to move toward us. I heard the numerous mech pilots' weapons charging up as they prepared to unleash a barrage of attacks.


This was it. The moment of truth. We had to lure the Duke away from the city and take it down once and for all.


Suddenly, the beast lunged forward, its massive hand crashing down onto the street where we had just been. Four more arms sprouted out of its side in a sickening, thunderous crunch. I swerved the gravity bike to the side, narrowly avoiding its attacks by shifting gravity and riding on the wall of a building. My heart was pounding in my chest as we sped away from the beast, its enraged roar echoing in our ears. A headache rapidly started to form behind my eyes as I struggled to continue going forward.


"Reallocating resources to psionic deterrence," Raiju stated in my ear.


The Duke-class beast followed us relentlessly as the headache faded away, its massive form destroying everything in its path. Its roars were deafening, and the ground shook beneath us. I could see flashes of light in the distance, which told me that the other Magical Girls and soldiers were fighting off the beasts moving to intercept us.


Suddenly, the Duke-class beast let out a deafening roar and charged straight at us, crashing through the buildings. Spiked tendrils extended from its body, and I gritted my teeth and revved the engine of my gravity bike, dodging the incoming tendrils by riding on walls and shifting gravity once again.


The Duke roared in apparent frustration as dozens of attacks extended to hold it down. I spotted vines, light beams, taffy, and water tendrils shooting up into the air, holding it back as we rocketed forward.


My sister's grip on me tightened as we approached the city's edge, and Celestial Sonata disengaged from us. The angelic warrior shot ahead to a lone figure standing atop the Brooklyn bridge. It was early afternoon, and the sun shone brightly overhead, casting a golden glow on everything around us.


I revved the bike again, and we shot off the edge, free-falling towards the river below. My sister screamed in fear out of instinct as we landed on the water's surface, but the bike's anti-gravity technology allowed us to hover above it. I revved the bike and shot us at an arc toward Shasta and Celestial Sonata on the bridge.


Flying monsters dove towards us from the sky. My sister raised her pilgrim staff to unleash a powerful blast of magic, sending the monsters crashing and hurtling back. Celestial Sonata stood firm, her wings spread out in radiant luminescence as she prepared for the final showdown with the Duke-class beast with Shasta.


A hideous, winged monster that reminded me of a Balrog from the Lord of the Rings films descended from the clouds, its glowing blue eyes locking onto us. Its massive wingspan caused a gust of wind, nearly knocking us off the bike as it surged through the skies with its claws extended.


I gritted my teeth and steered us away from the monster, but it pursued us relentlessly. A flash of blonde hair and red eyes caught my attention as another Magical Girl appeared beside us, her body surrounded by a fiery aura.


"Leave this one to us!" she shouted, her voice fierce and determined.




Without hesitation, Magical Girl Ingenue charged toward the Balrog-like creature, her fiery aura growing brighter with an orange fervor with each passing moment.


"O, feel the passion of this maiden's burning heart!" she yelled as she unleashed a massive stream of yellow flames at the monster, the heat scorching the air around us.


The creature pushed against the flames as a magical girl in a karate gi appeared behind the monster with a platinum aura surrounding her. She leaped onto the monster's back, landing a series of quick punches and kicks that sent shockwaves through the air.


"Let's take it down together, Ingenue!" she shouted.


"Steady there, Shihan!"


The two magical girls charged at the monster, their auras mixing to form a powerful vortex of fire and platinum energy. The monsters roared in agony as the two magical girls combined their efforts.


I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as I watched the two Magical Girls work in tandem to take down the winged monster. Despite Ingenue's histrionics, they were a true force to be reckoned with. I knew I was lucky to have them fighting alongside me.


But there was no time to waste. The Duke-class beast was still out there and posed a grave threat to the city and its inhabitants. I revved the engine of my gravity bike and shot off toward Celestial Sonata and Shasta, with my sister looking around for threats.


