One Piece – Halfway Broken

Chapter 30: Drum! Wait, why is SHE here?

Summary: Oh. Hello butterfly effect. There you are...

Warning: Chapters 29-32 were all posted back-to-back. Make sure you start from where you left off!

Chapter 30: Drum! Wait, why is SHE here?

It was probably a very good thing that their ship very blatantly flew a Bounty Hunter flag and sail markings, Luffy reflected. He’d already ordered the ships to slow, sensing the agitation of the locals as they gathered at the cliffs to either side of the river they were aiming for. Quick questions to the locals had revealed that the only proper docks on the island were up that river…but there was some serious question about whether they could reach them, from what Luffy was seeing. Even ignoring the locals, there was the issue of the half dazone Marine Galleons shattered into wrecks and sunk all around the shallow waters of the river.

 There was a noticeable path through them, a few of the wrecks looking to have been forcefully shifted to make that path. But the Discovery was broader of beam than most Galleons, and the somewhat ridiculous ship following them was even broader, being rather closer to a battleship than a Galleon. Calling for the ship to slow farther, Luffy kicked off the deck and Geppoed his way over to the Bliking. He was pretty sure he already had his answer from the way Nojiko was standing near the anchor, but he headed up to the wheel to check in with Nami anyway.

“So Navigator-chan, I’m guessing it’s a ‘no’ to getting this monster through those wrecks. What about the Discovery?”

Nami was eyeballing the wrecks thoroughly as he asked and nodded firmly when he finished.

“No way we’re getting this monster through, but we can anchor it in the shallower water over to the west of the cliffs. So long as I’m aboard and you’re willing to use the engines, we can get the Discovery through, though.”

Luffy hummed for a moment, then nodded.

“I think it’s fine, so long as we’re just using them to maneuver, they won’t seem like anything too special. This monster has a steam engine itself, after all.”

Nami nodded, then shifted the wheel so they were no longer following directly after the Discovery.

“Better go talk to the locals then, I can feel their agitation.”

Luffy nodded, leaned in to quickly kiss her on the forehead, then launched himself up and began to Geppo toward the cliffs. He could feel the locals fear spike as he did so, and did his best to look non-threating. Though, given he was literally hopping through the air toward them, that was probably a bit of a lost cause. Still, at least no one opened fire as he stopped to hover in place, bobbling just a bit with the effort, a few meters out from the cliff face.

“Ahoy! We come in peace! We have some local doctors that want to come home, and some dead pirates that need to be buried or burned. Given what the Isshi-20 said the island had been through, we figured you’d want to see for yourself. Though I’m afraid we already threw Captain Wapol overboard after putting a seastone bullet in his head!”

Luffy could feel the wildly mixed emotions of the locals at his cheerful delivery of the news. Hope, confusion, grim glee, and not a little fear. Thankfully, a large man quickly stood from the brush and crude barricades and stepped forward. He was clearly measuring Luffy as he stepped forward and spoke calmly but firmly as he came to a stop at the cliff edge where he could easily be heard.

“If what you say is true, it is good news, certainly. But I would like to confirm it, as well as what you want with our island, before you go any farther.”

Luffy nodded and pulled out a mini-transponder snail and showed it to the man.

“I can call one of my crew up here, she has a Devil Fruit that will let us bring you down to see the dead yourself. As for what we want? Originally, we were interested in looking for a doctor for our crew. As well as resupply before we head on to Alabasta. We still want both those things, but won’t be pushy on either, given what we were told has happened here recently. At the very least, we need to let our Log Pose reset.”

Dalton hesitated, then nodded.

“The island isn’t in good shape, but you bring good news, if it’s true. So long as it is and you can pay, you’ll have what supplies we can spare. As for the doctor, I’m afraid the Isshi-20 are all that is left. You’ll have to ask them if any of them wish to join you. After I see the dead, as you said. Call your crewman, please.”

Luffy nodded and activated the transponder snail. The Bliking had anchored while they spoke, and Nami quickly answered. A minute later, Nojiko was rising through the air on a platform of crystal, to the top of the cliff. Dalton didn’t act too shocked, clearly having seen enough Devil Fruit powers that another didn’t throw him for much of a loop. He got aboard the platform without protest, Luffy landing beside him. Since they had taken the time while sailing to the island itself to move all the dead out onto the deck of the Bliking, that was where they descended to.

“As I said, we tossed Wapol already. But his two lieutenants are still among the dead. I trust that, and the fact we have his ship, will suffice.”

