One Helluva Fox

Loo Loo Land

(leave some comments to let me now how I'm doing.)

In a lush red forest there's a young demon fox with golden hair that has a pair of black horns poking through his hair. Red fox ears twitch and a red tail sways behind him. Two eyes that have yellow sclera with a red pupil.

The boy looks thin and sickly, but his eyes shine with excitment. "Come on, Mama!" A thick Australian accent is present when he speaks.

"Coming Dear." A soft, yet mature, with no accent, voice is heard and the boy looks behind to his his mother, along with her Imp servant, Tyair.

" A soft, yet mature, with no accent, voice is heard and the boy looks behind to his his mother, along with her Imp servant, Tyair

"The young master has lots of energy today." Tyair says to her boss.

"I'm happy." The boy's mother says and the two follow the boy through the forest. 

"We're here!" The boy says and the three come out of the tree line to a large red lake.

"I didn't know this was here." The mother says.

The young fox demon runs over to the lake and kneels down to it. "I found it when I went out exploring." His tail wags as he watches some fish swim around.

The mother and Tyair walk over to the boy. 

"When did you go exploring?" The mother asks.

"A couple days ago." He leans down to the water.

"Hmmm, interesting. I don't remember me, your father, or your older sister taking you out exploring."

The boys eyes widen as he realized his mistake. "Oh poop."

"Hunny, you know you can't go out exploring by yourself." The mother says as she puts a hand onto his shoulder. "You could collapse again."

"Sorry, moma." The boy says and he starts coughing.

"We should head back, mistress." Tyair says. "It's near lunch and we know how the Lord gets when we are out for too long."

The mother sighs and stands up. "Don't I know it. Come on, Zahav, it's time to head back."

Zahav stands up. "Yes, mama."

The three head back into the forest.





In a dark room we see Sylvester laying in his bed. Cigarette butts lay throughout the room and his hat and coat are hung up on some hooks on the back of his bedroom door. His long sleeves are rolled up and small scars are are in random places around both his arms.

Sylvester groans and he opens his right eye and blinks a few times. "Fuck me, I've got a headache." He reaches over to his night stand and picks up a box of cigarettes and grabs one.

Sylvester snaps his fingers a couple times and lights his cigarette and takes a big puff and then lets out a large cloud of smoke. He puts a hand through his red hair, with golden roots, and he stops halfway through.

"Hmmm." He stands up and goes over to the bathroom and looks into the mirror. 

Sylvester moves his hair and finds small black horns growing out of his head and he growls. He picks up a nail file off the sink and starts to file down the horns. "Why can't these things just go away." He finishes the first horn and moves onto the second. "I need to redo the dye too."

Sylvester finishes filing down his horns and he opens up the medicine cabinet and pulls out a bottle of red hair dye and puts some on his hands and he dyes his hair, getting ride of the golden roots.

Sylvester puts everything away and he closes the medicine cabbnit and stars at himself in the mirror. "You are one helluva handsome bastard." He smiles at himself.

Sylvester then exits the bathroom and walks into his living room, there's a mess of cigarettes, vodka bottles, and food tins around the place. 

"I really need to clean." He throws his cigarette butt onto the ground and lights up another one. "Eh, I'll do it tomorrow."

He spots a letter at the base of the door. "The hell?" Sylvester walks over to the letter and picks it up. He looks at it and spots a wax seal with a symbol on it, casing him to growl.

He looks at it and spots a wax seal with a symbol on it, casing him to growl

"Bastard." Sylvester just tosses the letter onto the kitchen counter and suddenly his door slams open.

"Wake the fuck up, Sylvester!" Blitzo bursts into his apartment. 

"What are you doing here da-, I mean Blitzo!" Sylvester yells.

Blitzo's eyes shine. "You almost called me d-" Sylvester uses his tail to cover his mouth.

"Shut it, or you can go and kill yourself." 

Blitzo removes Sylvester's tail. "Anyway, we need to go! I've got everyone already in the van!"

"But today's my day off."

"I'll buy you a carton of cigarettes!" Blitzo offers.

Sylvester immediately replies. "I'll get my hat and coat."  He walks towards his bedroom. "Where we going?"

"Loo Loo land!" 

"Huh?" Sylvester questions.


A van, with IMP painted onto the side, pulls into the parking lot

A van, with IMP painted onto the side, pulls into the parking lot. Moxxie gets out of the passenger and goes to the back door and opens it.

out walks Stolas and Octavia. Stolas puts on an apple hat and smiles, he looks back to his daughter and motions her to follow.

Octavia groans and pulls down her hat as she walks towards her father. 

Blitzo gets out of the driver side as Millie and Sylvester get out from the third row of seats. He puts on a pair of sun glasses and adjusts his black tie.

Sylvester looks at the falling apart sign. "This place looks like a dump." He adjusts his hat and he follows after Blitzo.

"This place looks fun!" Millie says with a smile.

Blitzo and Stolas walk together as Sylvester is a few paces behind them. Sylvester lights up a cigarette. 

"Hey, Sylvester?" Stolas calls out.

"Hmm?" Sylvester looks to the tall owl demon.

"How's your father doing?"

Sylvester scoffs. "Haven't talked to the bastard in nearly eight years."

"Oh, dear. You know he meant well for y-"

"Stolas, leave it alone."


The group enters Loo Loo Land.

"Now remember, this is work and work only." Blitzo says to Stolas. "Me and my crew are not here to satisfy your perverted bird needs, all right."

