Orc Tyrant

Chapter 38 - Capture the Red Eye Castle

   Fighting outside, but the inside of the fortress is very quiet. Only in the darkness, there are occasional rapid footsteps that disappear quickly.

   And originally the bottom of the gathering of the farts, it was empty and there was no movement. All the live stuff was put into battle, and no one wanted to stay in the house and sit down…

   A sneaky figure appeared here, he was cat-waisted, crouching in, his hands groping on the ground, seemingly looking for something.


   After a short while, he found the target. Although it was a little hot, he still lay on the ground and attached his ear to it.

   “Remember that… three times.”

   After confirming that he did not find the wrong position, the ok took a hammer from his waist and knocked it three times on the ground.

   But after a while, there was no response. It was when he made a mistake other than himself.


   Suddenly, there was a dull sound on the dirty and dirty ground, and the fine stones bounced off the ground and fell again.


   This sound is getting heavier and heavier, and the gravel on the ground is leaping and falling like a dance. The leaping and falling are getting bigger and bigger, and the boy immediately retreats from his original position.

   Soon, the solid ground collapsed in the loudest sound, revealing a large black lacquered hole, and everything was calm again.


Two big reddish hands extended from the hole and pressed against the ground, then a bare head came out of the hole. After looking around for a while, his hands slammed out of the hole. Out.

   “Grak, you are late!”

   “You don’t need to talk, Truf.”

  Grak in red armor responded impatiently, turned around and yelled into the cave:

   “Come on, babies! Get out of here!”

The second kid immediately drilled out, followed by the third, the fourth… The dark hole was like a big mouth, and he kept spitting out the stubborn and sharp Uk warriors, and they could hear the shouts outside The sound of killing, the strong desire to fight made their eyes bloodshot, and the nostrils were hot.

   “The plan has changed, and the red eye has a new weapon, beating us badly, we must first grab those things.”

   Truv, who had been lurking in the fortress, also discovered his mistakes after the war. He did not expect the red eye to own the human cannon. He could only say that Aguage was really well hidden.


  Grak could not hold back any longer. He now had a forehead in his forehead, and huge eyes full of bloodthirsty desires. If only the reason left was still there, he would have gone out and cut it out.

   “Upper! Four floors.”

   “Follow me!”

  In addition to the word “上”, Grak in the back could not hear clearly. He carried the red tomahawk with his call sign and rushed out, followed by a group of murderous little brothers. More Oak was pouring out of the hole.

   “Quick! Reload! Not right! Clear the barrel first! Quickly! Water! Cool down!”

   Long tongue is one of the skills of the Red-Eye tribe. He is very obsessed with various weapons of mankind, especially these powerful artillery, which is strong and far, full of power, and is simply a standard Oak weapon. The only thing is that human beings are too small. According to his ideas, it must be at least ten times larger to be energetic. Of course, gunpowder is a big trouble, and he has not yet understood it.

  The cold water poured on the hot copper barrel, a cloud of white smoke rose, the farts were busy cleaning the barrel with a brush, the kid brought ammunition from the back, and the wooden barrel was loose because of the continuous firing.

   This is a 117 mm caliber field gun, one of the Benedict Empire artillery. It fires 2.5 kg of solid shells and can accurately strike targets beyond 1,000 meters. It is also one of the main artillery of the Aswan Fortress.

   “Fool! Cram gunpowder! Cram shells!”

I grabbed the cannonball from the hand of a silly boy, with a long tongue letting another guy tuck the packed gunpowder into the cannon, followed by the cannonball, compacted with a wooden stick, and pierced through the fire door with sharp nails. Get the stolen ignition tube and tie the rope.

  This series of complicated operations can only be completed by the mechanic kid. After all this is done with a long tongue, the height of the barrel is adjusted, and then it is pulled suddenly.


   The thick smoke obscured the line of sight, and the long tongue hurried to the front to glance.

“This is good!”

   He saw that the iron ball hit the parabolic line and smashed into a pile of white hands, and the flying meat and limbs made him extremely excited.

   The first time these things were used on the battlefield, the long tongue was very satisfied with the effect. In the future he would make more, and then smash the **** fortress, and grab all the real cannons in the future…

   “Kill ah!!”

   As he dreamed of a dream, a thunderous roar scared his soul out, and when he turned his head, a blood-red battle axe was on the way.


   This is his last moment in his mind, and then everything dissipated in the splashing brain flower.

   “Fuck them!”

   kicked the body off the fort, and Grak let out a wild roar, killing all living creatures present in a blink of an eye, and then ran towards the other exit.


When Truff followed, there was only one place of flesh and blood in the whole space. He went to the lookout and glanced. The following battle continued, he leaned over to pick up an iron ball, and then looked A glance at the big metal tube.


   He was instantly lost, his head full of question marks.

   Artillery fires one after another, but Agugue below did not realize it, because he was about to launch the final charge.

After his teeth failed to withstand the pressure, one of his arms had been removed and his face was covered with fierce wounds. When Mangul carried him back from the front line, he had lost his consciousness. The knives have become twisted scraps.

  Gook glanced at the fortress. He noticed that the artillery was cease-fire. He knew what it meant. Victory was already in his palm, although the price was so great.


   He raised his dragon teeth, and made a huge roar in his mouth. Aguage had led a large group of fierce leaders and a big guy rushing towards here. The left wing was already defeated, and the retreating boys were coming here.

   But he was not afraid, even excited.

   “Let’s go!!”

  The dull horn sounded, and the **** big flag that had been standing was moved. It seemed to be a signal. The left-wing retreating boys quickly gathered together and formed a new group around the big flag.

