Online Games: God Of All People, Unlimited Evolution At the Start

Chapter 58

Chapter 58: The collective strength of believers has skyrocketed! The blood sacrifice of the Lich King! Start the slaughter! (3/10 for subscription]

【Name】: Kalis

【Race】: Red Dragon

[Identity]: Adult Dragon[Rank]: Sanctuary

【Occupation】: None

[Skills]: Hot Dragon Breath lv14, Dragon Language Magic lv14, Strong Body v14, Defense Instinct lv14, Red Dragon Domain lv13.





Look at the red dragon Kalis Hua-li’s attribute panel.

Earning can only sigh with emotion.

After all, the giant dragon is a giant dragon, and its bloodline talent is extremely powerful, and it is slightly better than the mountain giant.

Just a promotion to the sanctuary.

With only a small part of the remaining soul fire, it has almost reached the point where it is close to the middle level of the sanctuary.

Whether it is a group attack or a single, whether it is a long-range or melee.

Red dragons are not weak.

It can be said that although the red dragon Kalis is not the strongest believer under Yingcheng’s command, he is definitely the believer with the most comprehensive combat ability.

“It would be even better if we could get a few more dragon believers in the future.

Earning sincerity thought happily.

He felt relieved when he thought of the scene where the giant dragons under his command swarmed in groups and spit out the dragon’s breath to annihilate the enemy.

“After the ruins of the kingdom of God, the god of slaughter in the previous life, the second major event should be the dragon’s nest.”

“Because of my low strength in the last life, I only caught a two-legged flying dragon. In this life, I will have a good time!”

Earning Cheng’s eyes are shining.

“According to the current progress of the players, it is estimated that in ten days and a half months, the ruins of the kingdom of the god of slaughter Ciri will be opened.

“Just take advantage of this time to accumulate strength, and then plunder in the ruins of the kingdom of God!”

“The crystallization of slaughtering divinity is mine!”

Take back your thoughts.

Zhuancheng ordered the two saints:

“Three days of free hunting. After three days, prepare to gather and hunt believers of Ability Gods!”

At this time, several days have passed since the believers of the demigods invaded the plane of the dead.

It’s not too long before the 10-day deadline.

Therefore, Zhuocheng only gives the believers three days, and what they can gain in these three days depends on luck.

After all, there must be a few days left to hunt other demigods.

“Zuancheng is not someone who can’t fight back after being beaten.

Since I took the mission and wanted to hunt myself, I should have the consciousness of being killed!

Fortunately, the main goal of helping the red dragon Kalis to advance to the sanctuary has been achieved.

“Great Master, do your will!»

The two saints prayed devoutly, and then scattered again to prepare to hunt undead creatures!

Just when the believers under the command of the demigods and other demigods were wanton killing.

Deep in the plane of the dead.

The Throne of Dry Bones.

Several powerful figures are gathering here.

This is the pinnacle of the plane of the dead.

Skeleton King!

Lich King!

Death knight!

These three are all sanctuary-level existences of the Undead Plane.

Plus the undead bone dragon.

That is, the four masters of the plane of the dead!

If in the past, these people were old enemies who didn’t get along with each other, it was impossible for them to get together.

But today is different.

Not only the plane of the undead is about to collapse, but there are also many foreign invaders wanton hunting.

Many undead masters had to hold together to discuss countermeasures.

Below them, this is a group of legendary undead creatures.

“Damn, that bone dragon won’t be slaughtered!”

The fire of the soul in the head of the Skeleton King suddenly surged, and he said angrily.

“It’s just him!

The death knight whispered indifferently.

“Forget it, that bone dragon is so arrogant and arrogant that he thought he was a giant dragon clan before his death, so let it fend for itself. 29

The Lich King was the most powerful of the four masters, and he seemed to have reached the level of the middle level of the Sanctuary.

When he let go of his pressure, the audience suddenly fell silent.

Look at him silent.

“Everyone, now the Ability God believers have invaded our homeland and wantonly slaughtered undead creatures, we must hold together and have a chance to survive. 11

“Yes, I have lost contact with several skeleton generals under my command.

The Skeleton King responded in a deep voice.

“However, even without the invasion of Ability God believers, our plane will face collapse. 1

Many undead creatures began to be silent.

This is a boulder pressing down on their hearts, and the feeling of a countdown to death is not good at all.

After all, not a single demigod exists among them.

Unable to cross the plane and the void to the next plane, he can only watch himself gradually shatter with the plane.

Now that they haven’t collapsed, it’s already considered that their minds are extraordinary.

And some undead have already begun to unscrupulously release themselves and kill at will.

The Lich King looked at the many silent undead creatures and smiled softly:

“Originally we did not have any hope, but now, we have to thank these Ability God believers for the invasion!”


“That’s right! It is with their invasion that we have a silver lining.

“I master a magic circle of blood sacrifice. As long as we kill these Ability God believers alone and use their flesh and blood for blood sacrifice, we can strengthen our plane barrier, and the undead plane can survive for at least another hundred years! 22

“That’s what I called you for!”

As soon as this word comes out.

All the undead creatures boiled instantly, and the fire of the soul within the head began to flicker and flicker.


