Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 69: Another One

“My lovely Sister, do you remember our current score?”

“Of course! It is 72 victories and 72 defeats for both of us!”

“Then l will make mine 73 right now!”


The both of them started rolling up their sleeves.

“Stop, stop, stop! Did both of you idiots forget about where we are currently? Are you going to show Brother Yi such a shameful sight?” One of the more mature looking girls suddenly stepped in.



They suddenly realized their mistake and fixed their sleeves.

“Haaa, with your current behavior, calling yourselves his servant is a disgrace!” She lectured the both of them.

“Sorry, Senior Sister…” They both apologized with their heads down, clearly ashamed of themselves.

“Whatever, just make sure to never act like this when we are in front of him. Also, we will be here for another week, so there will be enough time for all of us to get a turn.”

“Ah! I almost forgot about that! It sounded too good to be real, so…”

“Me too…”



Tian Yi came back out many minutes later to see 20 girls crowded into the bed he slept in last night. They fitted themselves so perfectly that even he had trouble solving how they did it!

All four beds were filled with defenseless peerlessly beautiful girls sound asleep. Such an indescribable display, even a glance was enough to cause all males to go crazy with lust! To see so many beautiful girls in one bed was a man’s dream!

Being shown such a view, Tian Yi sighed, “So troublesome…” Even the male hormones in his body were slightly trembling from such a sight!

Although he may be innocent, it does not mean he’s unaware of the relationship between the opposite gender! He was well aware of what it meant for a male and female to be in the same bed, yet he still offered to share it with the girls. Why? Because he was innocent enough to trust these girls, and more importantly, himself!

Ignoring the vulnerable looking girls, he went straight to the table where Meng Xiang was waiting for him.

“Let’s eat. We will continue your training afterward.” He said to her.

“Un.” Nodding her head, Meng Xiang jumped into the food with her tiny mouth.


After finishing breakfast, Meng Xiang went straight into training. It was a continuation of yesterday, learning how to summon her Flames properly.

Just like yesterday, she repeats the process of canceling and resummoning the flames again and again.



The girls started waking up after a few hours later.

However, every time someone wakes up, a quiet gasp could be heard.

Just like Meng Xiang this morning, they were shown an incredible scene right after waking up.

Silver Flames were dancing in the air alongside with Golden Flames, creating an illusion of two Dragons flying across the sky together! Flying around the tables and chairs in circles, the Silver Flames was following the Golden Flames like two children playing tag.

“O-Origin Divine Flames, the first type of Divine Flame to exist since the beginning of time! There are only 2 of these found so far, and I heard that the God of Divine Flames had both, so what is one doing here?!?”

“What kind of Divine Flame is the golden one? I have never seen or heard of this kind of Divine Flames before…”

The girls watched the two flames flying around the whole room for a minute until it returned to its owners.

“She was the one controlling the Origin Divine Flames?!?” The girls were bewildered after seeing the Silver Flames land on Meng Xiang’s palm.

“Your learning speed is faster than yesterday's. Good job.” Tian Yi praised Meng Xiang while patting her head.

“Hehehe.” Happy that she was praised, Meng Xiang giggles and said, “Big Brother, it is only because I find the the way you teach me very easy to understand.”

“Is that so? Then maybe I should become a teacher. Hahaha.” Tian Yi jokes.

“Ah, you girls are awake.” He finally notices the girls watching them with a puzzled face.

“Brother Yi, I thought that the God of Divine Flames had both of the existing Origin Divine Flame, so how come there is one over here?” One of the girls asked out of curiosity.

“It was a present from him.” Tian Yi said.

“A present? I guess he’s not as greedy as some people say…”

“Brother Yi, what do you want us to do for today and the upcoming days?”

“There’s nothing at— Ah, which one of you can cook? We have been eating the food that I saved before coming aboard, and I plan on letting everybody on this airship sleep until we arrive…” Although it is a bit selfish and unnecessary, he does not want anyone to get involved with Half-Gods like these girls.

“Uhhh…” The girls start looking at each other with a troubled expression.

None of them knew how to cook! Who here had the time or effort to learn something that their servants were already doing when all they need to do is Cultivate all day and night nonstop? None of them—

“I can cook!” Someone suddenly shouts with enthusiasm.

“Eh?” Everybody looks to the girl who said that statement.

