Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 14 School Life

The two potions classes ended and it was almost noon.Aaron and other students climbed out of the underground classroom along the stairs.

Colin was still unhappy about being deducted points for no reason in class.Aaron enlightened him: "Okay, cheer up. Everyone knows it's not our fault."

"It's so unfair," Colin complained. "Although I've heard that Snape is partial, I didn't expect him to be so unreasonable."

Aaron shrugged and said: "Then what can you do? Didn't we already know that he would not treat students fairly? Just pay more attention when taking Potions class in the future. Okay, let us forget these inconveniences Have fun, let’s go get something to eat. I’m already a little hungry.”

Aaron and Colin immediately came to the auditorium and started enjoying lunch.

After lunch, Colin said to Aaron on the way out of the auditorium: "There are no classes in the afternoon. I'm going to develop the photos I took this week. Do you want to come with me?"

"No. I have other things to do."

"Going to the library again?"


After getting familiar with the passages and facilities of Hogwarts Castle these days, Aaron discovered a good place, which was the library located on the second floor of the castle.Aaron was ostracized in the orphanage when he was a child. No one played with him, so he could only read books alone to pass the time, thus developing the habit of reading.Hogwarts has a history of thousands of years. After so many years of accumulation, the school library has tens of thousands of books.Faced with so many books he had never seen before, Aaron was immediately addicted to them.In the past two days, except for classes, eating, and sleeping, he basically spent the rest of his time in the library.

"I really don't understand why you love going to the library so much." Colin obviously couldn't understand Aaron's hobby. "It's only the first week of school, and even Ravenclaw (Note 1) students won't stay there so often. In the library."

"I just like reading books."

"I think the Sorting Hat made a mistake in not sorting you into Ravenclaw."

"The Sorting Hat once thought of sorting me into Ravenclaw. But in the end it sorted me into Gryffindor. Maybe it thought that I was more in line with the characteristics of Gryffindor than Ravenclaw. .”

"Maybe so."

At this time, it was time for the two of them to break up. Colin waved and said, "Goodbye then, buddy."


Aaron spent the entire afternoon in the library, and only briefly appeared in the auditorium during dinner.After dinner, he returned to the library.He didn't return to Gryffindor Tower until 8pm, when the library closed.

As soon as Aaron returned to the dormitory, Colin came over with a photo and said excitedly: "Look, the photo has been developed."

Aaron took it and took a look, only to see that it was a moving photo.A black and white Gerald Lockhart was tugging at one of Harry Potter's arms, trying to pull him to him.In the photo, Harry Potter struggled to resist being dragged over.After a struggle, Harry in the photo finally got rid of Lockhart's drag and ran out of the photo.Lockhart, on the other hand, was bent over the white edge of the photo, breathing heavily.

"Which picture is this from Monday?" Aaron asked.

"Yes." Colin replied, "I plan to show it to Harry tomorrow and ask him to sign it."

The next day, because it was the weekend, Aaron got up a little late.When he got up, Colin was gone.Aaron knew that he must have gone to find Harry Potter, so he ignored him and went straight to the common room.

As soon as he came downstairs, Aaron saw a large group of first-year students gathered in front of the bulletin board, discussing excitedly.

Aaron walked over and saw a new notice posted on the notice board.It says that starting from next week, every Thursday at 03:30, the first-year students of Gryffindor will have flying lessons with the first-year students of Slytherin.

Flying lessons?

Aaron immediately became interested.

There are not many people who are not interested in flying.Aaron is certainly no exception.Flying into the sky with your own power is an exciting thing no matter how you think about it.Aaron is looking forward to Thursday’s class.

Since the notice went up over the weekend, almost every first year student from a wizarding family has been talking about Quidditch and telling others about their experiences riding broomsticks.Green, who shared the same dormitory with Aaron, would pull Aaron and Colin to listen to him talk about how he flew around on a broomstick in the wilderness and narrowly avoided various Muggle aircraft.

Aaron found a book called "The Origins of Quidditch" in the library, which introduced some flying skills.

Soon it will be Thursday.

At 03:30 in the afternoon, Aaron and the other Gryffindor students hurried down the steps and onto the field in front of the door, preparing for their first flying lesson.

The weather today is very sunny, and the breeze is blowing the grass with slight waves.In the distant forest, black trees swayed in the wind.