We landed on the bridge, the bike's wheels screeching against the ground. Celestial Sonata stood before us, her wings outstretched and eyes glowing with fierce determination.


Shasta had her eyes closed in prayer as Celestial Sonata hovered beside her. I could feel the energy building up between them, a powerful attack about to be unleashed.


"Tune in on the wavelength, Celestial Sonata. I will require you to compress my attack onto the monster with your ability," Shasta said, her voice calm and determined. "The collateral damage if you fail will be catastrophic, so ensure you do not falter."


Celestial Sonata nodded, her eyes blazing with a golden light. "I understand. Let us do this."


I watched in awe as the two Magical Girls began to glow even brighter, their power building up with each passing second. The Duke-class beast roared, its massive body creating waves in the water beneath us as it entered the bay. Shasta chanted a mantra in an ancient language as she drew her bow back, an arrow made entirely of swirling light forming between her fingers.


I whipped my head around as I heard a screech, and my blood ran cold as I spotted a horde of monsters barreling toward us from the city. They were closing in fast, their claws and teeth bared.


My sister's hands trembled as she raised her pilgrim staff, her eyes narrowing in focus. I placed a hand on her shoulder, offering her a reassuring nod. "We'll make it," I said, my voice filled with confidence which didn't reflect how I felt.


But I knew I had to stay strong for her. We had come too far to back down now. I knew I was bait and that the Duke would follow me. My role was to lure it away from the city and give Celestial Sonata and Shasta a clear shot at it. I couldn't let that horde reach me.


"It's no good," I growled at Shasta and Celestial Sonata. "The city is going to get caught in the attack unless I lure it east through the water."


Shasta nodded gravely. "Be careful, friend."


I gave a thumbs up back, my eyes locked on the approaching horde. They were getting closer and closer, their eyes fixed on me like I was their next meal. Fear gripped me, but I pushed it down.


Five magical girls landed between us and the horde, their weapons at the ready. I could see more streaks headed toward us in the distance, and my heart swelled with hope. One of them, a tall, muscular girl with a pair of massive gauntlets, stepped forward and shouted a battle cry.


"Leave the small fry to us! We'll take care of them while you guys deal with the Duke!"


I nodded my thanks to the magical girls before revving the engine of my gravity bike.


As the horde of monsters descended on the other magical girls, I could hear the sounds of battle behind me, and I knew that they would hold their ground.


I focused on the task at hand and pushed the bike as fast as it could go, creating a large wake of water behind me as I sped through the bay.


The Duke-class beast followed me, its massive body creating waves that shook the water beneath us. I could see its spiked tendrils extending from its body, ready to strike at me any moment.


It was in hot pursuit, its spiked tendrils extending out in an attempt to grab hold of me. I dodged and weaved as best I could on the bike, narrowly avoiding the deadly spikes. A couple came close, but Izumi quickly blasted them away. Magical girls flew above us, intercepting other monsters as they closed in.


"Come on, you ugly son of a bitch," I muttered under my breath. "Come and get me."


We barreled further and further through open waters, and I looked back to see the shrinking city skyline in the distance. If I could lead the Duke far enough away, the collateral damage to the city would be minimal. I gritted my teeth and pushed the bike even harder, its engine roaring in protest as I arced up toward the sky.


The Duke flailed in the water for a few seconds before I saw it sprout bat-like wings that flapped furiously in the water. As I soared through the clouds, I saw the world below me in all its glory. The sun was shining bright, and the sky was a beautiful shade of blue. It was breathtaking, and for a moment, I forgot about the danger looming behind me.


Then, the Duke shot its tendrils at me in the form of spikes as I looked back at it, and I was snapped back to reality. I swerved to the left, narrowly avoiding the spikes that ripped through the clouds beside me as the monster slowly pulled out of the water. I cranked my controls and shot off at high speed back toward the bridge, my heart racing as I saw the Duke hot on my tail.


