Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

Chapter 10

10: Forum Hustle And Bustle, The Sword Is Buried In The Bone!

Zhang Yang didn’t know that the forum at the moment was because he had already fried the pot, and now his follower Rogge came to Akara.

“Dear adventurer, thank you for your contribution to the camp.”

Although blind, Zhang Yang could still feel Akara’s gaze, and he nodded in the face of the old man’s thanks.

“This is a small reward for your contribution from the camp, and I hope you don’t dislike it.”

Akara pulled out a book with dark golden patterns and gave it to Zhang Yang: “After reading this book, you can get 1 precious skill point.”


Zhang Yang said politely, but his body was much more honest than his mouth, and he took the book that was shining brightly.

“Hint: You have obtained the [Book of Skills].”

“Hint: Because you have successfully completed the task issued by the camp elder Akara, you will gain 100 reputation.”

“Hint: Prestige Mall has been opened.”

Three more system prompts appeared. Zhang Yang didn’t pay attention at first, but the third prompt made his eyes widen.

The Prestige Mall, in his previous life, was not opened until he defeated Andariel, one of the Demon Kings of Hell.

I didn’t expect that after rebirth, it would actually start on the first mission?

Is this the first hidden benefit to complete the main quest?

Zhang Yang opened the prestige mall while dealing with Akara.

Because he only has 100 reputation points now, there are very few things that can be exchanged.

But something inside made his eyes light up.

Rune 1 El: 1 reputation

Rune 2 Eld: 2 reputation

Tir 3rd: 4 reputation

No 4

Rune 10 Thul: 512 reputation

Rune 11 Amn: 1024 reputation

At present, most people don’t know what these runes are for, but Zhang Yang knows it very well.

The individual attributes of a rune may be insignificant, but when some seemingly unrelated runes are combined, they can give equipment powerful attributes.

This combination is called the word of the rune.

Among them, the four runes 7/9/10/11 can form a kind of rune language called “spirit”.

With powerful attributes, it is one of the best rune words used in the early Aion Tower, and it is also the best choice for legal professions in the early stage.

Zhang Yang thought about it. Among them, the 7th rune and the 9th rune were the Countess’ quest rewards, and the Countess herself had a chance to drop runes below 12th.

If he is lucky, he can spend up to 1024 reputation points, and with a 4-hole weapon, he can create a powerful rune word “spirit”!


Zhang Yang waved his fist and forgot that Akara was talking to him at the moment.

His move made Akara stare blankly.

“Dear Adventurer.”

Although Akara couldn’t see Zhang Yang, as a nun of the Church of the Blind Eye, her heart and eyes could observe Zhang Yang’s emotions.

At this moment, Zhang Yang’s emotions are more excited, and she also said at the right time: “I received a notice just now that Kaxia has encountered trouble. If you want, you can find Kaxia and find out.”

“Ding, have you received the main quest: [Boneyard]?”


Zhang Yang regained his senses, smiled awkwardly at Akara, and accepted the main quest.

Saying goodbye to Akara, I found Kasha at the gate of the camp who was talking to the Rogge archer.

After seeing Zhang Yang, the worried Kasha changed her mood and patted Zhang Yang’s shoulder boldly: “Good boy, I heard about you, but I didn’t expect you to clean up the evil cave yourself! ”

“Thank you for the compliment.”

Zhang Yang felt the huge force on his shoulders, and the corner of his mouth twitched: “Well, I heard Elder Akara say that you were in trouble long ago?”


Kasha glanced at Zhang Yang: “Because of Andariel, the Anguished Demon King, the cemetery where we buried the dead warriors was desecrated.”

Speaking of this, Kasha’s mood was obviously angry, as if a volcano was about to erupt: “The Rogge scout has just reported that something hateful happened in the burial place of the monastery! Obviously, Andariel did not Not just trying to control all of us alive!

She’s trying to make all the dead appear as zombies again! We cannot tolerate this filth! If you really are our ally, please help me destroy her. ”

“Please note that in the cemetery, a true elite who had faced Diablo in Tristram before was awakened by her and became her minion.”

Zhang Yang listened to Kasha’s words quietly, and after his introduction, he nodded: “I am bound to do so.”

“The Boneyard is in the Frozen Land, and you need to cross the Blood Wasteland.”

“At the junction of the two, you’ll meet Flavi, and she’ll offer you some help.”

“I hope you can bring good news.”

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