Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 60: What a romantic Emperor 2

 The imperial palace, at the throne room.

"The court session has come to an end, the Emperor is leaving. play the music!!" a short eunuch dressed in navy blue robes, standing below the upraised throne announced.

As soon as the announcement was made the eunuchs playing the large music instruments began to hit the drums and flutes. Meanwhile, the officials and minister's present for the court session all knelt and raising their white slim plank bowed.

Everyone present except for the Emperor all chorused "Sending His majesty off, long line the Emperor, Long live the Emperor, Long live the Emperor!!!"

The Emperor stood, got down from the throne and walked out of the room. He passed through the center of the room, walked down the long red carpet that led to the door. The Emperor's retinue of ten guards, twelve Eunuchs and four imperial secretaries followed him out.

The officials and Ministers were all on their knees their foreheads resting on the ground until the Emperor's procession was long gone. They all stood and began to leave in groups, everyone had been keeping a low profile ever since the drug scandal involving the Shi family.

A few other officials and Ministers were implicated in the case, most of the officials directly involved lost their position and were arrested. While those not directly involved were demoted or fined. No one expected the Emperor to come down hard on everyone involved since his most favoured Imperial consort's family was involved but he did.

The Sixth Prince and Prime minister Shi weren't saved from the Emperor's punishment, as punishment for not guiding their family better, Zhongshan Cheng and Minister Shi were suspended for two weeks. They also had their pay docked for three months.

To say that the Emperor was annoyed with the outcome of the investigation was an understatement. Everyone kept a low profile to avoid getting on the Emperor's bad side. 

Lu Yaozhu attended the court season to submit a report on the completion of the training session for the recruit. By the end of the court season, some officials approached Lu Yaozhu and his elder brother to discuss some of the new reforms proposed by the two during the court season.

As he got to the door, Lu Yaozhu was approached by one of the Emperor's high ranked eunuchs. Boeing the Eunuch stood a few steps away and reported in a low tone "sorry to interrupt General, the Emperor is asking for an audience".

The officials surrounding Lu Yaozhu exchanged looks with each other and replied "his majesty's time is precious, we won't hold you any longer," they walked away, nodding at the eunuch as they left.

Lu Yaozhu caught his brother's eyes briefly before making a move "please lead the way" he said to the Eunuch. Lu Yaozhu followed the eunuch to the Emperor's study. The Emperor sat at the desk waiting for him, Lu Yaozhu knelt and bowing until his forehead touched the ground.

"Your Majesty," he said as he bowed.

Emperor Zhong looked down at his bowed head and smirked. No matter how much military power Lu Yaozhu had, he still had to bow to him. Emperor Zhong pushed back his seat "please stand, no need for this much formalities my dear Nephew", Emperor Zhong said acting like the benevolent ruler.

"Yes," Lu Yaozhu replied as he stood. The Emperor leaned back on his seat, smiling at him.

"I read the report, you did well since to troupe is set we will have a military display ten days from now for the court and the Envoys from Chu state. Make the necessary arrangements"

"Yes, Your Majesty" Lu Yaozhu replied.

"I will leave that to you, I trust your judgement. Tomorrow is the annual summer royal game. I hope to see you there, the envoys from Chu state would be present, we can't let them see us as weak. You have been working non-stop these past few months, you deserve a break. I expect to see you here tomorrow"

"Yes your majesty".

"Your aunt has missed you these past few months, pay her a visit before you leave," The Emperor said as he dismissed him.

"I will your majesty" Lu Yaozhu bowing low continued "This servant will take his leave".

"Alright," Emperor Zhong nodded rolling a report open. Lu Yaozhu bowing low left the room with his back.

Lu Yaozhu visited the Empress palace after leaving the Emperor's palace, he didn't want to give the Emperor any more ideas. The Emperor must have put his spies on him, Lu Yaozhu could only obey his commands.

The Empress was attending to some guests when he arrived, Lu Yaozhu didn't stay long After paying his respects Lu Yaozhu left for the Duke's mansion. 


The next day the Royal summer Games kicked off, high ranking members of the nobility went into the palace in masses to take part in the games. The Lu family were royal in-laws so the entire family was invited.

The entire family took up three carriages, Madam Lu and Lu Yiling occupied one of the wide carriages while Zhu Fengyin and Lu Yingjie were in the other wide carriage. The maids occupied the small carriage at the back. 

The palace wasn't very far but as it was a state event everyone wanted to show their prestige. Su Liya and Tian Tian were quiet during the short trip while the other maids conversed between themselves. Zhu Fengyin had been married for months but since she wasn't close with her mother-in-law and Lu Yiling, they weren't familiar with the other maids serving the Mistresses. 

When the carriage arrived at the palace gates madam Lu's two dowry maids got down first to help their mistress down the carriage. Su Liya and Tian followed after them, the last one out of the carriage was Lu Yiling's maid Zhiliu.

When the female Mistresses were all out of the palace, the entire Lu clan walked into the palace. The Royal games were held in a wide field deep in the palace. To avoid the guest getting lost or going to restricted places, a guide was assigned to each family.

The Lu family were one of the cornerstones of northern Wei, they were seated with the other members of the royal family. The female members of the royal family all sat with the Empress and other imperial consort.

While the rest of the royal family sat a little further away. Two maids and a eunuch were assigned to direct Madam Lu, Lu Yiling and Zhu Fengyin to their seats. On their way to their seats, there was a little commotion, when they ran into a team of maids passing through with some refreshments.

Zhu Fengyin and Su Liya stood aside and let the maids pass, when a maid ran into Zhu Fengyin, luckily she wasn't carrying anything that would stain Zhu Fengyin's gown. After some apologies, She was dismissed by Zhu Fengyin and they continued on their way to their seat. 

Zhu Fengyin and Su Liya joined madam Lu and Lu Yiling to pay respects to the Empress before going to their seats.

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