Orc Tyrant

Chapter 41 - Austrian and Wu

  As the edge zone closest to the sinister wilderness, the climate in Aswan is only slightly stronger than the surroundings. The huge temperature difference and arid climate are a severe test for most human beings. But in order to resist the green beasts that are constantly coming out of the wasteland, and not to destroy the most important production area of ​​the empire, humans have to build defenses here.

From the map, the Aswan area is not a long corridor. To the west is the high, ridged mountain range. To the east is the Tieluo Bay. The total length is 300 kilometers. The narrowest point is only 5 kilometers and the widest point is 80. Kilometers, with the foot of Ok, it takes only one day and night to reach Aksum Province.

It is to prevent this from happening. After the first large-scale invasion of Ouk, the Benedict Empire strengthened the Aswan Fortress from a single fortress to a fortress group that traverses the entire corridor. The two fortress divisions originally deployed Also expanded into an army.

The Aksum Army is based on the Imperial Basic Army. On the basis of 3 basic divisions, 1 cavalry division, and 1 artillery division, 47 infantry battalions, 35 defense artillery companies, 12 heavy artillery companies, and 5 are added The militia reserve brigade, as well as the independent engineer battalion and several mysterious battalions, can reach a total strength of 120,000 under extreme mobilization.

However, the fact is that due to the long period of “peace”, the Aksum Army not only has to shoulder the responsibility of defending the Aswan defense line, but also needs to defend against the windy beasts on the Panos Plain. So strong, but even more abominable green demon.

So most of the time, the main defenders of the Aswan defense line are the 47 garrison battalions and 35 artillery companies, 12 heavy artillery companies, another basic division and a cavalry brigade as mobile forces, and the militia reserve brigade is not directly behind. There is no way to mobilize the situation. This is an administrative question that the Empire has not solved-should the reserve brigade be subordinate to the regional military master or the theater military master?

  But even so, in the eyes of many people, so much force is more than enough. After all, Oak has never really caused any threats. Most people’s impressions of this creature only stay in folklore and academic papers.

   A group of brainless beasts, at best just know how to walk on two feet, is it worth being afraid of?

“That is……”

The sleepy soldiers had just been driven out of the warm barracks by the officer, and they saw an indigo-colored back standing on the inner wall of the fortress, surrounded by blue flames around him, whenever their hands brushed the ruined The wall, the bricks that have been in disrepair for years seem to be alive, the expansion that is visible to the naked eye creeps, and then changes back to the original square shape, but the gaps and gaps have been filled before, the whole surface The wall looks like a new one.

   “Master Bourbon, so early.”

   Soldiers greeted each other cordially, and the figure turned around, his face was actually a white mask, only his eyes were exposed.

Bourbon, graduated from Cusco’s Royal College of Arcane Art, is currently working in the Arcane Office of the Imperial Ministry of Military Affairs, and is also one of the very few Arcanists to join the army. Unlike other colleagues who are arranged, Bourbon volunteers to join the army. Many people speculate that this may have a certain relationship with the father of his military officer.

   “Ah, there are still many places to deal with today, and the wall foundation of the second base area has also been loosened, and it will not work sooner.”

   There was a kind voice under the mask, a little hoarse, it sounded like he was in his early thirties, but actually Bourbon had just passed his 20th birthday.

   “Bourbon, are you here?”

Suddenly, a slightly old voice sounded in the distance, and another arcanist walked out from the root of the wall two hundred meters away. He had long brown hair and wrinkles on his sad face. At least forty year old.

   “Senior Ron, I’m better here.”

   “Me too, but the big fortress is just the two of us. How about five good people?”

   Arcanist Ron also works in the military department. But he didn’t like this job very much. It’s not that he didn’t want to serve the empire, but they had too few people. The empire was asking for arcane assistance, but they even brought dogs and cats together in the arcane hall. As for the forty-odd number who can breathe, all arrangements have been booked up to two years later.

  The greatest role of the Arcanist in the army is to quickly build field fortifications, repair damaged artillery, and provide first aid to important wounded when necessary.

   “Now the empire is not calm everywhere, let’s work harder, those beasts…you also saw it.”