Dalton nodded and moved to check the dead. They’d all been shrouded with bits of spare sail, and were more than a bit gruesome despite Kuina, Zoro and Nojiko having been fairly clean about their kills. The large man quickly found the two lieutenants and nodded.

“That’s Chess and Kuromarimo alright. And you said you have the Isshi-20?”

Luffy nodded.

“They are aboard my ship, the Discovery. Didn’t want to make a bunch of doctors hang out with the dead.”

Dalton stood and held out his hand.

“Well then, Captain…?”

Luffy grinned and shook it firmly.

“Monkey D. Luffy. Just Captain Luffy is fine, or even Luffy if you prefer, since you’re hardly part of my crew.”

Dalton nodded at that.

“Captain Luffy, then. My name is Dalton, and I suppose I’m the closest thing Drum has to a leader at the moment. You’ve done us a service. If a grim one. You’re welcome to bring your ship in to dock at the town. If you think you can navigate the wrecks?”

Luffy nodded again.

“We can. I’ll have Nojiko take you up to tell your people while we do. Meet at these docks of yours?”

Dalton grimaced.

“More ruins than docks at this point. But anchor near them and we can meet at what remains.”

Luffy’s smile dimmed. Damn. Blackbeard must have been a petty fucking bastard and wrecked what was left on his way out. Assuming that’s who had done this. He supposed he would need to confirm that, rather than assuming his foreknowledge was accurate.

“Sounds good. Nojiko! Get it done, then join us on the Discovery.”

The bluette saluted playfully.

“Sure thing, boss! Taxi service coming right up!”

Luffy chuckled as she quickly formed a new platform and ascended with Dalton. He gestured to the rest of the crew present, all of whom could thankfully use Geppo at this point. He was about to take off when Nami grabbed his ear.

“Nope! Looting first! We’ll leave most of it for the locals, since their island is fucked. But we’re getting at least something out of this. Come-on, mister inventory!”

Usopp, Kuina and Zoro all chuckled as Nami dragged him off. The traitors took off in Geppo a moment later, heading for the Discovery


It hadn’t taken all that much time to loot choice bits from the Bliking. Luffy had more trouble getting Nami to leave most of it for the locals than anything else. But he didn’t resist her sacking choice items, like any duplicate medical texts, all of the charts, and perhaps twenty million belli worth of particularly gaudy treasure. They left the food and medical supplies alone, not sure how the island was doing for either. Though they’d certainly be taking the food if the island wasn’t starving. They’d used up too many of their supplies already not to want to restock if they could. Though they’d likely be fine until Alabasta if they couldn’t.

It had taken longer, even with Nami and the engines, to navigate the Discovery through the wrecks of Marine vessels. Mostly because Nami needed them to check below the water line in several places to make sure they weren’t going to hit sunken bits she couldn’t see from above the waves. The slow crawl through the cleared space had given Luffy time to observe the ships, noticing a few oddities that made him frown and smile in turn. The frown was reserved for a series of odd launchers present on every ship. They weren’t canons, being deck-mounted. And something about them tickled at his memory. Like a minor detail seen too far out of context to click.

The smile was reserved for evidence of how the channel for ships had been cleared. There were signs of potent blasts of fire being used to do so. Which Luffy took to indicate that Ace likely had been here. Though if he was still present or not was a question. He suspected the answer was ‘no,’ sadly. To him, it looked like the ship-clearing damage had all been done by someone leaving the island. Likely Ace feeling at least some responsibility for Blackbeard’s rampage and clearing a path for the locals to let ships through on his way out. Still, the damage looked recent enough that he doubted they were far behind his ‘older’ brother.

By the time they reached the ‘docks,’ they found a welcoming party consisting of Dalton and a few of his men waiting for them. The docks were a wreck, forcing them to set anchor nearby rather than actually dock. Thankfully, the Discovery was shallow enough of draft that they did so close enough to the shore to lower a boarding plank for the Isshi-20 to get off. The sight of the doctors perked many of the locals hovering around up. As did the fact that Luffy didn’t protest the doctors charging forward and barraging Dalton with questions about wounded. The man seemed to take it in stride, even as he directed the doctors to split up to a few different towns, assigning men to escort them.

Luffy perked up as he heard mentions of ‘the Witch’ and watched the doctors flinch at the mention. Despite his burning desire to see if he could find Chopper, he waited patiently for them to finish. Thankfully, as soon as the doctors started dispersing, a much happier looking Dalton shifted his attention to Luffy and his crew.

