On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Twenty-One

“So, you two have fun?” Aiko asked as we opened our eyes, back in my tiny apartment. Eri was close to me, looking directly into my face, and I flushed and looked away. Behind me, Shaeula yawned, stretching.

“Not really.” I admitted. “Looks like we ran into a few problems that cropped up while we were in Las Vegas. Luckily we got back in time though, so with some effort we can fix it.”

“Are you sure you are all right?” Eri asked. “You don’t have to keep secrets from us anymore.”

“You worry too much-much.” Shaeula said, getting up. “As Akio says, trust us to handle it. I have returned to say my farewells, as I shall be returning to our Territory shortly and will make sure the… obstacles… are removed. But I had little wish for you to return to your hometown without saying farewell.”

My sis got up and hugged Shaeula, who squirmed in her grasp, trying to escape. “Wow, that’s so cute of you! We’ll miss you, but it won’t be for long, right? Eri’s birthday is in three weeks, you’ll be visiting then for sure, right?”

Shaeula finally slipped free, huffing. “Of course, should the situation permit. Eri is my dear friend and rival-rival, I would of course celebrate the day of her birth. But first, for now… I shall instruct you in your training regimen while I am absent. I expect progress to be made-made!” she said sternly.

“Wow, the sudden shift from adorable to stern leaves me a little weak… I get the urge to call you onee-sama for some reason. I did always want an older sister…”

Laughing at Aiko, who’s brain had short-circuited, we started to watch Eri gather aether. I could feel a tiny tugging on my network and the surrounding ether, but it was still small, her botched-together chakras functioning, if barely. Beside me, Shaeula was peering deep into her, eyes aglow with mystical amber radiance.

“I see-see. Yes, the problem is simple.” Shaeula sighed. “It is a shame that we can not-not take Eri to our Territory, it is far easier to draw in aether there, and progress would be rapid… still, it is currently too unwise for that…”

“Hey, we agreed I didn’t want to be the only one left behind!” my sister protested.

“Fear not Aiko, I shall advise you in turn.” Shaeula grinned at her discomfort, but refrained from teasing her about a possible method for once. Turning back to the expectant Eri she reached out, and for a moment everyone wasn’t sure of what she was doing. Her small hands worked quickly, and with a tug she pulled open the front of Eri’s pyjamas, revealing her upper body.

Well, she doesn’t sleep with a bra on I see. I knew I should be looking away, but…

Eri let out a gentle squeal, flushing all the way down to her chest, which was an interesting view. Beside her Aiko protested. “Hey, what are you doing Shaeula? Lewd!”

“It is only us girls and Akio here. He has seen far more of Eri than this, am I not-not mistaken? Now Eri, watch closely.” She poked one finger into her reddened lower body, just above the waistband of her pyjamas. It then slid down, into her leggings. Eri shivered at her touch.

“There. This is where your root chakra is located. You need to pool energy here to stabilise it. Normally it is not-not advisable to gather energy recklessly, as it can overspill and damage the routes through your subtle body. But your case is special, as thanks to Akio, you have a complete network, even if it is-is fragile as glass. Try raising aether, while focusing on the location I am touching.”

All of us were red-faced and embarrassed by the intimacy of the moment, but Eri met my gaze, swallowed nervously then shot me a smile. Closing her eyes she concentrated, and I could feel the pull of her chakra, a little stronger this time. Shaeula’s finger them moved up again, reappearing, to reach the sacral chakra, just below her navel. “Can you feel-feel energy trickling up to here?”

Eri nodded, still concentrating. Shaeula’s finger traced a route across her body, finally reaching her crown. “You are luckier than Aiko, your pathways are set, if feeble. As your ability to raise aether increases and your chakras and networks absorb more-more of it to strengthen themselves, the branching routes will also form, and you will be able to master it-it. Remember the route I have traced and the locations of your chakras. Spare no effort in improving them when you have time-time.”

“I will.” Eri nodded. “Thanks again… for everything.” she said quietly, and Shaeula snorted a laugh.

“Now, on to Aiko.” She turned to her, hands reaching out.

“No way! At least look away big bro!” she protested weakly, and so, being the gentleman I was (and who would want to see their sister naked anyway?), I turned my back, hearing the popping of buttons and the rustling of cloth. Beside me I felt a hand clutch mine, and I looked down to see Eri had grasped me, perhaps understanding my feelings. Giving her a reassuring squeeze I tried to ignore the awkward situation behind me, that was making me feel a little… off.

“Hey, watch where you are touching. Wow, lewd! Now I can’t get married, will you take responsibility?” my sister was saying, half-joking.

“Your root chakra is starting to develop. I am most pleased at your progress, meagre though it is-is.” Shaeula answered her.

“Hey, that’s mean! It isn’t easy you know!” Aiko protested.

“I am quite aware of that-that. Accept the praise I offer. Still, you were not blessed with… good fortune, such as Eri, so hard work must suffice for now. Though Akio has promised he believes he can find a way to help you, one that does not involve… intimacy.”

With my back to them I couldn’t see, but I was sure Shaeula was grinning maliciously. “Yeah, I think we can make it work.” I agreed. “But even so, effort you put in now will pay off in the end. It’s just like archery, right?”