“Sister Yue, since when did you learn how to cook?”

“Right? You have never mentioned anything like that before!”

“Sister Yue, it’s okay if you do not know how. Even if you just wanted to feel useful, it will be bad for Brother Yi if he ate something bad…”

Yu Yue was flabbergasted at her fellow Sister’s response! They did not believe that she could cook!

“Y-You! Who do you take me for?! Why would I lie to Brother Yi about something like this? I started learning how to cook since last year when a certain rumor was going around!” She defended herself.

“A certain rumor? What was it about?” They asked with doubt. Being together most of the time, how come she was the only one to hear this rumor when nobody else in the group has?!

“Hmph, since you all doubted me, I won’t tell!” She puffed out her cheeks.

“What! You—”

“Brother Yi, what would you like me to cook?” Yu Yue ignored the girls and went straight to Tian Yi.

“Ah, anything is fine, but I do prefer Mortal Cuisine.” He was not a picky eater, but he still has his preferences.

Hearing that, Yu Yue’s eyes sparkled, “Brother Yi, then I will immediately go and cook you some Mortal Cuisine!” With that, she went to the kitchen in confident strides.


The girls look at her with a shocked expression.

“Did she actually learn how to cook without letting us know?!”

“Even if she did, why in the World would she know Mortal Cuisines?! She even looked so confident!”

“That’s right! It must be that rumor. Now we have to find out what this rumor is at all cost!”

It would not be as weird if Yu Yue had only learned how to cook, but to learn Mortal Cuisines? What for?! Why is a Half-God learning how to cook Mortal Cuisine when she could’ve learned how to cook God Cuisines that can even improve Cultivations and Lifespans?!

They were determined to solve this mystery that made her do something so nonsensical!

While cooking, Yu Yue had to endure a dozen pairs of eyes glaring at her back. She did not want to expose her cooking skills so early, but to take advantage of her current situation, she will show her skills for the first time in public!


An hour later, Yu Yue came back out with a few plates of food, with each plate giving off this salivating aroma, filling the entire room with a delicious smell.

Carefully carrying the plates with Spirit Power Control to the table, she delicately places them on the table.

“Brother Yi, I used whatever I could from my supply, and I could only make Chicken Fried Rice with Gold Feathered Chickens, Roasted Pork from a Heavenly Pig Overlord, Stir-Fried Lettuce from the God Slaying Lettuce, and Green Tea made from Green Jade Tea Leafs. Please enjoy.” She finishes introducing her product and begins waiting for Tian Yi’s judgment.

“….” But Tian Yi was speechless! Although she did make Mortal Cuisines, they were all made from High-Quality ingredients only available from the 3 God Worlds!

Would it still be called Mortal Cuisine if it was made from Immortal ingredients? No! Although it was cooked and named the same way, it is nothing like a Mortal Cuisine!

While Tian Yi was surprised at the food, the girls were shocked at her skills! The mastery she has shown with the knife and how she handled the food during cooking was enough to shock all of them! One short year and she reached this level?! Did she even Cultivate at all during the past year?!

Picking up a pair of chopsticks, Tian Yi tries the so-called Roasted Pork.

After chewing a few times, his eyes lit up, “Oh! This Roasted Pork is magnificent! Great job!” He praised her.

Being praised by him, Yu Yue’s heart bursts open with happiness, and she showed a beaming smile, making her already beautiful face even more charming, “Thank you, Brother Yi!” She bowed and said with a voice full of emotions.

*Cough* *Cough*

The food was so delicious that Meng Xiang almost choked from swallowing too fast! She has never tasted something as good as this, and ate as if she has never eaten in her life before! The food that she ate before at the Dragon’s Den Restaurant at the cost of many gold was like shit compared to the free ones in front of her now!

“Meng Xiang, slow down. The food is not going anywhere.” Although he was already used to food like this, he still found the taste unique. It was probably due to the way it was cooked. Who would even think of using Immortal ingredients to cook Mortal Cuisines? Even if someone did, would they dare waste such expensive ingredients?

Yu Yue quietly watched Tian Yi eat the food she made with a soothing smile. After hearing a particular rumor, even though she was unable to verify if it was true or false, she still stopped Cultivating and began learning how to cook. Now that she think about it, it does not matter if it was true or false anymore because all the time and hard work she had spent were already returned from this one praise! No, even if it took away 100 years of her life, it was still worth it!