"Hey, Dad." Octavia calls out as she looks around in disgust. "Do we have to-"

Blitzo appears in front of her, holding his up up. "Okay, hold on right there sweetie." Blitzo turns back to Stolas. "If you try to fuck my little as in that park, I swear to-"

Stolas leans down to Blitzo. "You are so cute." He boops Blitzo's nose. "When you are serious."

Sylvester raises an eyebrow and he lets out a large cloud of smoke right into Moxxie's face as Millie joins them.

"Hey!" Moxxie coughs and waves his hand.

"Hey!" Moxxie coughs and waves his hand

"I'm literally gonna be sick." Octavia mutters.

"Oh crumbs." Moxxie panics and opens up his fanny pack. "I knew today would be a lot. What do you need?" He pulls out a couple pill bottles, then he starts to throw out many pill bottles. "Antioxidants, Ibuprofen?" 

Sylvester catches a bottle of Ibuprofen and opens it up and throws all the pills into his mouth.

Moxxie shows Octavia several hypodermic needles of a glowing, acid green substance.


"Morphine?" Moxxie asks.

"That was figurative, old man." Octavia walks after her father.

"Oh, right." Moxxie chuckles sheepishly as he discards the needles into a nearby baby carriage, where a baby imp happily reaches out to play with its dangerous new "toys."

Sylvester laughs. "Oh, oh, oh. I like her."

"But she said it was literal." Moxxie states.

"You are old."

"Hey, I'll have you know I'm only-" Moxxie gets cut off by Sylvester blowing a large cloud of smoke into his face.

Millie lightly pushes Sylvester away from Moxxie. "Wow, I haven't been to this place since I was a tod." A large letter falls off a sign and crushes someone, Sylvester licks his lips. "It hasn't changed a bit." She hugs Moxxie tightly. "Oh! Look it's Big Woobly!"

Millie gestures toward a hideously malformed animatronic dinosaur, which opens its mouth and lets out a terrifying, demonic shriek.


Sylvester rubs his ears. "That is really disturbing."

"That is... deeply upsetting." Moxxie says.

"Oh, come on, it's fun." Millie says.

"I didn't know your definition of fun was so... deranged." Sylvester says.

Millie poins at Sylvester. "Shut it." Sylvester rolls his eyes and she looks back to her husband. "You've never been here?"

"No, theme parks always disturbed me." Moxxie says. "Especially the mascots."

Suddenly the park's mascot, Loo Loo appears out of nowhere behind Moxxie.

"Well, hey there." Loo Loo says.

Moxxie jumps back in terror as he screams.

"I'm Loo Loo! Welcome to Loo Loo land!"


 "If y'all get hurt here, just try and sue us!" Loo Loo says.

Stolas gasps and motions to Loo Loo. "Look! Via! It's Loo Loo!"

"I have a question." Octavia holds up a finger.

"Well, ask away, little girlie!" Loo Loo says and his left eye pops out. "A-hyuk a-hyuk a-hyuk!"

"Is it true this park is just a really shameless spin-off of Lucifer's far more popular Lu Lu World?"


"This place reeks of insecure corporate shame."

Stolas chuckles nervously as he leads Ocatvia away. "Why don't we go check out the rides?"

"That chick's creepy, huh?" Loo Loo asks Blitzo.

"Yeah, wait till her dad tries to diddle your holes." Blitzo says as he walks after the two owl demons.

Loo Loo turns to Millie, Moxxie and Sylvester. "What does that mean."

"Don't talk to me!" Moxxie shouts. "I know you're a pervert under there!"

Moxxie leaves, leading Millie off with him. Loo Loo hangs his body defectedly. 


Sylvester laughs at Loo Loo as he walks off in a random direction. "Time to see if I can steal people's time."

Sylvester smiles as he looks around at all the rides and games. "First time to s theme park, got to say I'm not impressed."

"Are you sure this is safe?" An Imp at a nearby game ask, he's holding a stick of light dynamight.

"I dunno." The Imp that's controls the game says.

"I mean, having a stick of light dynamite, doesn't seem very safe."

Sylvester smirks as he walks over to the Imp and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Then if it didn't seem very safe, then why'd you pay to play?"

"I... I dunno. I guess I just wanted someone to talk to, You see I'm very-" The dynamite goes off, blowing up the Imp and leaving nothing but a bloody stain on the ground.

Sylvester wipes off any blood on him as he licks his lips.

"Damn, tenth guy this week." The Imp controlling the game says.

Sylvester laughs as he walks off and lets out a puff of smoke. Sylvester walks by a few imps standing next to a pole that shakes as one of them leans against it. 

Sylvester smirks and as he walks by it, he "Accidentally" knocks it over and onto the Imps and he shivers a little. "Oh, that tastes to good."

Sylvester then notices some Imps in the shadows with guns and other sharp objects.

"Oh, can;t have that now can we?" Sylvester smirks as he slithers into the shadows and behind the Imps. Sylvester pulls out his flintlock. "Hello, boys." The Imps all sweat and turn to Sylvester. "You don't happen to be after a certain owl prince, do ya?"

"Oh, you mean Stolas?" An Imp asks. "We're just here to kill him."

"Dave!" Another Imp shouts.

"Oh, wait."

Sylvester lets out a large cloud of smoke into the imps and all their heads get blown off. Sylvester spins his flintlock around and blows smoke from the barrel.

Sylvester walks out from the shadows and stretches. Suddenly a plush lands in front of him, covered in green fire. "Hmmm?"

Sylvester looks up and sees most of the theme park is suddenly on fire. "Wow, I was only gone for a few seconds and now everything's on fire."

Sylvester heads towards the entrance and he sees the rest of his coworkers on the ground, while Stolas carries Octavia. "I leave them for a few minutes and this happens." Sylvester sighs as he walks over to his boss.



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