One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Landing at Logue Town

No one, except for Shanks, questioned my wanting to go to Logue Town, even if they were confused about why. But when Shanks asked, I simply answered "Because I have a feeling that I should go there." And smiled while walking away. 'Haha! Little do they know that I can do a few things there. Since it's the last island before the entrance to the Grand Line, I can start a bounty hunting journey, especially after Captain's death. I can also hopefully get a sword there, so I can actually train, though I doubt there will be any fancy sword that just so happens to be extremely high quality, so I can just start my sword training while waiting for Captain's execution. Also, obviously, I'll be there before everyone else in waiting to witness the beginning of the Golden Age of Piracy, so I can even gather more money after that. Another obvious thing is that I'm gonna be ready to start flipping the world on its head!'

And for a little while while traveling and dropping others off, I just simply trained, doing the 4-Punch workout, and since I had finished training Haki with Rayleigh, I just continuously did the 4-punch workout, which turned into the 5-Punch workout, and eventually the 6-Punch workout by the time we neared the island of Logue Town.

I did end up taking around half a million berry for my funds off of the ship, but with the entirety of the treasure we had, I could've taken more, but I already felt guilty just taking money to survive, so I just took the money, put it in the bag with my papers, notebooks, and some clothes, and realized we docked. And after that, everyone that was still on the ship had said there goodbyes, and I simply wandered off onto the dock of Logue Town wearing a cloak, you know, to be less conspicuous walking off an unmarked ship, A.K.A, the Oro Jackson with its flags switched out. And after waving back at the remaining crew, we both went separate ways.

'Well, at least I have funds until the chaos starts.'

I wandered off just to see if I could find any weapon shops because I wanted to start training soon, I also needed a place to stay until the big pirate boom, so I can get a lot of freaking money, but until then, I just needed a sword, I could deal with accomodations later.

I started walking down the main road, realizing that the place where Roger will meet his end isn't there. 'I guess it hasn't happened yet, so that makes sense. But I still need to find a sword-shop. Maybe that guy who gave Zoro new swords is around, or at least a family member or something.

So I walked for about two hours, up and down the entirety of Logue Town's main connecting streets, just to get a feel. Over the course of my current life, I had learned that there was a single common language that everyone spoke and wrote in, which makes sense, since basically everyone had no issue communicating with each other. I did happen to learn that I could just use it easily? It might be another remnant of the past Buggy, but I couldn't tell and didn't care because it never actually gave me any trouble. And since I had that one single language, it was easy to read all of the signs for shops, and I just tried to learn the place since I planned of being here for a while while bounty hunting, and training both swordsmanship and my devil fruit.

During those two hours though, I was focused on just memorizing the placement of different places, so I could get necessities like food, building materials, and a few other needed things. But eventually, I found myself outside of a weapons shop named "Logue Town Arms Shop", and just walked in.

There was almost no one in there, except for a somewhat old man with white wing-like hair sticking out from his head, and some of that hair connected to his eyebrows, making his already shady eyes look even more shady. On the top of his head was a puft of more white hair, and he wore rounded glasses over the shifty eyes of his. He was looking at a newspaper while sitting down behind the counter, and barely looked up at me to then slowly watch me as I walked a little around the store.

And then I looked at the swords and guns all over the room. There was also some helmets hanging on the wall as well, so I just looked around for a second before the man asked "Do ya need somethin, kid?"

'Is he talking to me? Oh yeah, I already forgot that I'm Buggy, the younger like 15 year old version or something.' I turned to him and said "I'm here for a sword. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, but don't expect me to not look at the fancy ones." And turned back to look at the swords.

"Seems you're just starting out using a sword. I would recommend going somewhere else to get a practice sword to use rather than a real one, specially for a kid."

I turned back to him again and stared at him straight in the eyes. 'I can't believe I'm already doing better socially than my last life, I'm talking to him like nothing. Thank you body for unexpected helpfulness.'

"I want a real sword to train, otherwise I may end up going crazy after changing to a real sword from a fake one due to the weight and balance of the whole thing. Besides, I have a few ways to not hurt myself during any training with a real sword." 'Yeah, my devil fruit, obviously. I do also have Armament, so a normal sword wouldn't be able to hurt me anyway.' and turned back to look at swords a second time.

I heard a sigh from him. "What can you spend on, one sword right?"

I answered calmly this time "I can do 250 thousand berri, maybe up to 300 thousand at most."

He sighed again, and nodded. I was watching through observation a little to see the nod. And he then said "Come over here, if you have that money, one of these swords on display should work." And I walked over, seeing the ones on display, which were very bland to look at. 'I guess I can't be picky about it, I did say I just needed a training sword, so one of these should work. I guess I can just pick-' and then my eyes wandered over to a sword in a glass case. The owner noticed my gaze moved and said to me directly "Do not think about that one, I wouldn't recommend actually giving it any attention either."

Now I was interested. I looked closer at it to notice the handle was red, wrapped in a white cord, with a silver pommel on it. The guard on the blade was a circle with what looked like something mimicking lightning, all formed from more silver. The scabbard was white with a purple and red stripe going around from top to bottom in an alternating pattern, while the hanging cord also matched the red and purple color scheme.

I looked more intensely at the sword after he had said to not pay it any mind. 'That is one fancy sword. It also happens to be in colors that I like. I should probably get it before anyone else tries to steal it away.'

I immediately pointed at it and said "I'll take that one!" With a demanding voice.

He got visibly upset at that. "I will never sell THAT sword to anyone, let alone a child!" As he slammed his fist against the counter, but I didn't back down.

"Oh? So you have a reason to not sell it? Can I know why?"

He got even more upset than before, but managed to say "This sword is a skillful grade sword, but no one actually knows where it came from. When it first showed up, people tried to pick it up and use it, but they all died. It somehow ended up in my hands, and I have sworn to never sell it so it would never cause any more deaths. Even if I try to move it at all, it doesn't do anything for a couple seconds, until I get shocked by it and have to drop it. I don't know why it hasn't killed me yet, but it would most certainly kill anyone else." He ended with a grim face.

'So this sword has killed all that have tried to wield it? Sounds like this sword has a will of its own. That means it's a special sword, giving me more incentive to get it.' I smiled at the man. "I'll take it off your hands if it's such a nuisance."

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