Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 27 The Calm Before The Storm

After selecting the magic spell he needed, Aaron immediately found a place where no one was around and started practicing.

Among the three spells, the first one to be mastered was the "Obstacle Curse". It only took Aaron two days to master it completely.

Then there's the "Iron Armor Curse."This spell is much more difficult than the "Obstruction Curse". Many adult wizards have not mastered it, but it can't trouble Aaron.A week later, he successfully released the "Iron Armor Curse".

The last thing that was mastered was the "eye disease curse".This spell, which is usually used to deal with fire dragons, is extremely difficult. Generally speaking, students at Hogwarts cannot learn this spell until they are in their seventh year.Aaron was a little nervous at first, thinking about what to do if he couldn't learn the spell.But after officially starting to practice, Aaron found that although the "Eye Disease Curse" was much more difficult than the "Obstacle Curse" and "Iron Armor Curse", it was not a big problem for him.A month later, Aaron successfully mastered the "eye disease spell".

After mastering all the required spells, Aaron finally secretly relaxed.Now even if you encounter a basilisk, you don't have to be too afraid.Although it is impossible to defeat the Basilisk with just these three spells, and it is even more impossible to kill the Basilisk, if he just wants to escape, Aaron is still somewhat sure.

After having the means to deal with the basilisk attack, Aaron no longer worried about his safety, and his life returned to what it was like when he first started school.In addition to going to class every day, he either goes to the library to read or practices magic spells alone.

During this period, Aaron never opened Riddle's diary again.Now that he already knew there was something wrong with the diary, Aaron would naturally not communicate with it any more.However, Aaron has always practiced the magic spells he learned from the diary.

Aaron learned a total of two spells from the diary, namely the Legilimency Curse and the Fire Curse.Aaron has already learned the Legilimency Curse, but the Fire Curse is so powerful that it is difficult to control. Aaron has no intention of practicing it until he masters the method "All Curses Are Ended" that can counter the Fire Curse.

In this way, time passed day by day, and soon the Easter holiday came.

At this time, almost four months had passed since the last attack.In the past four months, there have been no new attacks.Everyone agreed that the attacker, whoever he was, was done with it.Peeves finally got tired of singing his song "Oh, Potter, you nuisance."It seems that the whole incident will be over just after Professor Sprout's mandrake matures and revives the unlucky ones in the hospital ward.

But Aaron always thinks things are not that simple.At least the attacker, the legendary heir of Slytherin, has never been caught.He believed that the reason why the attacks stopped was probably because the attackers lost Riddle's diary and were afraid that others would discover the secrets of the secret room, so they did not dare to act at will for a while.Maybe after some time, he will start his "great career" again.

To this end, Aaron secretly observed his number one suspect, Harry Potter, for a period of time.But I don't know if Harry really gave up, or if he was just bewitched by Riddle's diary and didn't fully understand the situation. After the diary was lost, he no longer knew how to open the secret room.In short, he didn't show any abnormality, and it didn't look like he was going to open the secret room again.

After the Easter holiday, Gryffindor will face the Quidditch match against Hufflepuff.Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor team, pulls the players to train every day. Harry, as the most important member of the team - the seeker, is watched closely by Wood every day.In this case, Harry had no chance to act rashly.

Just when Aaron thought this semester could pass by just like this, an accident happened.

The night before the match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, Aaron finished dinner, read for a while, and got ready to go to bed.As soon as he returned to the dormitory upstairs, he saw a panicked Tom Lawrence running out of the room.

"Aaron, I don't know who did it. I just found out..." Tom said, looking at Aaron in horror.

Aaron opened the door and walked into the dormitory.I saw the contents of my box being thrown everywhere.His clothes lay crumpled on the floor.The sheets had been torn from his four-seat bed, the drawers of the bedside table had been pulled open, and their contents were scattered on the mattress.

Aaron walked towards the bed in surprise, stepping on a few pages that had fallen out of "Wandering with Ghouls".

As he and Tom put the sheets back on the bed, Greene Albert and Philip Kent came in.

Philip shouted: "What's the matter, Aaron?"

"I don't know." Aaron said.

Green looked carefully at Aaron's clothes and found that all the pockets were turned outside.

"Someone is looking for something," Green said. "Is there something missing?"

Aaron seemed to realize something at this time, and hurriedly picked up all his things and threw them back into the box one by one.When he threw Lockhart's last book in, he finally confirmed his premonition: Riddle's diary was missing.

