Orc Tyrant

Chapter 58 - The beast has arrived

   22 epoch, March 5, 24, 6:11 am, minus 5 degrees

  The morning of the wasteland arrived. As usual, the dark sky at midnight was replaced with a light grayish blue.

Between two kilometers from the fortress to the wilderness, the only real shelters can be called the simple piled up posts. As for the white tents around them, they are not more valuable than a beautiful dream in the extremely cold night. If any.

  Cold winds poured in along the cracks and were mixed with rough gravel. The company has experienced even more difficult days, but those days will not shake Juskin’s determination to fight more than now.

   He opened the door curtain, climbed the six-meter-high wooden observation post, kicked the sleepy sentry, and protruded his head out of the edge of the guardrail, and a whole line of defense entered his eyes.

   obliquely pointed wooden stakes, a half-meter-high chest wall and dozens of outposts, this is the first line of defense of the Aswan Fortress, extending from east to west to the wings of the second line of defense. From his point of view alone, it is difficult to believe that any enemy will attack such a line of defense from the front. With the large-scale popularization of post-installed guns, attack and defense have become pure digital games.

   Not long after their group was transferred to the fortress, they were brought up from the warm barracks. The few tents are now filled with trembling soldiers. This is his man. The 13th Infantry Regiment has 3 battalions and 2 companies. The last time they counted the patients and hangs, the total company currently has 155 people, including 4 are included.

  Yushikin wrapped his coat, and his rough collar rubbed his chin. At this point, he seemed to realize that he hadn’t shaved for five or six days.

   But his razor didn’t know where he fell when he was transferred. Maybe he got the 1 next door to borrow one, but Malov is a miser, which is not certain.

   The temperature is rising, although it is not obvious, he can still feel it.

  The temperature difference in this **** place is so amazing that the soldiers, including him, are exhausted for this. Although he knows that fatigue makes people wrong, who can bear the high temperature spirit that can ignite people? Illness haunts everyone, and the most common troubles quietly claim the life of careless people.

Eugene raised a new binocular telescope and looked out from the eyepiece. With his position and height, he could recognize the sand ridge line two kilometers away. As he zoomed in and zoomed out, the undulation of the dune became clearer. , He felt like he found something.

   “They should listen to me.”

   He complained so much, he had long proposed to flatten the dunes in the distance, but no one listened to him, or no one was willing to do this chore.

After watching for another two minutes without any movement, Eugene hung the telescope back to his chest, turned back to the ground, and after a while it was breakfast time, although there is not much to look forward to, but in this ghost There is nothing in the place that is more inspiring than a cup of Kafei.


   Correspondents trot all the way to Eugene.

   “Major command from the major.”

   “Will it not be a defense?”

   He took the order in doubt, but there was no good news or worse news above, just rejected his request for replacement.

   “I’m afraid we will have no new buddies for a while.

   “I think yes, company commander.”

   “Commander! There is something in the two kilometers ahead, and the movement is not small!”

  The herald soldier on the sentry tower suddenly yelled, and Yushkin immediately climbed back to the tower. Before that, he gave his first order today.

   “Kick those slackers all up.”

He raised his binoculars. In fact, he no longer needs to use the telescope. He can only see the sand dunes trembling, large pieces of sand are sliding down, and what kind of scene behind the dunes is testing Eugene. Imagination.


   All the whistle sounds have found a change. The bugle and drum points and the boots of the officers have driven all the sleeping guys out of the tent. The quiet defense line becomes very noisy.

   “1 row, 2 rows, 3 rows, 4 rows! Are you here!”

   “All are here, sir!”

   The 2nd company’s team quickly assembled, and Yushkin stretched his fingers. The feeling struck him again, the muscles tightened, and the blood began to swell slowly. He could always feel these before the battle.

  How much will you lose this time? 20? 30? He wanted to know.

  If he did a good job, or if the sacred Kymon was with him, he might be able to keep the number at a relatively low level, which is exactly what he is good at, Major Karnoski often told him this way.

  Maybe this is just empty talk. Good guys die under his command, and those who are not so good are the same.

   He put on his hat and raised his voice.

“Pray for Kaimon’s blessings and perform your duties without distractions. When those ugly green-skinned monsters rushed up from there, slam bullets into their heads and earn the next prostitute for all of us. The days of wine rave!”

   is really a poor pre-war mobilization. Eugene thinks at this moment, he feels that he will never be a qualified speaker.

At this time, he missed his old friend and superior very much, Major Karnoski, a real nobleman, who at this time was often ready to inspire his soldiers with an inspiring phrase or quote, and It’s not like a grumbler like him.