“Naturally it is true, but it requires us to ask questions.”

“As long as the plane of the undead can survive, it is said to be asked, even if it is to obey your orders. 33

“Okay! In this case, we are ready to find the traces of Ability God believers and start hunting!

The death knight has some concerns:

“If we slaughter all the Ability God believers, will it arouse the wrath of the Ability Gods and bring down more believers. 3

“We can’t control so much, if we don’t sacrifice their blood now, the plane of the undead collapses and none of us can survive.

“That’s right! Blood sacrifice invaders!

“Even if the Ability Gods are furious, they will still hurt their flesh when they die!”

The undead creatures roared one after another, revealing their hideous faces.

This period of shrinking has already made them endure to the limit.

“Then now, the hunt begins!

The pupils of the Lich King hidden in the wide robes kept flickering, and a trace of cruelty appeared.

“What’s the matter, I seem to see a lot less undead creatures these days?”

A trace of doubt flashed in Zhuan Cheng’s eyes.

“Could it be that the solo killing of everyone during this period of time has reduced the number of undead creatures a lot?

During the three days of hunting, the police said that the sanctuary-level undead had disappeared.

Even the legendary undead stalked three of them.

Fortunately, he has infinite evolution, and after obtaining three sanctuary-level soul fires, he can make Red Dragon Kalis be promoted to the middle-level sanctuary.

“But fortunately, other gains are quite good.”

There was a smile on Yi Cheng’s face.

Since coming to the plane of the undead, after several days of hunting, there are not a few low-level police soul fires.

Although it also damaged some demon believers.

But the remaining believers, the strength is greatly improved.

Basically, it’s about one step higher.

This also means.

The more than 600 demons of Zhuancheng have at least a golden start, and there are not a few of them in the epic rank.

Even more valuable is that.

Several Jackal Demons have also been successfully promoted to the legendary rank!

…0 asking for flowers ……

The strength of the Jackal Demon Clan has been greatly increased, which makes Gedo extremely gratified.

no way.

Infinite evolution is really too perverted, a gold-level soul fire is an epic soul fire in Zhuangcheng, and even if you are lucky, it can become a legendary soul fire.

Therefore, the promotion of these low-rank positions will be easier.

After all, there are not many undead creatures who are policed, but the base is large!

“Lamov, the god of thunder, really gave me a great gift. 99

A sneer flashed in Cheng’s eyes.

Lamov’s calculations not only did not bring him any harm, but instead caused the strength of his followers to skyrocket again.

“Coming and not being indecent, since you gave me a big gift, I have to give you a big gift too!”

Earning is determined.

Then he directly ordered the two saints:

“Gedo, Kalis! Gather your subordinates and prepare to go to the area of worshipers of the Storm God! 99

Has the spider goddess Lilith as an inner response.

Earning Cheng easily knew the location of the demigods who had accepted the mission of the God of Thunder.

And the believers of the God of Storms are the closest one to him!

“Unfortunate, let’s start with you. 99

Earn a sneer.

Under the leadership of Gedo, the demons have swept away in the direction of the followers of the God of Storms.

God of Storms.

At this time, he was happily watching his followers hunting undead creatures.

“Yes, another epic soul fire.

“In addition to the five epic-level soul fires I obtained before, it is enough to make the half-orc leader under my command become a legend!

“From now on, I am also a demigod with legendary followers! 33

The god of the storm rejoiced.

Thinking of how dignified rank six demigods have never been mixed up with a legendary believer, what a tragic thing this is.

Also thanks to luck.

Slowly relying on time to develop, he devolved to the current level of six turns demigod.

But he is undoubtedly the very bottom of the rank six demigods.

Therefore, he will continue to accept the bounty task of the God of Thunder.

Thinking of a rising star, Christon, the god of demons and slaughter, surpassed himself in a short period of time, and even has a Red Dragon believer who is at the peak of legend.


He was mad with jealousy.

“I’ll make you look good in two days!

Think so.

He let the half-orc commander under his command use the fire of the soul to start promotion.

After all, not every demigod is as rich and powerful as Zhuocheng, who can use the fire of the soul immediately.

Generally speaking.

Soul fire will be better when used together.

It’s just that Zhuancheng can’t look down on it.

Just as the Orc Commander prepares to use Soul Fire.

The distant sky.

A dark figure was rushing over, and the powerful breath in it made the Orc Commander’s pupils shrink continuously.

And the God of Storms is also shocked.

“What is that?! How can there be so many legendary demons?!”

Then his face was very ugly.

“Christon’s believer? How is that possible? He doesn’t have a legendary red dragon who is at the peak of his succession. How can there be so many legendary demon believers?”

“damn it!

He immediately showed that he wanted to communicate with Earning Cheng.

However, Ying Cheng was extremely indifferent, and he had no interest in talking to those who wanted to deal with him after he had torn his face.

Directly smash God’s Spiritual Mind completely.

The strength of the spiritual sense that can be lowered is directly related to the strength of the believers, so they are both rank six demigods, and the spiritual sense of the God of Storms is not worth mentioning at all.


Demons roar with Fen.

Orc believers who kill the god of the storm are like wolves entering the flock!

The slaughter has officially begun!

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