Object of Obsession

Chapter 34

I nearly jumped back outside, startled by Ves' sudden appearance in the door frame. Had she been watching me...?

"H-hey Ves! Uh, how was your game?"

Her narrowed eyes peeked out at me through flaxen blonde bangs. She crossed her arms, incidentally making her chest prominent even through her baggy jersey.

"Nuh-uh. You're not getting out of this that easily, missy."

My ears started to burn with shame, but then I started to wonder what I was even supposed to be ashamed of... Raine had only kissed me on the cheek, and anyway, Ves was my 'sister', not some jealous lover! I gestured to our leather couch, and after a dramatic huff Ves followed me to it and took a seat beside me.

"That was just Raine. She was nice enough to give me a ride home after we had finished hanging out."

"I never heard you talk about her before, though... And after everything that's happened, you know you aren't supposed to be sneaking out this late! So what is she, your... your secret girlfriend or something!?"

Ves looked scared. She must have been genuinely concerned for my safety...

"No, it's nothing like that! I've just been cooped up in here for weeks, and I really needed to stretch my legs and clear my head. I happened to meet up with Raine at the store and we talked for a bit, that's all. Actually, it was the first time we've ever really spent any time together."

Ves sighed with obvious relief, though a bitter expression remained on her face.

"And she kissed you on the first night, did she...? She's one to watch out for, that's for sure..."

She had muttered that part under her breath.

"Okay then, while we're on the subject... What about that Luna girl, what's the deal with her?" she continued, her large hazel eyes staring at me intently as she asked her questions. "You made out with her right in front of us the first day we met, and dad mentioned you went to see her again recently..."

I frowned at the reminder of what I had done to Luna.

"Yeah, I... she and I might have ended up together, but some pretty serious stuff suddenly got in the way, and..."

I couldn't really go into detail without sounding insane so I just trailed off, trying not to let my emotions get the best of me. Ves let out the breath she had been holding and pulled me closer to her, placing my head over her heart.

"I'm sorry Norma, I didn't know. Are you okay?"

What a question. What did 'okay' even mean anymore?

"...I think so. And hey, it's probably for the best anyway, right...?"

So I had to keep telling myself. She nodded along with my statement.

"Yes... yes, I think it probably is. No offense sis, but you might not exactly be the greatest judge of character..."

She had enough grace not to say it outright, but I knew she was talking about Quin. Her tone suggested she was rather wary of Luna, too.

"About that Raine girl... We used to play together on the basketball team back when I was in high school, and I hate to say it, but she's bad news. Hangs out with a seriously rough crowd, and the rumours say she's involved in all kinds of incredibly shady dealings. Hell, we were in the same grade, once - but I finished two years ago, and she still hasn't graduated. I don't mean to badmouth the girl, but you really should think carefully about ever seeing her again. I couldn't stand to know anything bad happened to my precious little sister because she got mixed up in all of that..."

I thought Raine had been joking about Killer's criminal record, but... what if she wasn't? Exactly what did her gang get up to? I couldn't believe I hadn't actually thought about it. Sure, that one policeman seemed happy to see Raine before, but did that really mean she was some kind of benevolent vigilante, or had he just been a crooked cop after all? My palms started sweating as I thought about how dangerous what I had just gone out to do really was.

"You're right, I should have been more careful. I just... I couldn't stay stuck in here another day! I had to do something."

My words caused Ves to flinch against me. She began to gently stroke my hair with a sorrowful look in her eyes.

"Oh, Norma... Are you really so unhappy here?"

"N-no, I didn't mean-"

"I could spend more time at home if you wanted - I don't need to go to every basketball game, after all. If I had only known you were feeling this alone I would have been there for you... Ugh, I can't believe I let it get this bad-!"

"I don't hate it here, please don't think that I do! You're so good to me Ves, the whole family is, it's just I... I start to feel restless when I stay at home for too long. You start to feel like you're missing out on life if you just sit around inside all day, you know?"

Ves looked down at my face, considering my words for some time. Given how late it was, the slow rise and fall of her incredibly comfortable chest had nearly lulled me to sleep, but as she worked up to her next words I could feel her heart beating faster and faster.

"Missing out on life...? As in... getting a kiss from a tall, cute, athletic girl, right?"

Uhh... just where is she going with this...!?

"You know..." she pressed on, "If that's what you were after, you never actually had to leave the house to find it~"

I shot up in surprise, trying to read her expression.

"Wh... what are you saying!?"

Ves' pink lips curled into a shy smile that was probably meant to be much more confident than it actually was. Her voice was barely a whisper as she leaned just a little closer to me, her blush spreading like wildfire across her face.

"Come on now, Norma. You'll let that girl you barely know kiss you, but not your big sister...?"

Earlier tonight I had resolved not to let my thoughts constantly stray to my 'compulsion theory' anymore, but Ves was making that extremely difficult. When I studied her expression though, I didn't see anything quite like longing, or lust. She just seemed a little hurt that I had waited this long to tell her about all these negative feelings I'd been having, and was trying to make light of it by teasing me.

"I guess that does seem a little strange, huh...? Alright, go ahead..."

I didn't know what to expect, but it certainly wasn't for my pulse to quicken the way it did as I finished saying those words. Ves smiled happily and, without hurry, placed her soft lips on my cheek - right on the very spot I had been kissed just moments ago. She lingered just a few seconds longer than Raine had before gently pulling back to look me in the eyes with a complex expression.

