One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Unknown Party

How did I know it was the Oro Jackson in the port? It's a very obvious ship having red sails sporting the Gol D. Roger name and flag insignia. Also, the egg. 'What is that egg? Nevermind that, Captain and everyone are back from Laugh Tale, I should probably go and grab everything, Shanks might've noticed them already and gone to meet up with them.'

I ran all the way to the room, and grabbed a couple things that I got during the free time after I finished daily training, since I ended up doing the entire workout faster every day. 'My physicality increased to the point I had time to get a notebook, a devil fruit encyclopedia, and tie them together. I did have to basically beg Shanks to buy them, mostly due to him having the money, and me not entirely trusting myself with doing it due to having zero experience with Berri. I also put both to good use, writing down future users of devil fruits in that book, and those ideas and plans for the future have to stay near my person at all times.'

So, I tossed that two books bound together into a bag, grabbed folded pieces of paper containing other designs that were too big for the notebook and put them carefully in the bag as well, and then remembered to grab my beanie I always took of during training, after the second time. And then, I ran out of the hotel, and towards the port. It took a minute before I got there, seeing as the town somehow is bustling, even at the end of the world. And when I got there, I was greeted by a sight of Gol D. Roger, the captain himself, Rayleigh, Oden, Shanks, and a couple of other people I somewhat recognized, but only by looks, from the crew.

I subconsciously smiled, and ran towards the crew and took in the fact of my own mentality. 'Huh. I think this body's old personality and mentality is leaking into my own, the anxiety I remember still exists, but to a far less degree.' and continued running with a smile up to the group, who had noticed me.

Captain yelled out to me while smiling and waving "Buggy! Are you feeling better?"

'That smile is too iconic, I gotta incorporate it into my flag sometime.' "Yeah! I'm feeling much better! Like, a lot better!" And I arrived in front of all of them. "How was Laugh Tale? How was the One Piece?"

They looked at me, dumbfounded. 'Did I say something wrong?'

"How'd you know I was gonna name the last island Laugh Tale?" Asked Rayleigh.

"And how'd you know about the One Piece? You weren't here when we said anything about either of those."

'Frick. Frick Frick Frick FRICK FRICK FRICK! I completely forgot that the One Piece wasn't named until captain himself named it! And was Laugh Tale a legend or something? Did captain name drop it also during that speech? DAMN MY MEMORY!'

And as smoothly as I possibly could, I made finger guns, snapping my fingers while making them, and said "I guessed that! And turns out, I was right!" And smiled while sweating profusely. 'Please take that answer, please take that answer, please take that answer, PLEASE TAKE THAT ANSWER!'

And then, after a few seconds passed, everyone started to laugh. Through the laughter, I could hear Captain say "THATS A CRAZY COINCIDENCE TO COME UP WITH EXACTLY WHAT WE DID! HAHAHAHAH!"

Everyone continued laughing, even making Shanks and I laugh a bit. 'Thank DIRECTOR that they just took it at face value, it might be because of past Buggy that they took it like that.'

And soon, everyone was all smiles.

"So, you didn't answer. How was Laugh Tale?"

Captain was the first to answer, saying "It was great, we now know a lot! But, our adventure doesn't end just yet! We have a few more things to do first!"

Then, we all moved onto the ship, and that night, we just partied for reaching the end of the world. But of course, I drank too. Obviously. 'The first time I've ever drank before. Wonder what it's like.' and as I took a drink of the alcohol, I blacked out.

The first thing I realized when I woke up, was the throbbing headache I had. The second thing I noticed was the brightness of the morning sun in my face. And the last thing I noticed, was the sheer number of glass bottles surrounding me, simply because I only just started to see.

'Did I drink all of these? Is that why I'm surrounded by them?'

And I looked around a little more to notice Rayleigh staring at me.

"Geez! Don't just scare me when I wake up!"

He smirked visibly. "Oh, I wouldn't dare scare the person who's going to create.." he posed while overexcentuating his arm movements in the air and the rising sun behind him: 'The One'!"

I put my face in my hands. "Oh my god, how much did I say last night?"

"A lot." As he overexcentuated all the movements of his body. "You only shared everything, like your near-death experience, some of your supposed weapon ideas, and your new goal, which congratulations for coming up with a new one, or should I say, 'The One'?" His smirk became bigger.

I tensed, and decided to ask "But what are all of these bottles about?"

"Also during our party, when we first heard you talking, we just assumed you were talking about something and ignored some of it. Until we realized that you were drinking. To which we then tried to take away the alcohol, and when we tried, you literally flew away and continued talking, even when we tried hard, we couldn't stop you, and decided to let you have your fun, for the night at least, considering you didn't get to go to 'Laugh Tale'."

I took my face out of my hands and looked at him. "So why are ther-"

"So many bottles? Because, when we let you just drink, you continued drinking more and more, slowly building up a pile. And when we realized how much you had, you were already through most of the bottles you are currently on. Do you know how much that is? Compared to me, the Vice-Captain, I drank around a quarter of what you drank. And you single-handedly drank a good amount of our booze, so..."

I started to stretch. "I don't remember much after, like, the first maybe half a bottle? And this looks like... too many bottles to count." 'Note to self, don't get drunk ever again, unless a huge amount is on the ship or near me.'

"Yeah, you might not want to do that again, you only got away with it due to everyone partying, but next time, you might have to pay for it." And he walked away. I swear I saw him with one of the most evil grins on his face ever, and it was etched into my memory.

To get rid of all of that alcohol that I assume was in my body, I decided to see how well I would do with my workout, after collecting all of the bottles for a reason I didn't have, and that took about an hour. But the workout afterwards ended up well, I felt more like normal thanks to my metabolism, which consumed all of that alcohol like a black hole. To do the run that I had no idea how long it was, I ran around the outer edge of the ship, the closest I was comfortable with while knowing I had a devil fruit and could die if I fell in. The workout ended after midday when I finally finished the workout, and I noticed it got slightly easier than the day before, but I needed to be able to do it way quicker.

Although the first time wasn't paced out, over the time I was training on Lodestar, I learned a good pace, spreading each exercise out between the run rather than at the same time, making it still tiring, but not deathly tiring.

Only after finishing, did I realize everyone had stopped to watch me after that workout.

"Is something wrong?"

One of the crew members I didn't have any idea who they were answered, still a little shocked for some reason. "Yeah, when Shanks told us about you doing that, we didn't believe him, laughing it off as a joke. Then when you told us all last night, we still took it as a bit of a joke that we didn't get. So seeing you actually do what you said shocked us all a bit."

'Other note to self, change your own image, being known as lazy would suck if a lot of people wanted to hunt me when I officially become a pirate.'

And then the news came in a couple days later. 

AN: So, a continuity error was pointed out, and I'm going to fix it by saying that Roger probably didn't add anything to Laugh Tale other than the name. With his knowledge from the Sea Kings leaving Fishman Island, I am going to say he knew that the ones spoken about were going to find the final island, AKA Luffy. So going by the logic I just set, Roger technically only FOUND the One Piece, and as a pirate, claimed it as his own, then incentivizing the world to look for it in hopes that who we know was prophecied by the sea kings, Luffy, would find the island and get to it, learning of whatever was on Laugh Tale in the first place, since he couldn't do anything about it.

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