“Captain! Thank you, truly, for bringing the Isshi-20 back. There are quite a few wounded we didn’t think were going to make it. Many of them might, now. The Witch could only see to the worst herself.”

Luffy forced his expression into curiosity.

“A Witch? That sounds interesting. Before that, however, can you tell me what actually happened here? The Isshi-20 mentioned pirates. But they didn’t know anything from after Wapol took them and fled. Other than that a Marine Fleet arrived at one point. They don’t seem to have fared well.”

Dalton grimaced.

“They didn’t. The only one who was able to even challenge the pirates was the fleet’s commanding officer. The pirates, led by a man named Blackbeard, ripped the fleet apart after taking her out. She actually survived, which I don’t think they realized. But she was the only Marine that came through the battle alive. At least on the island. A few ships fled and may have escaped.”

A female Marine fleet commander? That was a bit unusual. Not unheard of. But there were precious few female Marines at all. And even fewer rose to a rank that would let them command even a small patrol flotilla, which was likely what this had been. Curious who it had been, Luffy nevertheless focused on the name of the Pirates instead.

“Blackbeard? Can’t say I’m familiar with him. Though I could swear I’ve seen the damage to some of the ships before. It looked like the Mera Mera fruit’s work. Surely this Blackbeard wasn’t part of the Whitebeard crew? They never operate in Paradise…and don’t raid like this either.”

Dalton looked surprised. Actually, his crew felt surprised, too. Though Kuina’s aura flashed with realization a moment later.

“It was the work of the Mera Mera no Mi. But that pirate wasn’t with the first group. He was apparently hunting them. Asked questions but didn’t even take offense when we tried to shoot him. Just wanted to know where…wait.” Dalton blinked, seeming to remember something. “He also left a message. For…you, actually. I’d almost forgotten, with you arriving as you did. His name was Ace and he said he’d be in Alabasta for a few weeks?”

Dalton looked very confused, causing Luffy to chuckle.

“Portgas D. Ace is my older brother. That’s why I recognized the damage. He probably wants to yell at me for becoming a Bounty Hunter instead of a pirate.”

Of course, Luffy had never actually see the Mera Mera no Mi in action in this life and had only been guessing based on his past life’s memories of events here. But no one needed to know that. His crew suddenly all had the same flash of realization that Kuina had already had, as well. Unlike the original Luffy, he had told them a few stories of his brothers, after all. Dalton, meanwhile, had a conflicted expression on his own face, but reluctantly nodded a moment later.

“He was actually helpful. Cleared a channel for ships when he left. Only wanted to know where Blackbeard had sailed off toward, really. He was hunting him for killing a crewmate, I think.”

Luffy’s entire crew stiffened, even as an instinctive growl rose from Luffy himself. Even knowing about that in advance…it was the worst sin among most pirate crews. Not all. Some were truly dog-eat-dog and utterly ruthless even among themselves. But the majority were brutal about that one particular rule. Pirates had enough problems with outside threats. Killing your own crew in addition to that was considered terminally stupid and every sane pirate crew came down like a hammer on any crewman that did it. The Whitebeard crew, in particular, would have been even more incensed, given how they treated their crew as one extra-large sized family. Luffy’s crew, who had mostly started to do the same as the gelled together, felt their own rage stoke at the idea.

Scum. Hopefully Ace catches the bastard and puts him down.”

Dalton flinched away from the venom in the sentence, and Luffy forced calm on himself.

“You said the Marine Commander survived? I’d like to speak to her about what happened. Both with Blackbeard and with Wapol, since he had raised a pirate flag and was hitting the Marine ships that retreated.”

Dalton paled a bit at that and nodded.

“She did. But I don’t know what condition she’s in. The Witch, Kureha, took her and some of the other worst wounded up to Wapol’s castle. A few of them have come back down, via the old lift system. But not the officer. You’ll have to go up to check, if you’re serious about it…and I recommend you wait until morning. There’s no way to summon the lifts from this side right now. And the only normal path up is on the other side of the island. You’d never make it before nightfall.”

Luffy shrugged. He could wait. He was really hoping to recruit Chopper, but he doubted the reindeer would leave if there were still seriously wounded people to see to anyway.

“Right. In that case, why don’t we talk supplies? We have plenty of money, and we left the majority of the Bliking unlooted in case you have supply issues of your own. But there are staples we’d prefer to stock up on, if we can.”

Dalton nodded.

“Bighorn was wiped out of most food and such by the pirates. But the other towns are mostly intact. We can trade at least some food. Or you can take what’s on Wapol’s ship. We want nothing from that bastard.”

