One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch14- Filthy Pirates

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In the cozy confines of the Meshi diner, the group found themselves sharing a table with Usopp, their newest acquaintance. The diner, with its warm and inviting ambiance, was a welcome respite from their recent escapades. Over plates of steaming food, the conversation flowed effortlessly. Usopp, leaning forward with a twinkle in his eye, asked, "Really? You're looking for a crew?" His voice carried a mix of curiosity and excitement.

Coby nodded affirmatively, as Luffy, engrossed in his meal, mumbled through mouthfuls of meat, "Crew and a ship." Usopp's eyes widened in amazement. "Wow! Such an adventure!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with admiration and a hint of longing.

Usopp then shared a bit of local knowledge. "Well, there’s no shipyard here, but there is a place you might want to visit." Nami, ever the pragmatist, leaned in, her interest piqued. "Really? Where?" Usopp gestured vaguely, his hand pointing beyond the diner's walls. "That huge mansion that sticks out like a sore thumb. That’s where."

He sighed deeply, his expression turning somber. "The owner of that mansion is a young girl, bedridden and alone." Nami's brow furrowed in curiosity. "How did she become the owner?"

Usopp recounted the tragic tale. "About a year ago, her parents fell ill and passed away, leaving her a vast inheritance – a mansion and a dozen servants. She lives in luxury, yet nobody is more unfortunate than her."

Nami sighed, her heart touched by the story. "Forget it. We’re not going to find a ship here. Let's head to another island." Luffy, still feasting, voiced his agreement, "That's fine. I got my belly full, and we can resupply."

Nami turned to Coby, a hint of reproach in her tone. "Seems you were wrong, Coby. There’s no ship here."

Coby, unfazed, merely grinned. "Was I?"

Nami's irritation grew. "Can't you just admit you were wrong?"

Coby pondered for a moment, then shook his head with a playful defiance. "Nope," he said, popping the 'P' with a smirk. Nami was about to retort when Coby leaned in, his face inches from hers. "How about a bet?" he proposed, his voice low and teasing.

Nami, taken aback, asked cautiously, "What bet?" Coby’s eyes sparkled with mischief. "If we leave this island with a ship, you owe me a kiss." Nami’s eyes narrowed, her mind calculating. "And if we don’t?"

Coby’s grin widened. "Then I owe you a kiss." Nami’s cheeks flushed with a mix of anger and embarrassment. "Who wants your kiss, idiot?" she blurted out.

Coby laughed, undeterred. "Fine, fine. I’ll take you somewhere you can find close to 100 Million Belly."

Nami’s eyes gleamed with interest. "Really?" Coby nodded confidently. "I promise. I know a garden where all that money is buried."

Zoro, watching the exchange between Coby and Nami, couldn't help but roll his eyes at their banter. Meanwhile, Luffy, entirely engrossed in his meal, seemed oblivious to the playful flirtations unfolding beside him. Usopp, seated awkwardly amidst this unusual group, appeared both bewildered and mildly embarrassed by the shameless flirting. He cleared his throat, trying to reclaim some attention. "By the way, if you're in need of a crew, I'm your man. I can be your Captain," he declared, puffing his chest out with a hint of mock seriousness.

In unison, as if rehearsed, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and Coby responded, "No, thanks." Their voices blended into a harmonious rejection, leaving Usopp deflated, his dreams of captaincy quickly dashed.

The moment passed, and Usopp, perhaps feeling out of place or simply needing air, abruptly stood up and left the diner. His departure was swift, leaving a void in the conversation. The group's attention soon shifted to the window as they noticed the three children they had seen earlier. They were engaged in a heated discussion just outside the diner. Coby, who fondly remembered this scene from the anime, watched intently, a smile playing on his lips, anticipating the unfolding drama.

The children, fueled by a mix of courage and desperation, barged into the diner. Their eyes were wide with urgency as they scanned the room. "Where is the Captain?" they demanded, their voices echoing in the now silent diner.

