One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 31 – Trip to Baratie 01.

[Chapter Size: 2736 Words.]
Third Person POV
Somewhere at sea, East Blue.



"What name will you put on the ship, Captain?" The first thing Usopp asked as they sailed away from their old island.
"I haven't decided yet; I'm torn between..."
[Black Pearl]
[Sea Overlord]
"What eye-catching names!" Zoro remarked.
"I know, but I haven't figured out which one to choose yet, so I'll leave it to the readers of this fanfiction..." Luffy murmured.
"Amazing!" Yamato's eyes sparkled.
"Incredible..." Usopp said in a trance.
"You guys don't even know what he's talking about!" Zoro grumbled.
"Readers?" Nami raised an eyebrow.
"And why are we in a fanfiction?" Kuina crossed her arms in disbelief.
"What is a fanfiction, Luffy-Sama?" Shirahoshi asked with curiosity.
"Really, Chouchou-Sama?!"
"Hey, listen anyway; the name of the ship was chosen by readers with the highest votes. The name will be..."
[The name was chosen in Portuguese version, Black Pearl.]

The sky stretched in intense and clear blue, without a cloud in sight. The sun shone brightly, warming the land with its golden rays. The air was pure and fresh, free from any sign of pollution or haze. It was one of those rare moments when nature revealed itself in all its splendor, on a day of clear and bright sky, providing a sense of serenity and purity that soothed the soul. Birds flew gracefully through the firmament, leaving traces of shadows on the breathtaking landscapes, in perfect harmony with the beauty of the day. It was as if the sky itself smiled at the Earth, illuminating it with its purity and radiant beauty.

At sea, an imposing Marine ship sailed alone, cutting through the waters with unwavering elegance. On the deck, a group of individuals lay, looking disoriented and defeated.

Luffy, always quick with his solutions, switched ships, making the stolen Marine ship increase in size. He took it out of a small box he had acquired in Kaya's mansion. Luffy found it safer to store his ships in that small box since he had the power to shrink them to the size of a marble and store them in his pocket.

Once everyone moved to the larger ship, Luffy shrank the small ship, now named Black Pearl, to a minuscule size and stored it in the small pocket box again.
On the ship's deck, Luffy turned into a ruthless general. He spared no one in training, imposing a level of rigor that challenged the endurance of his crew. His voice echoed, firm and challenging, as he watched each member fight under the increased gravitational pressure.

"Come on, is this all you guys can do? I was expecting much more from you!" he shouted, his words filled with authority and determination.

"It's very hard, Luffy-Sama..." Shirahoshi muttered, but Luffy didn't relent.

"For me, it's quite easy..." Yamato replied calmly, demonstrating unwavering determination.

Zoro and Kuina were sweating profusely, but Luffy didn't give them a break. "We aren't monsters like you and the Captain!" Zoro commented, recognizing the harsh reality of the relentless training.

Chouchou whined like a defeated dog, but Luffy showed no mercy. He continued to encourage, challenge, and push his crew to the limit.

"Megalo, I hope you give your best too!" he ordered, making no exceptions for the non-human members of the crew.

And when it came to Usopp, Luffy didn't hesitate to show his indifference. "You can't even lift a finger. I'll leave you like this until I'm satisfied with your performance!" he stated, highlighting his determination to forge an elite crew, even if it meant not going easy on any of them in training.

"Shirahoshi, you have a great hidden power within you; I know you can do better than this," Luffy exclaimed, his voice conveying a mix of encouragement and challenge. Shirahoshi was in a state similar to Usopp, or perhaps even worse, as silent tears streamed down the young girl's face during training. However, Luffy had committed himself to make her powerful before they reached the New World, and he didn't plan to allow her an easy time during training.

While everyone was on the ground, panting and exhausted, only he and Yamato remained standing, locked in a constant confrontation. Luffy occasionally interrupted the fight to provide words of encouragement and guidance to each crew member. He behaved like a true drill sergeant, commanding his subordinates with firmness and determination. There was no room for complacency, and his lack of mercy echoed through endless hours of grueling training.
Luffy created 10 training categories with his crew:

Gravitational Push-ups: Under increased gravity pressure, all crew members perform push-ups to strengthen their chest, shoulders, and arms. Luffy encourages everyone to stay in shape, ensuring there is no letup.

Gravitational Squats: Squats are performed to strengthen the legs and endurance. Increased gravity makes this exercise even more challenging, testing everyone's resilience.

Deck Runs: Crew members run on the deck under increased gravity, developing endurance and speed. Luffy makes sure everyone is giving their best.

Combat Training: Luffy, Zoro, and Yamato lead combat training sessions, practicing fighting and sword techniques. Crew members are instructed to hone their skills and defend themselves under increased gravity conditions.

Endurance Training: To develop physical and mental endurance, crew members engage in resistance exercises, such as long-distance runs and high-intensity interval training sessions.

