Orc Tyrant

Chapter 46 - Cannon is a technical job

With gunpowder, it is natural to have a weapon that uses it. Guns are not too rare. He has seen the effect of human guns using guns to dry racks. It looks bright, but the actual effect is blind. In terms of), and trouble loading, let the children use this weapon is better than giving them a stick, so although there are so many guns on hand, Guk is not going to imitate.

  He’s center of gravity is on the gun, and at least it looks simple to build. It’s nothing more than a big pipe, but the iron is really a lot.

To this end, Guk began to frantically search for scrap iron in the territory. He sent his guards to every camp and brought back all the metals that could be seen. As for the original smelting workshop, that poor production Just enough to meet the most basic weapon manufacturing, Guk does not intend to let the boys go empty-handed for the cannon.

  After sitting in five strongholds, Gook has become the real overlord of the sinister wasteland. His territory occupies a third of the entire wasteland, and the resulting quantitative effect is extremely scary. Every day, there are countless kids either passively or actively joining his kingdom, and the number of Oaks is exploding in a geometric multiple.

In just two simple screenings, the white helmet guards around Guk changed from the original number of more than three thousand to the current number of nearly 20,000 boys, and they are still growing. These strongest and most capable boys make up In order to place these guards, the most elite force in the Kingdom of Ouk, Guk had to drive away most of the boys in the Blackrock Castle, because the Blackstone Castle was also called the White Helmet Castle by the boys.

   is able to live in, that is something worth showing off.

   The site is bigger, and there are more things. Gu Ke has to worry about casting guns while solving internal problems. Although generally he doesn’t care about anything, Ouke society has its own rules. But like Grak went to find the stubble of Beiruf every day, Naz and Green Teeth had been fighting dead all day (Guk didn’t know how they both met each other), he always came to face it, otherwise he would really fight It’s not easy to find a replacement for any of them.

As the days passed, Guk spent most of his time in the workshop. The boys had already debated whether their boss was a big boss or a war boss. Fortunately, there are not many guys who know that he is a pervert boy. Otherwise, the debate will become more intense.

In the casting of the first gun, Agam used mud to make a mold, but the result was very bad, the size was quite large, the muzzle could plug the head of the next kid, but the gun body was twisted and crooked, all above Yes, Guk seriously doubted the consequences of shooting this thing.

   There was nothing wrong with the accident during the first test shot. When Gook asked for the second time, something went wrong.

The cannon named “Blasting Sky” was very decisively blasted. Almost didn’t kill Agham’s life. The broken iron skin was found a few hundred meters away. There is no doubt that the method of Agham is problematic.

   “Boss, do you think this is okay? Make a few sections and put it together!”

   The idea came up with another idea. Many kids thought it was feasible. Guk thought for a while. Although human guns are not like this, they can also be kept uneven.

   “Then do that.”

   The boys immediately rushed to work, melting the scrap iron, and casting a segmented gun with a mold. This time they used a mud mold.

  Guk and Agam measure the dimensions in a complicated way to prevent them from getting out of the box. After the mold cracks and can be peeled off, take out the cast section gun body and polish it, then drill the fire door.

After more than ten days of continuous efforts, a decent cannon was produced. This big guy named “Sledgehammer” is three times larger than its original model, and the cannon body is nearly 4 meters. Long and bulky makes Guk feel a little too much.


  Gook carefully inspected the sledgehammer cannon, but he didn’t have as many eyes anyway, and the cannon body was smoother, and it didn’t look so easy to explode.

   “Try it.”

   With a single order, the boys moved the cannon outside, and then stuffed a sufficient amount of Guk gunpowder and newly-built cannonballs.


   turned out to be disappointing to Guk. The cannonball was like a fart without a full meal. It flew out two or three hundred meters softly and was planted in the sand. There was no power at all.

   “Increase the dose!”

   This time, more of Guk gunpowder was stuffed into the cannon, and the boys were hiding far away, fearing that they might hurt themselves.


   With a loud noise, strong green smoke enveloped the whole cannon. Not far away, a pile of bones were smashed around by the huge shells, and the distance did not seem to increase much.

  Gook approached and found that the imaginary bombing did not occur, but there were huge cracks at the junction of the segmented gun body. This plan is obviously not feasible.

   “The sealing is not good, and the gas leakage is serious.”

   A few words of unexplained mechanics popped out of his mouth. Gook shook his head and returned to the workshop. The children scratched their heads and began to think of new ways.

   Until a certain day.

   “I think I can use iron.”

  Gook pondered for a long time, and suddenly proposed a new plan, a new idea he grabbed from the whirlpool of thinking.

He asked the boys to cast a few iron molds, each iron mold was divided into three petals, and then each piece of iron mold was spliced ​​together, the front was narrow and the thick, inserted into the core after the molten iron was cast, and it could be removed after a little shaping Mould.

   “Very good!”

