One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 04

After landing in the forest soft soil, I looked at Bonney to check if she was hurt or scared... but she is just staring at me... I think I can see sparkles in her eyes. "Sorry about that, hope I didn't scared you. I still have dificulty controlling my new body..." I apologized just in case but she just blushed a little and hugging me tighter and hidding her face on my neck. She just so cute. 

Now I need to get away from this city and start my preparations to trancend godhood... or atleast take the treasured wood and make me invincible this early in the journey. Maybe I'll feel like a Logia user that don't fear attacks from normal people... musn't underestimate my enemies. Though I don't feel really confortable killing anyone, even if they are jerks, maybe later I'll have to kill in order to protect Bonney. That's a story for another day. Now I need to focus on getting My Treasure Tree Adam, and fuse with it. Hope it works as advertise.

After stopping for a drink Bonney has fallen asleep. Better let her sleep, since she was sleeping while I was carring her, I'll just continue but at a slower pace so I don't disturbed her. How old is Bonney and how far in the past am I... Better keep looking for a propper place to plant Adam's seed since the trunk is huge I cannot plant it at the top of the hill where I spawned, it would draw way to much unwanted attention.

After walking for several hours I think it's mid day. I found the perfect spot, it has less trees so it has room for growing, it's not so high up so it would take some time for anyone to spot my tree, there is a small lake nearby and the soil is loose and fertile. And Bonney is starting to wake up. "Good morning sleepy head." I say with the best smile I have. She looked at me and hides her face again. "You okay there." I asked playfully. And she says she is fine. I put a hand on the soil near the small lake, and use my powers to make a small house for us. After setting Bonney on the new house, she goes inside running for some reason.

I'll start with my preparations but first I'm a bit hungry maybe Bonney is hungry too. Maybe that why she ran of in to the house to see if there is something to eat. Better find her since I did promise to keep her well fed. Not that there's anyway to get lost in here since it only has a living quarters and a bedroom. Wish I could use different colored woods all this mud brown is making my creative mind cry...

"Better get started" I said making a table with two chairs and a big bowl in the middle of the table with 2 smaller bowls and some utencils. Next I started blooming some fruits to make a fruit salad, I bloomed 2 pineapples, 4 peaches, 4 pears, 2 apples, 20 sweet cherries and 50 white grapes. Next I make the sharppest and hardest knife I could, and started peeling and cubing each of the largest fruits. Then cut the cherries in halves to remove the tiny seeds and threw the grapes in the bowl along with the rest of the fruit cubes and the halved cherries. It turned better than expected, gonna see if I can catch some fishes from the lake later to make dinner. 

Now to call my little Bonney over and enjoy a nice meal with her. "Lunch is ready." I called but Bonney didn't come right away... did she ran away... I run towards the bedroom and she was sitting in a corner with her head on top of her knees while hugging her legs. "You wanna talk about it." I asked her and she shivered a little. "Would you still like me if I wasn't a kid." She asked me reluctantly. And I just walked towards her and hugged her on the floor. "You are still Bonney no matter if you are an adult or a child, to me you are my Bonney." That is probably the cringe worthy I have said to her. 

She looked at me from between my twins crying and she hugged me back. "It's not like I want to cry... It's just so hard to control my emotions when I'm a child." She said a little emberased, guess we have a little tsundere here, but I just hugged her and kissed her on the top of her head. "Silly girl it's okfor a kid to act as a kid, I will not judge or ridicule you for some petty things. Lets go eat lunch and then you can rest a little if you want, the bed is just a buch of leaves layered together since I haven't absorbed a cotton tree to make a more confortable bed." But I want Adam to be my first... tree.

Heading towards the table I can see Bonney looking at the giant bowl of mixed fruits. Once we sat at the table we started eating, I only ate one bowl and just enjoyed how Bonney ate the rest of the giant bowl with a happy smile across her face. I drank some water while waiting for Bonney to finish and then passed the water bottle to her.

After we finished with the meal we both went outside to start working on my tree. After reaching more or less the middle of the small valley, I make a deep hole for the seed and started growing it my powers it was really draining so after it sprouted out of the soil both Bonney and I started pumping my little tree full with our powers I can see her sweating a little so I give her the water bottle. After an hour of growing the tree we took a break and drank some water while I gave her some fruits. After a break we continued, and repeated the same procedure while I keep monitoring the tree, apparently the tree is 20 years old and look like a proper tree now. Better call it a day and get dinner started... I don't know how to make a fire... Guess we will be eating fruit salads for a little while longer.

After we ate diner I make another room closer to the lake with a big pool in the middle and make some wooden pipes to get water from the lake to flood the pool and its a little open so that the water keep cycling and don't get dirty. Then I make sure that large animals cannot get in from the pool. And perfect the small bath house is done. Now we can take a bath, it is gonna be my first bath since comming to this world and I am just rinsing of with cold lake water... Atleast soap is a thing in this world, so after I finished with my tree we are gonna go shopping to get some more clothes, soap and other important necesities.

Maybe I should build a wall around this small valley to prevent unwanted eyes to see my precious Bonney or my Treasured tree... Yeah guess I'll start with that, then we take a bath and go to sleep. After another hour of working, it was starting to get dark but I finished my wall with a gate so we can leave when ever we want. It opens with my powers so it can't be forced, unless they break it down but by that time I'll probably be awake. 

I return to the house looking at Bonney asking what is that pool, and I just show her. And remove my leaves robes which has become like my second skin and enter the pool. Looking at my back I can see Bonney struggle with something. "Come Bonney the water is great." She is blushing maddly but started removing her clothes. And entering the pool and sit on my lap, luckily she is in her child form otherwise I don't think I might be able to resist...

Status Check:


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