Gravitational Weightlifting: The strongest, like Luffy and Yamato, engage in weightlifting under increased gravity to further strengthen their muscles.

Agility Training: Agility exercises are performed to enhance reflexes and mobility, essential for the battles they will face in the New World.

Climate Resistance Training: As part of their comprehensive training, crew members undergo training in extreme weather conditions, such as exposure to strong wind and rain, to prepare them for the unpredictable conditions of the sea.

While all this was happening, Nami, still dressed as a maid, was on the sidelines, immersed in her own thoughts. Since they left Syrup Village, Luffy's words echoed incessantly in her mind, leaving her deeply reflective.

Beyond the words, Nami began to notice something that deeply troubled her. Luffy didn't treat her the same way as the other crew members. She began to notice nuances in his behavior, a subtly distinct treatment, as if he saw her a little differently from the others, despite all the friendship and camaraderie. This perception squeezed her heart and created a sense of uncertainty.

From a young age, Nami harbored a deep hatred for pirates, but watching this peculiar group made her question her own beliefs. They were a kind of crew she had never seen before, and that left a bitter taste in her mouth. She felt hurt and out of place, as even the other crew members didn't embrace her as a true nakama.

Nami sighed softly to herself, sinking into her thoughts. "Maybe it's because I joined the group with the wrong intentions," she murmured to herself, expressing self-criticism and reflection on her past actions.

However, her brief reflection was interrupted by Luffy's energetic voice. "Maid! Our training is over. Could you bring us some refreshing drinks?" called the captain, releasing the gravitational pressure imposed on the group.

"Y-Yes!" Nami replied quickly, but this time her voice carried a more dejected tone than anger. This did not go unnoticed by Luffy, who arched an eyebrow as he watched her walk away.

He pondered in silence: "Was I too hard on her? Anyway, unless she comes to me and shows her true intentions and feelings, I'm not willing to ease the pressure. Not when it seems like, deep down, she just wants to steal from us..."

Luffy watched Nami's back with a thoughtful look, maintaining his firm and determined posture but also attentive to the complex situation involving the cat-thief in his crew.

After Nami brought some refreshing drinks, the crew began to relax. Everyone settled in, easing the tension after the grueling training.

Kuina, while savoring some rice cakes that Nami had brought from the stock, commented, "We urgently need a cook... These rice cakes are good, but no one here really knows how to cook."

Zoro nodded, adding, "And what about our next stop, captain? Where are we going?"

Luffy couldn't contain his excitement as he replied, "We're heading to the Baratie restaurant! I'm sure the perfect person for the job is there right now. And believe me, there's no chef like him in all the seas!" His eyes gleamed with enthusiasm, already anticipating the next stage of his journey to strengthen his crew.

Although Luffy knew he might have to "beat up" Sanji a few times to keep him away from his "ladies," he still hoped to find a reliable and strong version of the cook. However, he was aware that the world they were in now could have caused unexpected changes in his companions.

"I understand, but I don't think that will make a difference..." Yamato commented beside Luffy, expressing a pragmatic attitude towards the situation.

"Sure, you only eat raw salmon!" Usopp joked comically, shouting at Yamato while she enthusiastically devoured pieces of salmon.

"I'm just following the footsteps of my sacred book!" Yamato replied, pulling a book from inside her bra, revealing her loyalty to the wisdom contained in its pages.

Kuina, observing the book that accompanied Yamato when she summoned it, couldn't help but let out a amused grumble. "I'm afraid to open that book," she murmured, giving a skeptical look at Oden's mysterious diary.
Luffy thought that while Lami had Bepo and Shirahoshi, Megalo, and Yamato brought with them a diary that seemed to be an irreplaceable artifact in their lives for that woman.
"AU! AU!" Chouchou barked, communicating in his canine language.

"Sharky!" Megalo translated the message for his partner, using his ability to understand the language of dogs.

An infectious laughter escaped from Shirahoshi's lips upon hearing Megalo's translation. Luffy, in turn, sighed, understanding what Chouchou was trying to communicate. Even Shirahoshi, who didn't directly understand the language of dogs, grasped the meaning through Megalo.

However, the atmosphere quickly changed when Usopp, who had moved away from the group after eating a bit, reported a concerning discovery. He used a magnifying glass to observe the sea around, and suddenly exclaimed, "Hm?! Captain! A merchant ship is being attacked by pirates!"

Luffy's eyes narrowed as he looked in the direction pointed by Usopp. Although his vision was incredibly sharp, the distance made it difficult to distinguish details. However, he managed to perceive the rising smoke, a sign that some fire was occurring on that merchant ship, being attacked by a pirate ship.

Excited at the prospect of acquiring new treasures, Luffy announced, "Let's move forward and see if we can loot a few more treasures!"