More vines and water whips erupted to hold back the Duke, buying me a few precious moments. But I knew it wouldn't hold him for long. I landed the bike and leaped off, my heart pounding in my chest as I turned around to see the line of magical girls struggling to hold back the horde. I rushed twenty yards toward the pair preparing the attack as the fighting intensified further down the bridge.


I heard a shout as one of the eight girls here fell to the ground, overwhelmed by the sheer number of monsters. A second one rushed to stand over her, swinging a halberd desperately to protect her, only to be speared through the chest by a barbed tail. The girl with the halberd screamed in agony as the tail dragged her back into the middle of the horde, and a charging bear-like creature swatted two of the girls off the bridge entirely.


Celestial Sonata turned to look at the melee with a torn expression as my sister rushed in, her pilgrim staff glowing with golden light. My sister twirled the staff above her head, unleashing a wave of energy that sent the horde of monsters flying backward. It was enough to give the magical girls a moment of respite. They took advantage of it to regroup and reposition themselves.


"FOCUS! They're about to execute their attack. Do not let them through under any circumstance," one of the magical girls shouted.


I could feel the energy building up between Celestial Sonata and Shasta once again, their powers coalescing as they prepared to strike.


My sister stepped forward and drew a sword from her waist, slashing at a wolf-like creature as it jumped at her. Her technique was visibly sloppy compared to Midori, but she landed a hit that sent the creature tumbling back limp.


Shasta took a deep breath, the energy gathering around her intensifying as she raised her hands in the air. She continued to chant an ancient incantation, her voice echoing eerily through the sky. I could feel a shiver run down my spine as I felt what she was about to do. The air itself vibrated as Shasta's body glowed, and a red light burst forth, filling the entire bridge with a warm light.


Moments later, four massive, fiery deva heads burst forth from Shasta's hands, writhing against the bowstring of her bow. I could feel a tremendous heat radiating from the heads, and I knew what was coming next.




I whipped my head around to see my sister in trouble. A group of humanoid monsters had managed to break through the other girls' defenses and were now closing in on her. The other girls were too preoccupied to help, and Izumi was backed up against the edge of the bridge. Snarling creatures surrounded her on all sides, and I could see the fear in her eyes. Her leg was injured from the previous skirmish with the Juggernaut, and she was limping slightly. The monsters advanced on her, their claws extending as they prepared to strike.


I rushed over, firing a heavy-caliber pistol Raiju had created for me to no avail, trying to catch their attention and draw them away from her. But my bullets bounced off helplessly. They were too focused on her, and I knew I had to act fast before it was too late.


"Help!" I shouted, turning to the pair preparing the spell, "Please!"


Celestial Sonata's eyes were now planted firmly on Izumi as my sister blocked a strike, pushing against the seven-foot-tall monstrosity in front of her. The angelic magical girl's eyes were torn with emotion as she glanced between the Duke and Izumi.


Shasta screamed out at the same time. "Do not waver! Focus and contain my attack, Celestial Sonata!"


With all her might, Shasta hovered into the air and drew back the four flaming heads snaking from her hand.


"Brahmashira Astra!" she shouted, unleashing the full force of her power. The four heads flew forward, piercing the sky and leaving a fire trail in their wake as they ignited the atmosphere itself.


The heads collided with the Duke in a blinding explosion of flames and smoke. Raw burning plasma coalesced into a sphere around the Duke as my sister fought desperately against the monsters surrounding her. Celestial Sonata flinched again to look at the girls fighting to buy time around them.


"Do it!" Shasta shouted at Celestial Sonata as the sphere of burning destruction rapidly expanded.


Time seemed to slow down as I made eye contact with Celestial Sonata through my helmet. She gave me an apologetic look as she reached out her hand to summon a harp.


The instrument materialized in her hand, and she began to play a haunting melody, her fingers dancing across the strings with skill and precision. A golden light surrounded the massive plasma ball, enveloping the creature hovering over the water. I could see the Duke flailing in the heart of the attack as it was reduced to ash.


Everything moved so slowly.


My ears rang as my sister screamed out to me.