Luffy grinned as Nami squealed in glee at that comment.

“I think you might want to reconsider that with things like medical supplies, if you still have wounded. But we can certainly work with you to sort out what you need from it, and if there’s anything else we need from you. Nojiko?”

Nojiko stepped forward, a cargo manifest for the Discovery already in hand.

“Right! We could use a few carpentry supplies in addition to food, Captain. Along with some canvas and other bits and bobs…”

Dalton summoned a few of his own people from the crowd, and the quickly began to go over what was needed…


The next day, Luffy had realized that he hadn’t really needed to wait. Not that he was really put off by that fact. The resupply negotiations, as well as helping the locals remove some supplies from the Bliking and looting the rest for themselves, had needed to happen. Besides, he was still expecting some resistance from Chopper. Possibly a lot of it, given that the little reindeer might both have patients and had a romantic view of pirates. Getting him to join a Bounty Hunter crew might be harder than it had been for the original Luffy to get him to go along with a bunch of pirates. Though Luffy was fairly certain he was more convincing than the idiot version of him would have been, at least.

Still, he did feel a little silly for forgetting he could just have Nojiko take them up to the Drum Rockies directly via a Crystal Platform. Heck, they could have Geppoed as well, but honestly that would have been a bit tiring, whereas Nojiko barely needed to make an effort to maintain and move her platforms at this point. With that realization, Luffy had gathered up Kuina, Kaya, and Nojiko. Leaving the rest of the crew to their own devices, the quartet had taken off on one of Nojiko’s platforms, speeding their way straight up to the castle. The mountains were genuinely impressive, being a good 15,000 feet above sea level. But the use of Nojiko’s platform made the entire trip a rather boring forty-minute flight.

By the time they touched down outside the mountain, Luffy wasn’t too surprised to feel eyes on them. Letting his eyes rove the castle, he spotted a side-door that was cracked open, with eyes the height of his waist peeking out. Grinning, he nonchalantly strolled that way, his crewmates following. The eyes vanished quickly, with a mild spike of panic felt through his empathy as Chopper closed the door and retreated. Not wanting to be rude, Luffy knocked on the door, waiting to see if anyone would actually respond. Surprisingly enough, someone did. A confused looking local who was clearly a walking-wounded looked out at them, blinking as he saw Luffy and his crew.

“Hello! I’m Captain Luffy. A Bounty Hunter who just came to the island. I don’t know if you know yet, but the Pirate Captain Wapol was killed by my crew, and we heard from Dalton about the horrible run of luck you’ve had. We wanted to see if the Marine Fleet Commander that survived was in a fit state to tell us about the other pirates she faced, as well as offer some assistance to any critically injured that still linger. One of my crew has a Devil Fruit related healing ability that can help, if it’s still needed.”

That was bullshit, of course. But it was the lie they’d all agreed to perpetuate about Kaya and Luffy’s Spirit Healing ability. Kaya was better at it than Luffy at this point, anyway. So a single person using an unknown healing ability could be relatively easily passed off as a Devil Fruit. At least for now. Of course, the poor local was more caught up on other things that Luffy had said, his jaw hanging open.


Ouch. Having that shouted in his face was a bit loud. Man still had a good set of lungs, whatever his other wounds were. There was a clatter and clamor a moment after the shout, as others heard it and reacted to it, making Luffy want to facepalm. Even the local abruptly looked sheepish as more wounded men and women struggled out of nearby rooms. A moment later, there was a violent stir as a positively ancient looking woman appeared and started browbeating all of them back. Many protested…only to be half-violently persuaded that doing so was a terrible idea, causing all the watching members of the Strawhat crew to sweat drop at her...interesting bedside manner.

After the last of the patients, the very local who’d answered the door, had been ‘put back to healing, you morons!’ the old woman came to a stop in front of them, looking them all over critically. Her eyes locked onto Kaya after just a few moments, widening a bit as she did.

“A Spirit Healer?! Come with me, girl! We’ve got wounded to see to!”

Kaya blinked as she suddenly found herself being dragged along by the old woman, looking back at her Captain with wide eyes. Luffy was more than a bit surprised himself, but shrugged and followed along. The room they were led to was filled to nearly over-flowing with a dozen wounded, all of whom looked to be beyond the help of medicine and simply being kept comfortable before their end. The old woman pointed at one with the worst pallor, a man whose wounds were rotting and diseased looking.