The crew's reaction was immediate. Even Nami, who had been lately disheartened, opened her eyes with joy at the possibility of gaining new wealth.

Luffy quickly assigned tasks. "Kuina, can you take the helm?"

"Yes!" Kuina promptly replied.

"Zoro, Usopp, and even Yamato fought recently. Shirahoshi, Megalo, and Chouchou are not ready for combat yet. I'll lead this fight," announced Luffy. He could have assigned Yamato to the battle, but he was eager to get into action himself.

Suddenly, Luffy made a decision and announced, "Anyway, I'm off, goodbye!" before anyone could respond. His wings and hair grew rapidly, transforming him into a winged figure, and he flew quickly towards the sky.

As the only crew member with the ability to fly, he soared into the skies, determined to reach the battle before the arrival of the Marine ship. With a shout, he activated his speed abilities, accelerating thirty times faster than normal, disappearing into the air as he flew towards the confrontation.

The astonishing speed allowed Luffy to reach the ships in a matter of seconds. As he approached, he glimpsed the terrible scene before his eyes: the merchant ship was in shambles, with parts of it on fire and bodies scattered on the deck. It was evident that a massacre had occurred, as there were few survivors.

"They didn't stand a chance..." Luffy murmured as he observed the desolate scene. He descended from the skies to examine the situation more closely.

However, something caught Luffy's attention. He noticed that the supposed pirates attacking the merchant ship didn't look like ordinary pirates. They wore elegant clothes and black suits instead of typical pirate attire. Moreover, they were armed in an organized manner and seemed much more trained than a group of common pirates.

"Very strange... These clothes aren't typical of pirates. Why are they using a pirate ship?" Luffy pondered, watching the black-suited armed men. Additionally, he noted that many victims, including civilians and soldiers, had been shot. This wasn't the typical action of common pirates.

A theory began to form in Luffy's mind. He began to suspect that these "pirates" were actually disguised agents of the World Government, conducting a secret operation. They were using a pirate ship as a facade to cover up their actions. This allowed them to sail without being challenged, as any Marine ship that saw them attacking would believe they were facing pirates.

Luffy realized that there were many agents on board, and almost all of them wore black suits and were armed with rifles. However, a tall man in a red suit and sunglasses stood out. He was speaking to a distant Den Den Mushi at the center of the merchant ship, while two men in white suits handed him a piece of paper and a chest. The man in the red suit was now communicating with someone on the other end of the line.

As Luffy observed the scene, he noticed that there were only two living people on the merchant ship, a couple who were tied to a corner of the deck with chains. However, they were not in good condition; they appeared injured and frightened.

Luffy watched the situation, thinking that he was about to embark on a new and exciting adventure. He wasn't exactly following the original Luffy's footsteps because something new and intriguing had unfolded before him.

"We have the key. Confirmed with the map as well," replied the man in the red suit through the radio.

"Very well, the Government is finally after that key. We had no leads for the last 300 years, but the reports from our agents brought us to it in this sea!" The voice on the other end of the Den Den Mushi was filled with enthusiasm.

"That's wonderful, Agent Sky. I'm sure your promotion from CP5 to a higher division is guaranteed!" the same voice continued.

"I am grateful, but I'm just doing my... *Bang* Hm?!"


Before Agent Sky could finish his sentence, the entire environment was engulfed in a sudden wave of heat and a deafening explosion. A shot echoed from the sky, catching everyone off guard.

They barely had time to look up when the Den Den Mushi exploded in a burst of purple flames, catching everyone unawares.

Agent Sky quickly looked up, alarmed, and recovered from his shock that lasted only milliseconds.

"WHO?!" he shouted in anger. The operation was going so well until now, and suddenly, something unexpected happened, disrupting the mission.

He spotted some kind of "black angel" hovering 50 meters from the site, in the air. Although belonging to a significant division of the World Government, only a small group of the main Cipher Pol teams and the agents responsible for the Tenryuubitos were aware of Haki and had proper training. Agent Sky was not part of that group and had no idea of Luffy's approach as they carried out the mission.

If Agent Sky had knowledge of the Lunarians, his first assumption upon seeing Luffy in the skies would have been that. However, he would be wrong.

"A Devil Fruit user!" was his initial impression upon observing Luffy.

The winged man grinned at all the Government agents while holding a pistol pointed where he had shot with his chaos flame power.

Both Agent Sky and the other agents in white and black suits, as well as the prisoners, looked at the new winged man, completely dumbfounded.

"Can I join in on this fun too?" Luffy asked playfully, his voice echoing throughout the area.


Raccoon here:

"Stone Stone!"

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- One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy! - Planning to Maintain 30 Extra Chapters!
- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System! - Planning to Maintain 30 Extra Chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic! - Planning to Maintain 10 Extra Chapters!
- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: In development, awaiting the future!

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