Not A God

Who Asked

It's a normal day in City Z. Travis was setting on top of the Hero certification center roof. He really enjoyed watching the city from above. Nothing had really happened since morning which didn't surprise him that much. He took his headphones out of his pocket and put them on. He then put on : Split by Yeat.

He turned to the sky and saw something hurtling down to earth in fast speeds. Travis turned back to the people who were running for their lives. 

" I want Bentley I want money " He sang as he stood up and dusted his pants. 


The orb landed outside the city on the desert. Travis's figure disappeared and appeared on the desert infront of the orb.

( Pssshh)

It opened up releasing  hot steam. Travis watched as a figure got out the ship. The smoke cleared and he  a tall human like alien dude. The alien looked at Travis and smirked.

" You must be brave or stupid to approach me , Human" it said in a deep voice.

Travis was bobbing his head while staring at the dude. He got pissed since Travis ignored him.  " Fooolish human. I am the great Detrax. And I'm here to conquer your planet."

He stretched his hand out and dark orb formed over  it. It slowly grew into the size a foot ball. He looked up to Travis and found that he wasn't there. He looked back down and the orb wasn't there. Looking around till he saw Travis in the air playing with the orb.

' How'd he do that! He must have used some type of illusion magic. There is no possibility that a human can overpower me' he thought. He slowly began to laugh.

" I have to admit you're illusion magic is very strong." He said. While slowly rising from the ground. " but you're still going to lose to me, for I am Detrax!!"

He blitzed infront of Travis and threw a right hook. Travis watched as the fist slowly approached his face. He smiled as he moved to the side. He raised his hand and smacked his head.


Detrax fell to ground with great speed making  a large crater. He lied there in the pile of rubble in shock.' What just happened?' He thought. The dust faded and he saw Travis standing above him.

' Its probably just his illusions yes illusions. But why do I feel so much pain?' 

He stood up and leaped besides Travis and threw another punch yet this time it did have  contact with Travis but he didn't flinch. He threw another punch to the face but it had the same result. He continuesly started punching Travis awaiting for something to happen but Travis just stood there and took each punch without flinching. 

' No, he can't be this strong'

Travis who was busy listening to that yeat wasn't even paying attention to him. Once Detrax grew tired and couldn't punch anymore Travis raised his foot and kicked him to the ground. 

( Booom)

He laid there again facing the sky staring at Travis with defeat in his eyes.' He's to strong.' 

Anger rose in his heart. His eyes changed color, from black to red as his body began tro grow large. His muscles became more refined. He height grew taller as he stood up and faced Travis with blood lust filled eyes.

" I SHALL NEVER YIELD TO A MERE HUMAN BEING!!" He roared loudly. The large roar had some force behind it making  a strong gust of wind.  

That blew Travis a few feat away. Travis landed on the ground and looked back at Detrax but found his figure had disappeared. 

( Vooom)

Detrax appeared on his left side with a grin on his face.' I've got you'

He threw a punch at Travis expecting it to have contact but of course Travis dodged it easily. " how long will you be able to dodge" He said following Travis and continued throwing strong punches.

Travis weaved all the strikes effortlessly. Honestly his mind wasn't even on the battle field. He was currently vibing to Stop Breathing By Playboy Carti. Punch after punch he failed to make contact with Travis.  He gathered the orb in his hand and threw it to Travis who just flicked it back to him.


A large explosion occurred leaving a large crater on the ground. Using the smoke as a cover he tried to sneak attack Travis but failed. Travis did a blackflip a few feet away from him.

He stretched his arm out and opened his hand. A blue ball of energy appeared. Travis threw it to Detrax who dodged it easily. " haaa. You underestimate me Human"

However the ball stopped right after it went passed him , he returned back and latched on his back.

Travis turned back and walked away. Detrax watched as Travis walked away from him."Giving up Already. Good choice now I can des..."


The ball exploded before he could finish talking. The huge explosion made a large wave off sand rise into the  air. Travis looked back for a second then flew back to the city. When he returned he went back home without even staying back to here the people thank him. 

He went up the stairs to his apartment. When he got to his floor he saw the door opposite of him wide opened. 

' someone's moving in' he thought as he unlocked the door.

Tatsumaki was busy inside getting her room together using her telekinesis. She heard the sound of a door being closed and quickly assumed that Travis was back from the Monster sight. He floated out the room and knocked on Travis's door.

Travis opened it and saw the short girl infront of his door. She looked up to Travis and blushed. She had never really realized it but Travis was really handsome. She choked on her words and quickly cleared her throat. 

" HI, I'm your new neighbor, You can call me Tatsumaki . It's very nice to meet you. " She said.

Travis nodded back." Its nice to meet you too, I'm Travis ." He said blankly. 

" Cool well, since we're gonna be neighbors from now on I'd like to get to know you. So I'd like to invite you to my house warming party." She said. " It starts tonight at 8 pm. Bring some snacks if you can." 

After saying that she went back inside her apartment and closed the door. Travis also got inside. ' She must have been sent here. Well it makes my Job hella easier. '

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