One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 90 - Ohara event

A few months later, Holy Land Mary Joa.

This is where the Tianlong people live, as well as the seat of the world government that rules this pirate world.

In an open and luxurious room, five elderly people are either sitting on the sofa, sitting on the ground, or standing in the center of the room.

They are the core of the rights of the world government. Although the top leaders of the world government, the five of them look old, but they are not like a centenarian.

An old man in a black suit with white curly hair and a fluffy white beard began to say: “There is news from CP that on a small island in the West Sea, some scholars are studying the” historical text. “

After the old man said, the other four old men frowned, and one old man in a blue suit and white straight hair said: “If I remember correctly, the world government has long ago banned the study of” history The text “It’s up.”

“I didn’t expect anyone to understand the text now.”

“The existence of these people is too dangerous. They must not be allowed to study the 100-year history that has been erased.”

At this time sitting on the ground, wearing a white martial arts robe, the old man who was wiping a famous knife slowly said, “Is it a bit sloppy, after all, they haven’t studied anything yet.”

“Well, old sword, you don’t know, what exactly does this century-old history mean?”

“Their existence has threatened the stability of the world. They should be killed anyway and burn down those books about the text of history.”

The historical text is an untouchable bottom line for world governments. In recent years, anyone who found that they were studying the historical text in secret was executed secretly by CPs.

好 “Well, since the opinions are not unified, raise your hands to vote!”

After the old man said, he slowly raised his right hand, and then the other three old men in suits also raised their right hands. Only the old man who wiped the long knife did not raise his hand.

The old man saw that no one supported himself, and smiled, “Well, then do what you want!”

“The text of history, but it took a lot of effort to completely erase it, how can it be made in the next world.”

“Once the text of history comes out, the whole world will be in chaos.”

老 “Old sword, let CPs go to the island first and control the island. I don’t want survivors to appear afterwards.”

“Let’s kill the demon!”

The quietly blond old man said.

When he heard the demon order, Dao Lao stared, “Is the demon order really ruthless …”

Uh …

O’Hara, the archaeological mecca located in the West Sea, is actually an insignificant island. However, it gathers the best archaeologists and first-class archaeological teams in the world.

O’Hara has the world’s largest library, the “Tree of All Knowing”. This huge pod-like tree holds precious texts from all over the world.

At this time on the edge of the island, a little girl is sitting on the shore, looking at the sea, and there are some tears on her face, as if she had just cried, “Mom, when are you coming back, Robin misses you so much.”

“The kids on the island treat Robin as a monster and don’t play with Robin, …”

“Robin misses you so much …”

“Little Robin, I haven’t been to the All Knowing Tree today. Dr. Cloba is still looking for you. I want to tell you good news.”

Behind Robin, a scholar slowly walked over and said kindly.

Robin has an unparalleled talent in archeology. At the age of eight, he achieved full marks in the doctoral exam and became a member of the O’Hara scholars.

Robin’s mother went to sea when she was three years old for research. Robin lacked maternal love since she was a child. It is O’Hara’s scholar who played the role of parent in Robin’s growing up.

So every O’Hara scholar, Robin treats them like relatives.

Seeing the scholar coming, Robin quickly got up and wiped his tears.

“Doctor is looking for me, is there anything wrong?”

哈 “Haha, you know when you get there, it’s a good thing.”

Walked into the tree of knowledge, Robin heard the laugh of Professor Kloba, “Haha, it was successful …”

Robin looked at the usually harsh, unscrupulous doctor, who laughed today, and his face was curious: “Doc, is there anything happy?”

Seeing Robin coming, Professor Kloba was happy. “Robin, thanks to you, we have cracked a part of the historical text.”

“It turned out that there was a great country 800 years ago …”

When he heard what Dr. Crocker said, Robin smiled happily: “Really? Isn’t it necessary for my mother to go to sea as long as she knows the content of the history text?”

“Mom can come back and be with Robin, great …”

Uh …

In a spacious conference room of the Naval Headquarters, basically all officers above the school level have arrived here.

Officers above the rank of general are sitting on a table in the center of the conference room, while school-level officers are standing behind the table.

At this time, Jiang Feng was standing behind Karp.

Qiu Jiangfeng looked dignified, because before the meeting, he had already learned from Kapu about the content of the meeting. UU Reading Books

“O’Hara, was it still found?”

“It should be a demon order this time!”

Some of the officers who already knew the content of the meeting, at this time, looked somber and wondered what they were thinking.

Watching the atmosphere in the conference room getting heavier and heavier, the Warring States Period said: “I think you have heard of it. There is a place in the West Sea called O’Hara, where many archeologists gather. They are studying the text of history. “

“This is a felony …”

“I have given CP9’s Chief Spandain a chance to use the Slayer Command.”

“Now the CPs are rushing to O’Hara. Once Spanda issues a slaying order, our navy must arrive as soon as possible.”

“The lieutenant generals in charge of this mission are Porosalino, Saskaski, Kuzan …, the colonel has Monch ~ D ~ Feng …”

“General of the Warring States Period, just as some scholars are studying the text of history, do they need to issue a slaughter order? What about the residents of the island?”

At this time, an upright major general asked.

There was a flash of light in the eyes of the Seng Warring States, “Huh! Are you questioning the orders of the world government?”

“In my eyes, only the navy that obeys the orders of the world government is the real navy, and I do not want to hear any voices against the world government in the future.”

Major General Bian said nothing, but his face did not mean to be soft.

Unlike Karp, the Warring States had always believed in the orders of the world government from a young age. It was also because they could complete the mission reliably every time, and later became the Marshal of the Navy.

As for Karp, the Warring States Period opened his eyes and closed his eyes completely because of his comrades in arms for many years.

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