Nuwa System

Chapter 31 – Invasion

The next day, Nuwa, Azula, and Sokka sleep deep into the afternoon.

Nuwa and Azula have no time for morning sex because Mai and Ty Li barge into the room and say that Aang got caught teaching Katara combat waterbending. Master Pakku expelled Aang from his tutelage and Katara stormed off in a rage. 

Nuwa knows that in canon, Katara challenges Pakku and Pakku beats Katara but is also reminded of his regrets for letting go the one he loves to the Southern Water Tribe. Katara’s pregnancy influences her to be more mature about her safety, but also makes her more interested in learning all types of waterbending.

The inn is near the practice field so they arrive to find Aang and Master Pakku still arguing. Nuwa tells Ty Li to find Katara and bring her back.

Aang says, “You know Katara just wants to learn how to protect herself and others. She’s not the type to go around attacking people!”

Pakku replies as he shakes his head like some wise sage, “That is not the place for women in our society. Women should remain home and leave the fighting to men.”

Aang shouts, “There’s a Fire Nation fleet on its way to invade the North! What happens if they make it past the glacial wall? Are you going to be stubborn and demand that women not know how to protect themselves?!”

Pakku calmly asserts, “You have too much anger, young Avatar. Needless to say, the invasion will not prevail. The men can easily take up the burden of defending the tribe. The healing division women will heal the men who receive injuries and the nonbender women will go to our safe houses.”

Katara makes it back with Ty Li and watches Pakku in mild disgust. Nuwa looks at Katara and whispers, “Katara, what do you think of Master Pakku, besides his sexism?”

Katara attempts to suppress her disgust and replies, “Of course, he’s a wise and powerful waterbender. The most powerful that I have ever seen.”

Nuwa analyzes, “You’re right that he is powerful, but he is not wise. Do you see his demeanor? He’s molded himself after a placid lake. Nothing affects his bearings, no matter how many times Aang tries to warn him of the dangers.”

“But is stagnant water the true essence of waterbending? The essence of waterbending, push and pull, has balance, but it also has constant change. Tell him what I just told you quietly as if you came up with it and give him the necklace your grandmother gave you. He will agree to teach you after that.”

Katara puts on a resolute expression and follows Nuwa’s instructions.

Aang watches Katara approach Pakku and feels scared that she might do something reckless. All the tribesmen watching the scene look impressed at this young girl standing up to the mighty old man.

The audience sees Katara quietly say something to Pakku and give him her necklace, after which she walks away. Pakku stands stunned, thunderstruck, as if he found out that his entire life had been him living a lie. He stares at the necklace in his shaking hands with dilated eyes muttering “change,” after which he sheds tears of happiness.

Somehow that revelation Nuwa bestowed onto Pakku opened his Third Eye and Throat Chakras. His whole demeanor makes a huge change and he laughs out loud saying, “I see! That’s what it was! Hahahah! Wait, young Katara!”

Katara turns around and looks at him weirdly like everyone else. No one has seen Master Pakku smile that wide.

Pakku proclaims, “I apologize for my stubbornness. You’ve granted me a great breakthrough in my bending. Moreover, this necklace indicates that you are the granddaughter of my first love. I owe you two huge favors! Take this Spirit Water, it can heal nearly fatal wounds.”

“You are absolutely right that women should be able to choose what they want to do. We waterbenders should embrace change in our bending and our lives! I will teach you and any woman who wants to learn combat bending. Any men who disagree can convince me on the training field.”

Katara looks overwhelmed at the rapid shift and smiles awkwardly, accepting the gift. Aang shares a few awkward looks with Katara, shrugs, and goes to the training field with her to continue learning bending. Katara turns around and she sees Nuwa giving a thumbs up and shooing her away.

~ ~ ~

The next week is fairly uneventful. Everyone is busy training their bending and combat in preparation for the incoming invasion fleet. Nuwa is worried about how Azula will take the news of [Solve Iroh’s Regrets], so every time she tries to enter a meditative state with Azula’s cum filling her womb, she cannot concentrate.

+170k LEE, Total: 239k LEE

Nuwa receives an update that the elite guards are halfway done collecting enough simp energy to get Azula a [Smartphone]. With happiness, she shamelessly sends them a shot of Ty Li teasing Mai with a downblouse. There’s no nipples, so it doesn’t count as a nude.

Needless to say, they immediately start praising and fapping to their Goddess so she desummons the phone.

