One Piece Demon Dragon

Chapter 72 Adventure on the Island of the Gods (5)

Chapter 72 Adventure on the Island of the Gods ([-])
Taking advantage of your illness and killing you, Enilo kicked the immobile William out of the spaceship. This place is hundreds of meters high, and even if he falls down, he will only be disabled if he survives.

However, Enilo obviously didn't mean to let William go. While kicking William away, he actually used the terrifying move of "God's Punishment" on William who was already immobile.I saw a terrifying lightning force condensed in the air and then fell from the sky and hit William directly. That's right, this was the terrifying energy that attacked William and Tanji when they fought against each other before.

For Enilo, William is the second most dangerous person after Luffy, but his ability that Luffy can't do anything doesn't mean it's also ineffective against William.However, the arrogant Enilo didn't even know that in Qinghai there were not [-] or at least [-] people with the armed domineering level like William. I don't know how he would feel after knowing it?

"It seems that someone fell from the spaceship?" After escaping from Enilo's spaceship, Usopp stared at the spaceship all the time, and soon he found a figure falling from the spaceship.He knew that there should be only William and Enel on the spaceship. Since the spaceship flying on the electric current generated by Enel is still flying, the person who fell down can only be their companion William.

"It's William, hurry up and save him!" Like Usopp, Nami also believed that the person who fell from the spaceship must be William.Without hesitation, she launched the power tyrant and carried Usopp towards the place where William fell.It's just that they had just started when they found a large lightning bolt falling from the sky at the speed of light, directly landing on the place where William fell.

"What is that?" Usopp and Nami were instantly shocked by the large lightning speed in front of them. They even felt the air tremble. Even people in the distance were attracted by this large lightning speed.No matter who it is, as long as they are hit by this "God's Sanction", they will end up with nothing left.

After Nami's second-class Usopp, other people also felt around the huge pit blasted out by "God's Sanction" in a very short time. No matter who saw this scene, the first happiness in their hearts was : This is simply too terrifying, the entire ground has been penetrated!

Nami, who saw the huge pit, had collapsed to the ground, and she couldn't accept William's departure in her heart, while Usopp jumped into the deep pit regardless of his own body.Assuming that William invited him to join the Straw Hat gang, William was kind to him, and he also knew that there could be no other dangers under this deep pit.

"Hey, what happened to Nami?" Sauron ran over and asked suspiciously when he saw Nami collapsed on the ground.From the scars on Sauron's body, it can be seen that he was also attacked by Enilo, and Sauron's appearance was also badly injured.But he was also shocked when he saw the huge deep pit in front of him. He knew that if Enilo attacked them with this kind of move from the beginning, none of them would survive.

"Miss Nami, are you okay?" Sanji immediately became concerned when he saw Nami collapsed on the ground, obviously his attention was all on Nami and he didn't notice the huge pit next to him.

"We found William, he's down there!" Usopp's voice sounded from the underground of the huge pit, but the tone didn't seem so optimistic.

"What's going on here? What happened to Stinky William?" Hearing Usopp's voice suddenly, Sanji noticed that there was a huge deep pit next to him, and he also recognized that it was made by Enel for.It's just that he didn't expect his partner to be hit. Although he hated William very much, he recognized William as his partner in his heart.

William was already incapacitated when he was kicked out by Enilo, but when he realized the danger of the "God's Punishment" coming from the sky, he decisively used all his armed domineering to wrap himself around his body to protect himself .

Even so, William eventually lost consciousness and is now dying.Fortunately, although his body was not seriously injured, it was at least barely preserved.However, all the clothes on him had been vaporized and disappeared. At that time, there was no room for William to waste any bit of armed arrogance.

"Hey, William, you're still alive, right?" Nami and other members of the Straw Hat gang hurried over as Usopp lifted the naked William from underneath. Urging the ship doctor Chopper to shout: "Chopper, save William!"

"Doctor Chopper, hurry up and save the boss! I beg you!" Seeing William whose body was charred, sisters Mary and Anne pleaded sadly to Chopper.The other members of the castle army were also very worried about William, and they kept begging Chopper to save him quickly.And Alrita even threw the big iron rod on the ground and threatened Chopper directly: "If you can't save William, I will stew you, Doctor Reindeer!"

