One Piece: Overlord Buggy

The End of A Rollercoaster

I stared at the two of them, the ones who most, what they called, 'diciplined', me. Roy and Rianna. 

'Do they really think that I'll just come out of my hiding spot to just answer them?'

"Oh, little Rem! We may have to just start with drastic measures if you don't come out!"

I could hear the both of them walking towards the side of the room I was on, the one with the boxes stacked underneath the nine tables in a grid, where I could have been under any one of them, and chose the direct middle one of them.

My own body was shivering, as the footsteps crept into the room, with no other sound except for what I knew as Rianna's fan dragging against the floor. The dust was settling all across the room, and I decided to quietly sink into a ball, curling up on the floor, in hopes that they would leave.

"We know that you are in here, Rem! This has been the one place you run off to and hide for a looooong time!"

"You never change! Not even where you go and hide!"

I could hear the enjoyment that they took in telling me all of this, and it was infuriating to know that they could just say such things with enjoyment written all over. My body did not show the anger I had at all, since I was more scared of what they would do to my creations.

The sound of footsteps then stopped again, and I could tell they were stopped, standing in between a couple of the tables.

I was sitting, shaking so much that I thought the castle surrounding us was going to shake apart. It was eerily quiet, and even a grain of sand dripping could be heard. I was holding my breath the entire time, trying not to be heard, and my eyes were being filled with tears, so I closed my eyes, depending on my hearing.

And out of the blue, I heard a loud sound outside of my hiding hole, and nearly let out a sound, before covering my mouth, and taking a peek from under my table.

Roy had smashed one of the tables, destroying it and everything else underneath it.

"Oh, I guess you weren't under this one~, how about that next one, younger sister?"

"That sounds perfect to me."

Another loud crash came from the other side of me, along with "Hm. It looks like I either smashed it into you, or you weren't there. Either way..."

More loud bangs and tables being destroyed continued to happen.

"... We'll find you, and bring you back to us!"

And the room was washed over by a chilling quiet, one that made me even more terrified of anything else that I was sure was going to happen. A minute of the silence passed before something made me jump.

The fox sneezed.

I had jumped a little too much, and hit my head on the bottom of the table, then looking over at the fox next to me, and my whole body froze.

Out of nowhere, in the eerie quiet, the table above me was flipped into the air, and on either end of the rectangular table, was Roy, and Rianna, with smirks on their faces.

"Seems like we caught Rem."

"And the fox too."

They were both staring at me with gazes full of enjoyment, which made my whole body stop moving, with my head facing Rianna, who I was staring at.

"Perhaps we should start with Rem?"

"Hmm. I do think she needs more discipline than last time, but what do we do about the specimen?"

I could tell both of them eyed the fox, and I wasn't even able to turn my head or face either of them.

"You know, the specimen can wait. It's out cold! Rem is not, so why not just throw the specimen over to the door to remember when we leave?"

"Perfect! You may have your idiotic moments, but right there was a great idea!"

I watched in fear as Rianna picked up the fox by the head, palm to face, and lifted her into the air, taking a quick look, smiling a grin full of ecstasy, and throw her all the way to the other side of the room, narrowly missing any leftover debris that had settled.

I reached out a little, arm fully shaking, towards the fox. 'Bu- I.. no.. nuh- Ro! Please get here!'

"Younger sister! We need the specimen in prime condition! Grim may have done some damage to her, but please don't hurt it any more!"

"You whine too much! We can fix it, we'd just need to inform Rosin that we're fixing our own mistakes!"

In a monotone voice, I heard Roy say "Are you hoping he gives us the opportunity to fix it? Or are you thinking of someone else?"

I could hear the excitement fall from the conversation, as Rianna spoke "You're right. I will be careful when we leave, just.. don't speak a word about it. Otherwise-"

"Otherwise we get in trouble, yes, I am very aware, younger sister. Now didn't we have something else to do?"

I could hear the excitement return when Rianna exploded outward, saying "Oh yeah! Rem~"

Numerous amounts of teardrops fell from my face as I was still reaching out to the fox.

"Oooh, are you crying? Already? We haven't done anything yet!"

I let my arm go limp, and let it fall to the ground, then turning to look at Rianna, face covered in tears.

