Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 1: Bored

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

“Finally!!! Home Sweet Home.”

In a hurry, I closed the door behind me and heavily sighed letting out all the pent-up stress into the air.

“It’s kind of stuffy... let me take these off.”

Once I remove my jacket and beanie, hang them on my coat rack. The chill air blew ever so gently through my skin.


My shoulder shivers as I press the air conditioner button. With a loud whirr, warm winds permeate through my room making it bearable.

(“Though... my electricity bill...”)


I made a defeated sigh, after all, it was in the middle of winter at the moment. As I gaze at the windows, I hear the pitter-patter of raindrops hitting the glass.

I left my umbrella in the entrance hallway still fully opened, hoping it would dry tomorrow. Without it, I would be drenched on the way back home from work.

“Ha... the job is incredibly stressful today with people calling off sick.”

I sighed once more, I think if I sighed too much my soul would probably leave my body.

“Hahah... I think I have gotten crazier due to the stress.”

My habit of talking to myself started developing when I got the job. I suppose it’s coming from there...

Once I passed the entrance hallway, I finally entered the living room. My tote bag is getting heavier and heavier so I flop it on the couch and heave another sigh of relief.

“Times like this, I am grateful my past me have cooked too much food that I can just reheat them for dinner.”

The living room and kitchen are connected as such it is easy for me to just wander to the fridge take a glass container filled with food and then shove it in the microwave for a few minutes.

While waiting, I opened my phone to scroll on MeTube until I heard the characteristic mechanical ding of the microwave.  Once I got the spoon from the drawer to eat though...


I made a sound of disbelief, as my phone screen went black in my hand. Instinctively I remembered that my phone had enough battery power.  It is strange for my phone to act like this since it has worked for so long and I maintained it carefully.

“What’s going on?”

(“How much for a phone cost these days? Do I have enough money to purchase a new one?”)

I could feel my heartbeat get faster as repeatedly, I kept pressing the power button yet it didn’t flash the usual home screen or MeTube app.

Rather I hear soft music coming out from it as I continue to stare at the black screen. I noticed the colour began to change.



“Hello everyone!!”

*A rather energetic young female voice can be heard through the ad as in the background one can see a vast view of grass plains on a beautiful sunny day. Windmills decorate the place as if people looking at a medieval peaceful village.*

“We welcome you to Open World Online (O.w.O).”

*The display changes from that background into another set of people walking, wearing unique-looking garments, travelling throughout many different-looking cities, and fighting strange-looking yet fearsome creatures resembling mythical beasts found in legends.*

“A full dive hyper-realistic game designed with the latest technology in mind. Be immersed in this world where fantasy becomes real, where dreams can become reality!”

*Other people are chatting, showing affection to one another, trading their earned money for food, weaponry, bottles, or the like*

“Looking for an ‘oomph’ that you so desire in life? Something to satiate your wanderlust or a rush of adrenaline fighting powerful monsters?”

*The scenery changes to multiple beautiful sights from nature. Sun setting on top of the highest mountains, vast blue ocean with large-sized fishes jumping around the ship, and hallway of royalties decorated with gold, then into a battle with fearsome dragon deafening the place with its mighty roar.*

“Or desiring to become the strongest ever to hold power in your grasp fighting against other players?”

*The scenery changes to a rather large colosseum where one figure is pitted against another in a heated battle of swords. Behind them are spectators cheering them, it is an intense fight between each other until one becomes a winner where gold rains upon them as they emit a victory roar.*

“Or create your empire that lasts for ages?”

*The image of a king or queen sitting on their magnificent throne can be seen in the background. They raised their hand as many people knelt in front of them showing their rule.*

“Try our game! It is free with the device port! Just sign your name and send your email address to this link.”


“...You got me good...”

My lips curved upward in a smile after my brain processed everything that had just happened.

It is quite smart of them to mimic a phone screen crashing. That way it made me pay attention to it.

“Although... the ad is a bit...”

I wanted to say cringe, but I have seen worse ads on MeTube so that was bearable to watch.

It was kind of interesting though... the flair and presentation of the game. However, the trailer’ and the real thing are vastly different.

Ah! I remember it said to be free. Maybe I should try since I have nothing to do besides house chores, sleep, and work.

Sighing in disappointment to myself regarding my life choices, I decided to tap on the link as it automatically opened my web browser app.

Crossing my fingers, I sincerely hope that this isn’t an elaborate scheme just to scam me. With that, the web browser led to a website most likely the game site itself.

The first thing I can see is the big blue panel with elaborate decoration on its edges and the colour they chose seemed to be easy on the eyes.

“Huh... It’s loading something.”


Loading 20 / 100


I guess I just need to wait until it is full to 100%, In the meantime, I am admiring the background around that blue panel. There are floating blue cubes around that sometimes bump one another before hitting the edge of my phone screen.

It continues on and on, making me want to try to touch it as I did. Tapping on one of the floating blue cubes, it burst into smaller cubes before fading away emitting a sound of ‘Pop’. Before another one spawned again.

“Ooh... quite satisfying.”

