Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 88: Dyne vs. Songi

Songi felt like raging and attacking the arrogant man. He couldn’t refute his words, but at the same time, Dyne had delivered various cheap shots at Songi, and it was even causing him to bend down.

You are cheating!” Songi cursed once more.

You are fighting me, two-on-one!”

We didn’t set any rules for this. Besides, Tieg ordered Rem to show me an interesting vision. It was you and Gala. You two were fighting. But the visions showed that you fooled him into taking Fury Boost, but in actuality, it was something called Jigul grass or something. I believed you to be a man of cunning and expected you to have the wit and wariness to expect surprise attacks with that vision. But apparently, you’re just a loser and a cheat.” Dyne shook his head.

WHAT?!” This news surprised many of the Monks around them.

Dyne had confirmed with Zopu if there has been a certain ritual competition that had just happened, and to which Zopu confirmed.

Dyne knew that this meant that the dream that Gala sees through Tieg in the latter part of the game has already happened.

The Ritual Tournament for Biron ended up with Songi facing off with Gala. In the game, it was revealed that Songi wanted to win so badly that he asked someone in the kitchen to give him Jigul Grass to help with his headache.

The woman who was in charge of keeping this in stock was suspicious as it didn’t make sense since Jigul Grass makes the entire body numb. This caused her to head to Gala and warned Gala about this.

Songi later appeared before Gala and ‘confessed’ that he wanted to win so badly that he took some Fury Boost. But then, he felt guilty over it and decided to even the odds. And so he made Gala drink the Fury Boost that had Jigul grass in it.

Despite being previously warned, Gala believed Songi wouldn’t do anything and took it anyway and ultimately lost the competition.

The woman who gave Songi the Jigul Grass later told Songi that she had told Gala about the Jigul Grass and warned him not to take anything that Songi would give him.

This outraged Songi even more as he found out that Gala took it anyway and made a fool out of him. But this secret remained unburied until now.

Gala trembled. He turned towards the woman who had warned her and gave her a meaningful look.

The woman shook her head in panic.

A vision?” Guardian Kin asked.

Yeah. Is my vision accurate? But I don’t think Tieg or Rem has any reason to lie.”

Songi looked at Dyne and glared angrily at Gala and towards the woman.

Why are you looking at them? As I said, it was a vision. Ever since I got here, Master Zopu and Master Kin, along with the Monk who led us into our chambers, can testify that I did not have the time to gossip around with that woman or Gala. Big beautiful sister, may I ask why Songi looked at you in the first place?” Dyne asked the woman.

Patriarch is correct. We have accompanied them around the Monastery. But he has not made any contact with Gala and Lady Airi.”

The lady glanced at Songi in fear.

Big sister, Airi. I am still the Patriarch as of this moment. Although you’re not a monk, can you tell me what’s going on? I’m curious. How are you involved in all of this? I only saw Gala and Songi. Were they fighting for your affections or something?” Dyne wondered.

N-no! Patriarch… It is my fault!” Gala began to explain.

No!” The woman called Airi interrupted.

Gala. I can’t let you hide this secret anymore! Patriarch Dyne has already seen a vision from Tieg, so this has to come out!” Airi moved forward and bowed towards Dyne.

Patriarch. It involves the recent Ritual combat of Biron Monastery. This happened about eight months ago.”

Airi then began to recount everything.

She talked about the Jigul Grass and how she warned Gala.

Dyne nodded in understanding.

But the eyes of the Zopu and Kin were red in rage.

SONGI!” Zopu shouted.

Master Zopu… Please, calm down.” Dyne motioned, and he went towards Gala.

Gala. By the authority bestowed upon me by Master Zopu and Guardian Kin. I order you to tell the truth. Did you take some Fury Boost that Songi has offered you? No use hiding it. Tieg has already shown me.” Dyne smiled.

Yes. I did.”

The crowd gasped in shock.

Songi…” Tetsu only glanced at Songi, hiding his rage.

Well… Now that I established that… Allow me to punish Songi.” Dyne smiled as he moved towards the woman Airi.

Sister Airi, could you get Fury Boosts, Shield Elixir, Power Elixir, and Speed Elixir if you have these? Give them to Songi and have him take it.” Dyne smiled.

Airi nodded and rushed to get the requested items.

He then reached on his pocket and withdrew a healing leaf.

Here.” Dyne flicked it towards Songi.

I think that should be enough to heal the injuries that Grim and Calamity did.” Dyne laughed.

What are you…?” Songi asked.

I’m not a monk, but I’ve learned a lot from Tetsu. And I know that what you did is unbecoming of a Monk. You choose glory and personal fame over the truth. So allow me to grant you a most embarrassing defeat. You are to take those items. The Fury Boost, Shield, Speed, and Power Elixirs. And I will beat you. I will beat you so bad that you will experience the most shameful defeat in your life.” Dyne explained with his expression carrying a spine-chilling smile.