“Purify the disease, if you can! Bloody sick fucker in that crew could give people dieses with a touch, and I can’t figure this one out. Not in time to save him. It’s not contagious, at least.”

Kaya grimaced and nodded, her hands beginning to shine with Spiritual Energy as she set about trying to purify the wound. Disease wasn’t something they’d run into much, yet. But her ancestor’s journal covered the method, and she’d practiced it when and where she could. The old woman finally seemed to realize the rest of the crew had followed her, and looked about to snap at them. Luffy silently raised a hand and let it shine with Spirit Healing. The old woman seemed to already know what Kaya’s abilities were, so hiding behind the Devil Fruit idea was pointless.

“I’m not as good as her and can’t purify, but I can accelerate wound healing and regenerate lost tissue a fair bit.”

The old woman’s gaze sharpened and she spun around to point at a woman who was pale as death.

“Liver is damaged too heavily. She won’t live if you can’t fix it. Try to regenerate some of the damaged bits and stitch it all together internally.”

Luffy nodded and moved to the woman, quickly getting to work, even as the ‘Witch’ accosted his other two, less medically-inclined crew…


It was nearly fourteen hours later, after Luffy and Kaya had both exhausted themselves, meditated to recover, and then exhausted themselves again, that they finally finished. All dozen of those within the room who had been waiting to die had been pulled back from the brink, and Kureha, who had finally introduced herself after their first break, nodded in satisfaction. There was genuine respect in her eyes, if not still quite a bit of irreverence as well, when she spoke.

“Good. I haven’t seen a Spirit Healer in over forty years. I’m glad to see your kind are still around. Now for what you’re here for, boy.”

Luffy nodded, choosing not to take offense.

“I take it Kuina filled you in?”

A curt nod and a gesture for them to follow had them moving.

“Yes. Polite at least. Even if no healer. Good riddance to bad garbage with Wapol. Even better if you had put down some of the bastards that made me actually work.” They stopped at a different door, this one leading to a smaller room. “The Marine Captain is in here. Your First Mate has already been speaking with her to fill her in.”

Luffy nodded, even as the old woman abruptly turned to walk away. He shrugged and rapped on the door, hearing a female voice call for him to come in a moment later. He did so, a half-asleep Kaya on his heels, then stopped two steps into the room as he blinked in surprise as he actually recognized the woman with her chest wrapped in bandages. Broken ribs, he thought idly, even as he made himself move past the surprise. He came to rest against the wall, near where Kuina was sitting. There was another chair in the room, but Kaya clearly needed it more, and she plopped down in it bonelessly as he motioned her to it.

“Black Cage Hina? I admit, I hadn’t connected the dots when they said there was a female officer in charge. I should have, though, as it explains those odd launchers on the shipwrecks.”

The woman’s expression mirrored his own surprise somewhat, though she winced at the mention of the wrecks. Her voice was a bit faint as she responded.

“Hina surprised. Hina did not think you would recognize her.”

Luffy twitched. Okay, so the verbal tic was real. Don’t ask about it, for now, Luffy…

“I keep an eye on up-and-coming Marines, if I can. Better to know which ones will deal with a Bounty Hunter group straight, and which will be…less than helpful.”

There was a ghost of a smile on the woman’s lips for just a moment at his wry tone, but it vanished quickly.

“Yes. That can be an issue with some Marines. Though Hina does not believe she will be up-and-coming any longer, after losing her flotilla.”

Luffy shrugged.

“Maybe, maybe not. As I understand it you fought a New World Veteran and actually lived. That might well work in your favor.”

The woman scowled, even that expression not quite ruining her good looks.

“Luck. Hina survived by luck, and got her crews killed!”

Luffy winced at the note of sorrow at the end. Apparently, the woman had legitimately cared for her men. Which spoke well of her, but meant she was likely not in a great place at the moment. Before he could come up with anything to say, the woman’s expression steadied, clearly getting herself under control.

“But Hina is alive. And Hina has a duty. Your First Mate has informed Hina you killed the former King.”

The woman’s expression was utterly neutral, so Luffy stepped carefully.

“I killed someone flying a Pirate Flag, in the middle of an act of Piracy. And who had attacked several of your ships that tried to escape. Former King or no, he was a Pirate and I dealt with him.”

There was a moment of hesitation, then a sharp nod.

“There will be trouble. But Hina will report it as you say. Hina agrees he was a Pirate, not a King, and will tell her superiors that.”

The woman shifted, looking uncomfortable for a moment.

