One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

Three Dragons II

"The Dragon... the bastard that has oppressed all of you, is finally dead!!".

"Huh? It can't be..."

"The beast pirates are weaker than ever, WANO... IT IS TIME TO STAND UP AND REVOLT!".


I limited myself to being merely an onlooker. Yamato took me to plenty of places... we never stayed for long as I didn't have the time. But I'm sure sometime in the future I'll come back here again to inspect further. I never thought this country would have so many places of history and landmarks. I guess it is sort of to be expected, the original author of One Piece was Japanese and the country of wano is the closest thing to Japan you can find in this world... even if it is some parallel universe there has to be some connection there. 
It is divided by many regions which ridiculously enough, all have different climates.

The regions of Kuri, Kibi and Udon were the ones most particularly unnerving. There were massive weapon factories located everywhere. Kaido was one of the most prominent underworld weapon brokers and I can tell now how he was capable of exporting so much in numbers. That bastard was slaving this country down to build weapons for him even at the cost of their lives. 

The first place we visited was the region of Kuri, it was everything so beautiful and coloured and yet those dark smoking clouds ruined the scenery in ways that I couldn't describe. There were slaves everywhere working and shackled. When they saw us, they were initially confused, especially of Yamato who wasn't wearing a mask and she had horns that I imagine depicted her as a member of the beast pirates. 

When the shouts of freedom began to get chanted I destroyed all their shackles, which ridiculously enough were made out of seastone. It seems this country has seastone in abundance... I heard from Stussy that the majority of the seastone weapons in the market, come from this country. 

"Are we really free?".

"Where is the boss, what happened?- WAAAAA!!!"

With a single sweep of my arm, I sent flying all of the weaklings to let those poor slaves know that this was not a bad joke. They were truly being set free. 

"I-Impossible... c-can we really believe this?! Freedom is coming to us so suddenly..."

Because I slaughtered Kaido very suddenly... I don't know if they were waiting for some prophecy or someone else, but I just came washed the beast pirates like a stain out of some beautiful trousers.

"You are all free, please spread the word, the country of wano must know that you're no longer being oppressed! and it is all thanks to-".

"It is all thanks to her, she's Oden!".

"Eh?" I resisted the urge to laugh when she looked at me like a lost cat, you ain't going to drop this responsibility on me, Yamato... you wanted to be Oden, right? It is your time to shine!

"She's Oden! She defeated Kaido and set all of you free, I'm merely her helper so go ahead and thank your new shogun!".

"N-Nononononono" She begged me almost falling on her knees and hugging my leg, "You can't do this to me!".

Yes yes yes, Yama- Oden. Yes yes yes!

"Oden? Your name also happens to be Oden?! This has to be fate! IT IS ODEN-SAMA


"Hurry up and spread the word!".

That was all it took to convince them, this country was riddled with such a desire for blood, vengeance and freedom that all it took to create an uprising was a bit of hope in their hearts. It was mostly thanks to my involvement that Yamato managed to pull out this task, I could tell they were afraid of her for her horns but her calling herself Oden did give a rather comedic relief and turned the tides.


One by one we went from one region to the other. There was so much destruction of the country's ecosystem... smoke in the air, poisoned water, and so much slavery and suffering that it was impossible for me to fix everything in just a few days. If it is going to be fast, it is me who has to do it due to my psychokinesis being extremely helpful, but it is going to take me a very long time... I might as well make a workshop here or something and move to Wano for an indefinite time. 

I have yet to know if it is worthwhile for me to make such a big move and change my schedule to this degree, but just seeing the smiles of the kids upon realising that they have been set free, is relieving and refreshing. I'm going to need to personally hunt a lot of fish for these people as it seems they have experienced extreme hunger.

Damned Kaido, fixing this isn't going to be easy. 

We arrived at the flower capital, the place that looked the most 'normal' out of them all but I could see why, this is the rich spectrum, the place where the wealthiest ones enjoy their life while the slaves work hard in the countryside... this is the place where those who support the shogun inhabit. How disgusting. 

"The dragon is gone! You're all free!" 

"Who is she?"

"She's Kaido's daughter! Don't pay attention to her!"

Soon enough we met the first subversive group. A set of guards and people who looked like ninjas, Yamato got on guard and I levitated in front... as long as I'm here she doesn't need to fight.

"They're the Shogun's personal Kunoichi, Veyron!".

"Is that so? Then tell me where Kurozumi Orochi is, he's the bastard we have been looking for"

As long as we behead that bastard in front of everyone, that is going to be enough to completely set aflame the lights of revolution. With Kaido and the beast pirates gone, they can take care of the rest and I can leave.

I'm in no condition right now to fight extensively as I haven't completely recovered from using Astrape and Bronte, although Mansherry's tears did help me quite a bit. 

"This one's name is Raijin, introduce yourself foreigner... why are you with Miss Yamato?".