   “Let’s go! Let’s go!”

  The elite guards with white helmets on their heads stood side by side and took heavy steps. The steel weapons in their hands gleamed in the hot sun. They looked proud and despised the enemies in front of them. They were the strongest boys.

   “Chong Chong Chong!!!”

Aguage also felt that he was in for victory. He led the beast and led a mighty team to the banner of Gu Ke. Their number was twice that of Gu Ke. He wanted to cut off the first level of the **** himself. Will be the winner!

  Strong vs. strong, King vs. King!

The huge roar makes the world and the world rotate, just like two hammers colliding with each other, two teams with a large number of people sprint into each other, and the brittle sound of metal and the rough roar interweave into a very unique musical score. The song of war went straight to the sky.

   Two huge beasts collided fiercely, their tusks interlaced, their limbs slammed the ground, and they roared to fight each other.


  Agugu jumped from the giant’s back and made a challenge.


  Gook responded to the opponent’s challenge. He jumped in three steps and lifted the dragon tooth to cover the opponent’s head.

  Aguq raised his axe to block the blow, and then swung a few times to make Gu Ke, who had not yet stood firm, retreat.

   “A little more energy!”

The shield opened the opponent’s blow with a blow, Gook shook his slightly numb arm, smirked, and rushed forward a few steps, the dragon tooth in his hand shook out a piece of light and shadow, which cut off the thick iron armor of Aguge. If he hadn’t shot the giant blade with a swipe in time, his arm would be gone.

   Two giant Oke bosses with a height of more than 4 meters started the **** and brutal competition on the backs of the two giant Sculptor monsters. They were surrounded by elites fighting fiercely.


The two have been hitting from the mount of Agugo to mount of the Guk, and from the mount of the goog back to the mount of the augugo. When they separated again, they were already scarred, but Guk had excellent armor, There was no serious injury.

  Aguge was unable to resist, not only covered with blood, but also had a deep crack in his face, and his waist was a bleeding gap.


  Not only did the brutal battle hurt the two Oaks, but the two wrestling beasts were already overwhelmed. After wailing at the same time, they fell together.

   “Guchet! Mog!”

   Falling back to the ground, Auguger watched Guk vigilantly, slowly pulled away from him, and called for his own followers.

   For the first time, he met such a guy who was able to fight. He was obviously about the same size as himself. Why was he so strong? He regretted his arrogance a little, and this time he lost his face clean enough to win or lose.


   “Kill him!”

  After knowing that he should not be able to beat him, Argug was not stupid enough to continue heads-up. The leader who got the order immediately led the hundreds of boys to the white freak, and it was an extraordinary honor to be able to cut off the head of a boss!

   “Afraid? Coward! Hahaha!!!”

  Gook laughed unrestrainedly, his left hand’s shield was thrown hard, and the leader who was rushing to the front was directly flew out for more than ten meters.

   “Let me have fun!!”

   One hand turned into two hands, and Guke, whose eyes were shining with an arc, struck the kid’s pile first with an arrow step.


   “I drop the sky!”

It was not until this time that the boys realized what kind of monsters they encountered. Every time the giant blade crossed, it would bring devastating damage. The muscular boy is as fragile as a fart, blood, amputated limb, head… …Guck would make a big splash everywhere he went. No Oak could stand in front of him at all. He was sweeping everything in front of him like a garbage sweep.

   trembling, all the children of the red-eye tribe are trembling, their courage is losing, and if it is not for the number, many people will have to run away.

   “Kill him! Surround him!!!”

   Aguar growled wildly, he stepped back a few steps, caught a kid, and shouted:

   “Go! Call Long Tongue! Concentrate on all the big bang! Bomb him!!!”

“Yes Yes!”

   The kid just turned around and ran back to the fortress, but suddenly stopped, his expression seemed to see a ghost.

   “Why not go yet!”

   “Boss, Boss! Look!”

  Looking in trembling hands, Aguq almost fell to the ground. The original flag at the top of the fortress had now become an abominable white hand, and a group of red guys were pouring out of the fortress, killing them towards their rear.

“How is this going!!!!!!”

  Aguge grabbed the boy, his words had become very crazy, and his face was twisted like the dead giant of the ancient Sgurg. UU reading www. uukannshu.com

   “I, I don’t know, boss!”


   Agugu twisted his neck, he watched blankly as the war machinery in the fortress began to throw firepower to the original friendly forces, he did not understand what happened? Why the hell-handed kid appeared in his fortress?

  His brain has completely crashed, completely lost the ability to think, until a scream pulled him back to reality.

   “Old! Big! Ah!!!”

That was the voice of his own follower Moge. He turned around and found a huge shadow overwhelming himself. He couldn’t see the shape of the shadow, only the eyes, the pair made him feel Some kind of eye called “fear” emotion, he has forgotten when he was last scared.

   Probably, let’s be a kid.


   The shadow made a dull sound, as hard as a rock, and Agugu noticed his hand, which was carrying a big head, which was Moge’s head.


   He opened his mouth diligently and wanted to say something, but when the cold blade passed his neck, he realized that he probably couldn’t say anything.

  Aguge died, just died so easily, his head was picked at the tip of the knife as the glory of the winner.

  Blood stains made the armor dirty and mottled. Gook looked around the red-eyed boys who surrounded him for a week. He had lost his fighting spirit, but he stared at the head on the tip of the knife, which was their boss.

  WAAAGH! ! ! ! ! !

  Gook raised his head and made a final roar, and also declared the end of the war.

   He became the winner!

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