  Looking at the giant cannon that is still in the red hot state, but the gun body is very smooth and flat, Gook nodded with satisfaction, then ignored the heat, took the drill and started to drill the fire door on the gun body.

  After the fire door was drilled, the whole gun had already cooled down, and the mechanics crowded to watch the brand new cannon.

   “I feel good!”

  Agam touched the body of the gun and immediately shrank it back, but he did not hide his appreciation for it.

The whole gun is bottle-shaped, with a narrow mouth and a wide width. The caliber is nearly twice that of the human 12-pound field gun, and its length is more than 3 meters. Guk spent a lot of iron to cast this gun. In order to prevent the bombing, he specifically increased the gun The thickness of the tube comes at the price of soaring weight, but he has such a mighty camel beast like the Sigur monster, and he does not have to worry about the gun being too heavy.

   “When it gets cold, try it.”

Guk found a place to lie down at random, these days can be regarded as exhausting him, other craftsmen also found a place to sleep, the original busy workshop became quiet again, only the fart secretly from time to time Drill out of the ground and get some gadgets away.

   It wasn’t until the sun was west that he woke up, and the brand new cannon had cooled down.

   “Good guy, it’s up to you.”

   Gently flicked the solid gun body with his fingers. The brittle sound of the metal made Guk extremely happy. He asked the boys to install the big guy on the gun mount and put two wheels to the outside of the test field.

“so much.”

  Gook packed the medicine bag himself and handed it to the mechanic boy who fired the gun.


  All the steps were completed in order. When the boy with the artillery pulled the rope, all the heart of Ouke mentioned his throat.

   “Leave you!”


The cannon gave a powerful roar, and the fire light accompanied the green smoke from the muzzle. The huge recoil pushed the entire gun back half a meter. All Oaks felt that their eardrums were pulled hard by the hammer. .

   didn’t wait for all the kids to come back, a cloud of smoke suddenly rose in the sand dunes thousands of kilometers away, this distance has far exceeded the two guns made before.

   “Come again! Add medicine!”

  Guk was not excited because of his first success. He calmly issued a new order, and the boys quickly filled more medicine in the medicine bag.


   There was another loud noise, this time the shells were flying farther, but the cannons were shaking even more.

   “Add it!”

  Guk decided to try the limit of this gun.

After repeated experiments, watering was used to speed up the cooling of the artillery until the amount of the drug was doubled for the first time. The cannon finally couldn’t bear it and exploded a big mouth in the harsh crackling sound, and At this time the maximum range is close to two kilometers.

   “It’s done! Hahaha!”

Finally got the dream firepower, Guk smiled happily, the original gray skin has been smoked colorfully, but the joy of making good things is more comfortable than fighting, maybe this is the skill The reason why the tyrants would rather squat in the workshop rather than go dry.

  Perhaps in the eyes of human beings, this cannon made of scrap iron is primitive and crude, but like all Ouke weapons, anyone who looks down on it will pay a huge price.

   “Follow this and follow this.”

  Gook decided to manufacture this artillery in large quantities. The iron mold can also be used many times, and the efficiency is much faster than the mud mold.

   But reality gave him a stick.

   “Head, that…”

  I’ve been thinking for a long time, and I didn’t say anything.

   “Boss, iron is almost used.”

  Agrim was straight-hearted, but he didn’t notice that Guck’s face had changed.

   “How can it be so fast!”

  Gook grabbed the unlucky mechanic boy and shook it vigorously.

   “Boss, Boss…you forgot.”

   The explanation of Stam stammered.

   “A few days ago~www.mtlnovel.com~Grak said he wanted to get some armor for the kid and got some away. Beiruf said he was short of weapons and got some more away, and…”

   Before he finished speaking, Gook let go and let him sit back on the ground.

   “Those guys…”

  Gook certainly did not forget, but at that time he was busy pondering over the cast cannon, did not notice what a few thieves were talking about, just nodded casually.


   “Where is the boss!”

   Chief Guard carried a roasted sand lizard leg and trot all the way.

   “No orders from me in the future, no one is allowed to touch the iron here! There are other things! No matter who it is, dare to move and cut it!”


   estimated that the remaining metal can still make two or three cannons. Guk is preparing to expand the scale of the smelting workshop a little, but he thinks this is of little significance and the effect is too slow.

   “Boss, I know where there is a lot of iron.”

   A mechanic boy came up, he came from the blood skull tribe.


   “There is a guy named Jinya who used to exchange things with Naz before. He has everything there.”

   “Golden teeth?”

  There is no such guy in Guck’s memory, obviously he is not a famous boss.

   “That tribe?”

   “I remember that they claimed to be poisonous water, from…the seaside.”


  Gook had heard of the “sea” thing. It is said that this thing is on the west side of the blood skull. It looks like the water but can’t drink.

   “Where is Naz now?”

   “Boss, he just returned to Blackrock yesterday.”

   Mangul knew everything about what happened in the fort. When Guk heard him, he asked the white helmet boy to find him and said that he would see him soon.

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