Luffy, still reveling in the afterglow of his meal, patted his stomach and exclaimed, "Ahh, that was delicious meat!" The children, hearing this, exchanged horrified glances. "Meat? Captain? Did they...?" they stammered, their imaginations running wild with gruesome possibilities.

Nami, seizing the opportunity for a bit of mischief, smiled devilishly at the children. Her expression, combined with the context of Luffy's statement, painted a sinister picture in the kids' minds.

Zoro, unable to resist joining in the fun, added with a smirk, "If you're looking for your captain..." He paused, letting the suspense build. The children leaned in, their faces a mixture of hope and fear. "Where is he?" they pleaded.

Zoro, feigning solemnity, continued, "He got gobbled up." The kids, their faces draining of color, turned to Nami in horror. "AHH! OGRES!" they screamed, backing away in terror.

Nami, indignant and offended, retorted sharply, "Why are you looking at me?" She was about to protest further when Zoro's laughter filled the diner, adding insult to injury.

Nami, her patience wearing thin, snapped, "This is not funny, Zoro!" Her frustration was palpable, and Zoro, still chuckling, couldn't help but enjoy the moment of harmless mischief.

The tension in the diner was broken by the children's realization that their captain, Usopp, was indeed safe and sound. Their relief was evident as they rushed to inform him of the 'danger' he had narrowly escaped. The group watched the children scamper off, their mission accomplished, leaving behind a trail of laughter and whispers.

Coby, observing the scene, felt a sense of satisfaction. This encounter had been just like he remembered. He loved living his favorite moments from Anime, that is why he was silent, he just loved some of these moments!

After the lighthearted chaos at the Meshi diner, Coby stood up, his expression turning serious. "Let's go," he said decisively. The others, surprised by his sudden shift in demeanor, looked at him quizzically.

Luffy nodded in agreement, while Nami, her curiosity piqued, asked, "Where?"

Coby, with a hint of mystery in his voice, replied, "I heard a rumor about a pirate in this place. I just want to check."

Nami's eyes widened, realizing the implication of his words. If there was indeed a pirate, and possibly a ship, did it mean she had lost their playful bet? The thought of her first kiss being at stake caused her to blanch. Noticing her reaction, Coby chuckled softly but offered no further explanation. He led the group towards the Mansion.

As they approached the grand estate, they saw Usopp in conversation with a strikingly beautiful, pure blonde girl. Coby found himself momentarily taken aback by her appearance. Kaya, in real life, was truly a sight to behold. Nami, noticing Coby's reaction, snorted and moved closer to him, as if marking her territory. She couldn't explain why, but she felt the need to assert her presence. Coby, for his part, had no intention of pursuing Kaya. Though he harbored dreams of a harem, his heart had limited capacity, and the idea of separating Kaya from Usopp didn't appeal to him. Besides, Kaya wasn't suited for life on a pirate ship.

Luffy, ever direct, approached the window and addressed Kaya. "I have a favor to ask." Kaya, taken aback, responded, "A favor? To ask of me?" Luffy nodded earnestly. "Yeah, we want a big and sturdy ship, and Usopp said only this place has ships."

At that moment, a voice interrupted them. Turning, Coby recognized Kurahadol, the butler, who was, in reality, Captain Kuro. "You realize you are trespassing, right?" he asked coldly. Kaya began to explain their presence, but Kurahadol cut her off. "Save your excuses," he snapped. He then turned to Luffy. "You must leave immediately. Or do you have some other business here?"

Luffy, with his characteristic simplicity, replied, "I want a ship." Kurahadol dismissed him flatly, "I can't help you." His gaze then shifted to Usopp. "You. You are Usopp, aren't you? Your reputation precedes you." A brief quarrel ensued, culminating in Kurahadol delivering a contemptuous insult, "You are the son of a filthy pirate. I wouldn't put anything past you. Stay away from Ms. Kaya."

Even Kaya, usually calm and composed, was enraged by the butler's words and demanded an apology. However, Kurahadol, steeped in his conceit, reprimanded his mistress, "You two are people of different worlds. Stay away from here."

Usopp, burning with indignation, took immense pride in his father, a man who had dared to chase his dreams.


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