Finally, the Tribe lookouts spot a large fleet of warships on the horizon.

~ ~ ~

Nuwa stands on top of the 100m tall, 6m thick solid glacial wall protecting the capital. She sees approximately 40 cruiser-class medium sized warships and 1 empire-class large warship. The cruiser-class warships each have 2-5 trebuchets on them that can throw pieces of coal in parabolic arcs to wreck destruction on coastal cities. The coals are set on fire by firebending operators prior to firing.

Nuwa knows that Admiral Zhao is on the empire-class warship and seeks to kill Tui, the Moon Spirit and the source of all waterbending.

In fact, the koi is just a mortal reflection of the real Tui, who lives in the Spirit Realm and can freeze enemies to temperatures of -260 celsius within 10 seconds. The Sun and Moon Spirits are the most powerful spirits in existence since they represent the Daos of Yang and Yin.

La, the ocean spirit, just happens to be good friends with Tui, so they chill together in their mortal reflections. The Sun Spirit, Ra, doesn’t get along well with Tui. They generally avoid each other.

Nuwa has no clue how the mortal reflection of a spirit became the source of all of one type of bending and can be easily killed by a single fire blast without defending itself. That’s definitely not the case for any of the other elements. In any case, it would suck for it to die and Yue to have to take its place like in canon, so she’s resolved herself to defend Tui.

As the ships approach and they start bombarding the wall, Nuwa heads over to the Spirit Oasis with Katara. She doesn’t want to use her shield too openly since the shield has already been associated with her firebender identity. She plans to summon it at the last second when facing bender blasts if needed. In most cases, she isn’t attacked due to [Induced Good Impression] and her cunning. Nuwa admits she may have gotten a little too smug over how often she can avoid combat by talking or seducing her way into chi-blocking range.

Nuwa made small talk nonchalantly with the extremely anxious Yue and Katara. Yue’s contingent of royal guards is with them. She reassures, “Don’t worry guys, Master Pakku is probably as strong as Iroh now. With the support of the Moon, he can probably make a big tsunami to devastate that fleet.”

At that moment, Zuko swims through the ocean outlet hole to enter the Spirit Oasis. He sees that it’s guarded, but has no choice but to surface because he’s running out of air. The guards and Katara make stances to attack, but Nuwa tells them to stop.

Zuko takes deep breaths and says, “Zhao is coming to kill the Moon Spirit! I came ahead of him to warn you guys and stop him.”

Nuwa’s eyes light up at Zuko’s obviously treasonous words. ‘Seems like he’s been taught well by the old man this time around.’

Nuwa takes another good look at her first man in this life. Zuko has an eyepatch on his facial burn instead of displaying it as a mark of shame like in canon. He looks muscled and toned, with wet and straight black hair that comes down to his eyes. She gets turned on thinking about their first time, because it was the first satisfying fuck she ever had in this life.

Stella approaches Zuko, blocks his face from view of the others, summons her hook, and whispers, “Zuzu, it’s me. Don’t react, I’m undercover.”

Zuko's eyes shrink to pinpoints and his dick seems to involuntarily harden hearing Nuwa’s familiar, seductive voice.

Stella states, “Don’t worry guys, this is one of the spies within the Fire Nation army that I keep in contact with. We’re very close, he’s like a little brother to me. None of you can know his identity though because that could lead to his capture or death.”

Nuwa motions for Zuko to wrap his face so that the guards who are standing farther away can’t get a good look at him. Nuwa nods, “Good. Just to reassure you guys, I’ll stay right next to him away from the Moon Spirit near the location where the tunnel to the ocean is to wait for Zhao.”

They go to a piece of land near where Zhao would pop up, and crouch down so he wouldn’t be able to see them from below the surface of the water. Nuwa casually rubs Zuko’s hard on while licking his ear, out of sight of the rest of the group.

“How’s life Zuzu? I’m so sorry about what happened with Azula. She’s a changed person now that she’s outside the Fire Nation. She’ll surely want to apologize the moment she sees you. They have great healers here, we can fix your face right up.”

Zuko looks at Nuwa weird and with slight arousal, not fully comprehending her identity. Nuwa sighs, “I am Nuwa, but my current identity, Stella, is a companion of the Avatar, and my disguise for traveling so that I can oppose the Fire Nation’s war.

Zuko sighs in amazement, “What an incredible disguise. Most of the stuff I’ve seen on the road are jokes compared to yours.”