They were at least five ninjas all looking quite quirky. Another group of newcomers arrived led by a man who had purple hair, his gaze complex. We were getting a lot of attention, but that was precisely what I wanted. 

"Raijin? What a joke. I'm Dracule Veyron. It seems news hasn't reached here but I murdered Kaido and erased Onigashima, he is no longer the boss around and what remains of the Beast Pirates should stay out of my sight".


"My purpose in coming here is simple. I'm going to slaughter Kurozumi Orochi publicly and create a coup d'etat to overthrow the shogunate, then I'll put the lady behind me, Oden, as a new temporary shogun until peace is established in this land and the ecosystem is clean".


"Is that simple to understand? Very well. Either you surrender Kurozumi Orochi right now, or I'll destroy all of you. Decide quickly as I don't have much time, also be sure to choose your next words wisely as I'm rather impatient right now".


The gossiping immediately started, even Yamato was looking at me with a fear striken look, I guess this is as blunt as you can get. The reason why she's afraid unlike the rest... is that she knows I can do it and I will. 

I really am not in the mood to be wasting time right now, all I want is to reach a nice hotel in the fishman island and go have a good deep sleep with Hancock, Sandersonia and Marigold. Shouldn't take me longer than a minute to get there if I go full speed and leave Yamato here for the time being. All I need to do is to make sure that everyone fears her and they think twice before standing up against her... she may not be a competent leader but I don't need her to be, I only need her to be a good person which I know she is... then once I've rested enough I can enquire my girls as to what we're going to do with this land.
It took two eternal seconds of my life wasted for them to answer. 

"We won't allow you to take control of this land, fiend!-".






Five lightning strikes fell from the skies... a clear blue sky without clouds, striking the five kunoichis regardless of gender, burning them and leaving them unconscious on the ground. Chaos unfolded immediately among the citizens of the city. I can understand why, they're associated with the shogun's corrupt government. 

"You just wasted two seconds of my time for that nonsense. I could have finished the scheme of my new project in that time".

Only a set of flustered individuals remained, the purple-haired samurai-looking fellow who previously looked all intimidating was now sweating bullets. 

"Veyron you scared everyone!" Yamato tugged on my shirt, "There is no need to be so domineering, these people are suffering!".

"As a matter of fact, they aren't Yamato. Not everyone in this country has been living a pitiful life. It seems the ones in this district have been enjoying themselves. Scaring them is precisely what we want... until the air is cleaned and the water cleansed, thisis going to be a dictatorship".

I turned to the not-so-intimidating samurai, his group had already brandished their swords towards me intending to retaliate, but not him. 

"Only you remain, are you going to take me to Kurozumi Orochi or not? You have two second-"

"I will! My name is Kyoshirou, I will take you to the shogun right now, please end his life!".



Isn't this guy a bit too eager? Even his subordinates are astonished.


With a quick movement that man's sword was unveiled and he struck all of his subordinates in a bloody fashion. Both Yamato and I looked at each other confused.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I don't know what your purpose is with the country of wano... but if what you say is true and Kaido is now dead, I'm willing to help. My real name is Denjiro and I'm one of Oden-sama's nine scabbards. If your intention is to destroy the shogunate and create an insurrection, I'm with you!".

"Nine scabbards?" I looked at Yamato whose eyes had now turned into stars. 
"It is true that the nine scabbards existed, but I can't ascertain if this man is indeed one of them! How can you prove it?!"

"... I can lead you to Kozuki Hiyori-sama, Oden-sama's daughter... but you will have to prove to me that you are indeed not on Kaido's side. The one with you is an Oni and Kaido's daughter!".

He didn't seem to trust Yamato who flinched and stood to my side, "I may be an Oni but I have respected Oden-sama ever since I heard of his tales from Shimotsuki Ushimari, the man who saved my life!".


Both of them started having a back and forth about how Yamato had been imprisoned by Kaido and during her imprisonment she happened to coincide with the previous daimyos of the regions of Wano, one of them was a man called Ushimaru who told her about a prophetic fight twenty years from that moment on and even told her the tales legendary tales of Oden. 

It took a while for the man to trust her but Yamato's story seemed to coincide with Denjiro's beliefs.

He mentioned a daughter of Oden too, Kozuki Hiyori. This is starting to get a bit confusing and complex. It is a bit thrilling though, I think this was supposed to be an advanced part of One Piece, one that I never managed to see... a pity, I think I changed the events so much that they may not have a reason to come back here, I killed Kaido. 

"Very well, show me the way... bear in mind I do not intend to become a defacto ruler of this land right now. I'm just going to boost your uprising" If what he is saying is true and he is indeed one of the previous Oden's retainers, then I could trust him to guide Yamato on the political spectrum of being the shogun, or perhaps this Kozuki Hiyori (the real blood of Oden) could become the Shogun. 

I don't really care who becomes the shogun as long as it is not me. 


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