Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

Chapter 390

389: Dragon’S Tower!

“What happened to them?”

Celia, who noticed this scene, asked Zhang Yang, who had just finished washing, with some doubts, but got no answer.

Zhang Yang just held Celia in his arms and turned off the lights.

Silent all night.

When Zhang Yang woke up the next morning, he found that there were far fewer adventures waiting outside.

As a rough estimate, it should have been only last night – one tenth of the amount.

It has to be said that these people are really bold, but they should also be rewarded.

Zhang Yang didn’t do anything, just enjoyed the breakfast prepared by Celia, and after saying hello to Uncle Linus, he continued to the Adventurer’s Guild to find a suitable bounty quest.

Soon, Zhang Yang’s eyes locked on a task.

One of the large series of missions – explore the city in the sky.

This is a task that almost every adventurer who wants to set foot on the Sky Tower must do.

It took Zhang Yang a little effort to prove that he had the strength to set foot in the city of the sky, and then he got a pass.

Relying on this pass, he can travel to and from the Sky City unimpeded and will not be blocked by anyone.

As soon as he got this pass, Zhang Yang chose to come to the west coast, the place closest to the Sky City, and entered the first floor.

This layer is called the Dragon Tower.

Unlike the previous upper level of Yamon, here, it is considered that he has truly set foot in the city of the sky.

The monsters here are all dragon-type monsters. The weaker ones are the juvenile pterosaurs, the blue pterosaurs, and the stronger ones are the dragon men and Minius.

Minius is the title of the warrior among the dragon people, and his strength is far greater than that of ordinary dragon people.

Of course, no matter who it is, in front of Zhang Yang, there is no strong difference.

Without much effort, Zhang Yang arrived at the BOSS door.

He walked in without hesitation.

In an instant, the majestic Dragon Might enveloped Zhang Yang, with the same coercion as if it wanted Zhang Yang to kneel.

But compared with the even pressure on Zhang Yang, this dragon’s might is still too weak.

Zhang Yang didn’t even take the initiative to give off his aura. After being provoked by his own divine majesty, he immediately responded.

An even more terrifying aura emanated from Zhang Yang, but instead, the source of the dragon’s might – a large number of pterosaurs, blue pterosaurs, dragon men, and the dragon army of Minius, gave Ya’s breathlessness. .


If Zhang Yang hadn’t seen the lord BSS in the middle of the team – Lucas was shaking all over, maybe he would have done so.

However, since the BOSS was discovered, Zhang Yang would not let it go, and directly summoned the four elemental spirits, preparing for a righteous gang fight.

However, it was the same reaction as the previous summoning of Held.

The magic circle that originally only summoned the lowest-level elemental life forms suddenly had a wonderful change.

Four special forces were released from the center of the teleportation array.

For a while, strange scenes appeared in the entire BOSS room.

The sky is divided into four areas, which correspond to the power attributes emerging from the four magic circles.

Earth, water, wind, fire.

As for why it is not the four elements of ice, fire, light, and darkness, Zhang Yang is not very clear.

In the magic circle belonging to the fire element, a behemoth gradually took shape.

“I, Ragnaros declare, that this world will be a paradise of fire!” Guang.

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