Then with a smile, I continued to press each of the cubes as if it were some kind of mini-game to see how many I could burst in a single tap.


“Ah... It’s done.”

That high-pitched noise similar to sounds made by a phone notification almost caught me off-guard as I went to check the middle screen where the bar had fully charged and promptly faded then popped other new ones.

Each of these ' bars’ is empty waiting to be filled out as it indicates what I need to fill.

“Well... It just says ‘Name’ and ‘Email Address’ just like what they asked in the Trailer.”

Recheck it several more times and it doesn’t ask for sensitive information. So, I decided to go through with it by putting my real name in reverse and one of my multiple email addresses.

Once I did so and tapped enter the panel prompt vanished in an instant and then revealed a new one.


Thank you for Participating! The game device will be sent to your home shortly.



I said while closing off the browser app and returning to the home screen. Then I check on my email to see if there’s a new inbox.

“Oh! There’s one...”

Opening it, the sender appeared to be from someone unknown but I knew that it would be this game’s company as it was decorated by the very same floating blue cubes complete with animation. And.... it says the same thing, so it isn’t something to be alarmed for.


Time to wash the dishes I suppose, Once again I sighed in defeat and dread for tomorrow as it would be Friday which tends to be the busiest.

After I had done all of those, I began taking out another glass container where it is labelled ‘Lunch’. I have prepared all of these beforehand so I am a bit proud of what I did.

Packing those up in a lunchbox and shove them in the fridge. Lunch is ready for tomorrow, I went to the bathroom located near the entrance hallway to take a shower.

Once, I finished that, and let my hair dry for another half an hour. Finally, I can sleep for the next day.

(“At least after Friday it would be the weekend, plus I asked for a day off on Monday too...”)

My eyes were getting heavier by the second when I laid down on my bed before finally darkness had taken over.



That is one of the longest sighs, I have done this week. My shoulders are incredibly heavy and my legs are aching since I have been standing up from morning till evening.

I looked upward as I saw my apartment building. Couldn’t wait to just lay down and rest for the weekend. Climbing up the usual staircases towards my apartment, I saw something on the front door of my home.


Furrowing my brows, I bend downward to check closely on what it is.


My hands immediately touch my back as I decide to lower myself to my knees rather than bend as my back severely disagrees.

(“I am still in my mid-twenties for goodness sake.”)

I cursed myself and then took in what was in front of my door.

(“Hmmm... A small cardboard box, big enough to fit a basketball I suppose...”)

It is wrapped with a blue ribbon and a card is on top as if it is a gift to me. I took it and began to read.

This is our gift to you! Participants of the game Open World Online (O.w.O). All the necessities to play are located inside and please read the manual. Thank you very much for your participation!


That was fast! I didn’t know they delivered it in just 1 day. Knowing that I hauled the box with my hands.

“It is lighter than I thought?”

I switched to using a single hand to carry the box as I rummaged in my pocket for the apartment key.

Once I entered my home, I gently put the box to my side while taking off all my coat, beanie, and scarf leaving it hanging on the coat rack. Before picking it up again and dropping it on the table in my small living room. Including my tote bag on the couch.

“Let’s see what we have here...”

I always have a pair of scissors somewhere on the kitchen counter. Picking that up, I cut the tape that sealed the box and also the ribbon.

With a small smile, ignoring my dirty self and slightly hungry. I opened the box to see what was inside.

(“A helmet?”)

I am sure that I’m looking at a helmet worn by a motorcyclist. But... I took the helmet out and inspected it from the bottom and up. The design is sleek and minimalist complete with a black visor to..


“Ah! Something fell from it.”

I look down and see a small thin book has fallen to the floor as I picked that up too. A quick read proved that this helmet is a gaming device and complete with instructions on how to activate it.

“Okay... so the first thing is to charge this thing.”

Rummaging in the box, I found a cable that fits with the charging port of the helmet and the power source.

Once I did that, I saw the visor ‘black’ screen lighten into the very same blue colour and a display of a battery being charged on the visor.

(“I believe it says wait for 2 hours or so until it is 100%”)

“Might as well, do my chores for the day.”

In those two hours, I managed to vacuum my floors, cook my dinner & have leftovers for tomorrow too, and shower!

(“Way to go me!!”)

 Completely refreshed and hair fully dry. I went to check the helmet once more and also looked for the ‘Start’ button I found it.

The ‘Start’ button is at the top of the helmet quite obviously with the word ‘Start’ all over it and it looks like a typical button only dyed in black to fit the colour scheme of the helmet.

The visor too has displayed the battery fully charged as I pull out the cable from the power source and the helmet’s charging port. Neatly folding them and then putting them away.

Carrying both, I entered my bedroom and left the cable on the desk drawer while putting the helmet on my bed.

“I just need to wear it like this right?”

My vision darkens once I wear the helmet as the unique colouration of the visor causes it and surprisingly it is comfortable on my head as I laid down per the instructions.

Reaching upward, I touched the button and pressed it as hard as I could and I heard the noticeable ‘Click’.

With that, the visor glows in blue and the vision of my world changes abruptly.

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