[Who took Riddle’s diary? 】

As soon as the question arose, the answer emerged in Aaron's mind - Harry Potter!

Only he has the motivation and the ability to do it.

First of all, the person who stole Riddle's diary must be a Gryffindor, because no one in other houses knew the password to the Gryffindor common room, so it was impossible to enter the dormitory and steal.Secondly, the thieves had a clear goal, which was Riddle's diary.Because I didn’t lose anything else, I just lost that diary.

The only person who meets all these conditions is the former owner of the diary - Harry Potter.

Harry had come to him before to ask about the whereabouts of his diary. Apparently, he had been trying to find Riddle's diary after it was lost.As a Gryffindor, he could enter and leave the dormitory openly without arousing anyone's suspicion.

[But how did he conclude that the diary was in his hands? 】

Only his own belongings were rummaged through in the dormitory. It was obvious that Harry had confirmed that the diary was in his possession, so he could conduct a targeted search.But he never told anyone that Riddle's diary was in his hands, so how did Harry know?

Aaron couldn't figure it out: Why could Harry be sure that the diary was in his hands?

[Perhaps someone saw the diary in my hand and told Harry. 】

When Aaron first obtained the diary, he did not know that there was something wrong with the diary, so he did not deliberately conceal the existence of the diary.Maybe someone saw Riddle's diary and told Harry.

But soon Aaron stopped thinking about why Harry knew that Riddle's diary was in his hands, because he thought of a more serious problem: since Harry got back Riddle's diary, he must know that he When he asked himself about the diary, he was lying to him.Then he should be able to guess that he has discovered the secret of the diary.In this case, he is likely to attack himself to prevent his secret from being exposed.

In other words, he is very likely to face a basilisk attack.

Thinking that he was about to face a deliberate attack by the basilisk, Aaron couldn't help but feel a little palpitated.Although he was well prepared to deal with the basilisk, those preparations only gave him a little resistance when he unexpectedly encountered the basilisk.If he was deliberately targeted by the basilisk, his current preparations alone would be far from enough, and he would have to make more preparations.

The next morning, after Aaron got up, he came to the restaurant to have breakfast.

As soon as they sat down at the dining table, they saw Harry and Ron walking in from outside the Great Hall and sitting with a group of Gryffindor team members.

"Ideal weather for a Quidditch game!"

At the dinner table, Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor team, said enthusiastically while adding a lot of scrambled eggs to each team member's plate.

Harry seemed to have not slept well last night and was still yawning. When Wood added food to his plate, he was particularly concerned: "Harry, cheer up, you need to have a good breakfast."

Aaron carefully observed Harry's behavior while eating breakfast.But no matter how much Aaron observed, he couldn't see anything unusual about Harry.This made Aaron sigh that Harry's disguise was really good, and there were no flaws at all.

After Riddle's diary was stolen, Aaron no longer believed that Harry had no knowledge of what happened in the castle.He must have some connection with the things in the secret room.

Because today is the weekend, there are no classes all day.So after breakfast, Aaron rushed straight to the library.Now that he knew that he was likely to be targeted by Harry, Aaron had to seize the time to prepare.

Because today is the day of the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff match, most students rushed to the Quidditch pitch early, so there were not many people in the library.Apart from Aaron, the only ones present were Hermione Granger and a fifth-year Ravenclaw girl.

It stands to reason that since Aaron has been targeted by Harry, he should stay with everyone at all times, and it is not suitable to act alone like now.But today is the day of the match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, and Harry, as the team's seeker, must play.At least until the end of the game, he shouldn't have time to do anything else, so Aaron doesn't care much about being alone.

Time flew by quickly, and soon nearly two hours passed.The table in front of Aaron was filled with various books.These are all the information he found in order to find ways to deal with the basilisk.However, even if he read all these books, he still could not find a way to fight against the basilisk.

However, this is normal.If even a little wizard like Aaron, who has just entered school for one year, can easily find a way to deal with the basilisk, then the basilisk will not be rated as an XXXXX magical animal by the Ministry of Magic.

Sitting here for a long time looking up information made Aaron's shoulders a little sore.He stretched his arms, trying to relieve his fatigue.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a deliberately lowered voice coming from behind the bookshelf next to him: "Hey! Damaging books in the library will be severely punished."

Aaron stood up quickly, carefully hid it on the bookshelf, and looked around.Not far away, Hermione was tearing a page from a book.Behind her, the fifth-year Ravenclaw girl caught her.

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