   Hearing the complaints of his colleagues, Bourbon’s voice was very calm. He stared at the vast desert in the distance and recalled the experience a few weeks ago.

   Perhaps out of curiosity about Ok, Bourbon and Ron joined a patrol after coming to the fortress. They followed an entire cavalry company into the wilderness and encountered Ok for the first time a few days later.

   Until that time, Bourbon had the most intuitive understanding of the horror of this creature.

Obviously there was no ray of light on his body, but he could continue to charge with more than ten guns in his body. The horrible roar several times awakened him from the dream. Finally, the cavalry company commander rushed up and cut off the guy’s head. It really stopped.

   And such things are everywhere here…

   “I’m not talking about hard work. Since I entered the military, I never thought about how comfortable it should be, but those **** wizards.”

  Ron was very angry, and he hammered the solid chest wall.

   “They are simply a mob! Rogues!”

   “Rogue? Hearing this word from a group of short-lived ghosts, I feel more and more that the empire is almost saved.”

A chuckle came from behind. The two of them turned around and saw that somehow four or five wizards with various masks were standing on the playground under the inner wall, and the one who made the sound moved the wolf mask to his head. Showing a young face.

   “Pay attention to your words! Cartel!”

  The short-lived ghost is a very harsh name for Arcanists. Ron’s face flushed red, his hands clenched and loosened for a while, and he seemed very excited.

   But the young wolf wizard called Cateril seemed to be very happy to see the other person’s anger. He showed a playful expression, his hands were exaggerated, and he bent down like a drama actor.

   “Ah, that’s really sorry, I shouldn’t poke the pain of the two, old, first, born.”


  Ron wanted to rush down angrily, but one hand stopped him.

   “Cartel, we don’t want to quarrel with you, I hope you don’t come to disturb us, all serve the empire and do their duties.”

   “Oh, good Mr. Bourbon, how do you say that sentence?”

   Cartel straightened his waist and pinched his throat to imitate a rough voice.

   “We folks are like this, no better than the great man in your city.”


The wizards all around laughed, and the soldiers who ran off were also laughing. Ron’s face changed from red to pig liver. Although Bourbon beside him could not see his face clearly, his shoulders trembling slightly. It shows a certain kind of emotion that can’t be suppressed.

   “But speaking of it, Bourbon, Arcane has done you this, why don’t you cherish your life more?”

  Cartriel patted his face very maliciously, and even a cat wizard witch beside him couldn’t see it anymore, and pulled his sleeve.

  Because of an arcane accident, Bourbon was disfigured, so he put on the mask. There are not many people who know about this matter. Cattle is just one of them.

“To shut up!”

  Ron drank loudly, and the Bourbon beside him took a step forward and said gently:

   “Just now.”


   “Stop the matter.”

   The light blue flame lingered around him, and Ron was stunned by Bourbon’s words. Although he had always said fiercely, he never thought of doing it. After all, the arcanist has no barriers to witchcraft, and no superhuman perception. In addition to the power of plastic energy, the arcanist is just an ordinary person, not even an ordinary person.

   “Hahaha! Good! I accepted it!”

   Catelier laughed and clapped hard twice, Hanan’s power quickly gathered towards him, and the cold white flame and the hot red flame appeared alternately on the shoulders.

A conflict between arcane and witchcraft attracted everyone’s attention. This is a scene that is hard to see for ordinary people. No one wants to miss it. More and more soldiers are gathering here, and soon the grass is surrounded The water is not leaking, but at this point in the development of the situation, it is naturally impossible to hide the officers, especially the senior officers.

   “Stop it!!”

  With a sharp whistle, a large number of gendarmes rushed into the playground to quickly disperse the crowd. The angry Yusuf stepped forward, and he was much older than he was a few years ago.


  Bourbon and Cartel stopped their power. They were first soldiers, and secondly wizards or arcanists.


  Youssef walked in front of the young wolf wizard, his tone was very harsh.

   “For the second time, I will send you back to your father. I believe you will not want to go back there again.”


   At this time, Cattle was no longer as proud as before. He lowered his head, his red hair covered his face, and he couldn’t see his expression clearly.