   “Captain, enemy activity has appeared throughout the entire line of defense. I mean sir, they… seem to be playing the next big.”

   seemed to suggest this, a very strange voice erupted from behind the dunes in the distance.

  WAAAGH! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  If the night in the Aswan wilderness is not enough to cool the blood, then this terrible roar must be able to do it, and many soldiers who have never heard of the war of Ouk have shivered in panic.

  WAAAGH! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

   More inhuman roars vibrate the air, rush through the endless wasteland into the ears of all humans, and send out threatening signals.

   “All company deployment! Quickly! Check the ammunition!”

The platoon leaders arranged the soldiers where they needed them. Everyone’s ammunition pack was full and there were several light field guns nearby, but that didn’t belong to them, so don’t expect any direct artillery support, fortress Heavy artillery over there will only go in the direction needed for reinforcements, and that usually means that the line of defense is about to break.

   “Pay attention to shooting discipline, choose your target, I don’t want to see who is doing nothing!”

  Horse riding is the privilege of senior officers. He can only patrol the battlefield with his legs, and the small herald follows him closely.

   “So if anyone dares to shoot indiscriminately before the officer orders, cancel his hard goods rationing!”

   Many soldiers shook, only once a month cigarettes and spirits, but many people’s lifeline. But Juskin knows that his practicality is not such a warning, his 2nd company is his pride, and their sense of discipline is rock solid.

   On the battlefield, there is nothing better than discipline to keep people alive.


   The earliest sound was the clamor of rockets, and Ushkin looked up at the cones dragging the flames to the distance, and scolded the stupid artillery in his heart. At this time, the launch was useless except to scare himself.

   Maybe this is just the bluff of the Okers?

  Youshikin had some unrealistic fantasies, but as if inspired by this idea, they really showed up!

  WAAAGH! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


   Almost instantaneously, a turbulent green tide made of flesh poured out from the top of the dune like an avalanche, and huge feet stepped on the soft sand, kicking up a large dust.

  In a blink of an eye, the long sand dunes disappeared, and was flattened by the boundless green tide!

   “Holy Kamen…”

   This kind of natural disaster scene almost defeated Eugene’s sanity. There was also great confusion among the soldiers. Some people were scared to turn and ran, but they were immediately executed by the officers.

   After the sporadic gunshots, hundreds of corpses were dragged down without engaging the human defenses.

  Youshikin was very glad that he did not need to perform his duties. Although the soldiers of the 2nd company were very nervous, none of them tried to escape.

   “Raise the gun!”

   He ordered:

   “Waiting for the first round of shooting, no one should fire before entering the effective range, let them disperse themselves, and the shells will fall to the place where they get together.”

   The platoon leaders repeated his orders again.

  Yushikin raised his left hand to his chest, where there was a chimon’s holy emblem under his clothes, which was hung here by his mother when he left home to join the army twenty years ago.

   He vaguely and briefly prayed to Kaimeng, begging him for protection and guiding him with the shiny revolver and the blessed bullet that he had just taken from his holster.

  As the Oks began to accelerate, Eushikin noticed that although they were sturdy and scary, they were mostly naked, holding rude weapons in their hands~www.mtlnovel.com~ Such backward enemies just seemed scary? He comforted himself so much.

   The sound of gunfire gradually sounded, first of all, a simple light artillery, then a dull heavy artillery, and finally a thunder-like fortress gun.

A violent explosion ripped Oak’s queue. They were so dense that a single shell could reimburse dozens of monsters. The guy in the front was almost swept away, but there were more Oaks behind. Stepping on the broken corpses of the former to continue to charge, the smoke covered the battlefield, and only the countless jumping figures could be seen.

  The morale of them seemed to be endless, and at that moment Eugene was even jealous.


Another round of artillery bombardment. Youshkin can even see the corpse of Ouc thrown high. They are really stupid. They can clearly charge in batches, but they must be packed together. The commander must be an idiot. .

   nearby field artillery also began to join the chorus, solid bombs smashed into the dense formation, set off a lot of blood flowers.

   If it is human, then this attack will undoubtedly retreat, if it is human…

  WAAAGH! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

   The deaths of the same kind did not arouse the fear of Ok, but made them more furious. The torrent of torrents quickly swept through the fire area of ​​just two kilometers, and Yushkin was almost able to smell the smell of them.

   “Listen to my orders! Prepare!”

  All soldiers raised their guns. Although many people’s hands were shaking, none of them pulled the trigger first. The company next door had already fought at least two rounds.

   was very close, and he could even see the grinning of killing desire in Ok’s ugly face.

   He no longer hesitated.


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