I could only stare helplessly as my sister was surrounded by monsters, her face grimacing with pain as she fought to protect herself. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins and knew I had to act fast.


I dashed for the bike as Celestial Sonata played away, the sound of her harp echoing across the bridge. I revved the engine, the vibrations running through me as I shot toward my sister. Several of the Chaos Beasts and zombies turned at me, snarling and snapping, but I ignored them.


I had one goal in mind: to get my sister out of harm's way.


But I was too slow.


With a sickening crunch, one of the monsters bit down hard on my sister's shoulder, tearing flesh and bone. She let out a bloodcurdling scream and kicked the monster away as I raced up to her.


"IZUMI!" I screamed her name, tears streaming down my face as I accelerated toward her.


I reached out to her desperately, but I was too far, too late.


One of the bear-like monsters reared its arm back and swiped at her, sending her sailing off the bridge.


I could feel my heart stop as I watched her sail limp and broken through the air as she plummeted into the depths below.


I couldn't feel my hands.


I couldn't feel anything.


I tried to feel the bike beneath me but kept falling through. I lost control, skidding as a chaotic beast turned around and stared at me. It opened its mouth, baring its teeth as it charged toward me.


The bike crashed against it, and I felt myself sail through the air as it fell over.


But I didn't care.


I didn't care where I landed.


I just kept looking up at the sky, my eyes blurred with tears.


Looking for her.




Please come back.


I just needed to see her again.


I just needed to see her little hands and her smile.


It would make everything alright again.


I numbly felt a hand grab mine, followed by a flash of light and screeching as a rapid-fire torrent of light erupted from her hands.


I can't breathe.


"Take care of the wounded!" someone shouted through the chaos. "Naiad, come with me. We'll search the bay. Anyone who can navigate water, follow along!"


My blurry vision focused on sky-blue aquamarine eyes staring down at me.


Celestial Sonata had saved me from the fall. We were on the bridge. How much time had passed?


"I'm sorry," she whispered, cradling me in her arms. She sounded so sad, so distant. She was crying. "I'm so sorry..."


I can't breathe.


I wheezed and gasped, clawing desperately at my helmet.


It was crushing me. It was suffocating me.


I can't breathe.


I can't breathe.


I can't breathe.


There was nothing.


Nothing but the weight of my helmet, the choking sound of nothingness.


There was nothing here.




Just the darkness.


I tore my helmet off.


Celestial Sonata gasped. Her aquamarine eyes stared down at mine in... recognition? A look of disbelief and horror flicked across her face.


I stared blankly up at her.


I just stared and breathed.


I couldn't catch my breath.


There was a ringing in my ears.



She knows my name.

How did she know me?


How did I know her?


Who was she?




"No, it can't be. Not again. This can't happen again..." Her voice was filled with hopelessness as tears welled in her eyes. She raised a shaking hand and brushed the hair out of my eyes.


"Save her, please," I whispered desperately, hyperventilating.


"No, no, no, oh god ...no!" !" Sonata cried, tears streaming down her face as she held me close, sobbing. "Ikki, I'm sorry. Oh god. Not again, please. I'm so fucking useless."


But there was nothing she could do.


I started to cry.


I didn't want her to be taken away from me.


I didn't want her to leave.


"She's just a little girl!" I croaked out, wailing into the air. "Please help her! Please save her!"


Sonata held me close to her chest, tears flowing freely as she embraced me.


I looked into her eyes. They were so warm and familiar, and I had never seen so much anguish before


I wanted to cry all day.


I wanted to scream out in anger and frustration. I wanted to lash out at the world.


I wanted to do something.


But I couldn't move.


There was nothing I could do.


I couldn't see her smile.


I couldn't hold her little hand.


I couldn't make her feel better.


It felt like time stopped.


I felt the pain leave me.


A great sense of emptiness.


But I couldn't feel anything.


I couldn't feel anything but the emptiness.


It was quiet.


So quiet.


Darkness took me.

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