“Hina would also ask a favor. None of Hina’s ships survived. Hina asks for passage to Alabasta.”

Luffy looked to Kuina, cocking an eyebrow.

“I told her what was going on there, and Nojiko brought Vivi up to talk to her. She knows what we were hired for.”

Looking back to the wounded Captain, he cocked an eyebrow again, silently asking her what her stance was.

“Hina will not interfere. Taking a Warlord’s bounty is legal. But Hina warns it will not be without consequences.”

Luffy shrugged.

“I know. But part of the reason I’m a Bounty Hunter and not a Marine is that I can’t be ordered not to do the right thing. My crew is aware that there might be…backlash.”

Hina winced at his not-quite-accusation, but surprised him by nodding. Well, maybe he shouldn’t be surprised. No one got to her rank, with a command in the Grand Line of all places, without being aware of just how questionable some of the Marines ‘justice’ was. Luffy considered for a moment, then nodded.

“It wouldn’t hurt to have a point of contact with the local Marines, anyway. Given we intend to prove Crocodile was behind a bunch of illegal shit. Personally, I’m betting we’ll find Dance Powder in his base, at the very least. If you’re willing to help put us in contact with the local Marine detachment when needed, we’ll give you a lift to Alabasta. Assuming you’re well enough to leave.”

Hina’s mood seemed to lift a bit at his response.

“Hina was the local Marine detachment. She can put you in touch with the rest of her command she left behind. Hina’s ribs are mending, but will mend just as well traveling.”

“Good. Though it may be another day or so. Part of the reason I came here was to try recruiting a doctor. And I think I saw an interesting one working on a few people.”

Hina’s lips curled into a smirk, her eyes darting to the doorway.

“The tanuki?”


Chopper had jumped out of where they’d all known he was hiding. Well…almost all. Kaya lept to her feet with a shocked yelp. Apparently, she’d been too sleepy and exhausted to keep her Observation Haki going. After several moments, Chopper seemed to realize that he’d just exposed himself, his eyes slowly widening. Then he turned tailed and ran, causing Hina to snicker.

“Hina amused. Chopper is most amusing. Hina wishes you luck in convincing him to leave, though. He seems rather shy, until he’s working on a patient and forgets, at least.”

Luffy chuckled.

“I’m sure I can manage to pin him down for a conversation or two. Whether he’ll be interested or not is harder to say.”

The Marine Captain nodded, and they exchanged a few more pleasantries before Luffy headed off to see if he could find a reindeer…


An odd looking back with a 3 made of wax shaped into his hair listened to the report of a woman who was idly half-floating around the clearing as she spoke. After the report finished, there were a few moments of silence before the man spoke.

“The crew is still split then. Excellent. Valantine, Mr. 5, you two will distract the swordsman. He is the most dangerous of those left and is training up the river a bit. Attack him, lead him away. Then I and Miss Goldenweek will move in on those that remain and eliminate the Princess.”

There was a rude nose from the other man in the small group.

“I should just blow them all up. It would be faster.”

The smug voice of the first man responded quickly.

“And that is why you are the more poorly ranked agent. You lack any sense of subtlety. A brute and nothing more. Do your job, kill or disable the swordsman. Leave the rest to me.”

The second man growled, but acquiesced, nodding curtly to his partner and heading off into the snow-covered woods, angling for the river.

A/N 1: Compressed timeline. The longer I looked at the events surrounding Drum, the more questions I had. I've watched that far in the anime at least twice, and always got the impression that Wapol had been gone for a while. Yet...that just doesn't fit. We know Ace was chasing after Blackbeard and the crew catches up to Ace in Alabasta. That means Ace had to have been on Drum pretty recently...and he can't have been THAT far behind Blackbeard. Since Blackbeard's attack is what caused Wapol to flee, the longer I looked at it, the more it actually seems to have been pretty damn recent. Given that the crew is a couple of weeks early, too, I figured them arriving only just barely after Ace left fit the information we actually have.

A/N 2: Hina! So...butterfly effect! The Strawhats were never going to escape the butterfly effects at least changing some events. And this one is one of the first big ones we see on the Grand Line. Hina's Patrol Flotilla was based around Alabasta (we know this as she's the one that was called in to try and contain Luffy and Co from escaping in canon). That means even the tiniest shift, say someone managing to call out from Drum before Blackbeard killed them, would/could result in her ships responding. They wouldn't have had any way to know they were jumping into a fight with a New World Veteran, since they are in the early chunks of Paradise where there shouldn't BE anyone like that. Hence the result we see here...

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