Nuwa puts her arm around his shoulder and the other in her own panties, “Of course, your big sis has all the best stuff. You just have to feed me some more of your delicious mi~lk, li.. ttle.. bro~ hnng.”

Blushing madly, Zuko complains, “Can’t you be serious in a situation like this?”

Sighing, Nuwa pulls her finger out of her pussy and puts it in Zuko’s mouth, “Sorry, I get a little carried away when I’m around my favorite lil bro. I guess this is how your scar happened last time too, huh? I got carried away.”

Tears start to pool in Nuwa’s eyes. “I really didn’t mean to.. last time..”

Zuko pulls her into a hug, “I know. Fate just suckered me in the face that time. I really should have reacted quicker by firebending the flames away. Also, you said it yourself that we can get it cured. No worries, I forgive you. Heck, I even forgive Azula. We lost our mom that day and I’m sure she thought she was going to lose you too.”

Nuwa laughs with tears still in her eyes, “You’ve become so mature, my dear Zuzu. I’m so proud of you.”

Zuko puffs his chest out unnoticeable to anyone but Nuwa who thinks, ‘C-c-cute.’

Nuwa coughs, “Oh yea, Zuzu. I have to tell you something important. It’s about Mai.”

With raised brows and anxiety, he asks “What happened with Mai?”

Nuwa notices movement from the tunnel and whispers, “She misses you. Someone’s coming.”

Zhao emerges from the water soaked and takes deep gasps for breath as he shares looks with the royal guards. He appears to be entering a battle-thirsty mode, until Nuwa pops out at his side on a landmass, hooks onto his light armor and drags him straight into Zuko’s punch. Dazed slightly, Zhao has no means to react as Nuwa chi-blocks him through his armor. Turns out the incident was fully resolved without bending. The royal guards are somewhat dumbfounded.

Chi-blocking through armor is not as effective as through clothes, only lasting a couple of minutes due to the lack of force applied to the acupoints. So Nuwa quickly removes his armor and reapplies the chi-blocks, then ties him up snugly with some rope.

Zhao screams, “Who are you?! Unhand me, vile chi-blocker! Don’t you know who I am!? I’m the Supreme Admiral Zhao, commander of the Northern Water Tribe invasion fleet, and genius of the Fire Nation Navy!”

No one pays him any mind. Seeing as it is his fate in canon to be sent into the Fog of Lost Souls, Nuwa brings him to the Spirit Realm and throws him off the cliff into the Fog. Not like anyone will miss his pompous ass.

Nuwa returns to the Mortal Realm in less than 3 seconds and makes up a dumb excuse to explain the coma of Zhao’s mortal shell, “I tried to read his mind for plans on what other trump cards the Fire Nation is hiding in this war, but his mind crumbled immediately.”

The royal guards look at Stella in horror thinking, ‘Oh shit, this little lady can read and erase minds.’

Yue speaks up on Stella’s behalf, “You’re my best friend, Stella. No one here will blame you for Zhao’s current state. It’s just an accident, right guys?”

One royal guard hurriedly nods, “Yeah, he had it coming for trying to kill our Tribe’s sacred spirit!”

“Right, right, he was a bloody pompous ass. No harm done.”

“Correctomundo, hahaha. I didn’t see anything since I was picking my nose.”

“I was asleep the entire time!”

Nuwa smiles at the antics of the royal guards and calls Katara over to Zuko. She asks her if she would please use her Spirit Water and bending to heal Zuko’s scar. Katara graciously accepts. Nuwa has done her so many favors that she’s been thinking of ways to pay her back, besides letter her fuck Aang, which she has a feeling Nuwa wants very badly.

Zuko’s scar is neatly healed by Katara, but he still has to wear the eyepatch to prevent the Fire Nation from finding out that he was with Water Tribe healers while their own fleet was wholloped.

~ ~ ~

Sokka leads some troops with strategies like makeshift levers to clear rubble from busy waterways that were hit by big flaming projectiles.

Azula is throwing huge fireballs to deflect the projectiles away from city structures and people.

Master Pakku brings along Aang to the glacial wall and shows him some wide-scale destructive waterbending forms. Pakku stands on his own making waves, while Aang and an entire two dozen waterbender soldiers behind him make their waves in unison. The two sides start taking turns making big waves that eventually cause warships to start crashing into each other, tipping over, and misfiring projectiles.

Iroh takes over command of the fleet and calls for a retreat the moment Zuko makes the swim back from the Spirit Oasis with Nuwa.

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