One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Forwilth Shipyard

With a whole week of Taki training her devil fruit, and me doing the 6 Punch finally after 3 days of getting back to my physical training while also doing the rest of my training, I realized I still had a ship sitting at the docks I need to get rid of.

So after doing my training, I decided to wander around town to find if there was a place that buys or sells ships.

I finished my training for the day, and Taki was still doing her training, having a moon about 3 meters in diameter sitting on the ground.

I was watching her for a second before saying"Taki, I have an idea for you. Is the moon on the ground?" She was sitting with her legs crossed, focusing on the one large moon in front of her with her eyes closed and her hands on her knees. But when I said something, she opened one of her eyes to look at me.

"Is the moon supposed to.. um.. it shouldn't be on the ground.. does it just float? I don't think I've ever paid attention to if the moon floats. It does right?"

I was just standing there, listening to her questions, and nodded my head. She smiled a little, happy that she was right. And then her face changed to being serious, then asked "Um, how do I just make it float?"

I felt my face contort, as I hadn't thought about it, into a thinking frown. 'How do you just make a moon float? Would it be telekinesis? How do you freaking visualize telekinesis? Oh wait, big brain idea.'

I smirked, saying "Well, you can try something different. Start with a small moon, and figure it out from there. I mean, it's just floating, it's simple right?"

Taki personally took that. "Yes, I'll do it really quickly!" As she moved her arms excitedly, with her other eye opening, then getting back into the pose she was before, eyes closed, legs crossed, and hands on her knees.

"Well, while you do that, I'm going to go do something with that ship I forgot about."

Taki objected "Whaaaat? I want you to stay and watch me make a moon float!", And whined a little.

"*Sigh* Taki, how about you take the time I'm gone to actually make the moon float, and when I get back, you can show me. Besides, I'm gonna end up with some money for it. So just focus on your training, and you can show me howuch progress you can make in like a couple hours."

I started to walk away, not waiting for an answer, only hearing some more whining and wanting me to stay, but I got too far away after a minute or two to hear what she was saying.

Walking around town was a little boring, I still hadn't fully memorized the placement of things, and decided against using observation, simply because my subconscious was doing it for me, alerting me if there was an attack or I'll will towards me, so I just wanted to know the place myself.

I spent about an hour just reading signs, and I didn't have a cloak, considering most people will know me as a bounty hunter and not a pirate. Especially because of the nose, as I was planning on going and getting more bounties on others once they showed up anyways.

While reading signs, I found a building on the outskirts of the town and island named 'Forwilth Shipyard'.

'Well, what my luck to find such a place. I kinda expected there to not be a place like this here, but seems I was proven wrong. Probably should go in, seeing as I have a ship to get rid of, and some possible money to gain.'

And I walked in, to find a room with a little bit of space for, I'm thinking guests to sit, a desk, two doors either side of that surprisingly large desk, and way too many ship decorations. There was rope on the walls, other pieces of ship that I didn't know the name of or really recognized, a.. steering wheel? Or is it named something else? Probably something else, but I didn't come to remember names of ship parts. I did notice that no one was there, which I guess was normal, but I didn't know if it was.

And so, I just awkwardly stood there, waiting for someone to come from the back. Eventually, I decided to lean against the desk, with my arms holding me up. I got bored quickly, and realized there was a pen there, and just awkwardly grabbed it and played with it. And after what felt like actual eternity, someone came from the back room. I felt a little awkward holding that pen, and just set it down when I saw the door open, hoping I was able to put the pen back before the person noticed.

'Oh Director, did my anxiety and general awkwardness have to be brought to this world?'

I just stood there with the most awkward smile I could have, with an arm holding my head up, and the other on my side, while one of my legs crossed the other.

I looked at the person who came from the door, and it looked like a middle-aged man with a somewhat grizzled look, having a full beard and head of hair, both orange, along with a scar under his right eye. He had a long sleeved black shirt on under some denim overalls, and a denim jacket over the overalls and shirt. He had some black rubber golashes on, making his height kind of intimidating, and what looked like almost seven or eight feet tall.

'Um. Did I really not notice this guy at Captain's execution? If he was in the crowd, he was probably in the back, where he could 100% see, even far away. Unless he wasn't at the execution, but whatever.'

He looked at me, and with a surprisingly average voice with no grumble, he said "So, whatcha here for? Buyin or sellin?" And he walked behind the desk, waiting for an answer.

"Really tall..." I said unconsciously, and then coughed a little to cover that up. "Um.. yeah, I'm here to sell, I got a ship from some now captured pirates, and don't have anything to do with it."

'Well, at least my ability to speak wasn't hindered. Guess Buggy still has had some effect on me, even if it was only a small part of me.'

The man chuckled before saying "Well, since ya here, ya might as well bring me to it. I can take care of tha moving part and the appraisal, so don' mind asking." And he smiled widely.

'Wow, already giving off jolly vibes. Cool.'

And I led him to where I remembered the ship was. I did have some doubt it was still there, but it still was. 'Seems no one really came for it, no idea why, I didn't really do anything, or was I terrifying enough to make no one actually want it? Nah, that couldn't be it. Guess it shall remain a mystery.'

"That's it, yah? I'll take a look at it and give you a number I can give you to buy it off yur hands."

I waved a hand pointing towards it, and stood there, awkwardly, watching him take a look at the kinda big ship.

He climbed all over it, literally. I swear I saw him.. claw onto the sides of the ship, and crawl over the sides like a bug. All over the sides of the ship. Every square inch of surface, he crawled over.

'How.. how is he climbing without.. like.. a.. um.. anything to grab onto? Is he actually looking at every part of the ship? That's.. some veery crazy dedication. Wonder why I didn't see him in the original story. Although, he'd probably be like.. white.. haired..?, And old. Although, I guess he was also someone who wasn't in the original story, shown at least. Explains theeeee.. unique-.. -ness.. that he shows.'

And he stopped looking at the ship, walking over to me, and saying "Well son, that ship ya got over there, is a really good example of a ship. Looks like t'was barely used, very clean too. Whoever had this ship kept good care of it. Ya sure ya wanna sell it?" He put his hands in his denim jacket pockets, looking down on me.

"Um. Yes. I'm sure."

"Kay then, let's head back to my shipyard and I'll give ya an estimate on what it's worth. Then I can have some of my guys go and get it later."

And so we walked back to his shop in silence, and when we went in, he disappeared back to the back room, and came back with a piece of paper with a number written on it. He set it down on the desk, and moved it to face me, and said "This's what I can offer ya for it, if ya don't want to take the offer, we can negotiate."

I looked at the number and was surprised enough to say out loud "What? Is that the real number?"

The number written down was seven million.

'Thats a lot more than I expected. Can I really get that amount from it? That's crazy. I.. am too surprised to say anything else.'

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