One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Interrogation, Again

Leaning forward, putting her elbows on her knees, and putting her hands in front of her mouth, still having an eyebrow raised, Rosalina spoke "You, Buggy, knew of my soul? And could see it?"

'There shouldn't be a need anymore to keep a secret from her. Rem is pretty much a good source, I can guess anyways. While she doesn't keep secrets well, she should say the truth. I could probably just say yep as an answer until she gets something wrong. Like a game of sorts.'

"Mhm. Yep."

Rosalina exhaled from her nose, sighing, and rubbing her eyes with one hand.

"And how long have you known this?"

'Oh, seriously? You can't just ask a yes or no question?'

"Um.. before I answer that, I got a question. Do you know what... Haki is?"

I couldn't tell what Rosalina was thinking, because she didn't change expression or move much at all.

"Haki? I have heard of it. Just like I have heard of Big Mom. Now that I think out loud, how do YOU know who and what these things and people are?"

I decided to sit up while and start talking.

"How do I know? That's be-"

'Wait, should I disclose that I was a part of the Roger Pirates? I mean, I think I've only ever told Taki, so it should be fine, right? Maybe I'll tell her at the end.'

"-cause I have been to the new world. Yeah. Um.. I technically have amnesia, because I don't exactly remember anything up to before like, over a year ago.. I remember important things, but I don't think I actually act the same as before."

Rosalina's face when I said that was confused, but that expression only slightly showed through.

"So, you have amnesia? I only met you around a year ago, and you have recovered from it, becoming a different person, becoming stronger, and learning how the world works, only within a couple months? That is an almost impossible task that would have been undertaken by you, a boy of.. around 16 years old."

She sat back and crossed her arms, as if saying 'I've seen through you.'

I was taken aback by that realization, because I didn't know how she had become able to see through me.

"Not buying it huh? Can I guess that it's because you don't trust me? I think I told you before that I only came here to confirm or deny a theory. I originally wanted to just head back to the ship because I would've learned what the truth was, but because a few things didn't go.. exactly according to plan, as I am now here, talking to you. My theory that you were under control simply because I saw your soul.. somehow.. has been disproven. So, I do understand why YOU are mad, it's... eminating off of you.."

I could see some the anger and disappointment she had in me just coming off of her like waves.

"..but I want you to see my side to this."

The emotions flowing off of her slowed, and kind of dissipated, as I could metaphorically see her mind going and thinking about everything I had said. She stared at me for a couple minutes, unblinking, and I kind of leaned back a little, in hopes that I wouldn't feel as uncomfortable as I was feeling.

The silence was broken when she asked "How do you know all of this? Big Mom? The New World? You being to the New World? You say all of these things, and do not lie about them, but where have you come from with all of this knowledge? The New World would not have directly, or perhaps, exclusively told you about some things, and how would you figure that we were under the control of Big Mom in the first place?"

My line of sight started to drift to the left as I thought 'How do I explain this? No one actually knows I'm from another world, Rayleigh and Shanks both know I'm just.. not Buggy. So, how am I supposed to start this?'

I was stumped at my own question. And then, I shook my head with an answer. 'No, I AM Buggy. They both know I'm not the ORIGINAL Buggy, and that I'm going to make his name a freaking legend!'

"Okay! Rosalina! I'm going to explain a couple things.. REALLY QUICK. You ready?" I nodded my head as if saying 'Hey, come on, are ya?' before continuing without letting her answer. "So, technically, I am not Buggy. This is a different mind that has now become Buggy. The reason for all of the knowledge is that the past me kinda learned a lot of the future and several events of the past at the same time. I very much AM technically from the New World, since my memory here starts almost near the end of the world. I have so much information in my ead on events and how things work that I seriously have tried to figure out how to bypass some of the laws of the world, theoretically, anyways, as well as how to maximize the amount of power I personally have, which I why I asked if you knew of Haki. I know that you can tell when I'm telling the truth, and while I still don't know how, I'm just gonna say, I have learned Haki within a couple minutes of actually being trained to use it. By the way, there's a bunch of things that require imagination, and so, someone, like me, who has a very unlimited way of thinking, can turn a devil fruit ability, like.. let's say sand, and turn it into lightning. While I don't exactly know the complete and probably complex process of doing that, I can very much imagine some crazy things, and not the scientific process, but the process itself, which definitely limits the power, but I can just figure out how to use things and do other things pretty quickly."

I had closed my eyes and thought out loud about halfway through that, and opened my eyes to see a very confused expression, along with her jaw slightly dropped. Again, I could see some wheels turning in her head, I couldn't tell how quickly they were moving, but I realized a slight flaw I needed to have some clarification for.

Holding up a finger as if I was going to continue, I spoke "Before you say anything, I do want to clarify, what I mean by 'I am not Buggy, I am a different person' is that I am a mix of Buggy. Originally, I was not Buggy, but at the same time I was Buggy. What I mean is, while I have memories of some things that happened TO Buggy before I was in this body, Buggy had no memories of who I was before becoming him. Another way to look at it, I think I have a personality thing going on, the original Buggy personality is merging with the person before you, and a new personality with a little too much going on is sitting on this very bed." I smiled and watched Rosalina's reaction.

Rosalina simply grew more shocked, as if processing everything I had just said. The confusion on her face also showed through.

"Di-did I just make it more confusing? Okay, I can try to simplify it: I am a combination of Buggy and someone else, and the someone else has become the driver of this body, forcing Buggy to merge with him, although it's not a voluntary thing, so... I am basically a whole new person than I was about.. I wanna say two years ago."

We then sat in silence for another couple minutes, and a two thoughts appeared.

"Oh yeah! Um.. did I rant a little too long? I kinda want to stop ranting, but sometimes I forget about trying to stop and then.. a whole story is made up."

I could see a slight nod come from the very confused Rosalina.

"And number two: since I found that I could trust YOU, I would like to tell you, the reason I was in the New World was because I.."

Rosalina broke out of a stupor for a second, and nodded again, as if wanting me to continue. I could only quickly guess that since I was telling the truth this entire time, she had started to trust me a little bit the longer I went on saying exactly what was true. I still couldn't figure out how she could tell what was truth and what was a lie, but I continued.

"Was once a part of Gol D. Roger's pirate crew."

Rosalina was frozen, until she leaned back in the chair, handling that reveal, along with closing her mouth and uncrossing her arms.

"Oh, also, a quick thing, once again, you couldn't do anything to me, since I don't have information on the current whereabouts of any of the other crew members, nor do I have a bounty. And no, I am not a pirate as of now, if you must know."

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