One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Ideas, Deals, & Time Part 6

Locking the door entirely, Mariga ran over to the bed, jumping onto it with the blanket still around her, and I just walked over and sat down on the edge of it before laying down with my legs off the bed.

"So, Mari, are you okay? I could tell being put in that cage brought back some horrible memories."

I looked at Mariga to find her moving her legs to her chest and holding them again, with the blanket over her head. And then she started to cry.

"I.. *sniff* ..was so scared.. *sniffle* ..that I.. *sniff* ..was gonna be.. *sniff* ..forced to.. *sniff sniff* all of.. *sniff* ..their work again.."

'It's affected her a lot more than I thought.' I turned my head towards her and said "Well, you don't have to be forced to do anything now that I'm here to protect you. So you never have to do anything that unreasonable ever again."

I had some thoughts directed at Mariga: 'Obviously I can't just protect you all the time, but you're still pretty young at the moment, and even if Taki is only a little older, she has a devil fruit that needed a good foundation in the first place, which has started. I don't have to have you, Mari, actually do anything for a little bit unless you decide to.'

And I then noticed Mariga lay right next to me, still crying, and hugging me. I didn't have much of an idea of what else to do, so I just hugged her back, I hoped that it gave her a feeling of safety.

And for a while, both me and Mariga just layed there, with me protectively hugging her, and her crying. Until she fell asleep.

'Oh crap. She fell asleep on my arm, I'm gonna feel that tomorrow. Especially while crying, I guess my words did do something then. It is late though, so maybe I should get to sleep too.

I slept in the next day, completely skipping out on training, which was surprising for me especially for sleeping in when I had trained almost daily for a couple months.

There were two interesting things that happened. The first thing was the gratitude that the people had towards me for saving them, although they only knew because of my nose, guess I was being dumb while not disguising myself. They all wanted to do something for me, and I had an idea for if the deal with Branson and Rosalina went through.

"You know what? Maybe those of you who don't have anywhere to go can help me out with business stuff that I have. Although, at the moment I don't have anything really. I would just need you all to move around and maintain some ships that I collect. But I don't have any full details, so you who have nowhere to go, you can just relax, although all of you can. It's not like I dictate your lives or anything. So just do what you want, and if you want to help me, just sit back and relax for a while."

And the second interesting thing was that I moved Mariga into the Hideout, since it was even more safe than a hotel, considering no one came to the hills, and it just so happened to be protected by me and Taki. This day didn't have anything interesting, and I had to get back to the training I skipped out on for a single day.

That night, Mariga was in the same blanket bed as me, and was holding onto me so I, as the self proclaimed protector of her, wouldn't leave. Which sucked for when and if I wanted to leave, but couldn't.

And then, the day that I agreed upon to meet with the two co-owners of Forwilth Shipyard had come, but I had training to do before that. Which, in fact, was hard to get to doing, especially with a sleeping Mariga holding on to me. I had to wake her up and tell her I was going to train and that Taki would protect her while I was gone, which took longer than I thought thanks to her not waking up even a little very quickly.

But once I got that done, I did all of my training, Haki, Six Powers, Swordsmanship, and Devil Fruit training, which did take up half the day. So I ate some food at the hideout, and then left to the shipyard for the final answer from the co-owners.

Arriving there, I walked straight in, and waited for a minute before someone, I think it was Daven, brought me to the office upstairs without any hesitation.

Going into the office, I saw both Rosalina and Branson waiting ther, Branson behind the desk, and Rosalina where she sat when I first proposed the idea. 'I guess she didn't leave at all for this, must've taken more thought than I thought.'

"Ah! Buggy! Ya are here, come take a seat."

I went and sat where I had sat last time,and said "So, did you two come to a conclusion? I assume you did considering you had me brought here directly."

I saw Rosalina and Branson look at each other and nod, before Rosalina looked at me seriously and said "We have, but depending on your answer to a question we would like to ask that previous conclusion may change. You do not mind us asking a question, right?"

"No, I do not. Go ahead." I had tensed a little from the fact they wanted to ask something else. 'I probably shouldn't have expected it to be as straightforward as I had thought. Although, now, it's a bit surprising that there is only one question they have, but I guess I am just good at coming up with ideas, and more recently acting on them.'

"So, Buggy, the question we would like to ask you is: what would you bring to the company other than stock and money? If we just found a few people, most of them, or the competent ones could do exactly what you had proposed. And how would you grow this company of ours, if you so joined? People can promise that, but may go back on it, so how?"

'I guess they thought about this more than I thought, seriously. But should I be one-hundred percent honest, or just tell them the important stuff? I'll just go with the important stuff for now. Too bad for them I have also put a lot of thought into this plan.' I smiled and looked between the two.

"Well, you see, you did answer the first question yourself by asking the second question. I can bring prosperity to this company, and perhaps make it one of the greatest and most well known companies in the world. How, you asked? Simple. While you do well here in the East Blue, there are far stronger pirates in other places. And while this idea I am about to tell you requires more training to become stronger, it would very much help out majorly."

Both of them had intrigued looks on their faces.

"My idea is to move this company to the Grand Line, not very far in, and then sell ships to anyone, having more access to another of the Blue Seas. And then, you can also sell ships to pirates."

"Now hold on-" Began Rosalina.

"No, let me finish. While you can sell ships to pirates, you can also get your stock back through hunting them as well. You can basically get free money that way, and use those ships however you want, either sell them to pirates again for more money, or sell them to a country if they need it. Simple as that. And then, since it's in the Grand Line, you can contribute to the name 'The Pirate Graveyard', and basically take bounties, ships, whatever, and then use it however you want. That is how I would grow this company of yours."

They were both in shock at what I had just said, as if it wasn't something they could ever do.

"T-that's what you'd do? That's insane. No one's ever done anything like that before. Wha- How-.. I don't understand."

'Seems I've broken Branson. Oh well.'

"Well, If I just told you everything this second, there would be less incentive to have me join as the third co-owner of this establishment. But that doesn't mean I don't have any other ideas. In fact, I have several that I don't think you could fathom at the moment until it was created."

'Yeah. I thought about it, I may need to send the company ahead, otherwise it would be known that I was an owner of the place. When I do become a pirate with a bounty, I don't need a connection to a company to be known to the World Government after all. I will also need some people for my crew before I go, like a navigator, otherwise I'll end up dead, and the company would live without me, although a little slow.'

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