  Yusuf sighed, but he is also responsible for this matter. Any senior empire general, the first thing to learn is how to coordinate the relationship between the army wizard and the wizard, both of which are essential to the empire army, but the relationship is so bad, Yusuf has no such experience, He made a lot of mistakes, such as arranging the dormitory on both sides so close.

   Although the place has been changed later, contradictions have already occurred.

   He applied for arcane aid, but he never thought that the military department would actually send someone over. The moment he received the transfer order, he suddenly realized that it was probably Diego’s hand again. Although he left here, he never felt relieved. He continued to increase his budget for several years and added new equipment. Now most of the soldiers are replaced with new rear-mounted guns. 48 advanced 380 mm caliber fort guns are also in place, old-fashioned The field guns were also replaced, and mines, rockets, and other weapons that were not available before were also added to the warehouse.

  A secret guard can never do this, Yusuf often thinks so.

   “General! There are circumstances.”

   Just as Yusuf thought about how to alleviate such a sharp contradiction, the herald soldier ran over.

“what’s up.”

   “The observation post on the 19th was found.”


   “Yes, but not sure.”

   Such a surprise to Yusuf. Observation No. 19 is a small fortress in the southeast of the main fortress. It is only 300 meters away, but it is already a deeper outpost.

   “Go and see.”

  Youssef took the wizards to get over, but Bourbon came to him.

   “General, I want to go too.”


  Cartriel just wanted to open his mouth, and the deer wizard on the side dragged him back into the crowd.

   “Mr. Bourbon, too dangerous.”

   “I’m also a member of the fortress, so I can’t hide in the boudoir like a little girl.”

Although Bourbon’s words were a bit ridiculous, Yusuf felt a little emotional. The arcanists he heard were all gloomy people buried in the sea of ​​books. I didn’t expect there to be such “soldier” arcanists. .


   and his party hurried to the No. 19 outpost, where the chief was already waiting outside the gate, but when he saluted, Yusuf went straight to the highest point of the outpost without even looking at it.

“Over there.”

   took the telescope delivered by the soldier, Yusuf narrowed his left eye, and his right eye tried to look towards a sand dune,

“what’s that!?”

   He screamed and put down the telescope. After a slow breath, he lifted it immediately.

Through the mirror, he could see on the sand dunes, more than a dozen big bucks, all of them larger than those they had seen, and they were wearing very “fine” armor, although they used fine It’s a bit wrong to describe it, but it is really good compared to the Oak he has seen.

But the key is not that, but these giant oks are surrounded by a silver giant, which is really an unreasonably big guy~www.mtlnovel.com~ The silvery armor of the whole body, like an ancient knight, can’t see the whole body A little green, it doesn’t seem to be an Oak.

“What exactly is this……”

   Suddenly, he discovered that those Oaks were pointing in this direction, not knowing what to say. The silver giant seemed to be holding a telescope in his hand, but he was neglected because of his size.

   “He is watching here!”

   seemed to be in contact with the other person’s eyes, and Yusuf suddenly lowered his hand.

   “General, what is it?”

   Bourbon is very curious, especially the battle-hardened veteran actually had a ghost expression.

“You see.”

  Youssef handed him the telescope, and Bourbon raised his hands immediately, facing his right eye.

   “That’s…Ok? Why are they so big! What’s going on with that armor??”

   put down the telescope, Bourbon swallowed his throat, and could not say anything else, and Catelaire grabbed the telescope from his hand.

   “I haven’t seen the world, I’m shocked… Lying trough! What a **** thing! I believe that thing that demolished this house by hand!”

   “Kaman, lock the coordinates, notify the No. 3 and No. 4 gun positions, blasting bombs.”

  Yousufu calmed down and gave the order, and a raven wizard immediately sat cross-legged on the ground.

   “X12B4LZZ, M65R3, V1…”

   For a moment, a strange string of syllables floated out of his mouth, and the deer wizard on the side replaced the paper with another understandable text.

   “B2, left 300, elevation 020.”

  As the psychological instructions reached the mind of the fortress to contact the wizard, there were four artillery bases in the southwest direction of the fortress. The 12 380mm caliber fort guns slowly turned up, and the muzzle of the black hole was aligned in the same direction.

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