"Is little Rem gonna have a breakdown? That would be great, but could it wait until after we're done? It's a bit awkward to just have it happen before we do anything."

I felt my body shaking, breathing heavily, reflexively trying to run away and not move from the fear of both of them making any move.

"You know what, older brother? I have an idea! If you would move out of the way, I can do it!"

Her eyes were drilling into me, making even my own heart beat heavier and harder than before.

I could hear him move out of the way, and saw Rianna smirk, before she started to walk towards me.

Once in front of me, she moved to the side, and immediately picked me up by the throat, and walked towards the wall, pinning me to it, feet off the ground. The pain from her clutching my throat was unbearable, but my own body was still taking precidence over those thoughts.

"Oh, Rem.. I forgot that you were still in your original body! We never gave you a different, more human one, did we?"

Her playful tone just made more tears fall down my face, and looking at her from slightly above, she had a look of a bloodthirsty demon.

"It does suck that we can't just choke you with that body, but I bet my hand wrapped around your throat isn't pleasant, is it?"

I couldn't say anything, as all that I could do was let them do whatever they wanted. I didn't have any strength to fight back, let alone stop them at all.

"Oh older brother? Maybe you should start with the original 'pieces of art' that Rem here created, you know, the ones she first created?"

"Hmm! We haven't gotten to those yet! Maybe we should!  There's nothing better than something sentimental!"

I watched as Roy grabbed one of my original paintings, one of a green island, covered in white buildings. One that I put a lot of effort and time into, one I made during a time I was happy. One that I made when Rosalina was just around.

"Awwww! This one's nice! It's an island! Is this Graphen? I would've never thought that it could look this way! Too bad it was painted by you!"

And I watched as Roy tossed it into the air, pulled out his dual ended sword staff, and sliced directly through the canvas and wood, making tow pieces.

I watched as it fell to the ground, and he then punched it into the ground, ripping it apart like it was paper.

Rianna had turned to watch this too, and spoke "Good job older brother! That was a good show of destruction! How about you continue?"

She turned back to me, and whispered in my ear "I hope you like this, otherwise, it may make you more obedient to us."

Roy then grabbed another painting, this time, it was of a serene lake, with a tea party happening right on the edge, with people sitting and chatting.

And before he even started to destroy it, I closed my eyes, to not see anything. But I could still hear the crunching of wood and the ripping of canvas, even more so than before.

"Did she close her eyes? That sucks, but if she listens, it may be even better than before!" I heard Roy say this to Rianna while thrilled about the situation.

Even more of my art was destroyed, and I could hear it, ripping, tearing, crashing, crushing, total destruction, and I heard "Yes, keep going! Maybe after this, she'll obey like a dog! How great would that be!?"

And then it went quiet. Rianna, still holding me a foot or two off the ground against the wall, had a face of complete and utter ecstacy, and I could only focus on her, and my eyes were covered my tears. She was the only thing I could see well enough to recognize, and I could only cry at this. 

I was too weak to do anything, and all I could do was cry and think 'Ro, please... help...'

In my current state, I didn't notice anything off, until I heard a mechanical voice say "S.O.U.L. C.O.M.A.N.D. R.E.T.U.R.N. T.O. M.A.I.N."

Opening my eyes, I saw a something that looked like a manequin made of metal with wires sticking out everywhere, holding the back of Rianna's head. Her soul was forming, only to then be whisked away through the castle. The only thought that ran through my mind was 'No. Don't let this be him...'

Rianna's body was stuck in a form of stasis, not moving, the same went for the manequin, which was still holding the back of the now soul-less body holding me. I looked past the manequin to find Roy's body also in the same state as Rianna's, unmoving and soul-less.

I heard the mechanical voice speak again, saying "S.O.U.L. C.O.M.A.N.D. S.O.U.L. T.R.A.N.S.F.E.R."

Before the silver of a soul shone, moving from the manequin to Rianna's body, then slumping, and falling to the ground.

What was Rianna's body, now possessed by someone else, moved her head and looked at me, only to then open their eyes widely, then letting go of my body, having me drop to the floor. I ended up on my knees, accepting any fate I could, crying, until the person in Rianna's body spoke "Rem! I am so glad you are okay!" And hugging me, tightly, lifting my head onto her shoulder, and wrapping her arms around me, as if protecting me.


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