You will take all of that item to boost your strength to another level, and I will show you how weak you are. Despite all these advantages, you will lose. And Just to add to your embarrassing defeat, I won’t use Grim or Calamity. I will use Spirit Arts that transcend your abilities. It is a Biron art in which your Jigul lacking brain can’t comprehend.” Dyne laughed.

Airi returned with several items.

Give it to Songi.” Dyne ordered.

Airi moved and cautiously placed the bottles in front of Songi. She was so afraid at Songi’s extremely grotesque expression that she placed it on the ground.

Tetsu, Vahn. Please learn from this. Songi is definitely stronger than me physically. Also, he is a Biron Monk and is a Legacy Disciple. I’m not sure how strong he is compared to Tetsu. However, he doesn’t understand or know the extent of my Spirit. And this will be used to defeat him utterly. Learn from this demonstration. If you act outside the expectations of your enemy and always have a hidden ace, you can easily win.” Dyne explained.

Songi had already drunk all the elixirs and had an angry look at Dyne.

Don’t disappoint me. I mean, you already did, but don’t make this battle too easy for me.” Dyne laughed.

Songi immediately attacked without warning. With the Speed Elixir, his body could move faster than normal.

But Dyne only smirked. He had fought and could even dodge bullets through his experience. A rushing man was clear as day. Dyne continued to stand and did not even harness the slightest bit of Spirit.

Songi rushed and delivered a mighty punch towards Dyne’s face.

DIE!” Songi shouted hatefully.

Suddenly, his fist met empty air. Dyne knew that Songi would punch him in the face. That was what his arrogant smirk was for. Dyne ducked and turned around as he grabbed on the punching hand Songi.

Dyne swept his legs upwards and did a shoulder throw.

His legs stuck Songi, and with the shoulder throw, Songi was sent flying with tremendous speed. His own charge was used against him.


The floor cracked as Songi was thrown. Songi spat a mouthful of blood.

Spirit defense is indeed formidable with Shield Elixirs. I need to bring some with me on the next world.” Dyne silently pondered.

Songi immediately spun around the ground and stood up, and sent another attack to Dyne.

Songi was after my face. I led him and fooled him to attack it. Because of that, I was easily able to evade that move. This is one aspect of battle you should learn from. You need to know how your opponents will act.” Dyne began his lecture.

Songi was enraged and attacked once more.

Now, Songi will undoubtedly use strong Biron arts. But, Biron Arts relies on a series of attacks to gather momentum and channel the spirit energy at each attack. All I need to do is hinder that flow, and my enemy won’t be able to perform the Art.” Dyne explained as he sent an upward punch to meet Songi’s fist.


It was as if two rocks smashed in mid-air.

Neither fist gained any advantage over the other. This was shocking as Dyne was five years younger than the fifteen-year-old Songi!

Songi felt a strange vibration as he felt the Spirit in his arms went wild.

Songi retreated and cursed as he tried to contain the Spirt energy.

See? Of course, to do that, you should be a decent Soul Cultivator. But Songi is so lacking in Soul Cultivation that this is basically chicken for me. And now, he retreated. To all Monks, this is the flaw of your Biron Arts. It allows you explosive strength, but you must reform and gather it. But Allow me to show you Biron Transcending Art.” Dyne laughed as he rushed forward.

Songi readied his Spirit defense to block Dyne’s attack.

Tetsu and Vahn shook their head. While this was the standard way, Biron monks fight to someone like Dyne, who had efficiently been able to divide the Spirit energy and gather it only on the right places. Standing still was tantamount to suicide.

All I have to do is break his defense and throw him to the air, and I win.” Dyne laughed as he charged.

Songi readied his arms and shoulders to block.

Dyne smirked. Although he was a kid in this world, he was a top soldier skilled in many disciplines of martial arts in his original world.

Dyne harnessed the Spirit energy on the shin of his leg. He adjusted his balance at the last moment and sent a Spiritized Muay Thai Kick.

A muffled explosion was heard as Songi was thrown off by force. His guards dropped, and Dyne rushed again with his fist stretched back.

Songi prepared for an incoming blow, but then a low kick appeared and struck on his legs.

Dyne had used a Spiritized stomp to step on Songi's knees.

Songi staggered at the pain, and Dyne released his punch and struck Songi right at the liver.

The Spirt defense weakened at these attacks, and Songi saw that Dyne was crouched all the way to the ground.

Behold, Tieg’s wisdom! Rising Dragon Fist!” Dyne smiled as the fire energy gathered on his fist.

Songi tried to evade, but the liver blow somehow caused him to groan and planted his feet on the ground. Seeing that he had no choice but to bear the attack, Songi bit on something, and a clicking sound was heard.


Dyne delivered a powerful attack as Spirit energy was released from his feet and vaulted Dyne several meters up in the air.

The monks were shocked at the powerful attack that Dyne created.

And there goes another Nostalgic game-themed attack.

And here is the girl who Songi asked some Jigul grass from. She is unnamed in the game.


And here's Songi complaining that Gala knowingly ate the Fury Boost that had Jigul Grass. SMH


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