"This injury is too serious! And William's heartbeat is very weak!" Chopper nervously began to check William's body, but found that William's life would be in danger at any time.Although William had been fatally injured twice before, he had never completely lost consciousness like this, and this time the injury involved every cell in his body.

Luffy, who was thrown to the ground by Enil, lost his direction, but he was attracted by Enil's "God's Punishment" not long after.Since the arm was trapped by the heavy gold, he could only drag the heavy gold forward step by step.However, when he arrived at the destination, he found a charred and unconscious person lying on the ground, and asked curiously, "Nami, what's wrong with you? Who is the lying person?"

"This is William, he was defeated by Enel!" Nami said sadly, everyone knows that Luffy's face blindness is very serious, and no one is in the mood to blame Luffy now.

And when Luffy learned that the scorched man lying on the ground was his companion William, Luffy was stunned and didn't know what to say, because he was already angry at this time, he just wanted to Just beat Enilo to the ground.

"What's that?" Usopp, who sensed the abnormality from the sky, looked up and immediately trembled all over his body.At this time, a huge black sphere with lightning was condensed in the sky above Apayado, the island of gods. It was Enilo who used the spaceship to condense the surrounding thunderclouds into a huge black sphere "Lei Ying".

This has gone far beyond the scope of the Devil Fruit's ability. "Lei Ying" is already a terrifying move that uses the power of nature to launch.Of course, only Enilo, who has developed Devil Fruits to the extreme, can also use the right time, place and people to launch moves. This is a move that can easily destroy an island with just one move.

"Could that bastard want to destroy the entire island?" Sanji said in shock when he saw the black thunderball in the sky.But Zoro, who likes to contradict Sanji, glanced at the sky, but said in a very sure tone: "Does it need to be said?"

"Now only Luffy, who is not afraid of thunder and lightning, can defeat Enilo!" Nami said sadly, looking up at the cloudy sky.Knowing that the only one who can defeat Enel is Luffy who is not afraid of thunder and lightning. If even Luffy can't defeat Enil, then all of their lives will come to an end here.

"Nami, send me up, I'm going to beat that bastard!" Seeing that his companion was almost killed, an angry Luffy gave the order again as the captain.

In Luffy's eyes, it doesn't matter who the enemy is, as long as he hurts his companions, Luffy will make him pay the price.Although Luffy is not a heinous person, but his identity is a pirate rather than a righteous partner. It doesn't matter if he destroys a country and bears the whole world's infamy for his partner. This is the mentality of a man who aims to be "One Piece" .

Nami, who received the order from Captain Luffy, also felt that Enilo must pay a heavy price. After a brief analysis and discussion with Nicole Robin, Kerra and others, Nami shouted at Sauron. Said: "Sauron, cut down those two vines and lean towards the direction of the Eneru spaceship!"

"Don't order me!" Sauron responded angrily, and at the same time he ran towards the huge vine.

However, two of the huge vines that support the entire island of gods can be entangled together, and Sauron only cut down one of them after jumping down. He went to chop another giant vine.Seeing that the huge vine was still motionless, Nami shouted loudly: "No, it didn't move at all."

"What's going on? It seems that something is hitting below!" Usopp felt a sudden shaking of the ground, but he couldn't see what happened under the clouds at all.

It is absolutely not possible for manpower to produce such a violent shaking. In fact, it is not human beings who are hitting the giant vines, but Nolan, a super giant python that has lived in Apayado for nearly 400 years.This giant python Nolan has a deep friendship with the ancestors of the Sandia warriors, and at this time it is also working hard to drive away the intruder Enilo.

Although under Nolan's vigorous impact, the remaining huge vine has begun to tilt slightly, but according to this tilting speed, Nolan will have to hit it at least hundreds of times before he can reach the goal of leaning towards the Enel road spacecraft. , but at that time Arpayado had already been destroyed by Enilo's "Lei Ying".

"But I know it's just a little tilted!" Nicole Robin said helplessly, looking at the huge vines that were slowly tilting.

"Since Sauron has already cut down one, I will give the remaining one to my master Usopp! Kill - Dance of the Gunpowder Stars!" Countless gunpowder stars were shot from the slingshot in Usopp's hand. Usopp, a huge target that can be hit with his eyes closed, will naturally not miss, but the effect is minimal.

(End of this chapter)

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