Aaron and others walked quickly down the sloping grass and came to a flat lawn opposite a field.The Slytherin students were already waiting there, and there were more than 20 broomsticks neatly placed on the ground.

The flying lesson teacher is Mrs. Huo Qi.She is a witch with short gray hair and sharp yellow eyes like an eagle.

"Okay, what are you all waiting for?" she snapped. "Everyone stand next to a broomstick. Hurry, hurry, hurry up."

Everyone immediately stood up according to Mrs. Huo Qi's instructions.Aaron lowered his head and glanced at his broomstick. It was old and worn, with some branches sticking out in various directions.

"Stretch out your right hand and place it on the broom handle." Mrs. Hooch shouted from the front, "Then say loudly: 'Get up!'"

"Get up!" everyone shouted.

A few people's brooms immediately jumped into the hands of their owners, such as Ginny Weasley's broom not far from Aaron.But most people's brooms just roll on the ground, like Aaron's own broom.

Aaron immediately shouted again: "Get up!"

This time the broom jumped up from the ground, but only jumped less than 10 inches before falling to the ground.

Aaron shouted again: "Get up!"

The broom jumped a little higher this time than last time, but it finally fell to the ground.

Just like that, Aaron shouted one after another, and the broom jumped higher every time.Finally, when Aaron shouted "get up" for the seventh time, the broom jumped into his hand.

After everyone had the broom in their hands, Mrs. Hooch showed them how to sit firmly on the broom and instead slide down from it.She walked around the group, correcting the way they held their brooms.

When everything was ready, Mrs. Huo Qi returned to the team and said: "Okay, now you pay attention to my whistle. As soon as I blow the whistle, you push your legs hard and leave the ground. Hold the broom tightly and rise a few feet. Then the body leaned forward slightly and fell vertically back to the ground. Listen to my whistle, three...two...one, shoo--"

The whistle sounded.

Aaron kicked the ground hard and suddenly felt a lifting force coming from the broom under his crotch, lifting him upwards.Aaron followed Mrs. Hooch's instructions and rode a broom to float seven or eight feet above the ground. It felt very novel.Then he pressed the broom down slightly and slowly fell back to the ground.

"Okay, very good." After everyone completed a take-off and landing, Mrs. Huo Qi said, "Let's do it again..."

Then, Mrs. Huo Qi guided everyone to repeat the actions just now.

After getting familiar with taking off and landing, Mrs. Huo Qi guided everyone to complete operations such as ascending, descending, turning, accelerating, and decelerating.Finally, she asked everyone to fly slowly around the field.

The best flyer of all was Ginny Weasley.She mastered all the flying skills with almost no learning.Aaron's performance can only be considered above average among everyone. Although it is not bad, it is far inferior to his performance in other courses.

During the flight, Aaron spent a pleasant afternoon.




Time passed like this day by day, and October came soon.

After entering October, the outside temperature began to plummet.A damp and cold air filled the grounds and penetrated into the castle.A cold suddenly broke out among the staff and students, leaving the school nurse Madam Pomfrey in a hurry.Her pick-me-up potion has an immediate effect, but the side effect is that anyone who drinks the potion will have smoke coming from their ears for the next few hours.Aaron saw Ginny being forced by Percy to drink some refreshing potion, and as a result, streams of white smoke kept coming out from under her fiery red hair.From a distance, it looked like her head was on fire.

After more than a month, Aaron has completely adapted to life at Hogwarts.Here he learned a lot about magic and the magical world.The professors were all very knowledgeable and he benefited a lot from every course except Defense Against the Dark Arts.

The process of every class taught by Professor Lockhart is almost the same as the first class. He just reads large sections of the book he wrote to the students, and sometimes performs some dramatic fragments.He usually chooses Colin to help him recreate the scene.It seemed that he felt that Colin was an admirer of his.So far, Corey has been forced to play a Transylvanian villager who was bewitched by a bubble-blowing spell and cured by Lockhart; a Himalayan snowman suffering from a rhinitis; A werewolf named Wagga Wagga; and a vampire who has eaten nothing but lettuce since Lockhart dealt with him.

After several such classes, Aaron was completely disappointed with Professor Lockhart.Now, every time he had Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he would sit at the back of the classroom and read a book he had borrowed from the library.


Note 1: Ravenclaw is recognized as the college that values ​​knowledge the most and loves going to the library among the four colleges.

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