Smiling from ear to ear, she suddenly notices Tian Yi putting down his chopstick to look at her.

“?” She was wondering what he has to say.

After thinking for a minute, he begins speaking, “Say, although it has not been announced, I planned on looking for a Personal Cook. Since you already fit my requirements, I might as well ask you now. Do you want to be my Personal Cook? I am not forcing you, so if you do not want to, you can refuse.”

“….” Yu Yue’s eyes went wide and did not speak even after a minute.

“….” The girls behind her had the same expression on their faces.

“….” Even Yan Yan froze!

After a few more seconds, Tian Yi continued to speak, “Ah, how unprofessional of me to forget about telling you the benefits of becoming one. Just like my Personal Servant, you will have full authority over all the other servants in the Tian Family, and you can choose any Cultivation Technique from the first floor to the ninth floor in the Celestial Tower. I will not restrict your freedom, so you can get married and have children while still working under me. Your only duty is to cook for me whenever requested. However, once you become my Servant, it will be until the end of time, and there will be no going back. Although I will still let you quit, if you really decide to quit, you will be forced into the Road of Reincarnation! So how about it? If you do not feel like you are ready now, you can wait until the formal recruitment begins. However, I will only have one spot for my Personal Cook position, so if I find someone else before then, there will no longer be—-”

“I accept!” Yu Yue interrupted him.


Kowtowing out of the blue, she shouted, “Please accept me as your Personal Cook! I do not need Cultivation Techniques, nor do I need a family of my own! As long as I can be Brother Yi’s Personal Cook, then I will be happy!”

“?!?!?!?” The girls were flabbergasted at the situation in front of them! Was that the rumor?! That the Son of the Celestial Emperor was going to recruit a Personal Cook?! How come they didn’t hear anything about that?! If they did, they would’ve already abandoned their Cultivation time to learn how to cook!

“Are you sure? It has only been a day since we’ve met, are you really willing to throw away your unknown future for me?” Tian Yi asks her again just to be sure.

“Yes! If Brother Yi is willing to accept someone who he has only met for one day, then I am also willing to do the same! Even if we had only met a minute ago, my answer would still be the same! I am willing!” Her voice was filled with determination and resolution.

“Is that so…” A gentle smile slowly appears on Tian Yi’s face.

“Yu Yue, stand up!” He ordered.

“Yes!” She instantly jumps back onto her feet.

Walking in front of Yu Yue, Tian Yi said, “There’s no real spot as my Personal Cook, but there is one as my Personal Servant! I will give you that title, but you will still be my Personal Cook. If you are willing, then make a Heaven’s Contract with me!”

“I am willing!”

“Then repeat after me.”


With their right hand held at a 90-degree angle, Tian Yi began, “I, your name,”

“I, Yu Yue,”

“Vow with the Heaven as witness,”

“Vow with the Heaven as witness,”

“That I am willing to be the Personal Servant for this figure in front of me until the end of time,”

“That I am willing to be the Personal Servant for this figure in front of me until the end of time,”

“And that I will never intentionally betray or do anything that may hurt him, be it physically or mentally,”

“And that I will never intentionally betray or do anything that may hurt him, be it physically or mentally,”

“If I break my Vow,”

“If I break my Vow,”

“May the Heaven shatter my Soul, never to be reincarnated again!”

“May the Heaven shatter my Soul, never to be reincarnated again!”

“Good! Then I, Tian Yi will officially accept you, Yu Yue, as my Personal Servant until the end of time!” He smiles at the girl with tears streaming down her beautiful face.


Once again, the entire World of Clouds trembled with excitement, and the shadows in the Starry Sky scrambled left and right trying to avoid the rainbow orb traveling through the void like a shooting star!


The Rainbow Orb smacked Yu Yue on the forehead, imprinting the word ‘天’ into her pale skin.

Yu Yue stood there unmoving even when she felt the burning sensation. She is glad it was painful because it meant that she is not dreaming, and this is actually happening to her.

After the burning has gone away, she gently touched her forehead, and the tears streaming down her face increased its pace.


This time instead of kowtowing, she kneeled on one leg, “Servant Yu Yue greets Bro— Master.” She said still with tears streaming down her face like a small waterfall.

“Another one…” Yan Yan cries in her heart.

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