"There's no need to risk looking for affection in the wrong places the way you did tonight. If you're ever feeling down again, I need you to come to me first, okay? You're my little sister, and I'll do whatever it takes to make you smile - that's a promise."

It was a weird way to phrase it, but nothing much surprised me anymore. I decided to just take it at face value.

"Thank you, Ves. That really means a lot to me. You mean a a lot to me."

Shrugging my shoulders with an 'ahh, what the hell' kind of attitude, I leaned in and kissed her own cheek as thanks. Something flashed in her eyes for a brief moment, but she seemed to shake whatever it was away and stood suddenly.

"Oh god, I just realized I haven't changed out of this sweaty thing yet! I'm sorry Norma, you should have said something!"

I hadn't exactly been complaining. There was something floral that emanated from her, probably some deodorant she had applied after the game, but underneath it was a scent that was undeniably her own. Being so close to her had not been unpleasant in the least.

"I didn't-"

The words died in my throat as she hastily took the jersey off and her undershirt came off right along with it, leaving her in only a navy blue sports bra and short shorts. Though I had seen my 'sister' in various states of undress before, I admired her incredible physique all over again while I had the chance. She turned her mostly bare back to me, but I swear I saw the ghost of a knowing little smile on her lips before she did.

"...we should probably be getting to bed."

"Oh yeah, you have classes early tomorrow, don't you? Thanks again for looking out for me Ves, I really appreciate your concern. Hope you have a good night!"

I headed down the hall to my room, finding myself only mildly surprised when Ves stepped in the door behind me.

"You're sleeping here tonight? But you need to get up in a few hours!" I protested.

"I couldn't bear to sleep peacefully if you were having those nightmares again, sis. So just in case I'll be sleeping with you, as usual."

She was too nice to me... Feeling somewhat guilty, I suddenly remembered what Faye had suggested at dinner.

"Oh, there's actually good news on that front! Faye said she's going to pick me up some sleeping pills soon. If they actually work, I won't need you or Fes to sacrifice any more sleep on my behalf."

Ves had been on her way to the bed, but she froze at those words.

"You won't need me..." she whispered, almost inaudibly.

Ves suddenly changed course, turning around to lock the door.

"It's hot out tonight. Can you help me out?" she asked quietly, gesturing to her bra.

"Hmm? Yeah, sure thing."

I strolled up behind her and got to work. It wasn't until the last clasp that I realized the ramifications of what she had asked me to do.

"W-wait a minute, if I undo this you'll be naked!"

She chuckled to herself at this, the sound like a clear bell echoing through the room. I had seen her wearing almost nothing, but because she might need to call upon Fes at any time to sing me to sleep, she'd never slept in the nude before. She turned her head to look at me as she spoke.

"Well, duh. But what does it matter? I saw you naked before, and you remember what I said that day, don't you?"

I sure did; "We're sisters, aren't we? It's not like we're going to have any weird thoughts just because we happen to see each other naked, right~?"

She wore an amused expression as she watched me recall that embarrassing moment. It was hard to tell if she genuinely believed what she had said or if she was merely using those words to torture me even further, knowing the impure thoughts I harboured. I had been unable to answer her then, and found I was still unable to answer her now. With shaking hands, I unhooked the last clasp.

Ves turned around casually and my eyes were all too eager to take in the sight. Her breasts were perky considering how large they were - not quite Mae's size, but they could compete in the same weight class. Despite the heat of the night I noticed her pale nipples had gone hard. I tore my gaze away just in time to catch the scarlet flush on Ves' face as she pulled my shirt over my head. I hesitated, but turned around to allow her to help me with my own bra. With my moderate chest now bare, I found I didn't have the confidence to turn around. Ves didn't force the matter, instead taking my hand in her own and leading me to bed. I noted gratefully that we had kept our panties on, at least.

Ves usually wrapped her arms around me from behind when we slept, so that she could lean over and whisper to me if I ever started up with my night terrors. This time though she lay down with her back to me then slid the distance between us. I could sense the vulnerability she was feeling, even if I couldn't place where it was coming from. I took her hint and wrapped my arms around her torso, careful to keep my hands just under her breasts. The feeling of her skin on mine got my heart racing, but it was much more sensual than sexual. After a few long moments, though, I thought I could hear her softly crying.


"I'm okay. I know it hasn't been long since our parents found each other but I just... I love you so much, and I haven't been able to tell you that until now..."

My pulse skyrocketed at her admission, but I took the time to carefully think about those words.

Love, huh...? No one can really define love, so it's hard to know what she might mean. Love as a sister? As a friend? ...romantically?

Or love as a forced byproduct of the sick and twisted desires of a burgeoning telepath...!?

I shook that insidious thought away. Regardless of the source, I responded with the truth.

"I love you too, Ves."

Love, as in the nebulous kind you weren't quite able to define yet.

Whatever form it might take some day, I knew I felt it for her. How could I not? She was beautiful both inside and out. Confident, selfless, capable, and caring. There was a lot to love about Ves, and I had only scratched the surface.

She gave a happy little sigh. I held my sister a little more tightly to me, and despite the rising heat of our bodies, oblivion soon took us both in its cold embrace.

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