“Indeed, so you need to concentrate on gathering energy here!” Shaeula poked again, causing my sister to let out a little yelp, adorably. “Then push it up … here-here, to the sacral. Then along-along to the solar plexus. I doubt you can get-get any further, but if you do, then to the heart. Next I would normally suggest the lunar chakra, but… for now, we shall set that aside-aside.”

“I get it, I do.” Aiko huffed. “It’s all right big bro, I’ve covered myself now, you can look again.”

I turned back to see she had pulled her top shut, doing up a few of the buttons, though her lower torso was still bare. She was idly tracing the route Shaeula had shown her, trying to concentrate, and I could feel a miniscule drain, though it was so small it was possible I was imagining it, merely wishing her success.

“Wow, this is hard, tougher even than when I’m doing kyudo. Still, I will succeed. I’m not going to be the only one left behind!”

“With my tasks here done, I must return. Farewell for now, Aiko, Eri. Master, I shall see you soon.” With that she shut her eyes and her body fell to the futon below, still and unmoving. I’ve never really thought about it, but is her body even breathing when she’s in the Boundary?

“Well, that was quite the short goodbye.” Aiko said. “Still, we’ll see her again soon.” Turning to me she asked me what my plans for tomorrow were.

“Well, I’ll see you two to the train station. Then I have to think about getting ready to move. If all goes well, when you next visit, I’ll have a home that’s half decent. I feel pretty ashamed having you and Eri staying in my shabby bachelor-pad.”

“Bachelor-pad? Not anymore.” Eri, still holding my hand, snuggled against me. “You are engaged to me now, remember!”

“Sure, how could I forget.” I kissed her, earning groans from my sister. “Anyway, good night and I’ll see you in the morning!”

“Night big bro, night Eri!”

“Good night Aiko, and good night… Akio, my love.”




The bustling noise of Tokyo station was surrounding us, people passing by in great crowds. As the train was pulling into the platform, I took one last look at my sis and Eri, who were standing next to several large, heavy suitcases and other bags. “Are you sure you can manage all these?” I asked, concerned. Yeah we went way over the top with souvenirs and presents.

“Don’t worry.” Eri grinned. “I’m way stronger than I was before, right?” she flexed one cute arm jokingly.

“Yeah I don’t think it’s that much different yet. Anyway, seriously, give father a call when you are close to home and get him to help carry the stuff. It’s the least he can do considering all the booze you are bringing back.”

“Sure thing bro, will do.” The train doors opened, and I helped the girls carry on the luggage. There was still a few minutes before the train departed, so we said our final goodbyes.

“Take care of yourselves. I’m not going to be a stranger, things have changed now, so I’ll definitely be seeing you.”

“You’d better. Eri will be pissed if you miss her birthday, right?”

“That’s right.” Eri agreed, gazing at my coyly. “I… maybe if I practice hard enough… we can… celebrate… you know.” She was tomato-red, and just so cute I had to lean in and kiss her, though since we were in public it was just a peck on the lips.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” I told her, patting her gently. “Your health comes first.”

“Oh god… I’d been trying to put it out of my mind but… how are we going to explain this to mom and dad?” Aiko was panicking. “Dad is going to hit the roof…”

“Yeah, well… just tell him to speak to me about it. Neither of you are to blame for this. I’m the adult here, so I’ll take responsibility.”

“That’s not true, I wanted it! I am just as…” I hushed her with a gentle finger across her lips.

“No Eri.” I told her gently. “In this case it is pretty much always the man’s fault. Besides, you are still a minor, even if as you said you are more than old enough to get married with parental consent, which knowing Uncle and Auntie Mori that won’t be an issue…”

The train only had a minute or so to go so I sped up my goodbyes. “Just tell father to call me. I’ll handle it then. I need to discuss some other things anyway. Still, that can wait. You’ll miss the train if we don’t wrap this up!”

“Sure. See you later big bro!” my sis gave me a brief hug, and Eri followed, pecking at my lips again after a tight embrace.

“I’ll be sure to tell my parents we didn’t decide this lightly!” Eri said. “Don’t forget, you can call me any time you like, I have a decent phone now. No more distancing yourself from us, all right?”

“I get it, I do! Anyway, farewell, talk to you soon!”

With that the doors to the train slid shut, and moments later it was pulling away from the station, Eri waving at me through the window. Ignoring the snickers of a few commuters around me, I headed for a different platform, to take the train back to Shirohebizumi shrine.

Deciding on the journey to show I was a changed man, I actually sent Eri and Aiko some quick emails, getting rapid responses in return. There, communication. I’ve accepted that while I still feel they need other friends… only I can guarantee them a life without sadness in this changing world. All my reasons for staying away were now worthless, in fact, if I did, I’d actually be more likely to bring them grief, especially Eri…

Lost in thought, I watched the Tokyo scenery pass by, until I was at my stop. Getting out, I made the brief journey to Shirohebizumi shrine, and as it came into view I couldn’t help but think of Shaeula, alone in our Territory. No, wait, she has allies there, like the Kamaitachi, Grulgor and the kami. She’ll be all right. When we had agreed to make sure one of us was there at pretty much all times I had made her promise that should it come down to the Territory or her life, she would always safeguard herself. I could rebuild, but replacing her?

With those final thoughts, I climbed the steps, reaching the shrine proper, it being even better kept and more maintained than ever, the fresh paint and repairs making it look almost… almost… respectable…

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